The Two Vampires

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Authors: M. D. Bowden

BOOK: The Two Vampires
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The Complete Series




By M.D. Bowden

The Two Vampires, Books 1-5

The Complete Series

By M.D. Bowden

© M.D. Bowden 2014

All Rights Reserved

M.D. Bowden has asserted her moral rights to be identified as author of this work.

No part of this work may be reproduced without prior permission in writing from the author.

All characters in this work are fictitious.  Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.




Hunters Among Us:

Tempted by Fire

Fighting the Flame


Gateway to Faerie:

Gateway to Faerie

Bell Stone


The Two Vampires:

Dark Wine

Dark Blood

Dark Love

Dark Moors

Dark Flame – A Short Story


Short Stories:

Blood Stream

Graveyard (Coming Soon!)



What’s It
Like? Pregnancy & Birth


To my partner and children for putting up with hours spent writing!

Also to all the writers who have inspired me.







Chapter 1





Jo stepped out
of his house.  He found himself momentarily dazzled by a bright violet sky as the sun appeared from behind fuzzy clouds.  Glimpsing a flash of dark, he turned towards it, his heart racing.  He was met by a searing pain as fangs sank into his exposed neck. 

Jo passed out. 

When he awoke he found himself lying on his living room floor, on the pink spotted rug Sarah had bought for his girls.  The curtains were drawn; a little light peeked through casting shadows across the room.  Jo’s head spun as he pulled himself up onto the black leather sofa and reached for the reading light.  He wasn’t scared, he was confused – what the hell just happened?  As he clicked the light switch the room illuminated.  Nothing looked odd; it was the same room he and his family had lived in for five years.  Toys over flowed from the toy box, books and DVDs were crammed onto bookshelves. 

Looking towards the clock he saw it was seven, time to go to his sisters.  She had called earlier and invited him over for dinner, and Jo had agreed this time, as he wasn’t meeting anyone more appealing after work, and his wife and kids were out visiting the parents in law. 

Jo reached for his neck, feeling the skin, searching for damage.  It felt fine.  Tentatively standing up, he walked across the room to the large ornate mirror above the fireplace.  His neck looked completely normal.  No bite marks – just the first traces of stubble around his jaw.  Jo inspected his appearance more closely.  He did look a little haggard.  His short, dark hair was messy, probably from lying on the floor in a heap.  His eyes, normally deep brown and clear, looked bloodshot and were shadowed.  He took a deep breath and put his fingers on the mantel piece as he looked into tired eyes and studied his memories. 

He remembered bright light dazzling him.  The sun must have been about to set behind the scruffy conifers lining the horizon.  He remembered seeing movement.  Something undefined had approached him, it had been incredible, so fast.  He hadn’t even seen what it was, but he had felt two sharp points pierce his neck.  And, at the time, he had known they were fangs.  Vampire fangs.  But, seriously, vampire fangs?  What on earth had happened to cause him to have such a stupid delusion? 

But, he thought, allowing himself to be swept up in his stupidity, if he’d stepped out of the front door and been bitten by a vampire, what had he been doing lying on the living room floor?  Why was he OK, or pretty much OK?  Why were there no bite marks?  More to the point, why was he not dead? 

He continued to peer at himself in the mirror.  Did I get bitten by a vampire?  And if I did, how did I end up unconscious on the floor?  Is it possible the vampire bit me, then healed me?  

But . . . why would a vampire do this, and why wouldn’t it take away his memory of the bite?  If he had been healed by vampire blood it would mean that, if he died now, he himself would turn into a vampire.  He shuddered.  He felt a sickening feeling creeping up his body, into his throat. 

Of course, there was no reason for him to die now.  It seemed pretty unlikely.  He would probably be fine.  But then, if he
been bitten by a vampire, and been healed, could he unknowingly be part of some bigger plan?  What if the vampire planned for him to die?  Shit, what if he was already dead? 

Jo’s breathing quickened, and then he paused, taking a deep breath and gathering his thoughts.  What the hell was wrong with him?  He was getting ridiculously carried away. 

Taking another deep breath he tried to pull himself together.  OK, think logically, he told himself
It’s ridiculous to think that I was bitten by a vampire.  I wasn’t.  Vampires DO NOT EXIST. There
be another explanation. 

I was on the living room floor.  I remember I was going to my sisters, in fact, she’s going to be pretty annoyed when I’m late, which I definitely am thanks to whatever craziness is going on in my mind.  I must have passed out, I was pretty knackered out – maybe I just quickly lay down and zonked out, then had a vivid dream, inspired by the onslaught of horror movies that have recently been on the TV.  Weird I don’t remember lying down, but hey, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve forgotten falling asleep.  He smirked, thinking of a woman from work and his escapades with her, all while Sarah thought he was being the good husband.  What a fool Sarah was, he thought, then laughed.  Sometimes Jo had been so knackered out after such occasions he had actually fallen asleep at his desk the following day.

Jo refocused on his face in the mirror.  He was still looking pasty and drawn out, but it must just be tiredness.

There is nothing seriously wrong, he thought.  Nothing wrong at all.  I did not get bitten by a vampire, and I am seriously late – I had better get going.  Suddenly, the thought of going outside made his pulse quicken.  What if there really was a vampire out there? 

God, he was becoming completely and utterly deluded.  Insane.  Taking a deep breath, he strode out of the room, down the dimly lit hall, into the white bathroom.  He splashed his face with ice cold water and dried himself on a soft white towel from the rack.  He took yet another deep breath, preparing himself for action.

Jo grabbed his jacket and put on a scarf; not much protection from vampires, but it would protect him from the cold at least, he thought wryly.  He picked his keys off the hook and headed for the door.  


Sarah pulled up at her parents’ house.  The large, detached timber structure radiated warmth in the early evening light.  Bea and Megan were chattering in the back.

‘Me out first.’

‘No.  Me out first,’ they argued.

Megan, the oldest, undid her own straps and pushed out first, as soon as Sarah opened the door.  They owned a typical minivan.  Lots of space, lots of mess.  Sarah stuck her foot in the foot well and leant in to unstrap Bea.  Bea pulled out her little arms and Sarah gave her a quick hug before letting her climb down on her own.  Megan had already run off ahead and was pounding on the door.

‘Grandma, Granddad, we’re here!’ she shouted, before they’d even had time to open it.

Sarah looked up and walked up the steps holding Bea’s hand. 

The door opened to Grandma and Granddad with big smiles.  Megan immediately threw herself at their legs in a big hug.  As Sarah and Bea reached them they exchanged greetings and Grandma lifted up Bea, giving her a hug, while her Granddad ruffled her hair and gave her a kiss.

Grandma pulled Sarah aside.

‘We have company,’ she said.  ‘He’s in the kitchen.’

Sarah raised her eyebrows at her mother, wondering about her tone of excitement, her secret whispers.  Who could this man be?  And why was her mother flustered?

Feeling a little nervous, the familiarity of the situation gone with the addition of a guest, Sarah walked through the cozy living room, where welcoming sofas and a warm live fire tempted her, into the kitchen.  Her mother was at the stove, Bea on her hip.  Leaning against the worktop, glass of wine in hand, was the unfamiliar guest. 

Sarah caught her breath.  Oh my God, he’s unbelievable!  Unbelievably beautiful.  His eyes, warm and dark with long eyelashes.  His jaw, rugged and defined.  His lips.  Sarah quickly looked away from those, feeling her cheeks redden.  Dark hair falling around his eyes.  Mmm.  Her blush deepened and she tried not to look too shy as her father came in and introduced them.

‘This is my daughter, Sarah, and her two children, Megan and Bea.’

Megan had followed her granddad in but she was staying close to his legs, unsure of the intimidating new man.  Yes, that’s it, he’s definitely intimidating.
And he looks powerful, I bet he’s quite muscular under that shirt and leather jacket.  Dressed entirely in black too, that definitely adds to his mystique.

Stop thinking this way.
Remember Jo?

Feeling guilty she smiled at the man.

Then, as he smiled back, her heart skipped.  No.  It melted.   This is not happening.

‘And this is Daniel,’ he continued.

Daniel put down his glass and stepped forward, holding out his hand.  As Sarah took it a shock, like electricity, went up her arm.  She felt the urge to pull away, surprised at her reaction.  But his eyes and his smile held her in place.  When he let her go she stepped back and turned away to pour herself some wine, to get her breath, and to not let her parents see her reaction.  Her mother sent her a knowing look though, which just made Sarah’s cheeks feel even hotter.

‘Daniel has just moved here, he’s staying in The Woodman - that old hotel just out of town, till he can get a place.’

Sarah took a gulp of wine before speaking, ‘So, how did you meet my father?’

Daniel looked at her steadily but Sarah couldn’t maintain his gaze.  Feeling like a silly teenager she kept looking away and had to remember to breathe.

‘I just started working at his office,’ he replied in a smooth southern drawl, ‘selling the cabins in the woods.’

This sounded like an entirely ordinary thing to say, it was almost unbelievable. - How could someone with such an extraordinary presence do something so ordinary? 

As her father started talking about work Sarah helped her mom, Alice.  Alice had made a chicken casserole; Sarah lifted the lid and it smelt delicious.  She opened the oven to check the potatoes.  They were done and just keeping warm, so she busied herself with setting the table.  Alice had gone into the living room to entertain Megan and Bea.  They were pulling numerous toys and games off the shelves onto the wooden floor and being very noisy - as per usual.

Alone in the dining room Sarah sat down and drank some more wine.  I’m crazy, how can someone affect me so much?  I’m hardly going to be able to eat!  Poor Jo, at least he’s not here to see me act like this. 

Sarah got up and poked her head around the door, ‘Hey mom, can we stay tonight so I can drink?’

Megan and Bea proceeded to jump up and down echoing - ‘Stay night.  Stay night.  Stay night.’

Alice laughed and said that it was fine, then silently mouthed, ‘Gorgeous isn’t he?’ and winked, making Sarah feel even guiltier. 

She mouthed back, ‘That’s not the reason.’  But her mother just laughed and went back to playing with the kids.


Jo opened his front door.  It was now dark and his way was lit by Victorian style street lights.  He walked down the path, as quickly as he dared without actually running, and rounded the corner where his car was parked.  Fumbling to find his car key he inserted it into the lock and climbed inside.  Once inside he immediately reached for the internal lock, pressed it down and all four doors locked simultaneously.  Jo sighed in relief, heart still pounding. 

Something caught his attention - a dark shape materializing to his left.  He felt nausea threatening to rise and swallowed.  Then he realized what he was seeing was a bat.  It flew down then swooped up towards the roof.  There it landed and hung upside down.  Jo could have sworn it was looking at him.  Its eyes glinted in the lamp light.  It was the largest bat he had ever seen, not that he saw them often.  This new presence calmed him; he felt like he wasn’t alone.  This gave him the confidence to insert his key in the ignition and turn, starting the engine.  Jo eased off the clutch as he accelerated and drove up the drive to the main road.  Here he paused, wondering which way to go.  He had two options.  He could either drive through town, or go via Quarry Bridge where the road would be more precarious, and more fun.  As he took the second route he saw the bat swoop down behind him and felt comfort in the knowledge it would stay with him.


Sarah finished setting the table and opened another bottle of red wine.  She breathed in the scent before heading to the bathroom to refresh herself.  In there she looked herself over critically.  At least she’d put on something half decent before heading out.  She was wearing her nicest skinny jeans which showed off how toned her legs were from all that hiking in the woods, Bea and Megan in toe.  Well, she tended to carry Bea in a big rambling backpack especially designed for the purpose.  It kept her fit, and kept Bea and Megan occupied during long hours when Jo was working.  It allowed her space to breathe in fresh air. 

On top she was wearing an antique cream top with a floaty Pre-Raphaelite vibe.  She felt tired though and was wearing minimal makeup.  Ferreting in her bag she dug out some tinted lip-balm and a little eyeliner, and set to work.  She also put on some perfume she found at the back of the cupboard - probably a gift her mother had never bothered to wear.  Sarah smoothed her naturally blond hair with her fingers to tame fly-aways and finally felt a little happier about her appearance.  She hoped it wasn’t too obvious she’d made the extra effort.  She headed back to the dining room, lit some candles and put on some classical music.

Taking a deep breath she wiped her clammy hands on her jeans and shouted, ‘Dinners ready’.  She did not want to behave like this was a special occasion.  She would try to act normal. 

Her kids ran in, Megan first, and started organizing the seating arrangements.

‘Me sit here, Grandma sit there.’

‘No, me next Grandma,’ said Bea.

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