The Two-Night One-Night Stand

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Authors: Ryan Ringbloom

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BOOK: The Two-Night One-Night Stand
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The Two Night Stand

Copyright © 2016 by Ryan Ringbloom

Cover Design Image by
Wicked by Design

Formatting by
JT Formatting

Editing by



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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products, bands, and/or restaurants referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


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This book is dedicated to

the one-night stand I fell in love with

and married.

Table of Contents

Title Page


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Coming Soon


Have You Read Ryan?

About the Author



“BUT IT WAS negative,” I say for the tenth time, staring in disbelief at the cool, collected man in front of me.

“Yes, thankfully it was.” Tyler remains stone-faced, unaffected. His deep voice echoes off the walls of the great room in his three-story brownstone. The brownstone I had never been invited to move into despite the grand size and countless insinuations. “It was a real eye-opener for the future. Had that pregnancy test been positive, I would have felt trapped.”

“Trapped?” I pull a deep breath in through my nose, inhaling the strong scent of pine as my insides begin to crumble.

“Yes, trapped.” He pushes a button and the room fills with the soft instrumental sound of holiday music. Stepping back, he studies the nine-foot Douglas fir that he had custom decorated and adjusts two crooked ornaments.

Precise, perfect Tyler does not like it when things are out of place. I’m falling apart right in front of him, but God forbid an ornament is crooked. His lack of emotion shouldn’t surprise me after two years, but his callous reaction fuels me with anger.

“I moved here for you, Tyler.” He hates when I raise my voice. I do it anyway. “I left my friends and family, and settled for a job I didn’t like. I’m renting an overpriced apartment, even though you have more than enough room here,” I sweep my arm in a swirling gesture, “I moved all the way to Bumblefuck, Pennsylvania, for

“Must you be so crass?” he snaps with an air of disgust. “Applegarth is a beautiful town.”

“Yes, with wonderful school districts. Isn’t that what you said when enticing me to move here?”

“Award winning.”

“Well, if you didn’t want children, why would that matter?”

“Slow down.” He pushes a hand out in my direction. “I never said I
want children.”

The holiday music playing in the background suddenly seems deafening, the large room closing in on me as I struggle to digest what it is he’s saying. “But... then?” My eyes fill.

His head dips down and a look of pity spreads across his chiseled face. The realization creeps over me like a virus, shrouding me in a black fog, eating away at my flesh. He doesn’t want children with
. It wasn’t the idea of a baby that made him feel trapped, it was me.

“I’m sorry, Holly. When I look into my future, I just don’t see you in it.”



A CHILL RUNS up my spine as I adjust the little white cap on my head. What I’m about to do is frightening. Beyond frightening. It brings new meaning to the word terrifying. My stomach twists in knots. The hairs on my arms stand up straight.

I’m being set up.

On Halloween.

At a bar where I don’t know anyone.


Like Halloween isn’t scary enough. What the hell am I thinking? I scan the bar for the millionth time and my heart sinks. I know a total of zero people here and trying to keep up the façade that I’m confident and not a pathetic loser is getting harder and harder to accomplish.

It was originally supposed to be five of us, then two backed out last-minute, leaving just myself, my friend Jayne, and the brother she claims I have to meet. According to her, we’re perfect for each other.

Another hour passes with still no sign of my friend Jayne or this brother I’m destined for. The phone clutched firmly in my hand vibrates and Jayne’s name flashes across the screen. Thank God. I press Accept, answering immediately.

“Where are you?”

“Don’t hate me, Holly. I have to bail.”

“Are you freaking kidding me?” The high pitch of my voice makes a few heads turn in my direction. I lower my voice to an angry whisper. “Jayne, you can’t bail on me. I’ve been sitting here half the night like an idiot in some slutty nurse’s uniform where I don’t know a single person. It’s nothing but freaks and weirdos in here tonight. Seriously, you can’t do this.”

“I’m sorry. I have to. Um…work shit came up.” Her voice wavers on the vague excuse. “But don’t worry, Nick is still coming. He should be there any minute now and he’ll be able to recognize you right away.


“I sent him tons of pics.”

Tons of pictures? Really? ’Cause all she had sent me was a blurry pic of her brother on the beach where a surfboard covered half his body and sunglasses covered most of his face.

Is this a joke? Some sick Halloween prank? This ridiculous night is starting to ooze suspiciously. Or perhaps this is what she had planned on all along. That bitch.

I never should’ve agreed to this. I don’t even know Jayne all that well. We only met a few months ago at yoga. Grabbing coffee and meeting for drinks a few times is really not enough of a friendship that I should be putting my trust—I glance down at the fishnets going midway up my thighs—
and dignity
on the line.

“Fine, I’ll wait until he gets here but I can’t promise that I’ll be staying very long,” I say, followed by a frustrated sigh. I don’t even know what Nick looks like, let alone the fact that he’ll most likely be in costume. “So, tell me, what should I be on the lookout for? Is he dressing up?”

Jayne’s wicked laugh only annoys me further. “I told him you’d be dressed as a nurse… so be on the lookout for….” Her voice trails off with more cackling laughter. “A doctor! Isn’t that funny?”

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