The Training of Scarlet Worthy (6 page)

BOOK: The Training of Scarlet Worthy
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Just one wing of the estate was within my field of vision, and on the second floor I could see three windows each bathed in a golden light from within.
My Lady’s quarters
. I thought.
I must hurry. She will be cross with me if I am tardy on my first official day.

I showered, toweled off, and sprayed my body with a body spray left in a gift basket in my bathroom. My skin felt alive. I began to work with my unruly hair. It took half an hour but I finally arranged it in the twist that Lady Julia had advised. It looked pretty. I was proud of my handiwork and I hoped the setting would please My Lady.

I slipped into the silk blouse. The fabric had the same erotic result on my aroused nipples as it did the night before. I decided to give up any hope of disguise. The blouse and the tight leggings would not be forgiving. Like it or not, my sex would be on display for all to see. I shuddered at how My Lady would react to such a wanton untamed display.

I picked up the pace. I could hear Cook in my dining room below. She would be serving my breakfast. I smiled.
A girl could get used to this service
, I thought.

I struggled into the leggings and strapped up my riding boots, placed the waistcoat over my arm, pick up the hat and descended the stairs.
Assistant to Lady Julia
, I thought.
That is something to be quite proud of Sibyl Smith. Good for you

My breakfast was laid out to perfection. I enjoyed all of it including the coffee. Cook had presented it well, and I smiled, feeling a bit wicked, as I toyed with the single rose that graced the place setting.
Cook wanted to please her Mademoiselle

I rose from the table, donned my jacket and my hunt cap, and sat quietly in the parlor to await My Lady.

At precisely seven, I heard a crackling sound on the gravel drive. It was a sound less heavy than that of the Limo. I peered from my front window to see the approach of a single horse drawn surrey. It stopped abruptly at my door. A short door opened outward from the carriage and out stepped Lady Julia. I stood motionless, frozen in place by the image of her.

My Lady was dressed as I. Her riding waistcoat and tails were like mine except in a brilliant hunt red fabric and with a black satin collar. Her silk blouse also white. Her breast were free of any support and twice the size of mine, and just as they had day before, her nipples stood smartly at full attention. Whatever feelings I had of appearing immodest were quickly disposed. I would attract little attention with this magnificent woman by my side. She was simply the most awesome specimen of raw sexuality I had ever been a witness. And she was coming to see me. My heart fluttered. I had difficulty breathing. She walked confidently up the lane toward my door. Even at that distance I could see that she too wore the same tight white leggings as I, and the lips of her sex were swollen within the fabric, puffy, and proudly on display - like mine.

There was a throbbing in my temples. If she were to stop in my lane, I would have gazed upon her for hours, riveted in place by the window. Her boots were like mine except that the heels were at least two inches higher, her legs a sculpted work of art and encased within the tight leggings they appeared to rise and go on forever.

Lady Julia did not knock. She entered the front door of the cottage. I raced from my place at the window to greet her. My mouth was dry. “Good morning My Lady.” I squeaked.

She giggled at my sputtering. “You look darling little Sybil. Your riding costume is perfect. I’m happy that I sized you correctly. Do you like it?”

“Oh My Lady, I love it. Thank you. You are so kind to me, I…..”

Lady Julia held up her hand. “Enough, child. Believe me you will earn my generosity. Now let me examine the fitting. Come over here by the light.”

Lady Julia had one item in her riding ensemble that I did not. She held a stiff leather riding crop in her right hand. She pointed to a window in the sitting room. The sun was up and the light drifted through the sheer curtains. She took a seat and crossed her legs while removing her hunt cap and gloves. She held the items out in front of her.

I jumped to attention, taking her items and placing them carefully on a table.

“May I get you something My Lady?”

“Not now. Later we’ll share some tea on the veranda. Now I want to examine you. Come forward.”

I did as she instructed. It was so very awkward for me, but I did as I was told. I tip-toed to a spot directly in front of where she was seated.

“Remove your hat Sybil, place it next to mine.” I did as she instructed.

“You did a decent job with your hair, from now on I will schedule you with a professional hair dresser. I’ll explain further about those who will attend to your appearance. Turn for me.” She twirled the crop in a circular motion. “I want to get the full effect of your riding costume.”

I was beginning to blush. I was accustomed to academic testing and interrogation, but I had never in my entire life been evaluated on my appearance. In My Lady’s presence I felt such an ugly goose of a girl. I was unable to speak, or to question her instruction. She controlled me, and I loved her ease of command and the comfort in which she exercised her power over me.

God how I admired her. It was in such a state of mind, that I did what seemed so natural. I complied - turning as if secured by invisible twine on an upright rotisserie and slowly roasting under her glare of inspection.

“Stop!” I had my back to her. “Hold up your coattails.”

I reached behind myself and raised the tails of my waistcoat. I could feel the tip of the riding crop as she dragged it across my bottom.

“My now,” she paused. “It appears that my new personal assistant is blessed with a cute little figure.”

I said nothing. I was breathing in tiny gasps.

The snap of the riding crop startled me. I hopped to my toes. I wasn’t a hard swat on my bottom and it didn’t hurt. It was the suddenness of the swat and the sound that the crop issued in the quite parlor that startled me.

“I didn’t think that I would have to begin with the basics my dear girl, but we might as well get off on the right foot with the basic courtesies and salutations that I will require of you. Now repeat after me.”

My Lady spoke in a sing-song rhythm, in a voice as to one training a child.

“Please My Lady?” She issued a tiny swat on my bottom.

I responded again with a slight gasp. “Please My Lady.”

“Well done, you are catching on Sibyl. Is that not so?”

“Yes My Lady, I understand the courtesies. Please forgive me My Lady.”

“I’ll take you apology under consideration. Now look at me.”

I turned my head to look over my shoulder at the gorgeous woman seated behind me.

“I said that you were blessed with a cute figure Sibyl. What do you have to say?”

“Thank you My Lady. But I fear my figure pales to insignificance when I gaze upon your beauty.”

My Lady smiled. She continued her examination of my costume as if nothing had occurred. “Turn for me.”

I turned to face her. She used the crop to brush aside the lapel of my waistcoat. Her eyes drifted to my pounding nipples.

“The blouse is very becoming on you.” Her eyelids fluttered. She was teasing me, playing with me. She let the tip of the crop rest on my left breast. I felt a wee pressure.

“Thank you My Lady. It is so very elegant. I have never worn such a finely made garment.”

She said nothing in response. I was to learn that My Lady accepted gratitude in silence. Furthermore, she expected compliments, and she found it unnecessary in her status to offer a response to any praise that was obvious.

The crop drifted lazily down across my belly. She was in no hurry. I could feel a small drop of perspiration at my hairline. The crop stopped at my navel. There was a little dimple in the white fabric, such was the tightness and sheerness of the cotton leggings. She leaned forward her nose inches from my belly. She touched my navel.

“Just making sure that what I saw was as it should be, not a flaw in the garment.” She settled back in the chair. “I do believe that I will have a cup of tea Sibyl. Go fetch it from the porch. We can have it here before we depart. Quickly, the sun is well up, and I have much to show you dear girl.”

I was grateful for the break. I started to go, and stopped, stepping back to my place. “Yes My Lady, as you wish. Does My Lady take cream and sugar?”

I smiled a most genuine smile. She nodded. I was sure it was a silent acknowledgement that I had done well. I felt good with even the tiny crumb of reward.

“Yes, cream and sugar.”

I stopped and checked my reflection in the hall mirror. My cheeks were flushed. I fixed a few wayward strands of my hair, retrieved the silver service that Cook had obediently left on the veranda, and returned to the parlor. I served a cup of tea to her. She sipped gently and nodded approval. I started to sit.

“Wait dear, I’m not finished with your inspection. Stand as you were. Here in front of me.”

I took my position and stood again before her. She took a leisurely sip of tea placed the cup on the porcelain saucer, and picked up the sinister crop. She wiggled it between my legs. There was no need for her to explain her motives. I spread my legs. She wiggled the crop again. I spread my legs even further, my embarrassment bordering on humiliation. I was completely startled by her next action. She leaned forward and placed the palm of her hand on the kid clove inserts on the inward thighs of my leggings. I could feel the heat in her fingers that danced on the thin leather.

“These inserts are for your protection and comfort.” She spread her own legs. She smiled up at me, a devilish grin overcame her. Her eyes lidded and she sighed a little as she stroked the leather inserts between her legs.

“I like the feel of leather on my skin,” she purred, “and these inserts will serve us well when we mount this morning.”

She emphasized her words in a husky voice. I could not take my eyes off of her intimate stroking.

“The kid leather insures that our legs will not chaff on the horses sides, the barrel of a horse, and the tactile nature of leather insures a good gripping. It’s as if you are attached, as if you are one with the mount, and with the horse’s rocking movements. I find it quite pleasing.”

She winked at me. “You
like a feeling of pleasure. Don’t you Sibyl?”

“Oh yes My Lady.” I almost shouted, and we both bust in girlish laughter at my response.

“Step forward a bit dear, one last thing.”

I waddled toward her and we both giggled at my unnatural movement, my legs spread so wickedly apart. I watched the slow and deliberate movement of her arm. I thought, oh my God, she’s not going to…

She cupped her hand and raised it ever so slowly until my pussy lips lay sweetly in her graceful palm. It seemed forever until she spoke. My face was crimson. My knees were twitching. Finally she spoke.

“The leggings must be tightly fitted. Particularly here in the most delicate of places.” She touched her own sex with her free hand. “Any unwanted friction between our legs is to be avoided.” She removed her hand from me, purposely dragging her fingers over my pouting lips as she did so.

My Lady stood and faced me. “Are you alright Sibyl? You’re trembling. Tell me.”

A small tear hung to my eyelash. I was so turned on by her touch that I feared that my awful secret would betray me on my first encounter with her. I feared that I would begin to heave in a violent thrashing climax at her touch.

“I’m just so very happy My Lady, please forgive me. You have been so kind to me…”

Lady Julia smiled, stood and opened her arms. I fell into her arms choking back on my lust and whimpering through my tears of joy. She held me for a full minute in silence until I recovered. I looked up at her. She kissed my forehead.

“Get yourself some tea dear.” She patted my cheek. “Sit down and I’ll brief you on today’s agenda.”

Chapter 5:
Most Intimate Instructions

I made my tea, light with lots of cream, set it down and seated myself across from My Lady, she in the brocade wingback chair, and I on a complimentary chair, one covered in a rose velvet. We looked to be a pair of Ladies of the English aristocracy preparing for the mornings hunt. I was excited.

“I’m really looking forward to seeing the Estate My Lady. Thank you for doing this for me. I want so much to do a good job as your assistant.”

“Well, let us begin then.” She pointed to an ottoman that sat to the side of where we were seated. She then motioned to her booted foot. I rose and shuffled the ottoman to her and she rested her crossed ankles upon the cushions.

“Your position is Executive Assistant to Lady Julia Sweeten-Roseau. Let’s be clear on that. I want you to feel comfortable and responsible with that title.”

“Oh My Lady…!”

She stopped me in mid-sentence. “I’m not conferring a title that is selected with any frivolity Sibyl. Indeed a few of your predecessors found the responsibility to be quite taxing, even painful on occasion.”

She sipped her tea. “Are you strong enough for the position?”

I thought about her question. In a short time I had learned that My Lady did not ask frivolous questions. So I wanted to be forthright, I wanted my answer to be crisp.

“I knew my instincts were spot on with you Sibyl.” She clapped her hands with delight.

“My Lady, I don’t understand? What have I done?”

“Intelligence,” She said. “You were organizing your thoughts before you made a careless response. I like that, and that’s what I first saw in you Sybil, a raw if untapped talent to lead, and to manage my people, and my affairs. Did you know you had those qualities? Be Frank, I wish to know about that side of you. Hold nothing back. I’ll enjoy my tea as I listen to you. Relax my dear - you are with me, and you are safe.”

I cleared my throat. I placed my hand to my lips and issued a slight cough.

“I was raised on a farm in America, in the Midwest. I arose early, and I went to bed early. I had chores to do, farm chores. I’m afraid they are not very glamorous as they would be on this working Estate.”

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