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Authors: G. J. Meyer

The Tudors (92 page)

BOOK: The Tudors
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As many as four thousand men were dead
…: Lingard,
History of England
, p. 5:289.

An extraordinary figure named Robert Kett
…: The demands are in Turvey and Heard,
Edward and Mary
, p. 135; Kett’s words are in Lingard,
History of
, p. 5:290.

With one proclamation he condemned destruction
…: Skidmore,
Edward VI
, p. 113.

When Somerset cried out
…: The duke’s concessions to the rebels are in ibid., p. 45.

And so Dudley advanced on Norwich
…: Lingard,
History of England
, p. 5:290.

After first and briefly allying himself…:
Church Militant
, p. 95

The conservatives were required to absorb
History of England
, p. 5:342.

Francis van der Delft, the Catholic
Edward VI
, p. 162.

The narrowness of its base is suggested
…: MacCulloch,
Church Militant
, p. 163.

He achieved perhaps the greatest triumph…
: Elton,
Tudor Constitution
, p. 396.

Harsh penalties were imposed…:
Church Militant
, p. 141, and Lingard,
History of England
, p. 5:342.

Once again it was made treason to deny
…: Skidmore
, Edward VI
, p. 82.

Henceforth the death penalty could be imposed…:

Seven of Henry’s bishops were replaced
Church Militant
, pp. 96 and 154.

He had never been an impressive physical specimen
…: Skidmore
, Edward VI
, p. 240.

In the first, a draft in Edward’s own hand
…: Ibid., p. 247, and Lingard,
History of England
, p. 5:357.

Two days later, in reporting to the Privy Council
…: Lingard,
History of England
, p. 5:358.

“He has not the strength to stir…”:
Edward VI
, p. 255.

He died in the arms of a Dudley son-in-law
Uncrowned Kings
, p. 226.

The crown, Jane declared DNB
entry for Jane Grey.

When Mary sent a messenger to the council…:
Earlier Tudors
, p. 527.

Quite the contrary: the French ambassador
Mary Tudor
, p. 26.

She said disingenuously…:
Elizabeth I
, p. 28.

One of the most poignant scenes…:
Bloody Mary
, p. 118.

When Parliament’s passage
Mary Tudor
, p. 41.

Nothing came of this
…: This and “grief and despair” are in the
entry for Mary I.

She wrote directly to the king
…: Loades,
Mary Tudor
, p. 47.

Therefore, though he removed members of the Privy Council
Ibid., p. 48.

Ordered to provide the names…:
Bloody Mary
, p. 242, and Lingard,
History of England
, p. 5:80.

(In fact Henry, in futile pursuit
…: Loades,
Mary Tudor
, p. 52.
386 Under the terms of her father’s will…
: Ibid., p. 66.

By 1549, when the new reign’s first Act of Uniformity
Ibid., p. 75.

Mary declared that she “wished to constrain …”:
Bloody Mary
, p. 309.

When that old champion of reform
History of England
, p. 5:390.

By 1553 he had had ready for Parliament’s attention
Edward VI
, p. 232.

Anyone accused of such offenses…:
History of England
, p. 5:462.

Cranmer exploded in rage when informed
…: This and the following statement about Cranmer “spreading abroad seditious bills” are in Lingard,
History of England
, p. 5:401.

Pole was so well respected
…: Erickson,
Bloody Mary
, p. 389.
397 Two days before, in an even more forceful
…: Ibid., p. 320.

By repealing Henry VIII’s Succession Act…:
Tudor England
, p. 233.

If Mary and Philip had a son…:
Earlier Tudors
, p. 537.

Philip himself, when he learned
Bloody Mary
, p. 348, and
notes for entry on Philip II.

“As for this marriage,” she said
History of England
, p. 5:425.

In all some 480 men were convicted
Two Tudor Conspiracies
, p. 127.

Not only when put on trial but before
Ibid., p. 16.

London, where there had been only three
Penry Williams,
, p. 129.

“His way with the lords is so …”:
Bloody Mary
, p. 380.

“If the English find out how hard up…”:
Ibid., p. 382.
416 Mary even allowed herself…:
Mary Tudor
, p. 168.

Protestant preachers who had not fled
Bloody Mary
, p. 397.

What is clear is that it was controversial…
: Lingard,
History of England
, p. 5:469.

It was long and widely believed
Ibid., p. 5:464.

Something on the order of three hundred individuals…:
Earlier Tudors
, p. 553.

She had more success in restoring
History of England
, p. 5:494.

Mary and Gardiner wanted to introduce
Tudor Conspiracies
, p. 260.

But Pole’s position was still …
entry for Reginald Pole.

This gathering, by the time of its adjournment…:
Earlier Tudors
, p. 555.

Philip, inevitably but unfairly
…: Loades,
Mary Tudor
, p. 175; Guy,
, p. 248; Lingard,
History of England
, p. 5:521; Loades,
Mary Tudor
, p. 175, and Guy,
Tudor England
, p. 248.

Elizabeth had only recently repeated her assurances…:
History of England
, p. 5:525, and Erickson,
Bloody Mary
, p. 480.


Though the enormous number of biographies of Elizabeth I continues to grow decade by decade, no single work is recognized as definitive. Three generations have brought a movement from J. E. Neale’s
Queen Elizabeth I
(Jonathan Cape, 1934), regarded originally as authoritative but now as hagiographic, to gradually less worshipful and finally rigorously critical works. Biographies of value include:

Haigh, Christopher
Elizabeth I
, 2nd ed. Longman, 1998.

Hibbert, Christopher
The Virgin Queen
. Viking, 1990.

Loades, David
Elizabeth I
. Hambledon & London, 2003.

Neale, J. E
Queen Elizabeth I
. Pelican, 1960.

Smith, Lacey Baldwin
Elizabeth Tudor
. Little, Brown, 1975.

Williams, Neville
Elizabeth I
. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1972.


Her decline began with a refusal…:
An exceptionally detailed and vivid account of Elizabeth’s last days appears in the opening pages of Evelyn Waugh’s
Edmund Campion
(Little, Brown, 1946).

When begged to get some sleep
…: Lingard,
History of England
, p. 6:647.

At a time when the Crown’s ordinary revenues
…: Elton,
England Under
, p. 362.

Even the most glorious event of the reign
The cost figure is in Haigh,
Elizabeth I
, p. 138.

Ferocious inflation has combined with falling wages…:
Data on living standards and death sentences are ibid., p. 166.

Though of course we have no data
…: As noted above, Duffy’s
Stripping of Altars
is an exhaustive demonstration of the lingering popularity of the old religion.

Queen Mary herself suspected
Bloody Mary
, p. 346.

The coronation took place on January 15…:
The cost figure is in the
entry for Elizabeth I.

The Privy Council opened the legislative
…: Elton,
England Under
, p. 271.

When Parliament reconvened on April 3…:
The change to supreme “governor” is in Hibbert,
Virgin Queen
, p. 92.

A uniformity bill outlawing the mass…:
Tudor Constitution
, presents the words of the bill on p. 401 and a brief discussion of it on p. 388.

Thanks to the breakdown in relations
…: Loades,
Elizabeth I
, p. 134.

She found, however, that almost to a man
History of England
, pp. 6:9 and 14.

The point of conflict
…: Haigh,
Elizabeth I
, p. 47.

She allowed the Diocese of Ely to remain without a bishop
Ibid., p. 49.

Out of the eight thousand priests in England
England Under
, p. 276.

The persecution was relaxed as soon as
…: Haigh,
Elizabeth I
, p. 42.

Elizabeth herself, though she never forgave
Virgin Queen
, p. 67.

Even people close to the queen
Elizabeth I
, p. 16.

Henry Sidney, Dudley’s brother-in-law
Milton Waldman,
Elizabeth and Leicester
(Collins, 1946), p. 103.

What appears to have happened
…: Haigh,
Elizabeth I
, p. 16.
481 It was perhaps in response
…: Elton,
England Under
, p. 298.

It was a monumental blunder nevertheless…:
Ibid., p. 303; Lingard,
History of England
, p. 6:225; and Loades,
Elizabeth I
, p. 169.

They were exasperated, therefore, when Elizabeth
Elizabeth I
, p. 38.
491 The worst of their mistakes was to overreact…:
England Under
, p. 279.

The Privy Council then fell into an angry dispute
…: Wilson,
, p. 303.

Anjou definitely had no interest…:
Virgin Queen
, p. 181, and Lingard,
History of England
, p. 6:241, note 1.

In that same year the increasingly discontented
…: Elton,
England Under
, p. 300.

In actuality it was all talk
Elizabeth I
, p. 176, and Smith,
Elizabeth Tudor
, p. 143.

Somewhat oddly for a Protestant
…: Guy,
Tudor England
, p. 262.

It was her good fortune to have two
…: Lingard,
History of England
, p. 6:328.

Much of the trouble grew out of the determination
Elizabeth Tudor
, p. 172; Haigh,
Elizabeth I
, pp. 122 and 149; and
entries on Francis Walsingham and Mary, Queen of Scots.

As early as 1581 Walsingham was asking…:
Elizabeth I
, p. 76.

An innovation called “compounding”
…: Loades,
Elizabeth I
, p. 234.

Her navy had barely broken off its pursuit
…: Smith,
Elizabeth Tudor
, pp. 66 and 72.

Her admiral, Lord Howard of Effingham
…: Howard’s words are in Loades,
Elizabeth I
, p. 252.

Here she supposedly delivered
…: Loades,
Elizabeth I
, p. 252, observes that the queen “is alleged to have made” the Tilbury speech.

During the period when invasion seemed imminent
…: Hibbert,
Virgin Queen
, p. 220, and Lingard,
History of England
, p. 6:505.

Between July and November twenty-one imprisoned priests
…: Lingard,
History of England
, p. 6:520.

Though theologically Whitgift was
…: Elton,
England Under
, p. 428.

When the fleet finally set out again
…: Drake’s instructions, and the number of lives lost on the expedition, are in Guy,
Tudor England
, p. 349.

Getting the queen’s approval was difficult
…: Loades,
Elizabeth I
, p. 265, and Haigh,
Elizabeth I
, p. 142.

The Dutch rebels, he observed sourly
…: The words in quotes are in the
entry for Robert Cecil.

He stormed out proclaiming
…: The words in quotes are in the
entry for Robert Devereux, second Earl of Essex.

Five Parliaments had had to be called
…: Loades,
Elizabeth I
, p. 292; Elton,
England Under
, pp. 362 and 461; and Haigh,
Elizabeth I
, p. 166.

Prices of necessities soared
…: Haigh,
Elizabeth I
, p. 166.

In 1534, at the dawn of the English Reformation
…: The numbers in this paragraph are from ibid.

(At thirty, upon being told
Elizabeth Tudor
, p. 73.

The show went on—her wardrobe
Elizabeth I
, p. 90. Lingard,
History of England
, p. 6:657, says the number of the queen’s gowns was in the thousands.

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