The Training of Scarlet Worthy (9 page)

BOOK: The Training of Scarlet Worthy
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“Today we will ride a simple walk with our horses. What I’m going to show you now, believe me, it would not work well in a gallop. Soon you’ll understand why. This particular feature was meant to keep a woman’s body well centered in the saddle - centered during a pleasant walk. But, to my immense delight, I discovered a second feature of this saddle. I discovered it immediately on the maiden ride.

She rubbed the small of my back. “You’ll soon make the same wonderful discovery darling, but I’ll keep you in suspense. I want to watch you experience the special
as I did.”

My Lady spread open the tail of my waistcoat. Her hand reached a position at the rear of the saddle. I felt a slow movement below me. The rear of the saddle was inflating.
I get it, like a cushion
, I thought. But there was more. My bottom cheeks were spreading as well, not a lot, but certainly flaring. Then something startling happened. A soft ridge inflated below me. It rose by such a small degree, squarely filling the gap of my now spread ass cheeks. I looked at My Lady to confirm that this was so - that I was not just imagining the subtle movement. She simply smiled.

“Oh my! Oh good lord!” I sputtered.

I could feel the soft ridge inflate against my rosebud. The tight riding breeches were of little insulation between the tiny padded ridge that rose at my center to indecently flail me open. I couldn’t help myself, I began to wiggle against it. Once again I looked to My Lady. I mouthed the words.

What’s happening to me?

“Well my darling girly-girl. You must agree that you are indeed centered. See dear, with my saddle, you won’t be slipping from side to side. I prefer it when my female guests stay where I place them.” She laughed.

And with that she rubbed my ass, chuckled at my predicament, and at the devious ministrations of her equestrian invention. But she wasn’t through, using her opposite hand she began to fiddle with an item in the front of the wicked saddle. Once more I felt a similar inflation. I gasped in horror and at the sudden recognition. Another foam ridge inflated at her touch. This ridge was more forward in the saddle. It rose to squeeze a tiny separation between my pussy lips, stopping only as my lips parted to embrace its unholy placement.

I felt impaled and wonderfully violated. My Lady had her back to me and I wiggled more violently. I was good at keeping such wicked secrets. I would not tell her how pleasant the device felt. I wiggled more to get it as firmly wedged in my womanly crevices as I could. I flexed the muscles of my lips, squeezing to feel the sweet invasion. I did so quietly.

Lady Julia grabbed the reigns of my horse. She blew me a kiss.

“Let’s take a little test walk around the ring dear girl.”

The horse took two steps and my heart swooned. The secret of the saddle electrified below me as if I were seated in devils chair of magic. The horse’s movements created a rocking motion. The rocking occurred between my legs, rolling front to back in a ripple of continuing unstoppable waves. The foam ridge that rested so sweetly and quietly between my cheeks, and against my bottom hole was now at once a vibrating snake-like rope of pleasure. I leaned a bit forward to escape its wonder only to find an equal and more vicious tickle against my clit. The sound of My Lady’s voice seemed so distant. My eyes became clouded. By the time my little horse completed his second trip around the ring my pussy lips were swollen and moist. My asshole twitched in a pleasure I had never imagined. I thought I would die of pleasure. I was sure my death of joy would happen before the day was complete. I didn’t have a clue how I would explain my lusty weaknesses to My Precious Lady.

Suddenly my horse stopped. I did my best to regain composure. My Lady approached me.

What will I say to her? Surely she will see my flushed cheeks and.., Oh please god, spare me the humiliation- please don’t let her see the dampness in the folds of my new breeches….

“Well done Sibyl,” she said. “I believe you will make a fine equestrian. Finally I will have someone to ride with me. Let’s be off.”

She urged the black stallion toward my position in the ring. The horses stood side by side head to tail. My Lady stepped between the two horses, she inserted her left foot in her stirrup and rose effortlessly. Her legs were strong and her muscles rippled beneath her tight leggings. I watched in quiet admiration. My breath coming in shallow whispers. She arched her long exquisite leg over the stallions back and set the second boot in the opposite stirrup.

She stood in the stirrups for a moment. My eyes feasted on her. Her legs were wide and stretched apart by the girth of her mount. I could see the sweet furrow between her legs, my breathing became more labored. She was teasing me again, this time using her woman sex as bait for my lust.

She reached behind and under the tails of her red hunt coat. She was adjusting the seat as she had mine. Slowly she settled her bottom upon the now inflated saddle. She never unlocked her eyes from mine. Her eye lids lowered behind the veil and she dragged her pink tongue along her upper lip. She smiled at me as she lowered herself upon the saddle. The smile remained, but she allowed her eyes to close. I was mesmerized watching her unhurried display of purposeful self-fulfillment.

She wiggled into place. A chirp of joy escaped her moistened lips. She wiggled again and grimaced in pleasure. I watched her lean back a little, adjusting the front control and then lean forward to position herself. Her breath exploded from her mouth – she gritted her teeth. Slowly the smile returned and she opened her eyes.

My Lady urged her horse closer to mine, her knee brushed against mine. She leaned in to me and with both hands, she lifted my veil until it spanned just the tip of my nose. She repeated the same effort with her own.

I studied her face. Her countenance was angelic and she was at such an easy peace within her skin. I had never seen such peace with anyone, let alone someone who controlled so vast an enterprise as she. She spoke slowly and in a lusty whisper.

“Listen to me Sibyl, and understand what I am about to say. We are intelligent people you and I, and we are blessed to be in a position of responsibility. I have substantial power and a wide net of influence. Soon you will enjoy the same. But remember this. We are also strong and powerful women – proud women. Never, ever, let anyone stand between you and the joys with which you are entitled. Such anointed feelings belong to you alone. It’s a self-anointed birthright granted by the grace of being a women. Revel in your beauty dear girl, and rejoice in your many talents. Explore all of the opportunities that you are blessed with - but dear girl, never, ever forget that one of those blessings is being born a woman. Today I release you to explore that blessing, starting today. Starting now.”

As she spoke these words she moved closer to me. Her lips were inches from mine. I was panting.

“Yes My sweet Lady, yes and yes again.” I purred.

She kissed me sweetly. My lips parted and her warm breath flowed within me.

“I understand My Lady and I thank you for releasing me.”

Our lips parted. She sat quietly for a moment as did I. We took a measured breath.

“Woo,” My breath expelled.

She allowed a tiny giggle, teasing at my dizzy attempt to compose myself. We were both smiling. We had connected as women, and I loved the connection to her, and the freedom she had conferred upon me.

Chapter 8:
The Brighten Manor Tour

My Lady opened a small satin bag affixed to her saddle. She withdrew two small devices, each no larger than a tube of lipstick. She handed one to me. “It’s a communication device. Watch me and do the same.”

She hooked the tiny item over her ear, and I followed.

“Now Sibyl, we can talk as we ride. It’ll be easier than having to shout as we inspect the Estate. Speak to me as well, it works two ways. Can you hear me?”

“Yes My Lady, I can hear you just fine.” I was amazed, she seemed to think of everything.

“The communicator is voice activated. I like that feature, it eliminates all background noise such as hoof beats and other such clutter. Follow me out of the enclosure and we will be on our way.”

My Lady urged her horse forward and she directed the mount toward the gate at the far end of the riding circle. My little horse fell in behind her. The rocking of the horse was having the anticipated result. I watched My Lady. She sat tall on the stallion, the horse and she moved as one. My eyes gazed upon her back. The tails of her red riding coat lay against the black satin sides of the muscled animal.

The rocking of my horse along with the erotic massage of my inflated pleasure saddle was more than I could handle. I closed my eyes and buried my ass as deeply as I could on the sweet ridge that massaged me, one gentle wave after another kissed the saddle against my clit. I felt the dizzy fog of reality drift away. The center of my body was in sweet control, and I let my pussy take over.

“Oh my god, yes, please yes – fuck me, fuck me hard.” I had my first explosive orgasm minutes after we cleared the enclosure. I gripped the front of the saddle, my fingernails firmly imbedded in the soft leather. Slowly my eyes opened. I recovered my senses and took stock of my position.

. I thought.
All is well. I’m still trailing Lady Julia. She’s only fifty meters ahead - I can catch up. It’ll be okay, just get composed

“Is everything okay back there Sibyl?”

Oh my god
, I thought.
I forgot about the earpiece. She heard everything
. I flushed with embarrassment.
What will she think of me?

“Tisk, tisk, good heavens, you are a particularly sensitive rider Sibyl. I presume that you were not talking to your horse. Or did you intend for me to come back there and fuck you darling?” She laughed most devilishly. “I’m guessing that this will be a long and wicked ride for you sweet girl. Wiggle for your Ladyship, and when you are comfortable and satisfied with your seat – come join me. The first stop on our tour is really something to see.”

I recovered and soon our horses were side by side. My Lady winked at me. I knew that I was in good hands with her, but I lowered my eyes. My face was on fire. I knew I was exposed and doomed. I had lost my free will, and I was at the mercy of the horse and the unrelenting saddle. She would watch and hear my uncontrolled thrashings - for how many episodes on this day? I feared to guess.

Ahead of us the meadow was full and green. My Lady explained that Brighten Manor was fashioned like most of the Cotswold’s estates where there remained traces of the ridge and furrow farming system. We walked our mounts slowly through the green meadow, the horse’s hooves quiet in the soft grass. Lady Julia spoke in a reverent whisper. It was soothing too my ear; I settled in, comfortable to listen to her.

“When you see a field of grass and buttercups growing out of the surface, rippling in the breeze, the sun at the right angle, over here see Sibyl?” She pointed a gloved finger at the landscape. “See the alternate strips of shades of green and emerald. You’re looking at the remains of medieval sloughing. In Britain the earliest examples date to the post-Roman period, and it continues in use, as it does here at Brighten, dating from the 17th century.”

My mind drifted to the city of Bath Spa and the ancient Roman baths that prompted the old city’s name. How many times had I soaked my weary body in its very special water?

I returned my eyes to the countryside of Brighten –
my Brighten
, I thought. On my left, beyond my Lady, the fields were dotted intermittently with red flowered poppies, and on my right, fields of lavender as far as I could see. My Lady explained that Brighten Manor sat adjacent to a third generation farm in the heart of our beautiful Cotswold Hills, and overlooking the little village of Broadway and the Vale of Evesham.

We rode toward the edge of greenery to me what appeared to me to be the horizon.
What lay beyond
? I thought.
It seemed to drop off like the end of the earth.

Lady Julia pulled her horse up and dismounted. “Come dear.” She motioned to me. “Come, and we will walk from here to my garden.”

I too dismounted and both horses seemed content to graze on the sweet meadow in which we stood. Lady Julia held out her hand, I took it in the sweetest pleasure, and hand in hand we walk through the meadow like two school girls. We laughed. We giggled. We picked flowers and we talked about the history of Brighten Manor. She spoke of the farm and the crops that we sold at market. There were cattle and an endless number of sheep all of which grazed on the slopes and valleys of the Manor. Her story telling only underlined the responsibility that I had been chosen to manage.

Soon we came to the edge of the ridge.

We stopped.

I gasped in awe at the scope of what lay before me. Never had I seen such a magnificent sight of flawless landscaping. I was speechless. I looked up at My Lady for answers. She pulled me to a bench, one that was positioned to take full advantage of the view that stretched out before us.

We sat side by side on the wrought iron bench, she still holding my hand.

“Breathtaking isn’t it?” She said.

I laughed, because she was right. I was breathless at the sight of the gardens. “Oh my God, It looks like Versailles!” I said. “I’ve never been there, but I’ve seen the pictures. Wow!”

This time Lady Julia laughed. “I must admit,” She said. “This is the first time that
was the word used to describe my gardens. But Wow seems fine. You like it?

“I love it. Please My Lady, please tell me about it.”

She began slowly. “The gardens of Versailles are perhaps the most famous in the world, and like these, they are seemingly open to the horizon, the scale is monumental.” She waved her arm to measure the view before us. “

“The grand east-west axis at Versailles is in celebration of the Sun King. These gardens here before you Sibyl, they were designed to celebrate me.”

I looked at her quizzically.

“My husband, Lord Roseau commissioned this for me as a wedding gift. The underlining structure had lay barren for centuries, he completed it in my honor.”

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