The Training of Scarlet Worthy (18 page)

BOOK: The Training of Scarlet Worthy
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The suite smelled of fresh flowers, just as My Lady’s. I knew that they were handpicked from the gardens. I thought how thoughtful of My Lady to think of me, to remember the smallest detail of my wellbeing. I was beginning to understand the nature of the Mistress to take good care of her property.

No other detail of opulence was overlooked. There was a living room, dining room and a study, a full kitchen and three bedrooms including a master. The suite also included a home theater room with five full rows of genuine theater seats facing a ten by ten foot screen. It was slopped from back to front.

“I can entertain guests My Lady?”

“Of course dear. I expect the pleasure of your company will be in great demand after tomorrow.” She laughed. “No slave of mine will live in shabby housing.’

She squeezed my hand. “Honestly Scarlet dear, you will have ample free time. I really think the biggest problem you will face is juggling your service to me with managing the Estate and then choosing who and how you will accommodate all of your new friends and suitors.”

“My I speak My Lady?”

She nodded approval.

“I’m really happy that I am to continue to manage the Estate. I enjoy the work. I like keeping things in order. I like understanding all of the moving parts that underlie the success of the Manor. I like…..”

“You like the power, don’t you Scarlet?”

I hung my head and nodded to affirm her question.

“That’s okay Scarlet. You need to have power to run the Estate. Most importantly you need to know how to wield your power. It has to come naturally. You can’t fake it. You have to like it.”

She lifted my face with her finger. “Don’t be ashamed dear. You have used your power wisely. I have been watching you. You may not have heard from me for a while. Take that as a good sign. You’re doing a good job Scarlet, and you’ll get better as time goes by. Remember this, power is tricky, but you’ve handled it well. Keep it up and don’t forget this principle. Earn peoples respect first, and the power will come naturally to you, and to those who you manage, and never use your power to be mean. That would be petty and not ladylike.” She smiled at that.

“However Scarlet,
you ever have to use your power, use it swiftly and make it hurt your enemy - be swift, and be merciless.”

“I read my file Mistress. I read that my salary is $850,000. Is that possible?”

quite a little package Scarlet.” She shook her head and laughed at my bold question.

“Tomorrow you will be presented with several credit cards. The cards will be in your new name. They will be in a large envelope that will include the cards as well as your new birth certificate, driver’s license and other records. You now have dual citizenship in the US and in the UK. My connections are making that happen as we speak.

Place all of your old documents in that same folder and they will be destroyed. They have no value anyway. Sibyl Smith is no more.

“Don’t be concerned about the salary. I’ll take care of that. The credit cards have an unlimited balance. Use them as you wish, just use them wisely as I know you will. There will be cards with all the major stores as well as American Express, Visa and others. If you need cash for some reason take it out of the drawer in your office. Just make a note so that you balance correctly. Does that answer your question my mercurial little slave?” She playfully patted my head.

“Yes, thank you My Lady. You are too good to me.”

“Let me be the judge of that.” She said.

We finished the tour of my suite. My kitchen was completely stocked and Lady Julia suggested that I make myself something to eat while she entertained the Judge, and that later on she would catch up with me when Lady Bradstreet and the mysterious BB arrived. But before she left she had one last instruction for me to follow. She led me to my sitting room adjacent to my bath, and once there she withdrew two items from her robe pocket. One was a 3X5 index card, the other was an item concealed in a velvet pouch.

She handed the card to me and told me to read out loud the words that were written on it. I took the card, and although somewhat puzzled, I was nonetheless obedient to my Mistress’s commands. I read what she had written on the card.

My name is Scarlet Worthy. i am the personal slave to Lady Julia Sweeten-Roseau. i am her property. My body belongs to her. My single purpose is to service her in any way."

I looked at her and then back at the card. I was somewhat embarrassed to hear myself, in my own voice admit to being her “personal slave” and the other commitments, but I also wondered why she had me do this.

I thought.
Why this reading? I have accepted my submissive status. I’m at the point of no return. Why this?

“This evening you will repeat this vow - repeat it out loud as often as I require it. I want you to recite this oath until the message can be delivered at any time, and until the sound of your voice confirms in my ear that you completely understand each and every word, and that you are bound to this vow as your single and sole mission from this point forward. Do you understand Scarlet?”

“I think so My Lady, except you won’t be here tonight to ask for my recitation?”

“You forget my intercom system Scarlet, and I will be here, in a way, to instruct your recitation of your vow. I have something that will prompt your immediate recitation, and I will be able to listen on my little earbob. She pushed her hair to the side to expose a small listening device discretely place behind her ear. I can listen privately as I dine with the Judge. I’ll enjoy my dinner ever so much knowing that you are learning my slave’s credo.”

She picked up the velvet bag and removed its contents. Inside was a silver item shaped like a miniature pear on one end that tapered down to a short tube the size of my thumb. At the bottom it terminated to a flange-like handle. I cocked my head, puzzled as to what it was.

“Come over here, bend over and place you elbows on this table.”

I cocked my head again puzzled as to what it was, but I complied and positioned myself on the table as she instructed. She then pulled a chair to sit opposite me. She spoke like she was my teacher. “This is a remote control butt plug. I’m going to insert it in that sweet bottom of yours, and when I activate the plug remotely you will experience a vibration that will be unmistakable.”

My cheeks flashed crimson. I was to be her remote controlled toy, a silly doll wired for her amusement. I was mortified, yet I knew that I would comply without question with her instructions. I bent over the table resting my arms at the elbows, my palms face down. Her face was inches from mine.

Lady Julia rolled the egg shaped device between her palms. “I can do anything to you that I wish.” She said with a devious smile. “See, I like to play Scarlet, and I’m going to play with you. I have this evil streak. It excites me to watch my slaves squirm, and you will squirm. Open your mouth.”

My mouth, why my mouth….

In a single motion she pulled my jaw open and jammed the silver egg into my mouth. I was stretched to my limit to hold it.

“You should see yourself. Hold on.” She snickered and swung around to hold a makeup mirror in front of me.

My face was contorted, my eyes were wide open from the shock and surprise of the intrusion. I looked like a panicked animal.
It’s too big.
I thought.
It won’t fit inside me….
I began to shake my head from side to side.

“I know what you’re thinking.” She said in a sing song playful voice. Her light- heartedness was making my shame worse. “I will
this fit. Oh yes, it may be a stretch getting it in, but once inside you won’t find it a bit uncomfortable. And when I turn it on? You’ll like it when I turn it on Scarlet. Here I’ll demonstrate.”

She retrieved the palm size remote from her robe pocket and turned it on. At first I was barely able to feel any vibration. I watched her slide the bar on the remote and the vibration increased in intensity. Soon my head was shaking and my vision was blurred.

She withdrew the evil device from my mouth and laughed. “You should have seen your head shake. Now that your mouth is free, what do you have to say?”

I was puzzled.
Did she wish me to thank her?

She slide my index card under my nose and I read the words.

My name is Scarlet Worthy. i am the personal slave to Lady Julia Sweeten-Roseau. i am her property. My body belongs to her. My single purpose is to service her in any way."

“Not much enthusiasm there Scarlet. Sorry, that recitation was bland. It lacks passion and genuine commitment. That’s why we’ll need to practice.”

She stood up and stepped behind me. “Place your forehead on the table and reach back and spread your ass cheeks.”

I did the horrible act. My humiliation was complete. Gone was the playfulness of two woman. I was a slave. I had no rights and my body was her toy. She lifted my robe until it was over my head. I was bent over, naked from the waist down, my bottom was obscenely arched, and presented it to her for her frivolity.

“Don’t fight it Scarlet, relax. You’ll do better if you just take it. I’ll have you plugged in a few minutes.”

I heard her working behind me. I heard the sound of her slipping on what must have been latex gloves. My knees were shaking as I continued to hold my cheeks open to her.

She began to hum. She was having fun and apparently she was in no rush to end my torment. “I’ll lubricate you a bit sweetie. Hold still.”

I felt the cold tip of her finger on my anus. She worked it open and lubed me to her satisfaction. Suddenly I felt the knob of the silver egg at my nether opening. She pushed. I squinted my eyes shut.
It won’t fit…

I let out a dreadful scream. The pain was blinding, my knees collapsed and I would have hit the floor if it were not for the table. In one motion she inserted the knob. I could have sworn I heard it pop into me.

“There, all done, now stand up you sissy. I know that the pain is over.”

She was right. After the initial blinding flash, there was no pain just a fullness back there. I stood and wiped a tear from my eye.

She turned on the remote and I felt the vibration, it was pleasant. I suddenly remembered the purpose of my violation.

"My name is Scarlet Worthy. i am the personal slave to Lady Julia Sweeten-Roseau. i am her property. My body belongs to her. My single purpose is to service her in any way."

“Not bad, she giggled. “A little slow to respond, but you’ll get the hang of it. I’ve made sure of that. See Scarlet. If I think you are ignoring my remote command, this device has a second feature.” She pushed a second button on the remote and there was a shock in my ass that made me gasp in horror.

“I’m just full of surprises girl, and I can fire a round of five shocks or more a second. So be prompt with my vibration signal, and don’t stumble over the words. Each word has meaning to me. By the end of this night you won’t need the index card to remember.” She tapped my head to indicate my memory.

She peeled off the gloves and kissed me on my forehead. My palms were sweating, but I was okay. I’d regained my balance.

“I’m off to get dressed for the Judge. Make yourself comfortable in your new home and get something to eat. It’s been a long day for you. I’ll see you in a couple of hours. And Scarlet, memorize your lines or this could be a painful performance for you.” She laughed and disappeared out of my sitting room and into her own suite.

I stood alone. The plug was just that - I felt plugged. I reached behind and felt the narrow flange. The flange was about two inches long and shaped like the curve of my bottom slit. It held the plug in place and was also the handle for removal. I shuddered.
Will that will be as painful as the insertion.
I pulled on the flange. The plug didn’t move. It wasn’t uncomfortable, and I felt silly because the fullness in my bottom was somehow pleasant. I walked about and soon I began to forget that the plug was inside me.

My Lady was right. I was hungry. I wandered into the kitchen to see what I could find to satisfy my taste buds. I was bending over in the refrigerator and my plug began to vibrate. I raced back to the sitting room to find the index card. By the time I reached it my plug was on full vibrate and I was breathing hard - I said the words. “My name is Scarlet Worthy. i am…..”

“You were a little slow Scarlet, a few seconds more and you…..well you know. Be prompt or be sorry.” Her voice came over the intercom. She sounded light hearted. “Try the bottom shelf of the fridge. I believe cook has made you a nice fruit salad.” There was a click and she was gone.

Oh my god, she can hear, speak, and watch me. I’ll have no privacy whatsoever. I’m like a pet in her private zoo.

I was determine to find the locations of the cameras in my suite. There must be someplace where I can’t be watched. I’ll have to be careful while I search. She’ll be watching me and if I’m caught snooping I’ll be punished.

My curious mind got the better of me, and I started my plan to sweep for the surveillance devices. If I don’t find them at first, I’ll try and see where her voice comes from the next time she speaks. Then I’ll chart them in the suite. I found a pad of paper and began to draw a sketch of my suite. She was right. The fruit salad was where she said it was and it was delicious. I ate while I sketched. It was fun. I walked over to the intercom and selected some music. I carried my plate into my living room and reclined comfortably in a lounge chair. I opened my robe and it felt good to be naked. I took a deep breath. I was at peace in my new home.

I finished the salad and took the plate into my kitchen and placed it in the sink. I’ll have few hours until she returns, I should check my closet in the bed room to see if I have clothes to wear, I’ll work on the sketch later.

I shed the robe and I marveled at my boldness. I had never walked around fully naked before. My Midwest modesty had vanished. I felt liberated and free in my new home. I opened the closet door. Nothing was in it but empty hangers.

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