The Training of Toby (Masters of the Mansion Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: The Training of Toby (Masters of the Mansion Book 2)
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Chapter Twenty One

Master William

Master William stood and quietly talked with Master Richard and his sub, Ophelia. Theirs was an odd relationship but, really, who was he to judge with all he had going on?

They watched as Jute worked his magic and the end result was a woman who hung from neon purple hemp in a very sexy and alluring manner. Hempster had even gone so far as to weave neon green rope through her hair and it truly was a roping masterpiece that could be a kink magazine centerfold. Judging by the professional photographer taking pictures for the roper, that is exactly where this piece of art would be immortalized. Cameras and camera phones weren’t normally allowed, but an exception had been made for the ropers with the understanding that no bystanders would be photographed.

There were too many high profile people who were part of the lifestyle and they couldn’t afford to be outed to the mainstream community. America was just too closed-minded when it came to matters of kink. Master William was always grateful for the fact that he was able to live his lifestyle 24/7. He made up his mind over a decade ago to live his life out in the open and he was one of the lucky few able to not give a fuck about society and all the hang-ups that went with it.

“Excuse me,” Master William spoke as he made his way across the room. He heard Master Richard chuckle when he saw that he headed towards Mistress Diamond and Toby. His friend and colleague knew him all too well. Master William had no intention of letting his slave and her trainee out from under his watchful eye tonight.

He could already feel his cock jump when he thought of what he had in store for them later on tonight. He made his way up to her, leaned in, and started whispering in her ear. Though he spoke in French, she knew exactly what he was saying. “You look absolutely divine, my lady. I expect for you to stay in my sight tonight. Is that understood?”

“I’m a big girl. I don’t think I need a babysitter in the form of a Master,

His fingers clamped down on her upper arm in such a forceful manner that it caused her to wince in pain. “Don’t fuck with me,
” He directed his gaze, which was more of a glare, in Toby’s direction. “I’d hate to have to discipline your slave for your disobedience.”

That seemed to not only get her attention, but worked in changing her attitude as well. “Yes, Sir, I’ll be good,” she muttered.

“Very good, it’s nice to know you see things my way,
He made certain to express the word mistress in a sarcastic manner because, in his mind, she was anything but when it came to him.

He looked up to view Agent Turner and Agent Murphy making their way over to them. What the agent said when he arrived caused a clenching in his gut that had nothing to do with sexual arousal.

“We need to talk. The three of you are in danger.”

The Killer

Being a wallflower had its advantages,
the killer thought to himself as he stood off to the side and watched the activities. He looked forward to the times he was able to make his way into The Mansion undetected. They were so strict with their monitoring of membership applications.
Who the fuck did they think they were anyway?
His money was just as good as anyone else’s. He couldn’t help but feel slighted by these self-appointed Masters and Mistresses when they passed over his application. 

They acted like unless you were some professional roper, or some high and mighty, upper echelon celebrity, they wouldn’t admit you into their tightly guarded circle. He hated cliques. He had suffered terribly in high school, never fitting in, and it seemed to have followed him into adulthood. They’d respect him one day. His would be a household name that instilled fear in all who heard it; he’d make sure of that.

He looked up to see the Senator leaning against the wall like he was God’s gift to women. Who was he kidding with that paunch gut and receding hairline? The killer wondered how the vanilla voters who put him in office would feel about what he did in his private time. He had half a mind to tape the son of a bitch but didn’t have that option since The Mansion Masters didn’t allow cell phones or cameras into events. They didn’t allow alcoholic beverages either—fucking control freaks.

It really made no difference to him, or so he told himself. He was here to stalk, to study, and to possibly find his next victim. He perked up when he noticed Master William. He discreetly watched as he made his way over to Mistress Diamond and Toby. He was pleased when he noted the agents had made their arrival.
Hail, hail, the gang’s all here.

He discreetly eased over to try and eavesdrop on their conversation, making sure to duck behind a corner unnoticed. He listened as the man he knew as Agent Turner spoke.

“We don’t want to alarm you but we believe Toby is in danger. We came across a DVD that had been slipped under the door of his apartment. It was very sinister, to say the least. A masked man threatened him and we’ve concluded anyone protecting the boy is also at risk. There has been another killing since Toby’s arrival here and the manner in which the woman was murdered was quite gruesome. She was skewered and we have reason to believe this guy has ties to the community because he is familiar with several different fetishes.”

“Any members in the medical field are suspect,” his partner interjected.

“Why?” Master William asked.

“His knowledge of human anatomy is quite extensive.”

The killer listened as the redhead spoke. It was the woman he knew as Agent Murphy, Agent Turner’s partner.

“The best thing you all can do right now is to use the buddy system. Don’t allow Toby out of your sight unless one or both of you can accompany him. There really is safety in numbers when it comes to instances like this. We don’t want to give this guy
a crime of opportunity
type setting. There is no doubt in my mind that he will use the opening if given the chance.”

“Why has he fixated on Toby?” Mistress Diamond asked.

“We don’t know that he is, per se, fixated on him in the sense of stalking. We do believe that he was initially drawn to him because of his innocence. You need to look at members who have been denied membership and/or any members who have been banished from the BDSM community. Even though Toby just happened to come here by choice, this guy had a vendetta against The Mansion, and its inhabitants, long before Toby came here. Toby is just icing on the cake. This guy has been ignored most of his life and now he’s looking to make a name for himself.”

The killer listened as Master William chuckled and spoke, “You got all that from profiling?”

“Hey, what can I say? My Mistress and I are good at our jobs.”

Hmph, we’ll see just how good you are at your job. By the time I’m finished, you’ll be the laughing stock of the law enforcement community.

That’s the way the killer saw things because, in his mind, he was the smartest man in the room.


Master William

Master William wasted no time grabbing Diamond’s arm and whisking her away to a private room. She stumbled after him with her slave in tow on a leash.

“We need to talk,” he growled in her ear as he pushed her down the hallway and into one of the many playrooms.

He locked the door before he turned his full attention to Toby and said, “Get undressed, boy. You just became mine.” The Master made sure his look was cold enough to leave no room for argument.

“What are you doing?” Mistress Diamond asked, shaking her head in confusion.

“You heard me. He falls under my ownership too. After the news we just got from those agents, your little twosome just became a threesome. Now, get out of those fucking clothes. I think Toby wants to watch me fuck you while you suck his cock.”

He directed Toby to get on the bed and sit up against the headboard. Then, they both watched as she shed her clothes, him with blatant hunger and Toby with nervous submissiveness.

“Get on all fours and start sucking the boy’s cock.” He stared into her face with seriousness and he knew that she understood why he was doing this. Master William didn’t take the boy being in danger lightly and if he was going to share ownership of him, then he was going to share the responsibility of training him.

He undressed and watched her as she took Toby’s hard cock into her mouth.

“You’re already hard, boy. You like the idea of me dominating you, don’t you?” He continued speaking when Toby hesitated, “Answer me, boy! Unless you need a flogging to help you make up your mind.”

“I don’t understand, Sir.”

“If you fall under my protection, then you fall into my bed too. Don’t you take your eyes off me while I’m fucking her and you damn sure better be looking me in the eye when you come. Your orgasms belong to me now.”

Toby’s breath hitched as Mistress Diamond worked his cock over. Master William stroked his cock from where he was situated behind Diamond. He pushed just the head into her wet opening and smacked down on her ass when she attempted to push back on it. “Greedy, aren’t you, girl?”

His eyes bore into Toby, who was fixated on him at the moment. “Oh, she is a good, little, cock sucking slave—
good, little, cock sucking slave.” His thrusts became more urgent as he witnessed Toby on the brink of coming. “Now, ask your Master to let you come.” He was pleased to hear the boy begging and pleading in urgency right before he gave him permission. Then, he came unglued. After all, you really haven’t experienced BDSM to its fullest until you’ve had a threesome.


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