The Ties That Bind (10 page)

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Authors: T. Starnes

BOOK: The Ties That Bind
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She smiled and patted my hand. Sarah was still looking at me with giant eyes, until Zoe leaned over and whispered into her ear. After that, she smiled at me, and went back to eating. I noticed Matt Conway, one of Josh's guys on the team, staring at her the whole time we ate. I made eye contact with Zoe and quickly looked his direction, then at Sara, then back at Zoe. She saw my meaning, smiled and gave me a slow nod. No one else was really paying attention to us, but I knew Zoe would have all the other girls enlisted in a new scheme by the time the day was over.

I had already told Zoe I wouldn't be able to watch their practice. I had some business stuff to take care of, and would catch a ride with Megan. My three girls had all arranged to be walked home by Josh. I was glad to see the buddy system I had helped set up at the beginning of the year, was still in full effect. With Jake and his cronies out of the picture, I didn't know if it was as needed as before, but even without a specific threat, I felt it was still a good idea.

Back at home, I sat down with one of my work notebooks and dialed a number I read from off a business card.

When the secretary answered I said, "Mr. Green please. Tell him it's Caspian Grey, I was in his office before the holidays."

She put me on hold and after less than a minute, a voice came on the line saying, "Caspian, it's good to hear from you. How is everything?"

"Good, thank you. Mom ... Mrs. Bell, rather ... is feeling much better, and has recovered from her attack."

"Yes, she told me all about the small tumor in her brain and the help she received at the hospital."

"She did?" I was surprised. I didn't know she talked with him after our visit.

"Of course. She called me up the week following your visit, gave me an update, and got the ball rolling. We set everything up according to how you laid it out, originally. I met with her and your attorney and got everything signed off."

"Ohh, I didn't know that. So we are all set, then?"

"More or less. We left a little money in the account that you can use to pay for things you need, but the bulk of the unassigned three hundred thousand is being spread across various investments. Your lawyer has an updated list of what we have you in."

"Okay. At some point in the near future I might have to access more, to be able to work on a project I have in mind."

"I am assuming this is the charity organization I received a call about?"

"Seriously? I had that conversation just last night, I didn't expect her to move that fast."

"Well, we haven't actually done anything. She just wanted to sound me out about what options there might be if you needed some of the money. As I told her, with what we currently have invested, it will not go very far. You just aren't capitalized enough. If you want to really start doing something, you will need a lot more money. Of course, when we are talking charity, there are ways to use other people's money as much as your own."

"I would be interested in talking about that. Can Mom and I make an appointment to come down there in a few weeks and talk to you about it?"

"Sure, I will get something penciled in. You wanted to bring your mother to this meeting?"

"Sorry, that is what I call Mrs. Bell. It's a long story," I replied, not really wanting to go into all the details at the moment.

"Okay. I will talk to Angela, and set up something up."

I heard the girls coming in as I got off the phone. As they bounded into the kitchen, I tried to stand up and greet them, but was pushed back into my chair by Zoe, who promptly sat on my lap. She gave me a thorough kiss and hopped up only to be replaced by Tami. After Tami kissed me, Vicki repeated the same maneuver before leaning to whisper in my ear.

"We will put your clothes for your date with Zoe on the bed in 'your' room. Wait a few minutes and go get ready."

I could tell by the way she said it, that by 'my room' she meant the room they set up for me when I moved in, not the room where I actually slept. Vicki stood up and the three girls raced upstairs holding hands. I put away my work stuff, and went upstairs to find the promised clothes lying on the bed.

I grabbed them and went off to shower and get ready. It was no surprise when I got downstairs that I was the only one there. I was certain there was no way any of those girls could get ready for a night out, in under thirty minutes.

I sat on the couch and read a book while I waited for them. After about fifteen minutes, I heard them file down the stairs. I was surprised to see not just Zoe dressed up, but also the other two.

"I thought it was just me and Zoe tonight?"

"You aren't the only person who can take someone on a date ya know?" Tami said, laughing. "While you and Zoe are out at dinner, I am taking Vicki dancing."

"Then I am taking her back to my house for a little late night fun," Vicki said, wiggling her eyebrows at us.

I let the innuendo pass, and smiled warmly at them both. I went to both and gave them a kiss on their cheeks, knowing they would kill me if I ruined their lipstick.

"I am glad. You two have fun. Maybe you can tape the stuff at your house for me to watch, later," I said returning the eyebrow waggle back to her.

She slapped my arm and turned me around to walk back to Zoe. They were going to have to wait a little longer for their ride to get there, while Zoe and I walked hand in hand the couple of blocks to Little Joe's.

Dinner with Zoe was really nice. Of all my girls, Zoe was the one with whom I spent the most one-on-one time, just by the simple fact that we lived together. Still, most of our conversations revolved around what was happening that day at school or about our friends. That is of course when we weren't talking about my biology and the changes. I realized that we hadn't really talked about her past much. It was really nice to spend some time learning about things she did when she was little. It seemed like we both had decided to avoid talking about evolution, the plans for our future, and all the big subjects that seemed to have consumed our lives over the last few months. So, I was surprised when she turned the conversation that way.

"Do you really think we will be able to change the world, to be ready for ... you know?" she asked after a long pause.

I shrugged, "Who knows? We will try, that's all we can do. But," I paused, considering my next words, "I think even if I wasn't different, we should still try and change the world. The more I think about it, the more I thought we should try and make the world a better place. Not just because we want to make the world ready for us and our kids, but to make the world a better place for its own sake."

"It seems so big though ... so impossible."

"True, it really is. We aren't going to be the first to try. But, where would humanity be, if every once and a while one of us didn't try to do the impossible."

She gave me one of her loving looks and squeezed my hand, then let the conversation meander off to other subjects. It also seemed that all night we were in physical contact, in one way or another. Holding hands or feeling her foot rub against my leg. The anticipation was building up all night, and I could see Zoe was getting really excited. I thought about teasing her, maybe suggesting we go see a movie or something, but the intense look in her eyes suggested that might not be the smartest move I could make!

It was only a couple of blocks to her house, and she was practically pulling my arm off dragging me down the street. Once we were in the house and the door closed behind us, Zoe turned around and jumped onto me, wrapping her legs around my waist while I placed my hands under her rump to keep her from falling off. Zoe pressed a serious lip lock on me as I carried her down the hall towards the stairs.

I did notice Mom sitting in the living room. I saw her shake her head at us as we passed. Once into our room I closed the door behind me with my foot, while she slid to the ground and began shedding clothing.

We had just snuggled up in bed when the phone rang. It really wasn't that late, since we ended our date so early. Since the girls all spent so much time, here, Mom had added a new extension into our room just before Thanksgiving. Zoe rolled over and answered it.

"Hello," she said in a sleepy yet happy tone that probably told whoever was on the other end what we had just done.

She listened for only about thirty seconds to the voice on the other end of the line before saying, "WHAT?"

She dropped the handset, and turned to look at me. Fear was in her eyes.

"Tina's in Trouble!"

Chapter 9

I stared at Zoe for a minute, my brain still in a post-coital haze, letting the words sink in. Once they did, I managed to snap back into reality and reached for the dangling phone receiver.


"Cas, it's Judy. Tina needs help."

"What's happening?"

"She is acting strangely, like, not all there. Steve dragged her into a bedroom with some guys, and locked the door."

"Where are you?"

She gave me an address that was on the other side of the sub-division.

"I will be right there," I said as I hung up the phone.

I turned around, and Zoe was handing me my pants. She was already half dressed. We both finished throwing on clothes in record time. As soon as my tennis shoes were on, we bolted down the stairs. I heard mom call out in concern from the racket we were making but we didn't even pause as we burst out the door.

Both of us started laying on the speed, with Zoe drafting only a step behind me. I was totally wrapped up in my thoughts and didn't notice, but Zoe apparently did. Later, she told me she thinks we made the mile and a half distance in just under five minutes. I am thankful no one seemed to take notice of us, otherwise they would question why two random teenagers were running through the neighborhood at nearly Olympic record speed.

We both slowed a bit as we rounded the corner, and saw Judy standing in the front yard. She ran inside, and we were close on her heels. Kids were staring at us as we tore through the house. As we neared the door, Judy said it was still locked. I only slowed my momentum slightly, pushed Judy into Zoe's arms, letting my shoulder lower and connect with the door. There was a loud crack as the door and part of the frame ripped away, splinters from it showering those inside.

There were three guys. Two were naked with one guy still in boxers. Mertz was one of the naked ones, standing at the foot of the bed looking at my sister, who lay completely motionless and totally nude. As it had before, time slowed. I noticed torn clothing, clothing I recognized as Tina's. Mertz turned and moved in front of me, his arm already lifting in a swing. I brushed it aside eschewing all finesse or skill, instead choosing to close the distance and began lowering my head slightly. The top of my forehead impacted with the bridge of his nose and blood showered out as he violently fell backwards. I could feel a trickle of blood already starting down my forehead.

Time returned to its normal speed. Both guys turned to move towards me. I moved into a stable position and glared at them. Both stopped.

"One chance. Run ... and don't stop."

One guy looked like he wanted to get froggy. His buddy clearly wasn't on board, reaching down and grabbing his clothes. Seeing his only backup moving to get out, he chose the same fate. When they went out the door, I turned to the bleeding and moaning Mertz. His eyes widened as I leaned over him, grabbed him by the back of the neck, and lifted his head up to within inches of mine.

"When she wakes up, if she wants to press charges for rape or attempted rape, I am going to walk your ass down to the police station, myself. Regardless of what Tina decides to do, this is the last time you will ever see her. Don't ever speak to her again. You two are broken up. If you try and see her again, and I find out, I will pound you unconscious."

He didn't say anything.

"If you are working through trying to go to the police and crying that I assaulted you, remember that I was saving my sister from being raped by you and your two buddies. And ... I have witnesses!"

I let go of his neck, letting his head silently thud against the carpet, and turned to the two girls in the doorway.

"Zoe, help me get her dressed."

Zoe rushed over. The panties were torn too badly to put on her, and the button on the shorts had been ripped off. We couldn't find a bra, but I didn't know if that was because she hadn't worn one, or because we couldn't find it. We decided just to put her in her shirt and shorts, without underwear. Once she was dressed, Zoe carried her shoes as I lifted Tina off the bed and cradled her in my arms. Thankfully, Judy followed us out of the house.

The crowd had gathered around to see what all the noise was about, made way for us. I noticed several kids leaving the house at the same time as we did, scattering in different directions. My guess is they were pretty certain whatever had happened was going to bring the cops, and they didn't want to be anywhere near.

As we walked the distance back to Zoe's, Tina started making some noises and opened up her eyes.

"Cas?" she said weakly.

"It's okay, Tina. We are taking you to Zoe's. You're safe now."

Her eyes were lidded and her voice was slurring a little bit, "I'm sorry I was such a bitch to you."

"It's okay. We can talk tomorrow after you have had some sleep."

"Will you hold me?"

"Of course."

She smiled and her eyes closed. She started to make soft breathing sounds that almost sounded like a quiet snore. I looked over Tina's sleeping body at Judy.

"Are you okay, Judy?"

She nodded weakly, "Yeah, I guess."

"What were your and Tina's plans? Were you going back home? Staying at Tina's?"

"I told my mom that we were staying at Tina's house. Since her mom is working a night shift now, we had planned on staying out really late."

Margret having a night job was news to me, and I sighed.

"Alright, you stay with me and Zoe tonight. We have an extra room. I know Tami is staying over at Vicki's house tonight, do you want us to call her and have her come stay with us?"

She looked hopefully and said, "Yes, please. Can you do that?"

I just nodded, "Yeah. So what happened?"

"We were sitting outside drinking some, well, punch I guess, and she started to slur her words. I thought she was getting drunk, but she started to make less and less sense. Steven said she was drunk, and he would find a place for her to lie down. I saw another one of his friends go in the bedroom with them, and they shut the door. I tried to go in, too; but the door ... it was locked, and I knew! I knew what was going to happen, so I called you."

She had started crying in the middle of her story, tears rolling down her face.

"You did good, Judy. You did the right thing, and Tina is safe. I know she has been ... a little off, lately. We will find out why. I promise."

She whispered, "Thank you."

I felt Zoe reach up and wipe the blood still dripping down my forehead. It was a slow drip, so clearly the cut was small, since I had always heard that head wounds bled a lot.

We walked in silence the rest of the way hone. Walking in the door and down the hall, we found Mom sitting at the kitchen table, clearly waiting on us. She stood and started to say something, but I plowed ahead. I hated to interrupt her, but I wanted to make sure we got some things started.

"Zoe, call Alex and ask her to come over and help. Explain what happened. Then call over to Vicki's and ask Tami to come home. Judy, come with me. Once I get Tina in bed, I will show you where you can sleep."

I turned to look at Mom, "I know you have a bunch of questions, but I want to lay Tina down until Alex gets here. Zoe will fill you in when she gets off the phone. I know we worried you, and I am really sorry about that."

She nodded and I walked upstairs with Judy following behind me. I put Tina in Zoe's room, covered her up, and then walked Judy down the hall to the room they officially kept for me.

"Go ahead and lay down, even though you probably won't be able to sleep. Once Tami gets here I will make sure she comes in to see you, okay?"

She gripped me in a fierce hug, and I felt her nod against my chest, "Okay. Thanks, Cas."

She pulled away and I closed the door behind me on my way back to Zoe's room. I sat on the side of the bed and stroked her hair, watching her slow, steady breathing. After a while, Zoe showed up and sat down on the other side of Tina.

When I looked up at her she said, "Alex is on her way. She said we should go to the hospital to get a rape kit done, since from my description it sounded like she was drugged. I told her we got there before anything actually happened. She is still going to bring over a sample kit so she can test for which drug. She also said if some kind of drug was mixed with alcohol it could be life threatening. I told her Tina was sleeping and she had woken up briefly and talked to you."

"I am half tempted to just take her to the hospital, but then Margret will get involved. I don't know how she is acting at home, but I am betting Margret doesn't know she was at the party, or with a date. Margret always made it pretty clear she didn't want Tina dating till she was sixteen."

Zoe was nodding, slowly stroking Tina's arm, "I still can't help but wonder why she seemed to change so much once Margret kicked you out."

"I know, but we have to wait and let Tina talk to us about that in her own time. Pushing her won't make it better. All we can do now is try and make sure she is safe. Did you get hold of Tami?"

"Yeah, Vicki is getting them a ride over here. They should be here soon."

Still dressed I lay down and pulled Tina into my arms while Zoe cuddled her from the other side. About ten minutes later we heard the front door open followed by footsteps up the stairs. Tami and Vicki appeared in the doorway, looking concerned.

"Tami, your sister is in the other room and she has had a rough night. I think she would really like it if you could be with her."

Tami gave a single nod, and walked out the door, while Vicki kicked off her shoes and lay behind Zoe. I returned to stroking Tina's hair while Zoe filled her in on what had happened. We talked softly for almost an hour longer before the three of us managed to join Tina in slumber land.

I was woken by Tina pushing against my arm, which was draped across her stomach.

I lifted up my head and said, "Are you okay?"

She was pushing herself up and said, "I think ... I'm gonna..."

I saw what was about to happen, and rolled over, twisting to sit up. I grabbed the waste basket next to the bed. I barely got it to her before she started heaving into it while I used my other hand to hold her hair out of the way. When she finished I helped her out of bed and walked her to the bathroom, where I washed her face. She was still looking a little out of it, so I picked her up, and carried her downstairs. I sat on the couch, still holding her in my arms.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better," her voice was muffled since her face was turned into my shirt.

"Do you remember what happened last night?"

"Not really. I think I drank too much. Did Judy call you to come get me?"

"Yes, but it wasn't alcohol. It seems like Steven slipped something into your drink. According to Judy, you were practically passed out, and hadn't even finished the first drink he had handed you."

She sat up, fear on her face, "Are you sure?"

"Yes. Judy is upstairs with Tami, when they get up, you can ask her about it. Steven offered to help you go lay down, and locked you in a room with him and a few of his friends. Judy got scared and called me. When Zoe and I showed up, your clothes were ripped off and damaged, and most of the guys were naked. We are pretty sure we got to you before anything happened."

Tears started streaking down her face as she said, "I knew he wasn't a good person, but I didn't think he would take it that far."

"Tina ... Can I ask you why?"

Although I didn't ask the whole question, she understood what I was asking.

"I was scared. I started having ... weird feelings for you that I knew were wrong, because you are my brother. I mean, I know not like, my real brother ... you know what I mean. I thought of you as my brother, and then I started thinking about you as ... something else. It scared me, because I couldn't understand why I was thinking about you like that, and because I liked it. Then Mom kicked you out, and I thought you would decide to not be my brother anymore. I was hurt; and, even though I knew it wasn't your fault, I wanted to hurt you back."

She sniffed and wiped away the tears, "I guess I only managed to hurt myself. But, you came and saved me anyway, just like you promised."

"There is nothing you could do to me, that would keep me from trying to protect you."

"I know. So now what?"

"Do you want to go to the police about Steven?"

"I ... I don't think so. It would start problems with Mom. I just want it behind me. I don't want to ever see him again. I am going to have to face him one more time at least, and tell him we are breaking up."

"I sort of took care of that for you."

She looked at me and said, "Huh?"

"I wasn't gentle with him when we found you. I was pretty mad. I made it clear to him you and he are over, and told him if you wanted to press charges, then he had better show up at the police station and admit everything."

"Oh! Good. I really never want to talk to him again. I hated being with him, actually. He was crude and really mean most the time. I can't believe I acted like that. I bet Zoe hates me, now. I was as much of a bitch to her as I was to you."

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