The Training of Scarlet Worthy (20 page)

BOOK: The Training of Scarlet Worthy
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BB and I knelt on the table with our asses facing the two women. BB grabbed my hand for support and I squeezed it. “Isn’t that cute Julie. Look they’re bonding.” She giggled and then she shrieked. “Oh, look at what we have here! Is that not a beautiful pussy? My heavens Julie, I could eat her now. Honestly, please, my mouth is watering.”

My Lady spoke. “I’m afraid you’ll have to restrain yourself Peg. I haven’t had the pleasure yet myself - and get this. Here pussy is virgin.”

“Oh my god. I’ll give you anything Julie, you name your price. I must take a bite.”

“Keep your panties on Peg. You’ll get your chance.” My Lady laughed. “I swear, you haven’t changed a bit. Your appetite is off the charts. Here, nibble on these snacks and keep your mouth off of my Scarlet.”

The two women were talking as if BB and I were not in the room. I felt like a piece of furniture, displayed for the highest bidder, but I did like the compliment. I wiggled my ass to show my appreciation.

Lady Bradstreet smacked my bottom. “Showoff,” she giggled just loud enough for me to hear.

Each of the dominant women grabbed hold of the respective plugs.

“Pull slowly Julie. I’ll bet we can make them sing a duet.”

As Lady Bradstreet pulled on the imbedded plug, once more I felt the size of its thickest part. My little rosebud began to scream in pain, and as it screamed I wailed. I was huffing and puffing and howling like a wolf bitch at full moon. BB was making her own chorus of squealing vocalization. They teased us by alternately reinserting and half removing the plugs. Far away I could hear the two of them laughing at our songs of anguish.

I heard Lady Bradstreet holler – “Now!”

There was a blinding jolt in my bottom as the plug was suddenly free. BB yelped at the same moment. I squeezed her hand. The plugs were free and we knelt together each trying to breathe and to recover from the anal assault.

I could hear Lady Bradstreet behind us. “I don’t think she’s stretched quite enough yet Julia. She certainly couldn’t take that marvelous cock of that man you swindled me out of, Carlton wasn’t it, now that was one cock I’ll never forget seeing.

Lady Julia giggled. “Don’t you get any Idea about Carlton? He’s been a pet project of mine. He’s restrained a bit. You’ll see. I had to, it seems that all the girl’s want him as much as you do – pity, and pity for Carlton too.”

Lady Julia returned her attention to BB and me. “Stand up girls.” We both stood. My body was wet with perspiration. I glanced at my partner and BB was looking equally spent.

“That was very entertaining girls.” My Mistress said.

She and her friend Peg unlocked our collars and threw them on the floor together with the plugs. “Now gather your plugs and collars, and go freshen up. When you come back I have a surprise, and this one you will love. Go on you two, you’ll find two nighties in the bath. Put them on, grab a glass of wine and then come join us here on the couch.”

BB and I wasted no time in gathering the wicked probes and collars. We sipped into My Lady’s bath. Once alone we each took a deep breath. BB turned to me and smiled. “I love her, but she can be brutal sometimes.” She laughed and so did I at the understatement. BB kissed me. I kissed her. We shared a unique bond.

I turned on the shower and when it was warm we both stepped into the large open space. There were at least eight shower heads. We chose two side by side. I turned my back to her and she washed me without having to be asked. I did the same for BB. I noticed a mark on her shoulder. “What’s this?” I asked.

“Lady Bradstreet’s mark of ownership. It was put on me five years ago at my collaring.”

I looked closer at the tattoo. It was an elaborate script and the words read: Property - Wickersham Manor - EB.

I rolled over in my mind what she had said.
It was put on me five years ago at my collaring.
I wondered if My Lady had the same plans for me.

We toweled off and we put on the skimpy nightgowns. Looking in the mirror I had to laugh. “I feel more exposed wearing this than when we were completely nude.”

BB laughed as well. “I see what you mean. Why did she bother?” She was toweling my hair. Her short hair was whipped into shape in a few minutes. Mine was damp and still a tangled mess.

The night gowns were expensive but they were so sheer that they were virtually transparent. Mine was white and BB’s was a pastel pink. They were short and barely reached our ass cheeks. I suggested to BB that they were designed for easy access. She held hers up and whispered. “Come and get it.”

We giggled like school girls on a sleep over. “Come on BB. Let’s you and me get some of that wine.”

We left the bath and entered the kitchen. I poured BB a glass of white wine and offered a theatrical toast. “To our indentured slavery, forever chained in wicked debauchery.”

BB smiled and we both took a long drink. I refilled her glass and did the same to mine. We re-entered the living room and stood submissively before the two Lady’s. They continued chatting as if we were not there. Lady Julia patted the cushion on the couch and I took a position on the floor next to her. BB did the same for her Mistress. We both knelt quietly for ten minutes or so while they went on about issues of local interest.

“Did you have a nice shower girls?” Lady Bradstreet finally asked.

We both nodded and that seemed to satisfy her curiosity. My Lady held one of her many remote control devices. My bottom quivered involuntarily. This device however, was not for me. It activated a wall panel and a big screen monitor appeared behind it.

“You have one of these in your suite Scarlet, an exact replica. Let me show you how to navigate the system. Tonight, before you and BB go to sleep, you can play with it. Watch this.”

There was a forward and a back button and a display where you could type your commands. My Lady pushed a button and the screen displayed a browser for Woman’s Clothing. She scrolled around the category. Clothing of all varieties came into view. The categories were endless ranging from beach wear to formal gowns, and pages and pages of shoes. My lady highlighted a pair of simple pumps. There was a window entitled “select.”

She handed me the remote. “Go ahead Scarlet.” She smiled. “It’s all yours darling.”

I took the remote and looked at her quizzically. I wasn’t sure what to do with it.

“Push the button silly.”

I pushed the select button and the screen changed. The screen read:

Ship via express overnight to:

Miss Scarlet Worthy

Executive Assistant

Brighton Manor

Twilling, UK

“I can use this? What are my limits?”

Lady Julia bent down and kissed me. She smiled. “What model car would you like dear?”

I gasped. My mind went wild with things I could order from the privacy of my own suite. I pictured my closets full of clothing and shoes of all shapes and designs. I could see myself driving a sports car on a trip down to Bath for a day of fun. Maybe BB and I could spend a long weekend in London? I was overjoyed. I wanted to hug Lady Julia. She helped me up from the floor and I hugged her until my eyes started to tear.

“Pick what you like sweet girl.” She said. “We’ll look at your selections later. I’m sure you will pick nice items Scarlet. I’ll have your measurements taken tomorrow, and we can add those to the items in your cart. Now go along you two, have fun, but don’t stay up too late. Tomorrow will be a busy day for Scarlet.”

BB and I played with the shopping remote until past midnight. I had not gotten past the clothing and shoes when I put it down. I decided to take my time and be more selective with the big ticket items such as
my car
and my trips. I’d make those selections after BB had gone home. We turned out the lights and kissed good night. We were facing each other and I began stroking her hair. She snuggled closer and I could feel her body heat under the covers, her warm breath on my shoulder. We shed the flimsy nightgowns. Her nipples grazed mine when she shifted in the bed. I placed my free hand on the small of her back. I began to stroke her soft skin.

I whispered in the darkness. “Are you happy?”

“Right now? Am I happy right now?”

I laughed. “No silly, I mean in general. Are you happy being with Lady Bradstreet. Are you happy being her slave?”

She giggled. “Being her slave? I guess I don’t have many choices in that department.” She giggled. A slave’s a slave. You’ll soon find that out Scarlet.”

“You mean it’s permanent?” I stopped petting her, waiting for the answer.

“It wasn’t at first. I signed a one year Agreement. Then I signed an extension. Life was pretty good for me at the Manor, then a year ago - I signed for life.”

“Are you saying you’re her slave forever?”


“You don’t have to be her slave, you could run away.”

“No I can’t Scarlet. She’d find me. The society would bring me back and I’d be punished for a year, I’d be locked away from her for a year.”

BB continue talking. It sounded like she was saying things she had never said before or feelings that she had never shared with anyone.

“What would I do? I don’t have the education that you have Scarlet. I’d just get a service job, and then I’d slave away for someone else and for a pittance pay too. I wouldn’t be living in a castle and be treated like a princess. Well, you know, often like a princess.” She giggled

“But you would be free! You would have
for heaven’s sake BB, you wouldn’t have to be humiliated in public like you were tonight.”

“Scarlet I don’t think you can understand, at least not yet.” She became more pensive. “Lady Bradstreet needs me Scarlet, and I need her. And one more thing.”

She pulled me close to whisper her secret. “I like being a slave to Lady Bradstreet, and I love the humiliation we had tonight. It turned me on. And I wouldn’t have met you, and we wouldn’t be laying here together.” She kissed me on the mouth. “And Scarlet, I never told anyone this before now. I’m in love with Lady Bradstreet. I don’t want to be separated from her – ever.”

I kissed BB good night. I waited for sleep thinking of what she had said. I was on dangerous ground, I knew that, but it was thrilling too. I wanted to see what would happen next. I was happy to have made a friend, but I wished that it was My Lady Julia lying next to me. I fell asleep thinking of running my fingers through My Lady’s soft blond hair and feeling her long and lean body snuggled next to mine.

Chapter 16:
A Day at the Spa

I was awaken with a start. The bed clothes were thrown back and BB and I lay naked. Mistress Julia and Mistress Peg were standing over us. They were dressed alike in Ink black leggings made of a stretch leather lambskin. The pants were skintight. Their tops were similar and also black, definitely high-end leather and cinched at the waist with broad red belts. They were wearing red heels. If the outfits were meant to intimidate? Then the designer had accomplished his goal. I rolled up in a ball and lay shaking.

“Get up on your knees, both of you!” Lady Bradstreet shouted.

I jumped into position on my knees. BB was kneeling next to me. She was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

“Bend over. Both of you. Put your forehead’s on the mattress.”

We complied with her orders. I was dizzy with sleep and I was trying to sort out what was happening to me. Then I remembered. Today I was to be collard.

“Let me do the inspection Julie. I know BB, and I’ll know if she was playing with Scarlet last night, or if she disobeyed our “no orgasm” rule.

I turned my head to watch Lady Bradstreet. She had BB spread her legs and she squeezed the young woman’s pussy in her fingers. BB arched her back and moaned. It was a moan of pleasure.

“No Julie. This one’s not had an orgasm. If she had, her pussy would still be sticky. She’s soft and fresh. I’ll say this my friend.” She was stroking BB’s lips. “If we didn’t have such a busy schedule today, I’d eat her for breakfast.” She laughed, but she wasn’t joking. There was lust in her voice.

Lady Julia spoke. It was almost a whisper. “Before we feed the slaves Peg, I have one thing that remains unfinished. I have some training for my Scarlet. She’s overdue on one important lesson.”

She grabbed me by the hair as she spoke and pushed my head into my pillow. “Remember Scarlet, during your initial acceptance of your slave status, I asked you to raise your skirt. Do you remember?”

“Yes, My Lady I mumbled. My scalp was suffering from the strain and tension she had on my hair, “I remember.”

“And what did you do at that command?”

“I hesitated?” I whimpered.

, her hand fell swiftly on my bottom. “Awwwoo.” I screamed into the pillow.

“Never hesitate Scarlet.” That was all she said.

We were told to kneel on the edge of the bed. Our wrists were tied behind our backs.

My Lady spoke into the air. “Cook, send their food as instructed.”

Lady Bradstreet and Lady Julia had seated themselves on a nearby couch in my large bed chamber. The two were chatting the time of day. The scarcely stopped talking to answer the knock at my door.

Two naked slave boys from the kitchen stepped into my not so private bedroom. They looked to both be in their late teens. They were pretty boys, long legged and supple. Each of them wore iron collars around their necks. The collars bore the mark of the Manor. They bowed toward Lady Julia. She motioned for them to continue.

The two naked slave boys rolled in a breakfast cart. It was draped in white linen and topped with two covered silver trays. They uncovered the trays to expose one glass of orange juice, one for each of us, a bowl of yogurt apiece, and some cereal.

BB was to have one boy feed her, and I was to be fed by the other. Mine gave me a gentle smile and he touched my bottom lip. I opened my mouth, and for the next half hour we were spoon fed by the two slaves in silence.

I playfully batted my eyes at my boy. I slowly wiggled my breasts. I watched as his small cock became erect as he fed me. Soon it was flush, thick and throbbing, and bouncing uncontrollably. I leaned over with my mouth wide open. He glanced at Lady Julia, and after some consideration of the consequences, he thought better of allowing me to suck on him. My slave boy backed away. He looked to be in immense pain. I was pleased that I had such an erotic effect on him. I also wished that he’d replace the spoon with his stiff little member.

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