The Training of Scarlet Worthy (12 page)

BOOK: The Training of Scarlet Worthy
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Chapter 10:
A Life Changing Meeting

The next two days lazily fell into a pattern. I worked late in my office, often hunched over my computer reviewing files and balancing old and new invoices. I studied the daily patterns of the Estate. I investigated web sites of all of the Manor vendors, and I made notes of their business locations and their history of sales to the Estate.

At dusk on the evening of my second day, Madison rang and said that he had a message for me. I granted him time, and he entered my office dressed as always in his tuxedo. He carried a small silver tray and upon it the unmistakable envelope stationary of Lady Julia. I accepted the message from him. I waited. Madison saw that I wanted privacy to read it. He left sheepishly to attend to his duties.

I opened the note and read the short scrip with disappointment. My Lady's two day visit to Lady Bradstreet's estate was to be extended for a week. I was crestfallen. I would not see her for seven more days. I missed her so, and seven full days seemed like an eternity of melancholy.

I buried myself in my work. However, after a few sixteen hour days I pushed back from my work.
Lady Julia is away,
I thought
. I'm bored, and as itchy as a schoolgirl.
I felt the need for exploration. I was petulant, moody and I felt abandoned by the woman who so occupied my thoughts. I buzzed cook and told her that I would take my lunch in the garden - promptly at noon – I snapped at her. I squirmed trying to ignore a wicked itching between my legs.

The garden was a short walk from my office. I had admired it when I first arrived at the Manor, and on occasion I spent a few minutes sitting on a bench in the dappled sunlight, smelling the jasmine and honeysuckle. It was a peaceful place and on this day the birds would be my only distraction.

Shortly after eleven, I straightened my work files. I typed an email to Madison, indicating that my modest blouse and skirt wardrobe was in need or cleaning and to see to it with housekeeping. I then locked my files, grabbed my purse, and stepped into the Brighten Manor sun.

I strolled easily along the garden walk, stopping here and there to admire an antique roses or the pattern of a wisteria twisted and knotted to a gazebo as if the building and the plant were wedded by time.

I placed my hands at the small of my back and stretched. It felt wonderful to be out in the fresh air. I ran my hands over my bottom,
firm and nicely formed
, I thought, but I made a note to begin an exercise regimen before I lost my figure. I wanted to have My Lady admire it as she had when she inspected me on the first meeting. I was daydreaming of that day, the ride in the surrey, the first sight of the magnificent garden and the horseback riding. I closed my eyes and my pussy tingled at the memory.

"Good morning Miss Smith."

I was startled to hear a strange man’s voice. I spun around to see who it was that was interrupting my quiet time, prepared was I, to give one of the servants a verbal thrashing. I stopped. The man was stunningly handsome and in some way familiar. He was a bit over six foot tall and muscular, in a way like a swimmer is muscular I thought - more sinewy than raw bulk.

"Who are you?" I snapped at him.

"Why Miss Smith, I'm crushed. I'm Carlton. We met briefly at the stables, and after that meeting I surely would not have forgotten you."

His smile was gorgeous, and those dimples, what wonderful dimples. I couldn't resist smiling back at this beautiful man standing ten feet from me.

"Carlton, you're Carlton, the stable boy?"

I was puzzled. This man was dressed like he was going to the opening of the Paris Opera. He wore a black tuxedo, complete with a starched white shirt that was stiff as a mortar board. His collar was equally stiff and featured a white bow tie. He stood with his left hand dipped casually into his pants pocket. He wore a ribbed vest that was secured at his waistline by four shiny brass buttons. Complementary buttons adorned his jacket. He was clean shaven, and even at my distance I caught a sniff of his fine cologne. His jet black hair was neatly trimmed and parted on the left. He appeared to have just stepped away from a modeling assignment.
No wonder Lady Julia likes to look at him,
I thought.

"Stable boy?" He laughed. It was a laugh of recognition. Not one of mockery.

"I suppose I was a stable boy on that day Miss Smith, but it was only temporary." He grinned and pointed to his clothing, certainly not those of a stable boy.

"I must say you took me by surprise Carlton. After all, when we last met you must admit you were - well how can I say it?"

"Disheveled, messy, unwashed pick one Miss Smith." Once more he flashed the beautiful smile. "I'm afraid any one of those descriptions would be accurate, given my circumstanced."

I laughed at his modesty. I also knew of his circumstances. I knew that Lady Julia had won him on a bet. He was an indentured servant. I wondered if he knew of the evil transaction concocted by those two Ladies of the Manors.

“Please call me Sibyl now that we are formally introduced. Would you care to walk with me Carlton? Perhaps you can tell me of your circumstances. I'm all ears."

"It would be my pleasure to walk with you Sibyl, as it turns out I'm on a bit of a break."

He joined me on the path, and as an odd courtesy, he held out his arm. I paused, thinking it a bit bold at first meeting. I looked up into his handsome face and I immediately rethought my reluctance.

I placed my right hand on his forearm and we began a stroll toward the garden trellis.

"I can only guess that Lady Bradstreet was finished with my services. I'm presuming that I had performed satisfactorily, and that she recommended me to Lady Julia. I remember on my first meeting with Lady Julia she told that I would be welcome here at Brighten. I’m a little foggy how that took place. It happened so quickly, but I have no regrets."

"But why the stables and what is this?" I motioned toward his formal attire. "Look at you Carlton, you are clearly not working here as a stable boy."

Once more he issued his wonderful laugh. "That was just a temporary placement until My Lady could find a suitable position, one that fit my experience and qualifications.”

I was suddenly jealous. Carlton kept referring to Lady Julia as My Lady, she wasn't his Lady, she was mine, and the fact that Lady Julia had said that she "liked to look at him" did not do much to quell my jealous feelings.

"So what is you engagement here at Brighten, and for how long?"

"Lady Julia placed me under Madison’s supervision. She said learning from him, with all of his experience, would be good for me. She said that if I performed well I may be placed at one of her Firms. So I'm optimistic Sibyl, Madison is a kind man and he's a pleasure to work with. He's very smart you know, a bit secretive about his personal life, but intelligent and clearly well educated."

"So you don't know when you'll be leaving us?"

"For heaven’s sake Sibyl," He laughed. "We're just getting acquainted and you're trying to get rid of me?"

I blushed at his question. Was I that transparent?

"Don't be silly," I laughed. "That's just me, I'm often accused of being overly curious. That's all. How's this for a welcome? Would you care to join me for lunch? I was to have it served here in the garden. I can make it for two?"

"That would be great, count me in, and thank you Sibyl. It would be nice to have a friend here at Brighten - and it’s a bonus that she's so pretty."

"Oh you - don't you go on and tease me Carlton." I laughed and playfully brushed his arm from mine. But I was fine with the complement, and I was very fine with having this gorgeous man join me for lunch.

I removed my phone from my purse. "Cook, make that two for lunch."

Carlton and I passed the time with idle conversation. The lunch was delivered at precisely noon. Two of Cook's kitchen staff accompanied her to the trellis garden. Both men were dresses in crisp kitchen whites. The little French woman approached the garden bench where Carlton and I were talking.

“Good afternoon Mademoiselle, and Monsieur, may I please have the pleasure of setting your table?”

"Yes. That will be fine, set it in the gazebo. We'll dine there."

She bowed and smiled at each of us. It was done with genuine respect and Cook seemed pleased that her presentation was going well. The three hurried to the gazebo dusted the table top and laid a white table cloth. They worked flawlessly setting the silver pattern, napkins and other items. Cook returned to our conversation. She stood at attention until it was clear that we had finished talking. I look up at her.

"Your table is ready Mademoiselle - please, at you pleasure and convenience."

Carlton and I trailed Cook up the lawn to the gazebo. It was a lovely spot and I chose it because I knew that sitting there, one had the unobstructed view of the valley that lay a quarter mile below the sloping meadow.

The two waiters placed silver hooded trays on a small table for two. Carlton held my chair, he seated me before rounding the table to be seated opposite. When we were settled, the lids to our meals were lifted simultaneously and with some flourish. It was wonderful, and the presentation made me proud as hostess for this surprise visitor.

The luncheon was grand. We enjoyed a shelled lobster with asparagus tips and a nice white wine. The waiters stood out of earshot, but always prepared if something was needed.

"I just arrived at Brighten a day or two ago. I had a post, more like an engagement.” He pointed over his shoulder as if to signal the location. “I was at Lady Bradstreet's Estate, her advisor, well truthfully her intern advisor. My background is finance. I studied at the University of West London. Are you familiar with that area Sibyl?”

“No. Not yet. I say not yet, because I too will be at University this fall, at the Imperial College of London, South Kensington Campus. I begin a two year master’s program in mathematics.”

“Whoa, that’s impressive Sibyl! That’s the best school in Britain for math. You must be really good, or really wealthy.”

“You think I bought my way in?”

“I’m sorry. That was rude of me. I didn’t mean to…..”

“I know you didn’t mean to imply anything Carlton - relax,” I laughed. “Girls like me just get a little bit touchy when people think that it could never be that we’re just smart.”

Easy girl
. I thought. Don’t get so defensive.
He didn’t mean to insult you. Get back on point.
“I really don’t know much about London. I have been here in the UK a short time and I haven’t yet been on the campus yet.”

“That’s great, then I’ll have the pleasure of showing you the town. My home town is Reading, that’s where UWL is located, and it’s in walking distance of the main railway. You can get to London Paddington by train in less than 30 minutes. You probably passed through Reading on your way to Bath Spa.”

I playfully pointed my butter knife at him. “I may take you up on that offer, but I hardly know you Carlton. You may be a cad. Can a girl like me trust you in the big city?” I batted my eyelids. I was flirting, and it felt marvelous to play with this man.

“I’ll be a perfect gentleman – cross my heart.” He gestured the cross across his chest.

I reached over and patted his hand. “No one’s perfect Carlton, I suspect even you have some interesting secrets to share.” I was thinking of his alleged massive cock that Lady Bradstreet was missing badly at this very moment. Once more I felt that sweet tingle in my belly.

"What do you do at Brighten Sibyl, I mean your job description, from what I hear you’re well respected by My Lady." He looked over his wine glass at me.

"I'm My Lady's Executive Assistant, and I manage the Estate for her."

Carlton nearly choked on his wine. He gathered himself. "I had no idea. Do you manage the staff too?"

"I do."

"Well I guess that means you’re my boss. I have to admit I've never had such a nice first meeting with a new boss. Thank you. Congratulations Sibyl. I mean it, that's wonderful news."

I knew that Carlton was being honest. It was nice to hear, and I was grateful for the compliment. All of the years of neglect seemed to fade in that one instant. I was having a luncheon date with a handsome man. I was performing an important service for a magnificent woman and in two days one of them had admired my figure, and now the second admired my brains.

I sipped my wine and allowed some sweet and nasty visions of both My Lady and Carlton to wet my appetite. I reached under the table and playfully touched myself. Everything about my life was getting better by the moment. Had I been in private, I would have topped this moment with a shattering orgasm. I’ll save that for later. I thought. Lady Julia and Carlton have inspired enough lusty fantasy to last me the whole summer.


Carlton and I met frequently that summer, often stealing a quiet moment here and there to walk along the paths and wander the gardens of Brighten Manor. We would also question the path of our futures. We talked with adolescent optimism about college and career. I listened to his colorful stories, ones painted with such enthusiasm that I formed a mental picture of the wonders of London that I would enjoy when autumn turned the leaves of Brighten to gold and I moved to that great city in the North.

I experienced many changes to my life that summer. I am a different person in so many ways. Indeed the biggest change would be my own doing and it came with a suddenness that I now begin to tell……..

Chapter 11:
The First Day of My New Life

By the end of my second week at Brighten, I had turned grumpy and sullen. I couldn’t quite put my finger on my abrupt mood swing. I was still working long days and even though I knew I was making progress managing the affairs of the Estate, something was missing. I felt no real permanence. Brighten was lovely, and I was well cared for by my increasingly attentive staff, but it didn’t feel like home. I missed My Lady. I had not seen or spoken to her since our last teleconference, when she left for Wickersham Manor to be with Lady Bradstreet.

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