The Training of Scarlet Worthy (26 page)

BOOK: The Training of Scarlet Worthy
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“My dear Miss,” He spoke barely above a whisper, but loud enough for all to hear. “All of us assembled here, bestow a most sincere welcome to you, the new slave Princess of Brighten Manor Estate - the honorable Miss Scarlet Worthy. Miss Scarlet, we are privileged to serve you.”

The entire slave community followed Madison’s gesture of a kiss upon my hand. It was sweet and I did indeed feel like their Princess. Madison, Heidi and a few others wore collars of silver. I alone was locked in gold.

He appeared without warning and I was startled. I turned to face my friend Carlton. He too was naked and wore the silver collar. I was unaware that My Lady had taken him in slavery. He was just as an impressive specimen of a man in the nude as he was when I last saw him dressed in a tuxedo. My shock of seeing him turned to curiosity and my curiosity turned to awe. His cock was as enormous, just as Lady Bradstreet had hinted, except that it was trapped in some device.

My Lady came to my side to help enlighten me on my poor friend’s condition. She signaled Carlton to join us. “There is an unlikely need for introductions, I know that you two have met. My kitchen source confides in me,” she chucked at the obvious reference to Cook. “She tells me you have made a habit of meeting in the garden gazebo. That’s good news. I encourage friendships and good will among my people. It’s very healthy.”

She continued in a conspiratorial whisper. “You two are clearly my pet projects, and my most valuable properties. You may take that as a compliment. I’m proud of both of you.”

She kissed Carton and me, and then continued. “There will be more details to follow, some “fill in the blanks specifics,” but likely in a location more suited to business and planning than this little party. Scarlet, Carlton here has been fast tracked since he arrived at Brighten. He will be leaving in the morning for a position in London. It’s a small company of mine, but it’s key to a network of firms I have in the UK. I have one more piece of business to conduct tonight and then I’m off to bed. Why don’t you spend some time catching up with Carlton and the others darling? I’m sure he’ll explain his awkward but necessary condition.”

She patted his caged cock. “I’ll say this.” She smiled and hugged us. “For the time being, nobody will fuck my Scarlet, and my Carlton will fuck nobody – period. It’s that simple.”

There was a commotion at the far end of the room. She smiled again, and squeezed us both on our ass cheeks, and left us to huddle with Madison.

We could see a tall rectangle item being rolled into the lounge on a dolly. A slave in coveralls was maneuvering towards a back door of the lounge, the sign above the door announced that it led to the loading dock.

Lady Julia whispered something in Madison’s ear. Madison had the man in coveralls stop.

“In the future, an announcement like this one will be made by Miss Scarlet,” Madison said. “Since the subject of what I have to say affect’s all of the Manor staff. However, since this is a night for celebration for Miss Scarlet, Lady Julia has asked me to stand in for her.” Madison paused.

“Shawn Murphy will no longer be with us. The details of his discharge are not of your concern. Miss Scarlet will be selecting a replacement for the stable manager position soon. When she has done so you will be informed. Coincidence has intersected with our reception tonight, so My Lady thought it instructive for you all to see what happens when one continues to fail in one’s duties. Remove the tarp.”

The man in coveralls yanked on the white linin tarp and there was an audible gasp in the room. Beneath the tarp stood a six foot tall by twenty-four inch in diameter tubular steel cage. Inside the cage was the restrained figure of Shawn Murphy. He was gagged and his eyes were wide in fear. His collar was attached by four short chains to the steel wires of the tube cage. Shawn’s wrists ankles and waist were likewise anchored to the walls of the steel tube. He was immobilized, and the cage was so tight against his body it appeared as if it was built around him. I could see no door or exit in the frightening steel casket. Murphy’s body was marked were he had been repeatedly flogged.

Madison continued as if he were reciting a business agenda. “Murphy will be transported to Wickersham Manor in the morning. I will make the delivery myself. He is to be a surprise gift to Lady Bradstreet who takes a keen interest in behavior modification by means of corporal administrations.”

Murphy wiggled madly in his restraints and from deep within a muffled scream was barely audible behind the rubber ball gag.

Madison collected the tarp and the two men draped the surprise package, secured the tarp with a roll of wide red ribbon and toped it with an immense bow baring the Manor Crest. The package was then wheeled to the loading dock to await its transportation at dawn.

Carlton and I stared blankly at each other, both of us dumfounded and speechless. Had we actually witnessed that bizarre scene?

I reached for Carlton and we embraced. We held on to each other. We needed support, or some sense of reality check from each other. It was becoming more and more difficult to separate reality from the mythical theater that opened with each new episode of Brighten Manor. But there was something more in the embrace. I pulled back to look into Carlton’s eyes. I couldn’t explain it, but I could see that he felt the same chemistry. I pulled him close. The relationship that my garden friend and I shared was blossoming into something more special.

Carlton took my hand and we found a sofa away from the rest of the guests. “We don’t have much time Scarlet. Lady Julia is correct. I leave for London in the morning. I must see you again. I must hear from you. We need to plan.”

“Write to me when you get settled in London. Tell me everything about your new position, your accommodations and what it’s like to live free in London. But now, tonight, please tell me how you feel about us.”

“I have had strong feelings for you dear Scarlet for some time. I wasn’t sure if you felt the same for me. What a joy it is to find it to be so. London is not so far, an hour and a half by train from Bath Spa station, and I’m sure Lady Julia will recall me to Brighten for briefings. I’ll advise you of my schedule in my letters. I’ll write to you every day Scarlet and I’ll await your letters as if they were gifts from you - my goddess Scarlet.”

We kissed and held on to each other in an attempt to make the exquisite feeling become an eternal memory. My feelings for Carlton became more increasingly urgent. His breathing had quickened as we embraced and I could feel his heart beat against my nakedness. My cheek rested against his muscled chest, he was stroking my hair. His penis was below my gaze.

“Does it hurt?” I asked.

He whispered. “No. It was specially made to fit me. It’s secure, but it doesn’t hurt. Yes, perhaps painful, to be locked away from any pleasure. My pain is the sentence that I serve, caused by repeated sexual denial.” Carlton laughed sarcastically.

“Scarlet, I can see by your collar that she has found her way to keep you as her own.” He tugged at his own. “I have met the same fate, as you can see by my collar. But, My Lady insisted further that I endure chastity if I am to enjoy the rewards of the London post. It was not until I was bound and sent to the silversmith that I knew what she meant by
enforced chastity

“How does it work?” My runaway curiosity was not to be ignored.

Carlton held the strap that circled his waist. “The stainless steel belt fits me perfectly. It has no opening and it cannot be removed. A loop of steel encircles my testicles and the loop is connected to the belt at the rear. My cock is imprisoned in a series of steel rings that can expand if I become erect however the top ring is connected to the belt and ensures that my pens always lays flat against my belly. The rings insure that I have no physical contact at all. I have not been touched since arriving at the Manor, and I cannot achieve orgasm. That my Dear Scarlet is the price I have paid to collect my executive position in London.”

Carlton lifted my chin to look at me. “But being with you tonight dearest Scarlet, and feeling as I do for you, I will wear this restraint not as punishment, but as an honor to you, that what sexuality I have is kept exclusively for your pleasure upon my release – if you will have this happy soul.”

I kissed him with all the passion within me. Never had I received such a gift as this beautiful man had bestowed to me. I slipped my hand around the bands of his cock rings. His member had filled the full length of the foot long rings and even though I knew that Carlton could not feel my touch, I pulled the metal assembly toward me with all my strength. I held it up, Carlton winced, and he sat more straight, he felt the tension on his balls from the discomfort of my grasp.

I whispered in his ear. “Mine.”

Chapter 19:
Cook Gets Her Due

The following morning it was overcast. It was a Monday and a steady drizzle soaked the Cotswold countryside. I rose early, compelled to return to my office. I dressed in a straight skirt, black heels and a starched white cotton blouse. The blouse included the Manor’s standard high Edwardian collar. I carried my blue blazer over my arm.

I was now clear to me why the high Edwardian collars were part of the Manor staff wardrobe. My own delicate collar covered the bizarre gold neck piece that had been locked on me the night before.

It was still dark as I hurried to be at my desk.
Scarlet Worthy would not be the one to overlook some management aspect of the Estate, or allow an accounting issue to remain unresolved. Not on my watch,
I thought.

I hung my blazer in a closet in my office. I noticed a door on the far wall, one that I found in the past to be always locked, but it was ajar. Light drifted through the crack. I peeked inside. Madison was standing by a desk much like my own.

“Good morning Madison. You’re up early. What’s the urgency?”

“I’m sorry Miss Scarlet. Hereafter, I will file my weekly planner with you. It is my habit on Monday’s to organize My Lady’s desk-top so that her week begins well. It was one of my fist duties and I’m afraid the training stuck.” He smiled.

“Not a problem, please continue.” I smiled back at the man who had stood naked by my side only hours ago.

“I was not aware that Lady Julia had an office here. When I first arrived she met with me in that small one by the front door. This is so much larger.” I said.

“She uses that as a reception. This is the one she uses for work. Now that you have assumed the reigns of the Estate from your predecessor, she’ll not likely spend much time here, not as she did before you arrived. I’m happy that My Lady has time to enjoy the Manor. She loves it so.”

“Your very fond of Lady Julia, aren’t you Madison?”

He looked up. He had been lighting the fire in My Lady’s fireplace. He paused. He was thinking about my question.

“Yes, I’m very fond of her Miss Scarlet.” He became serious. He turned to gaze out the window at the rain. “I love Lady Julia, and I have loved her for a long time.”

Madison turned to face me. “Now about today Miss. How can I assist the new Manor Executive today?” He smiled again as he wiped his hands on his handkerchief. “I suppose I should show you where the umbrellas are stored, it’s a bit nasty out.” We both laughed at the obvious.

“You could light a fire like that in my fireplace. That would be nice on such a dreary Monday.”

“I’ll see to it straightaway Miss Scarlet.” He smiled and followed me into my office.

I was becoming quite fond of Madison. I motioned for him to come to me. I placed my palm on his cheek. “You’re a good man Madison, and a good friend. You have my full trust. Thank you. Go about your duties.”

I patted him and smiled. “Later on Madison, after I’ve had my breakfast, I have a mission for you. I need you to bring Cook to me, and I’ll need her restrained.” I paused to assure myself that he had heard me. He looked up as he built my fire.

“You understand, I mean restrained at the neck and wrists by a stainless spreader bar. Bring her at ten. I’ll be waiting here in my office.” I smiled at the older man, turned on my heel and positioned myself confidently at my desk to begin my day. I turned on my computer. I was pleased. Monday was off to a splendid start and it was not yet dawn.

I called Gabrielle and had him bring my breakfast. I chose something light with a large pot of coffee. Gabrielle delivered within a half hour. He was neatly dressed in black slacks, a white shirt complete with a neat bow tie. He wore a service waistcoat. I motioned for him to place the tray on my desk, and I dismissed him with a wave and a teasing smile.

I worked through some paperwork and made some phone calls. I called the Bath Chronicle and placed and advertisement for applicants to fill a unique open position as stable manager.

I placed a call to Madison. It was nine and I was working fast. “I have much to do Madison. I am going to need some staff support. After my ten o’clock with Cook, have the young boy Gabrielle assigned to my staff as my personal assistant, and the twins, Autumn and Summer, in housekeeping, have them assigned to him. The two girls can keep my suite in order under Gabrielle’s direction, and the three off them can do the planning when I have guests to entertain.”

I moved further down on my list. “Madison, I’ve started a search for Murphy’s replacement. Let me know if you think there is a member in our stable crew who is worthy of consideration. That’s it for now. I’ll see you at ten. Oh, and Madison, one more thing. Email me the contact information for the man I spoke to last night at the reception. His number is in my files I’m sure. He sold us a tractor and some other supplies. I’d like his name, his title and the name of his Estate, and I’d like it now, before ten.” I hung up, and fixed myself a final cup of coffee for the morning.

Precisely at ten am there was a knock on my office door. I spoke over the intercom. “Show her in and I’ll take it from there.”

My door opened and Cook came stumbling through my office door. The door closed behind her. The little French woman was cursing alternately between French and English. She was naked and as I had instructed, she wore the same restrains as I had in the Reflection Theater – steel collar and spreader pole cuffing her wrists at shoulder height.

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