The Ties That Bind (14 page)

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Authors: T. Starnes

BOOK: The Ties That Bind
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"We looked at each of the questionnaires, and compared the changes in data points. We can say pretty conclusively that loyalty is a big part of the change. Megan was already predisposed to you, but now she falls in the, extremely loyal camp. If I had to guess, it is at the 'take a bullet for you' level of commitment. It is clear her behavioral changes are only in relation to you. Everything else we looked at says she is exactly the same person she was before the change, psychologically. Her moral values are the same, her relationships, other than her relationship to you, are the same. We can find no change in her personality other than an extreme level of commitment towards you."

"The other thing you had been concerned about, the idea of a romantic element did not emerge. Her romantic feelings for you have not seemed to increase, and her feelings for her boyfriend do not seem to have decreased. I still feel like, if we get to test out someone who undergoes the change through more intimate means, we will find they do have more changes. But for those simply changed through blood transfer, there seems to be no element of that."

"We also slipped an IQ test in there, and while IQ tests have limited reliability, it seems clear intelligence increases notably pre-change to post change."

"Our sample size is still only one," Alex interjected, "which means it has limited usefulness. We will need to run this same study through everyone you change from now on, if practical. While we may never get enough to have a truly significant sample size, anything is better than a single source."

"I'm open to that Alex. Megan," I said turning to her, "how do you feel about all this."

"It's hard to say, since you can't think as someone you were before, even when thinking of how you thought then you still think as you do now."

She stopped and laughed a little. You could hear Vicky say quietly, "That sentence got a little away from you."

Megan chuckled again and continued, "Anyways, yes, it sounds right. I feel like I am the same person as before. I do have very strong, albeit non-romantic, feelings towards you. But I feel like I had some of those feelings before, so it's hard to say."

"Ok, I guess that will have to do. Did we have anything else to discuss?"

"Actually, I did have something else," I said, half raising my hand. "When I went into the slow motion thing, it was different this time. You know how I described how sluggish everything feels during the slow motion?"

Everyone indicated they did.

"It didn't quite feel like that this time. It didn't feel normal, but everything seemed to ... flow I guess is the best way to describe it. I was able to get more out of my body during the slow motion thing than before."

Alex looked thoughtful for a second, "Interesting, but I am not sure what we can do with that other than wait for it to happen again and see if it continues to change. Maybe..."

After waiting for a second for her to continue I prompted her, "Maybe?"

She shrugged, "Just a stray thought I will need to follow up with in the lab. Like I was saying, for now the best thing we can do is wait and observe. Did anyone have anything else?"

Everyone indicated they didn't and so I broke up the family meeting and took the girls upstairs with me. Once the room was closed I pulled Vicki into my arms.

"You and Tami are both headed out on Monday. I am going to miss you two. Are you sure you can't spend the night tonight?"

Vicky and Tami both shook their heads no, and Vicki said, "I wish we could, but I have to pack, and I know Tami does too. I am going to miss you three while I am gone."

"Me too," I said before leaning down to seriously show her how much I would miss her. After we finished, which took a while, Tami took Vicki's place, while Vicki moved to the spot in Zoe's arms Tami had just vacated. I repeated the process with Tami.

All two soon both girls had to leave. Once they were gone I slumped on the bed and Zoe put her arms around me.

"I am really going to miss you girls."

I felt Zoe's arms squeeze me tighter, "yea, I know. I am going to miss them and you too."

"I am glad you are getting a chance to see your family though. Family is important. I will try and get absorbed in my work so I don't feel so lonely," I joked.

Zoe put her hand on my chest and said, "Not over Christmas holiday you don't. Don't worry though; I have worked out an alternative."

Just then there was a knock at the bedroom door. Zoe stood up and moved towards the door saying, "And here is the alternative."

She opened the door and Emily walked in. I have to say, I wasn't completely surprised. I knew my girls well enough that I saw this move coming.

"Hi Emily," I said.

"Hi Cas," she nervously replied.

Zoey sat Emily on the bed next to me, "You already talked to Vicki and Tami?"

"Yea, just as they were leaving."

"And they explained what they would want to happen?"


I stopped them at this point, saying, "Zoey what exactly are you three wanting to happen?"

Zoe looked an Emily who said, "They want me to be your holiday girlfriend. Not like, all the way, but someone for you to spend time with while they are gone."

"Spend time with?"

"Umm..." She looked to Zoe again, who just gave Emily an eyebrow raise.

Emily gave a small sigh and continued, "They want us to hang out and get to know each other better. They also said it was ok if we kissed and stuff."

This last part she said looking at the ground.

I could see how uncomfortable she was so I took pity on her, "I like the part where we get to know each other better. It would be nice to have another good friend."

Emily threw another look to Zoe, one whose context I couldn't determine this time, but it did give me a thought.

"Zoe, can I have a few minutes alone with Emily to talk?"

Zoe stood up to leave and laughed as she said, "What, the week and a half isn't enough for you two."

I knew she was teasing me and let that go as she left the room. Once the door was closed I turned my attention to Emily.

"I know those three can be a lot, and when they get an idea in their collective head, they are damn near unstoppable. Don't feel pressured by them; nothing has to happen that you don't want to. We can hang out and be friends or not if you don't even want that."

Emily was quiet for a long time, so much so that I thought she might choose the 'or not' option. I was about to start talking again when she finally responded, although never looked up.

"I ... don't have a lot of experience with boys. My fa ... I have never really been allowed to date before, so I am really nervous."

I noticed the slip but let it pass as she looked up at me. Her large brown eyes were almost pleading for something.

"But I really would like this. I don't know why, but I find you ... I don't know. I just like some of the stuff Zoe and the others talked about."

I leaned in and cupped her chin with my hand.

"Me too," I said.

With that I leaned the rest of the way in and kissed her. It wasn't passionate or aggressive, but I put as much caring and love into it as I could. After a short time I pulled back. Emily's eyes remained closed and she actually leaned forward more as I pulled away, like she was chasing my lips with hers. She opened her eyes and let out a sigh.

"I know you're nervous, but I like you. The girls like you. I am looking forward to getting to know you better over this next week or so, and seeing what is here. I know our situation is a little scary."

"It is," she replied, "but I see how you are with them, and how they are with each other. You are all so loving. I think that would be really amazing."

I smiled at her, "It is."

I sat there for a moment longer, stroking the side of her face before hopping up.

"Ok, I think it's almost time for you to head home, and I have some stuff I need to take care of before Zoe leaves. They take off late tomorrow, so how about Tuesday evening I take you out?"

"I can't stay out late."

"I know, let's do an early diner and I will get you home before it even gets dark."

She thought then nodded, "I would like that."

We walked out of the room to find Zoe leaning in the hallway. She looked at Emily's face then smiled.

"Everything go good in there?"

Emily just nodded so I replied for us, "Yep. We have a date on Tuesday."

Zoe clapped her hands together once and said, "Excellent."

We walked Emily out. At the door I leaned down and gave her one more peck on the lips, shorter than the first time, but just enough to let her know I was serious. Once she was out the door Zoe put her arms around me.

"That went well."

"Yes, you can report to the other schemers your plans are progressing."

"Like you have a problem with all the action we are getting you," she said with a snort.

I know she was teasing me, but I still looked down at her and frowned, "I'm not like that, and you know it."

She squeezed me a little tighter and said, "I know baby. Sorry."

I leaned down and kissed the top of her head, "its ok. I'm not mad. I just don't like it when you take other people lightly, even as a joke. Now, let's get you packed."

We spent the next day and a half in almost constant contact. At every possible moment we were holding hands or touching each other, whether we were packing or eating it didn't matter. We were both savoring our moments together.

Sadly the time marched on and before I knew it the car was loaded and it was time for them to get on the road. Mom gave me one of her python squeezes and a kiss on the cheek.

"You have the number of my sister's house. I know how responsible you are, but please call if there is any trouble."

I gave her a hug in return, "I will be alright, just missing my family so much. My first Christmas with family and you guys are all gonna be elsewhere."

She gave me another hug and said, "Ok, time to get the show on the road. Zoe, don't take too long."

The last part was said as she walked out the door, throwing a pointed look at her daughter. As soon as the door closed, Zoe was in my arms.

"This is our first extended time apart since the year began," she said, her voice choking up a bit.

"I know. I really will miss you."

"Yea, me too."

I knew they were in a hurry so I spend the last several minutes getting one last serious kiss in. All too soon we broke apart.

"I love you Zoe," I said looking into her watery eyes.

"I love you too."

With that she turned and went out the door. I experienced a moment of sadness as it closed behind her. I knew this wasn't forever, but I had grown used to Zoe's constant presence and it felt like I had just lost a part of me.

Chapter 13

The next morning felt strange. While I had occasionally woken up alone, most notably when I was recovering from the gunshot, there was a stillness to the house I wasn't used to. After my morning run I just walked through the empty house, looking in each room and feeling the absence of everyone.

To avoid becoming morose, I ate a quick breakfast and headed to the office. The previous week Marcus indicated we were very close to having a prototype ready, and Ted had already worked his Pentagon contacts to set up a demo for them. Today was the first day I was going to get to see the finished drone, and I was getting excited by the prospect. I had dumped all of my money on this, and while I really believed it was going to work, it was still a gamble. Seeing the finished prototype made it more real, and brought everything one step closer.

I had just finished breakfast when Mary Ann arrived to pick me up on her way to work. We made small talk on the drive, but I was having trouble focusing on the conversation, since my mind was already on the prototype and upcoming demo. She saw how distracted I was, and when she noticed my sideways glance at her when we pulled up to the warehouse, she just laughed and said 'Go'. That was all the prompting I needed! I was out of the door like a shot. It was like Christmas morning, and I was acting like any fifteen year old with a present to open.

When I got into the drone assembly area, Marcus was just as excited as I was. There, in front of him, was the completed drone. It still had several panels open, with wires tracing their way over to a series of computers with engineers huddled around them.

"What's the word, Marcus?"

"Just finishing up the last diagnostics. Then we put it on a trailer, and haul it out to the area we have set aside for testing," he replied with a huge grin.

"What's the schedule like?"

"We are going to haul this down to Ellington field and work out of there for three days. It's almost three hours away, so today will be a short series of tests. Basically just touch-and-go's to get any bugs worked out, and make sure everything is functioning as it should. Tomorrow we are going to do extended trials, including endurance and distance trials. Then Wednesday we are going to start stealth trials against the 47th wing. We even have an agreement from the Texas Air National Guard, to have some of their planes go up and see if their on-board systems can pick up the drone."

"That's nice of them."

"I have a feeling Colonel Perry smoothed the way on that deal. We are giving everyone Friday off, for Christmas, and then we're back to it Monday morning. Tuesday we are going to go through the entire Air Force demo, and again on Wednesday. Ted has our actual demo set for Thursday."

"I always imagined trial periods would last longer than that. A short week, with a holiday thrown in the middle, feels like rushing things."

"To be honest, it is a bit. But we need to have it tested out and preliminary agreements in place before the first of the year."


"The way they normally work, is: if they like a product, they will order a handful of them up front, for six months of internal testing. A full order will depend on the results of that testing. While that is happening we will also be under a separate series of security and cost reviews, to make sure the figures in the preliminary purchase contract meets government standards. This should also cover the one hundred and twenty day mandatory review period on new contracts. The fiscal year for the federal government ends September thirtieth. If our drone gets a preliminary order, and tests out well, we want to have time for a full order of drones to make its way into next year's budget."

"Sounds like a lot of hurdles, any one of which could derail the whole thing."

"I know it sounds that way, but neither Ted nor I are worried. For one, we aren't coming in with an R&D concept, but a finished product, so they aren't paying for R&D time, like they do on some military projects. We are falling into a weird niche where our price point is that of large military systems, but the way they are buying it is similar to the way the DOD buys any off the shelf product. Ted and I spent some time last week going over all of this with Ron, and he believes this will get us around many of the checkpoints that military projects of this size normally have to go through."

"Ok, so your confidence in selling this is still pretty high, then?"

"Yes. Ron is going to come out next week, and see the tests on Monday and Tuesday. He is going to give us pointers on what his bosses will be looking for during the demo, and help us shape the presentation more towards them. While not exactly kosher, having the inside track like that is also not all that unusual. I can't tell you how lucky we are that Ted had this contact."

"Yeah, don't I know it?"

I saw the gaggle of engineers breaking up.

When Marcus noticed them he clapped me on the shoulder, saying, "Well, it's time for us to get this beast loaded up and down to Ellington field."

"Ok. Good luck on the trials, and let me know how they go. I am looking forward to coming out next week for the demo."

"Don't worry, Cas. I am very confident in my guys. This will work."

Mary Ann dropped me off at home, and once again I was enveloped into silence. I didn't have my date with Emily until Tuesday, and there really wasn't any need to go into the office this week. Half of the team would be spending the whole week with Marcus, an hour south of Houston testing the drone, anyway.

Since the beginning of the school year the only time I had been by myself for extended periods was right after my shooting. It felt like I was being driven crazy by it then, too. I had never thought of myself as being so dependent on other people, but clearly I was.

I didn't want to call Tina because I might get Margret, and I realized I couldn't call Emily because I didn't have her phone number. Considering some of the things I was beginning to suspect, that didn't overly surprise me.

I decided to bite the bullet and call Josh over, so we could talk about what happened at the marathon. I wasn't looking forward to it, but it needed to be dealt with. Josh was home, and said he would be right over. I could tell he was excited about finding out, but I was also afraid he had expectations that could be problematic. After about fifteen minutes, Josh showed up.

"Sup, dude?" he said as I opened the door.

"Hey, Josh, come on in."

He followed me and we sat at the table.

"So, I guess you are looking for a better explanation on what happened at the marathon."

"Not just then, dude," he said shaking his head, "but whatever is going on with you. I think whatever happened at the marathon also happened at your last game."

I gave an internal sigh before plowing forward, "You're not wrong. Before I get into this, I want to make it very clear that you shouldn't talk about this with anyone."

I made sure I had eye contact with him before strongly continuing, "Anyone, Josh! If this became public knowledge, it could end very badly for me."

"Okay, Cas, I get it. I won't tell anyone."

He was literally sitting on the edge of his seat.

"Ok, so I guess the easiest way to explain it is that I am not like other people, Josh. I have ... umm ... I guess the only way to say it is 'abilities'."

"Like what?"

"More endurance, somewhat stronger, better reflexes."

"How did you get like this?"

"As far as we can tell, I was born like this."


"I have a doctor friend who has been running tests on me, trying to figure out what is going on."

"And you can pass these abilities on?"

I was surprised by this, since I had been careful not to mention the girls at any point.

"What? What makes you say that?"

"I have noticed changes in Zoe and now Tami, and I guess Vicki, too, although before you started dating her I didn't really know her."

"What do you mean changes in Zoe and Tami?"

"Come on, Cas. I know I am not book smart like you, but I do pay attention. They are running faster and are in better shape than ever before. That all happened after you started dating them."

So much for trying to hide that aspect. I sighed internally before answering, my brain scrambling trying to find a way to limit as much information as possible.

"We aren't sure, honestly. We know some of the weird stuff with me passed over to them, but we don't know how much, or in what way."

"So you can give anyone these special abilities?"

"We don't really know everything about it yet. We believe the way Zoe and the girls got passed my abilities is not an avenue most other people would be comfortable with, or that I would be comfortable with."

Ok, so I didn't out and out lie, but I was skirting the line pretty close. Although Megan and Josh weren't close, I needed to remember and suggest she tone things down around him for the time being.

"What does that mean?" Josh asked, looking slightly annoyed.

"Well, look at who has had the abilities passed to them ... Zoe, Tami and Vicki. What do they have in common?"

"Well, you're dating all ... ohh!"

"Yeah, like I said, it's through avenues not really available to everyone."

"Yeah, I see that. Man, that sucks."

"I don't know ... there is still a lot we don't know about this. I mean, it could shorten the lifespan of everyone affected to like, twenty years old or something. We just don't know."

"Yeah, I guess," he said, not sounding convinced.

I stood up and he followed suit, getting the message that our conversation was at an end.

"Josh, I want to make it clear again, do ... not ... tell ... anyone," I tried to put force into my voice the way I did outside the principal's office the one time, but nothing seemed to happen. I didn't feel the 'click' like I did that previous time, which just means the sentence just came out with more force than was really appropriate.

Josh put up his hands in an easing gesture, "Dude, I get it. I won't say anything."

"I know. It just scares me, is all. Thanks."

I walked Josh out and went back to my brooding, and sat like that most of the day until I was surprised by a knock at the door just around supper time. I opened the door to find Tina standing outside.

"Sup, big bro?" she said with a grin as she pushed past me.

I followed her towards the kitchen a little confused, "Not that I don't mind the company, but what are you doing here?"

She got to the fridge and pulled it open as she answered, "Mom headed off to her new job, and I didn't feel like having boring left overs, again; so, I came to see what you were up to."

"I wasn't really in the mood to cook, so I was just going to order pizza. And what do you mean her new job?"

"She quit the last night job she had, 'cause she just got hired on as the night manager at some clothing outlet down the freeway."

"Ohh ... are things that tough?"

"I think so, but," she turned pointing a finger at me, "you stay out of it. I know you have a big heart and want to help, but Mom becomes totally insane whenever your name comes up. Anything you do will 

make things worse."

I held up my hands in surrender, "Ok. But if you think of a way for me to help on the sly, let me know."

"Sure thing. Now, go order us a pizza. I'm starving!"

I called her a mooch, laughed, and went to the phone to follow her request. We joked around and caught up on the various news in our lives while we waited for the pizza to arrive.

We sat down to eat our pizza and I decided this was the right moment to broach a subject that had been weighing on me. A smart person might have just left it alone, but while I may have a souped-up brain, my common sense was probably as flawed as always.

"I have a question."

All I got was a raised eyebrow in response.

"I left it alone for a while because I was just happy to have you back, but I want to know what caused your... 'episode' I guess I'll call it."


"Yeah. The cold shoulder, dating the douche bag..."

"Ohh," she just looked down at her plate for a little while. After almost a minute, which is an eternity when waiting for someone to reply, I thought I had maybe made a huge miscalculation. Finally, she looked up and met my gaze.

"It's kinda hard to explain, and a little embarrassing."

I started to tell her it was ok, she didn't have to answer, but she held up a restraining hand and said, "I want to tell you. Steven had been after me for a while, although God knows why. He was popular and that made it pretty exciting, plus he was cute. But, I wasn't ready to really date anyone, yet. Then, after Zoe's birthday party, I started having ... feelings."


"Specifically, feelings for you. We had just started to build our relationship as brother and sister and here I was having sexy dreams about you! I was really confused, plus that was around the time Mom really started to hate you, so I was also mad at you for breaking up our family even more. It wasn't your fault, I know that. My being mad was as random and irrational as the times I was attracted to you. I guess I was looking for a way away from those feelings so I tried to freeze you out and agreed to start going out with Steven. I don't know how, but I let things start getting further and further out of my control, and gave Steven more and more power."

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