The Two-Night One-Night Stand (15 page)

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Authors: Ryan Ringbloom

Tags: #The Two Night Stand

BOOK: The Two-Night One-Night Stand
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Matthew positions his tall body on the couch before me. His arms clamp under my thighs and he drags me downward to meet his mouth. His tongue goes to work. I’m a queen on her throne. “Oh God, yes, right there.” My back arches and my fists crash into the wall. All hail the king. How he has found exactly the right spot without my guidance is shocking; no one else ever had.

My hips move greedily. I want to come this way. Although, I don’t feel too bad, as I know from past experience that multiple orgasms from Matthew are almost certain. His tongue takes a slight turn to undiscovered territory, a place I’m not even sure I knew existed until right this moment, and it’s my undoing. An orgasm tears through me and my thighs lock around his neck. I scream out his name, forgetting my own, as tidal waves of pleasure build and crash through me.

He moves away and my body sinks back down onto the couch. I lie on my back, waiting for what’s next. Matthew stands tall, his erection poking through the silky running pants he has on, busting to be set free. I can’t peel my eyes away from his chiseled body as he strips down.

I open myself up to him, inviting him down to the couch where I’m sprawled out, eagerly waiting. He lowers his weight on top of me, gently nudging my legs to open up more for him. The tip of his cock grazes my wet entrance.

“Are you sure about this?” he whispers.

“Matthew, you can’t ask a question like that once the tip is already in.”

“I’m not wearing a condom,” he bites out as his dick sinks in deeper. Not exactly the best time to inform someone you’re not wearing protection, but at least I’m somewhat covered.

“I’m on birth control,” I whisper back, my hands clasping together behind his neck, urging his lips down to mine. After our Halloween encounter I had taken care of that little matter immediately.

He enters all the way, releasing a guttural groan. His movements start off slow. The lights are on and there’s not a drop of alcohol in my system; I am completely aware of everything. The looks, sounds, feels. Matthew is amazing and I’m not doing too bad myself. His hips thrust and I’m able to meet each one, staying in rhythm with his steady pace. Pleasure radiates with each pump and without much warning, my body begins to tighten once again. Twice, before he’s even gone off once. If I could, I’d give this man the big shiny crown he deserves.

My mind closes off, allowing the sensual pulse between my legs to take over.

Clouds. Sky. Rainbows. He rocks my world.

Rockets. Stars. Space. He rocks my universe.

He takes me to another dimension, one of pure bliss and ecstasy. I’m floating, lost in the lustful heavens he’s taken me to, and it’s a while before I return.

When I finally come crashing back down to earth, breathing hard and gasping for air, my eyes flip open in fear, instantly realizing what a mistake this was and how fucked I now am.

Because it is crystal clear, Matthew Daniels has completely ruined me for all future men.



SHE BREATHES HARD under me, a soft mewl of satisfaction ending her passionate cries. Her eyes connect with mine as I stare down, thrusting deep one more time before giving in and letting myself explode.

She’s beautiful. Perfect.

Keeping myself raised on my forearms, I’m careful not to collapse my weight on top of her. I dip my head down, bringing my lips to her bare shoulder, and kiss her soft skin through the smile on my face.

Everything’s changed.

No more will I be obsessing about the girl who got away. This time when I ask her out, she’ll say yes. And amazing nights like the one we just shared will become a regular thing.

Her hands reach underneath my chest and gently push me away. I lift my head, staring down. She turns away, averting her eyes. She won’t look at me. The way her bottom lip gets sucked in pushes the smile off my face. What’s happening?

I sit up on the couch and she immediately reaches for the blanket we tossed aside and wraps herself up into a tight tamale roll. Her foot stretches out and she uses her toes to scoop up her discarded tee from the floor, propelling it into the air and catching it with her hand. Without removing the blanket, she uses one hand to stretch the shirt over her head and shimmies into it, lowering the blanket as she pulls it into place. I look away. This modest display is clearly a message. And from her body language, I’m left to assume it’s one of regret.

Once she’s back in her shirt, the blanket drops to the ground and she gets up from the couch, tugging her shirt at the hem for more length, and scurries down my hall to the bathroom without so much as one word to me. I hear the door close and the lock click.

Fuck. I rest my elbows on my knees, rubbing my hands into my forehead, and look down at Peen. Did I do something wrong? Is this your fault?

Don’t even go there. We were perfect gentlemen.

Were we?

Um, hello, that whole tongue—couch thing.

Yeah, but what if I fucked that up?

Dude, are you for real? Her thighs were like a boa constrictor around your neck, I thought she was gonna kill us. She screamed so hard, I was scared the neighbors were gonna call the cops.

I grab my pants off the floor and tug them into place, getting Peen out of sight and mind. All I know is I did something wrong and going to my dick for answers is not gonna help matters.

The dryer sounds and I get up to check on Holly’s clothes. They’re dry, warm, and I’m sure she’ll appreciate them after the way she was acting. I walk down the hall and knock on the bathroom door. She opens it slowly, an unreadable expression on her face.

“Here, I figured you’d want these.” I hand her the folded pile of warm clothes.

“Yes. Thank you.” She takes them and bites down on her bottom lip. “Right. So, now I guess I can leave.”

“No, you don’t have to leave.” The door closes in my face. “I just figured you’d want to get dressed,” I say through the door. No reply. I skulk away and over to the window. I can see black on the streets below. I look up to the sky and make a desperate plea for more snow to start falling. The sun actually pokes through a gray cloud in a fuck-you reply.

I clean up the blankets and add upholstery cleaner to my shopping list. I get a fresh shirt, stare at the TV without actually watching, and put on another pot of coffee. I fill up two mugs and set them on the table in hopes that when she comes out we can talk.

She reappears fifteen minutes later, fully dressed with her chestnut hair pulled back in a messy knot. Her purse is slung over her shoulder and her arms are crossed tightly over her chest.

“The roads are cleared. I called for a ride,” she says. “They’ll be here any second.”

My heart drops in my chest, I can feel it clunk all the way down to my feet. “Why?”

“Because it’s time to go.” She rubs at her temple. “I should have left…

Before. As in before we had sex. Definitely regret. She just killed me.

“I could have taken you home.”

“It’s easier this way.”

“Will I see you again?”

She ignores my question and looks down at her phone, walking toward my door. “They’re already here.”

“Tell them to go. I’ll take you home. I want to make sure you get there safely.” She can’t just leave like this.

“I have to go, my ride is waiting downstairs.”

“Then at least give me your number, or I’ll give you mine and you can call me when you get home to let me know you got in okay?”

Her mouth opens and she hesitates before blowing out a long stream of air. “Just let me go, I’ll be fine,” she says, and pulls my door open.

I push my hand up against the door, slamming it shut. “What did I do?”

“You didn’t do anything.” Her voice is small. “I just need to leave.”

“Why? Why do you need to leave now? Like this?”

“Because.” She looks at me like I know the answer. I don’t.

“Because, why?” I ask.

“Because we both know what this is and I don’t want to pretend.” She pulls hard on the doorknob, jerking it back open. “I don’t need any more drama or hurt right now.”

“It wouldn’t be like that.”

She laughs and steps into the hall. “I guess you’re right, there isn’t much drama when it’s just casual fucking.”

“Where is all this coming from?” I ask angrily, clenching my jaw. I’m annoyed and frustrated and not holding back. “What did I do? What’s the problem here?”

She matches my anger, placing a hand on her hip and cocking her head. “I think the problem is that you’re just a one-night stand. More like a
-night one-night stand.” There’s a slight waver to her voice. “And I’m looking for more than that.”

My brain can’t process this. Even after last night and the amazing time this morning, that’s all she still sees me as. She walks away and I do nothing to stop her. Because if that’s all I am, then I guess the best thing to do is just let her go.



“So, that’s the whole story of our two-night one-night stand.” I pick up my spoon and stir my coffee for the hundredth time.

Jayne and I blew off yoga, opting for the Panera next door to catch up. And for the last hour all we had managed to catch up on was my second night of scandalous debauchery. I guess I really needed to unload.

“First of all, stop calling it that. If anything it was a two-night stand. Calling it a ‘two-night one-night stand’ is getting really fucking annoying.”

“But a two-night stand implies it was two nights in a row and it wasn’t.”

“Oh my God, just shut up with the one-night, two-night bullshit. Besides, it doesn’t matter anyway, you clearly like him and he clearly likes you. Just go on an actual fucking date already.” Jayne bites into a bear claw and sets it aside. One bite and she’s done. Skinny bitch. “And FYI,”—she points at me—“I still get credit for setting you up. Because if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t have even met him.”

“A date? Are you kidding me? How am I supposed to go on a date with him? Once I had sex with him the first night, all chances of a relationship went out the window, and then factor in that I did it a second time. No freaking way. Guys do not

“You’re not a slut.”

“Really? Because I called myself one right in front of him.”

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