The Training of Scarlet Worthy (25 page)

BOOK: The Training of Scarlet Worthy
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The voice began again. “Do you present yourself before us for a collaring?”

“I am so prepared.”

“Then I will relinquish the remainder of the ceremonial event to your owner, and our host. Lay Julia-Sweeten Roseau.”

My Lady appeared in the audience and slowly walked to the stage. She climbed the small stirs and walked into the spotlight that we now shared.

“Kneel.” She said.

I knelt upon the golden pillow and sat back upon my ankles. I placed my hands behind my back, arched my neck and pressed my breasts forward. I remained as still as a statue.

The contract was presented for my signature.

A woman wearing a white robe appeared from the shadows. She carried a wooden jewelry box. She stopped and held it outstretched before My Lady. Lady Julia opened the box and withdrew my gold collar. She stepped behind me.

“Kneel up Scarlet,” she said.

I raised from my sitting position. I was to later lean it to be an “Eternity Collar”, made of titanium for strength and coated with layers of 10 karat gold for beauty. It was a simple design, one inch tall and the tongue-in groove enclosure made the locking permanent.

Lady Julia pulled my head back and she kissed me. She then placed the collar around my neck and I heard the lock snap into place. The sound echoed off of the glass mirrored walls of the Reflection Theater.

She snapped a short gold leash to my collar and I was led off to a second round of applause.

Lady Julia took me into a sitting room adjacent to the hall. She closed the door behind us. We were alone. She faced me and placed her hands on my arms with a gentle grip. She squeezed and smiled.

“I’m very proud of you Scarlet.”

My Lady kissed me passionately. We embraced and our passion for each other was unleashed. Our tongues danced with each other. I held her in my arms, my eyes were closed. I was deliciously happy, and I whispered soulfully.

“I love you My Lady.”

“I love you too Scarlet.”

“My Lady?”

“Yes Scarlet?”

“Everything I said tonight, I mean when I was presented for you to collar me?”

“Yes dear, what is it?”

I looked up into the deep blue eyes. “I meant everything I said tonight My Lady. You were right. I am yours. I understand that now, and I’m proud to announce that admission to anyone - proud that I am your property.” I smiled and kissed her cheek. “I live to serve you Dearest Lady Julia. Thank you for making me into Scarlet. She is me. I embrace her, and she is yours.”

Chapter 18:
The Skillful Use of Power

There was an urgent knock on the sitting room door.

“Who is it?” Lady Julia snapped.

“It’s Peg, and you have an anxious admirer.”

My Lady left me and made the few steps to answer the door. She opened to find Lady Bradstreet who now had BB collared and standing by her side. BB was still encased in latex, a leash fell from her collar and into her Mistress’s hand. Next to the two a slightly tipsy Judge Lyle Benchley.

“I’m sorry Julie, but he was most persistent.” She placed her free arm around the new Society member. “Seems he’s poked and prodded most of the available slaves, and now he’s been pestering me to meet Scarlet - any chance?”

My Lady turned to me and then to the guests in the door way. “Do come in, there’s always a chance Judge. It just depends.”

The judge was dressed in his Society robes. He was naked underneath and the robe was open. His manhood hung free. He was young for the high bench, but his family connections were significant enough to merit the appointment. He wielded great power and influence. A smallish man, he was otherwise handsome and all the rage as a catch in London with the society Ladies. He had a reputation for ruthlessness so he was feared by many.

One look at me and I could tell that he was smitten with me. His eyes fell upon my cupped breasts, his eyes frozen in admiration of my body.

He stepped toward me, and as he did he spoke. “I need to touch the centerpiece of the evening, come here Scarlet you are……”

I stepped back and My Lady stepped forward. “Now Judge. You know the rules. No touching without permission.”

He stood tall in his tracks and grinned. “Okay then, how’s this? Scarlet may I worship my affections and congratulations upon you?” He bowed at the waist for emphasis.

My Lady and I exchanged glances. She nodded to me to reply.

“i am not free to allow you to do so dear Judge, i belong to Lady Julia, and it falls on her to decide. i am her property. My body belongs to her.”

There was a stirring between Judge Lyle’s legs. Lady Bradstreet smiled, tugged on BB’s leash, and the two discreetly back out of the sitting room. The three of us were alone.

Lady Julia moved and stood by the judge. She was inches taller than he. Her fluid evening dress, did little to hide her charms. She turned his head toward her, bent down and kissed him on him cheek.

“You’ve been enjoying your first slave reception Lyle?”

She stepped in front of Judge Lyle Benchley, but in no way that his eyes could be shielded from me. I stood tall, my ankles together and my eyes down in submission. My Lady was working, and I was not to interrupt her.

She took his hands in hers and brought them to her lips. She kissed both hands, her eyes were locked as steel on his. She inhaled.

“I see you have been busy with the inspection of some slave girl pussy Lyle, I can smell the pleasure of many of them on your fingers. Are you having a hard time choosing?”

“Yes Lady Julia. There are many and they are all quite special.”

“But you came here to touch Scarlet. Did you want to compare them against the primary gem, the Princess slave of Brighten? My dear Judge, you are privileged to look upon my slave as she stands naked before you. Many men will pay dearly for this honor and you pay nothing. What do you say to that my friend.”

She waited for his answer. He struggled to say the words. She waited. Her eyes locked down on his. He looked away. She knew she had him.

“Thank you.” He whispered.

Lady Julia lifted his chin with a finger and kissed his nose. She smiled. “You’re welcome your honor.” She opened his robe. It was a bold move. She moved her lips inches from his own.

“May I hold your gavel Sir? It looks to be a powerful instrument, and I would be honored to stroke this mighty hammer.”

The Judge smiled at the mention of his stiffening cock. He nodded for her to proceed. Lady Julia cupped his cock in her palm. She held it with reverence. Her hand closed on him. She held him tight. The head became red and angry. His breathing quickened.

“Come over her Scarlet.” She said. Her voice was smooth and sexy.

I stood by her side and waited her instructions.

“Do you want to run your hands over Scarlet’s sweet tight bottom?”

He nodded. She released her grip momentarily and then squeezed him again.

“Permission granted.”

Judge Lyle, tentatively placed his palms on my hips. He moved them ever so slowly, dragging them over my skin. He cupped my bottom. He seemed to wince as if in some exquisite pain. His eyes were closed. Judge Benchley was in a sexual dreamland.

“I suppose now Lyle that you would like to kiss Scarlet’s nipples?”

The Judge snapped to the attention. He coughed. His mouth was inches from my strawberry stained nipples that lay before him and served like appetizers in individual cups.

“May I?” He whimpered.

My Lady began a gentle stroking of his rock hard member. She spoke to him as if she were singing, her voice mellow and dipping in lust.

“Remember at dinner Judge, we spoke of favors, some favors that your office could do to help me. You were reluctant to grant them Judge, and now it seems you need favors of me. What should I do?”

Judge Lyle’s hips were rocking. “You can have the one favor Julia, but not all of the favors that you asked for. Hell if I agreed to that, you would have me grant you title to all of the power of my bench.”

“But Judge, you won’t even feel my use of the power. You’ll be way up there in London and little me, I’m down here, and I won’t abuse your office.” My Lady nibbled on the Judges ear and let out a childish giggle.

“Let me guess? I’ll bet you that you would like to feel Scarlet’s pussy on your lips. Don’t you want to be the first man to kiss the ruby lips of Scarlet Worthy?”

It was over. He was close to crying out from the agony of tease and denial.

“Yes,” The Judge wailed. “You can have the favors, have them all.” He was defeated.

His lips were on my nipples. He suck, he licked, and he made sounds of pleasure that were unworldly. My Lady continued to stoke him.

“Then let it be said that Judge Benchley trades his power to Lady Julia on this night. The gavel is struck.”

The judge fell to his knees. His milk erupted from his cock as he kissed my crest and then my pussy lips.

“That’s enough Lyle.” My Lady spoke abruptly. “On your feet dear boy the party’s over in here.” She lifted him by the neck of his robe.

“I suggest you hurry and select the slaves for your London mansion before they are all gone. Come along dear fellow, and Judge…..” She patted his head and smiled. “Please don’t forget to collect your video memento from Madison on the way out. With that trophy you and I will have sweet evidence of our fun tonight. Just in case our memory gets cloudy sometime in the future about favors.”

My Lady ushered the Judge out of the sitting room, and once more we were alone.

“Come Scarlet.” My Lady kissed my forehead while she reattached my leash. “I want to introduce you to some of my closer friends. I’ve arrange for a little reception in my suite. You’ll find they are much more likeable than our Judge. I’m afraid Judge Lyle is quite transparent, but the pathetic soul is nonetheless necessary to insure the protection of Brighten Manor.”

I flinched. On stage I was like a performer, but paraded through a cocktail reception in my naked condition?
How can I deal with that?

The suite was abuzz with chatter when we entered. The Lords and Ladies of the Society had changed from their robes into elegant evening wear, and they were conversing in small groups. Waiters and waitresses, all of whom slaves of the Manor, circulated among the guest. The slaves wore only their collars and tiny aprons that tied in the back, the apron strings tied in dainty blue and pink bows. The aprons barely covered their private areas making the presentation more humbling than if serving the guests fully naked. The slaves were mostly ignored by the Society elite. Such was not the case for me.

My Lady introduced me to dozens of her closest friends. They greeted me warmly, offering an occasional kiss on the cheek, or a more restrained welcome followed by a formal introduction. No one touched me. My Lady never left my side, she made me feel comfortable as simply one of her belongings.

I was told over and over how beautiful I was, and how fortunate were My Lady and I to have found each other. I thanked them all as modestly as I was able, insisting that any beauty came from the work of my owner. The more My Lady spoke to her guests the more comfortable I became standing submissively by her side. I spoke only to answer a question of me or to thank someone for a kind word. I was proud of my position and I was truly happy and at peace.

The only awkward moment came when one of the male guest engaged me in a conversation regarding the affairs of Brighten Manor. My Lady nodded that I was permitted to discuss his inquiry.

His company had sold and delivered a farm tractor, and several truckloads of farm supplies to the Manor. He wanted my assurance, as the Estate Executive, that all of his deliveries and billings were in order. It was a surreal feeling to stand naked as I was, my waist cinched to inches of its normal size, my breasts cupped and presented so provocatively and to formally discuss the accounting accuracy of the Manor business with a business associate.

We completed the discussion and the cheerful gentleman said that, at my convenience, he would call on me in my office one day the following week on his way to Bath Spa.

Was it possible to sit in my office dressed in the conservative business attire of the Manor Executive and ignore the circumstances of this evening’s presentation?
My mind was spinning. I felt a pride that I was unable to reconcile. Oddly it was I, Scarlet Worthy, who held the upper hand in such a meeting with this gentleman customer.

My Lady was right. I was gaining strength. She had said that I would be reduced to the smallest of humility before I would be released as a new and strong and confident woman. Her prophecies were all coming true. I had performed as she had forecasted. On this evening, I had publically announced to all, my sincerest pride in the collar that I now wore for her.

It was approaching midnight when Lady Julia led me from her suite. I assumed that she was taking me to my own suite, and to be bedded for the night.

“We have one last stop this evening Scarlet. A few of your friends would like to meet with you.”

I was puzzled, but I simply complied. I followed meekly behind her silently tethered to the end of the leash. We descended a staircase and walked a short way beneath the main living quarters. We followed a tunnel-like hallway leading to a simple door marked Servants Lounge. My Lady opened the door and we entered. The room was occupied by about twenty naked slaves.

I gasped. My hand went to my opened mouth. I gazed about in astonishment. There stood Heidi, Cook, Lucy, my hair stylist, and several others of the slaves from the Spa. They were all smiling and rushed to greet me. Like me, they were all collard and naked. I was hugged and kissed. Each of my contemporaries welcomed me into the private club that was reserved for Brighten Manor slaves.

The small crowed separated, Madison was walking toward me, he to naked and collared. His smile showed a blushing simplicity. He stopped and offered his open arms. I stepped inside his embrace. He held me for a moment as if I were a fragile gift of china.

“Welcome to the Manor my dear Miss Scarlet. He then did something that surprised me. The group became silent. He dropped to one knee and took my hand in his - he kissed it.

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