Read The Trainer Online

Authors: Laura Antoniou

Tags: #luster editions, #submission, #slave training, #bisexual, #chris parker, #circlet, #bisexuality, #slavery, #luster edition, #laura antoniou, #Adult, #bdsm, #erotic slavery, #trans, #dominance, #erotic slavehood

The Trainer (48 page)

BOOK: The Trainer
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The auctioneer was starting the next sale.
“Now we have lot number seven, Alicia! Alicia is twenty-six years
old, a versatile slave trained to provide pleasure to men and women
alike. Please see her brief on page nine of your catalog. Alicia’s
contract is for two weeks, starting tonight, and I see we have an
opening bid already!“

Actually there were about three opening
bids, and hands shot into the air almost too quickly for Michael to
follow. Only Tatty was left after Alicia, so anyone who hadn’t
gotten a slave seemed a little desperate right now. Douglas was in
the bidding for her, and turned sharply to glare at anyone bidding
against him.

Since these were micro contracts, prices
rarely went very high, although someone like Douglas could always
send them spiraling in a bidding war with someone else who had poor
impulse control.

Won’t find me making that mistake, Michael
swore to himself. And not over a stupid two-week contract, that’s
for sure! They were only slaves—it wasn’t like these new owners
were gonna keep them forever; and even the real contracts weren’t
for that long—most of them one or two years. You can always find
another blonde with big tits or a pretty black girl with a sweet
ass or just about anything you wanted. No sense in going

This is why I am a trainer, he reflected as
the bids started getting out of hand. A lot of these owners are
just into... immediate gratification. But Geoff often taught that
patience was essential to training and being trained.

And I’ve been patient! It’s just that I’m
done now and ready to move on. I’ll be a trainer first, owner
second. In fact, why should I ever buy a slave? I can train my own,
to please me, and keep them as long as I want! Then when I get
tired of them I can sell them.

Geoff was speaking, interrupting the
bidding. “Remember, my friends, this is only for two weeks! There’s
still one property left and we’ll have another micro auction in
just two months.“

It worked enough to drop a few of the
bidders out of the running; in the end, Douglas just won by sheer
stubbornness. Michael could see one of the counter bidders turning
away to hide his annoyance, and gave the man a little shrug as if
to say, “what are ya gonna do?” The owner wannabee smiled and
shrugged back, and then eyed one of the slaves waiting on her knees
to answer any request from the bidders. He beckoned and Michael
nodded in approval.

Douglas sprang up with a triumphant “Hah!”
and pulled a gold link necklace out of his pocket, then fished
around to find the lock. Alicia smiled at him and started to make a
pretty curtsey, but he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her back
to his chair while she was bent over. She stumbled slightly but
quickly balanced herself to follow and when he sat down again, sank
to her knees.

“I’ve been waiting for this all day,”
Douglas said, pointing at his crotch and grinning at his fellow
masters and owners. “I didn’t buy this mouth for singing,
sweetheart. Suck me off, slave bitch!“

There was some general laughter, which
seemed to be what he intended, and he spread his legs wide while
Alicia opened his fly and carefully took the condom rushed over to
them by one of the serving slaves.

“Congratulations to Douglas on acquiring
Alicia!” Geoff laughed, as the slave girl went to work. “Maybe you
will let her sing to you later in the week.“

“Fuck, I’m not done yet, Geoff! Get the next
sweetie up and we’ll see if I can bid while this slut is
distracting me. She plays the skin flute just fine!” There was more
laughter in the room, although two of the would-be owners exited.
Michael didn’t blame them. Douglas had pretty much announced he
would just outbid anyone wanting Tatty, and he could certainly
afford to.

Hell, I’d leave if it wouldn’t look bad,
Michael thought. He tried to think of what else he could be
doing—did one of the new owners leave, perhaps needing some help in
the dungeon? Could he say he was supervising the service staff? He
sighed and shifted from one foot to the other as the bidding
started. Douglas didn’t seem to have any problems bidding, and this
time the other bidders dropped out fast.

It was kind of a let down actually, Michael
thought. Tatty went to Douglas at a price very near what he’d paid
for Alicia. He almost cackled when he won, and didn’t bother to get
up to collar her—he was busy! Instead, he commanded her to join
Alicia on her knees and ordered them to switch off on his cock, a
few pumps for each girl.

It would have been a lot hotter if I didn’t
think he was such an asshole, Michael thought. But at least now he
could leave.

* * * *

Perhaps inspired by Douglas, perhaps in
competition with him or maybe because they were kinky fucks, most
of the other new owners did take their slaves out to play right
away. Geoff encouraged it; he called it a bonding period. Bonding,
bondage, what was the difference, right? So Michael found himself
helping Mistress Heather put a rope harness on Salim, who was still
trembling and shaking even an hour after his auction. Soon, he was
strung up on a huge and intricate spider web of rope placed between
two pillars in the main playroom. Heather had brought her own set
of toys including a few beautiful floggers made of exotic leather,
like sharkskin. She was damn good with them, too, able to use one
in each hand if she wanted to. She showed them all to Salim as he
sweated in his bondage, and then slipped a soft leather hood over
his head and laced it up. He gasped through the open mouth slit and
Michael winked at Heather before moving on. Clearly, she had
everything under control.

One of the newbies who didn’t get a slave
was consoling himself by fucking a fairly new client up the ass.
The fresher clients were mostly bound or blindfolded or both, and
chained to furniture with their uses listed on a poster nearby.
Very little was left to chance; if a client was too new for a gang
bang, they could only be fondled, spanked, or otherwise gently
used. If they had some experience serving sexually but couldn’t be
counted on to speak politely to anyone using them, they were
gagged. If they had one or more fuckholes off limits, they were
plugged. All very organized, and people generally obeyed the rules.
After all, they wanted to be invited back.

Michael heard several guests discussing an
infamous annual party somewhere in Colorado where over one hundred
slaves were made available like that for days on end; man, what
he’d give to be invited to that! He wondered if that owner had been
inspired by Geoff’s style, or even trained by Geoff.

Crystal was also circulating and offering to
help wherever necessary. She had changed into a latex party dress,
probably not the best choice with that extra bounce in her belly,
but no one seemed to mind.

Michael had dressed for the auction in his
leather jeans, boots, and a black silk shirt. For the after-auction
party, he took the shirt off and slipped on a leather vest, very
butch! He knew his broad shoulders, straight hips and taut stomach
looked good framed in black leather; one of his future purchases
would be a harness to further emphasize his build. Or maybe a hat!
There were two guys here, husbands, both in matching black leather
master caps, and Michael thought the look was very hot. Yeah—a hat
first, and then the harness. Gay guys would just cream and pretty
much any girl past the most man-hating lesbian would like the look
on him, too. He liked dressing up, enjoyed the way people reacted
to him when he eyed them with his dark-ringed blue eyes. But in an
hour, when the guests remaining would sit down for a formal dinner,
he planned to strip completely down and relax in the private hot
tub over by the pool house, the one set aside for household
members. Every client in the house would be either used to serve or
be chained by one of the new owners, and it was his free time.

I’ll use the time to think of what to say to
Geoff, he thought with pleasure. I can lay it all out for him, why
I’m ready, how I realized it.

He stopped by two owners preparing to share
a slave between them and adjusted the spanking bench they were
using to elevate the slave’s ass a little more. They thanked him
and he moved on.

By this time next year, I could have my own
place, he mused. Not too close to here, maybe up in LA? Or up north
some? Uncle Niall will loan me money if I need it, but I can make a
little here first, once I’m a real trainer. Geoff will give me a
cut of the sales, then, not just my stipend. Actually, Niall said I
could stay with him any time—what if I set up with him for a while?
Then I can save the money for my own place! And Geoff must have
some way of helping his trainers out, they all come back to him for
advice and to trade clients.

“Michael? I was wondering if I could get one
of the other slaves in private for a while?” The would-be master
looked resigned; he had been sensible in his bidding but had been
hoping for Tatty. “I’m not much into the public thing...”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Michael promised,
flashing a confident smile. After all, this guy might be a future
part of my owners circle. Might as well start cultivating them

* * * *

After dinner, some of the guests left;
others congregated at the firepit for more outdoor entertainment,
including a very neatly scheduled gangbang of two of the newly sold
slaves. Two matching fucking chairs were brought out and Alicia was
positioned on her back in one while one of the other girls was on
her belly in the other. Douglas had Alicia and Tatty chained in a
sixty-nine position during dinner; his generous offer of “dinner
theater.” Michael was glad to have missed that show, despite
enjoying lesbian sex as much as any straight guy.

I’ll be more selective with my owners
circle, he promised himself as he watched one of the owner-guests
shove a strap-on cock into Alicia’s pussy. Of course, I can’t
control who shows up at an auction and buys, but you better believe
old Doug there won’t be on my A-list for parties.

How did Geoff handle having to be so polite
and patient and encouraging to such people? he wondered. Especially
after watching them fuck like a bunch of horny teenagers in your
backyard and throw up in the bushes?

Okay, so that only happened a few times, and
it wasn’t something you could always select for. Michael knew he
was drinking too much on this particular night, despite the
self-lectures and repeated dips in the pool to cool down. The hot
tub had helped for a while, until he had to dress up again and come
out to help with the play and socializing. He was also supposed to
be carefully coaching or instructing when possible or necessary,
although he was shirking that as much as he could. Even
understanding why he was so annoyed didn’t do much to help his
overall mood. He escaped into fantasies of his eventual training
house and kept that insincere smile plastered on his face whenever
he bumped into someone.

Uninterested in the thrusting hips and asses
outside, he returned to the cool, well lit dungeon where Geoff was
demonstrating some pretty sort of play with gleaming needles.
Crystal was helping him, both of them gloved-up, a circle of owners
around them hungrily watching every move. Rudy was strapped to a
massage chair, his back a network of angled needles as Crystal
wound thin ribbons between them, gently tightening them to make a
pattern resembling corset lacing across his spine. Geoff was
talking about safety, cleanliness, practicing on fruit and strips
of leather. It was very pretty, and strangely erotic on such a
muscular back, as well.

Michael sighed; he was supposed to learn how
to do that, but never got around to scheduling the time for the
series of classes. But maybe I don’t need to know it, he reflected
suddenly. Maybe I can just have someone else come in and teach it!
It’s not like I want to do it myself, why should I learn?

His mood went up again and he let a slave
bring him some of Geoff’s brandy, curling the snifter in one hand
as he continued to watch. I’ll bring in a different expert every
week, he thought with pleasure. I’ll be able to let my clients
experience everything; my trainees learn what they wanted to. Well,
of course I’ll have my own training books, too, like Geoff. I guess
I can use his until I write my own. At least the parts I like and
agree with. Fewer rap groups and more fuck parties!

But I’m not having fun at this fuck party,
he thought with a turn into confusion. Isn’t this exactly what I

Geoff was stripping off his gloves and
tossing them into the trash container next to the chair as he
finished up his lecture. Larry was whispering to him and Geoff
nodded as he listened.

“Larry will show you some of the fun things
to do once the needles are in, and anyone who hasn’t used a violet
wand—or simply would like to use it on this hot slaveboy
tonight—will be welcome to!” He smiled and edged away as Larry
gloved up and took his place, and as Geoff picked his way out of
the room, he tapped Michael on one shoulder. Michael raised his
eyebrows and followed.

Salim was curled on the floor sobbing; the
acrid smell of piss was in the air, as he shivered in a puddle of
his own making.

Mistress Heather had her arms folded across
her chest, a look of distress on her face. She looked up at Geoff
when he entered the private playroom and said, beseechingly, “I
don’t know what went wrong! I swear... “

Geoff raised one hand gently and with the
other, pointed Michael toward the slave trainee. “It’s all right,
Heather, this happens with the novices! That’s why we do micro
contracts. Come on, tell me what happened. Mike will take care of

Heather frowned, cast one worried look at
her temporary slave and then went with Geoff. Michael could hear
her sigh of frustration as she started to talk, but he had his own
mess to deal with.

BOOK: The Trainer
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