The Tycoon's Blondie (The Tycoon Series Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: The Tycoon's Blondie (The Tycoon Series Book 2)
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“Allie!  It’s
about time you phoned me, you naughty girly, you.”

“You’re on your
honeymoon.  I can’t call you while you’re…
copulating with your husband

Brooklyn burst
out laughing and Allison chuckled along with her.

“Brooke, I am
with Tiaan.”

“I know and I
am so happy for you. He is a good man, Allie.  Don’t be blinded by what the
tabloids report.  Look for the man with the heart.  Open your heart, Allie and
let go of the past.  You need this.  You need someone like Tiaan who can yank
you out of your reserved and structured little existence so that you can live. 
Really live.”

“I know and I
am…probably going to move in with him soon.”

We’ll be neighbors!  Oh…I have to go.  My demanding hubby is calling me.  It is
time for my spa spoil.”


“Remember, Allie,
find the heart behind the man.”

“I…think I
already did.”

Uncle Paddy
arrived not long after that and they chatted nonstop on the way to her two-story
beach house on Rocky Point. 

“Leave your
luggage, Uncle Pad, I am just going to pack up some stuff.  Tiaan is adamant
that we stay at his place.  He would be a much better guide for showing you the
nightlife anyway.”

Allison rushed
to pack enough clothes for at least a week, which included work, leisure and
evening wear.  She wanted to be home before Tiaan.  She owed him that. 

Tiaan’s butler
carried their luggage to their respective rooms and Dolores, Tiaan’s
housekeeper, was all too happy to unpack Allison’s suitcase in Tiaan’s room.  Allison
just shook her head and let her have her way.  She was over the moon that her
little boy had brought someone home at long last and she bubbled over in

She had just
poured Uncle Paddy and herself a drink when Tiaan walked through the door. 
Their eyes met and his glittered like diamonds.  She smiled and walked into
him.  She wrapped her arms around his waist and lifted her mouth for his kiss.

sweetlips…you feel so good in my arms.”

His head
lowered and he kissed her deeply and passionately, unconcerned about the older
man looking on with an indulgent smile.  He lifted his head and turned toward
the older man, Allison tucked under his arm.

“Uncle Paddy,
this is Tiaan Sheppard, my boyfriend.  Tiaan, this is my father’s brother,
Paddy Hadley.”

They shook hands and the approval
shone brightly in the older man’s eyes at the firm grip of the younger man. 
Dolores came to call them to dinner soon thereafter.

“Oh, honey, before I forget, I
invited my parents and those two hooligan friends of yours to lunch on

Allison waited
until much later, while having a nightcap, to inform him and looked at him
through her lashes.  He stiffened at first and then relaxed, a warm smile
around his lips.

“I hope you
don’t mind?  I should have checked with you first.”

“Of course I
don’t mind.  With those two hooligans, I assume you’re referring to Michael and

“Yes, Uncle Paddy
has not seen them in ages.  I also invited two of my girlfriends.”

His eyes
glittered and he caught her chin between his fingers to lift her eyes to his. 
He had a small frown between his eyes.

“Are you only
doing this to pacify me, Allison?”

Allison smiled
and ran her finger down his cheek.  “No, honey, I am doing it because I have
been a selfish bitch who only wanted you for herself and never realized how it
would appear to you.  I am sorry.  I really didn’t mean for you to think that
you…ehm…”  She glanced at Uncle Paddy, “That you believed what you did.”

His head
lowered and he kissed her softly on her lips.  “As long as you realize that I
was serious about what I said and we will talk about it later.”

She nodded and
glanced at her Uncle who sat watching them with a small smile.  She cleared her

“There is more
than one reason for the party on Saturday.  No one knows Uncle Paddy is here. 
It’s a surprise.  As is his decision to move back to New York!”

“Yes, I am
getting old and since Cynthia passed on, there is nothing keeping me in
Australia anymore.  My family is here.  Do you think there would be time to
search for a little house for me during the week, Allie?”

“I was
wondering…I am going to be moving in with Tiaan and my house will be standing
empty.  Maybe you could move in there while you are looking for a place?”

Tiaan’s blood
solidified in his veins.  The words ran through his mind.  She was moving in
with him. 

me.  She’s moving in with me!

Allison looked
up at him with alarm in her eyes and he realized that he was clamping his hand
around her shoulder.  He relaxed his hold and smoothed the bruised skin.


“You are full
of surprises tonight, baby.  A man tends to need a little warning for certain
things, especially when he has been trying to get you here for weeks.”

She smiled and
it nearly blinded him it was so bright in its beauty.  He kissed her and hugged
her tight.

“Is there a
reason why Uncle Paddy can’t buy your house, rather than just look after it for
a few weeks?”

“I…er…did not
plan on selling it just yet.”

“Are you going
to spoil what we’ve just achieved, Allison?”

“Property is a
good investment, Tiaan.  I need to think about this.  Please don’t rush me.”

He nodded and
did not press the matter further.



Chapter Eight

Allison was already in bed by the
time Tiaan came up to their room.  He stood staring at her for a long while,
not saying a word.  He just allowed the alluring picture of her naked shoulders,
above the white sheet, with her glorious blonde hair to permeate his memory

She was
temptation and sin wrapped in an alluring package of sweet innocence.  She
absolutely took his breath away.

He turned to
the bathroom for a quick shower to try and cool his body down.  His cock had been
as hard as granite since he withdrew from Allison that afternoon.

about cutting off you own nose…

Allison was
talking on her phone when he walked back into the room.  He got under the sheet
beside her and leaned back against the headboard.  He tangled his fingers in
her hair and sat playing with the silken locks while she was talking.  Her
husky laughed snared his heart and he dragged her closer against him to bury
his face in her hair.

He absolutely
loved her hair.  He loved the soft silkiness against his skin and the fresh jasmine
smell that effused from it at all times.

“No, Willow,
you don’t need to bring anything.  I have to warn you though, Michael and Lucas
are also going to be here.”

“Urgh, no
girlfriend!  You know how I feel about those two idiots.”

“I’ll talk to
Tiaan to make sure they behave.  Now, don’t be late, please.  I know what you
are like.”

She said goodbye
and set her phone on the bedside table.  Tiaan growled in her ear.

“What are you


“Remind me
again, how many times have you been allowed to wear anything to bed?”

“Uncle Paddy
is down the hall, Tiaan!”

“Hmm…get them
off, sweetlips.  I am not going to try to make love to you around a cammy and

“We can’t! 
Uncle Paddy…”

“Is on the
other side of the house.  Even if you scream he won’t hear you…well as long as
you don’t scream as loud as you did last night.”

Sheppard, behave!

“Last chance. 
Get. Them. Off.”

“Oh okay, but
I warn you…”

“Hmm…I love
your hair, baby.”

“Talking about
my hair…”

whipped the sheet off and folded it at the bottom of the bed.  Shrugging out of
her cammy and shorts, she turned and smiled, lifting her eyes to his while
reaching for his fully aroused cock.

“Spread these
legs, honey.”

immediately did as instructed, his eyes blazed and twinkled like the midnight

“Any specific
reason you want me spread ‘em open, baby?”

Allison did not
respond but went to her knees between his legs.  She leaned forward, swinging
her hair with slow sweeps back and forth over and around his cock.

“Oh shit,
Allison…that feels like heaven.”

She took a
thick strand of her hair in her hands and dragged it underneath his balls then
pulled the silky strands back and forth, folding his full sac within her hair. 
He groaned, arching his head back.  She pulled her hair upwards and circled his
cock with her thick strands, slowly pulling it up and down, surrounding his
straining shaft.

Tiaan growled,
and lifted his hips in tune with her slow circling of his cock.  She tightened
the hold of her looped hair and slowly began to drag it up and down his cock,
masturbating him with sometimes a lose curl of her hair, other times tightening
her grasp and dragging it down hard.

Holy fuck

Tiaan roared
as Allison’s mouth closed over his thick, mushroomed head as she dragged her
hair down the length of his cock.  Tiaan grabbed her head and held her in
place, grinding his teeth to force his orgasm down.  She pulled him deeper into
her mouth, gently sucking and pumping his cock up and down, using her hair and
her mouth.

He allowed it
for a few minutes, his muscles bunching and the veins in his neck straining
with the need to climax.  Tiaan felt his balls tighten and his cock swelled in
preparation to shoot his release and he dragged her mouth from his straining

“Enough, baby,
I need to be inside you…

He dragged her
up over his body and her legs fell on either side of his hips.  He lifted her
hips, positioned his cock in one movement and yanked her down hard onto him. 
Allison screamed – muffled as he planted his hand over her mouth just in time –
as he bottomed out in her.  He stroked his thumb over her clit, his own thighs
quivering with the need to move, but he needed to give her time to recover.  He
swirled his thumb harder, faster and Allison leaned forward, gripping him
around his shoulders.  She lifted her hips, looked into his eyes and slammed
down onto him. Biting and screaming against his palm.  Tiaan did not even feel
the pain as she rode him hard and so fully that he could not breathe. 

Her pussy
clenched – a slight tremor - then contracted so hard around his cock he roared
as she pulled him over the edge with her.  Together they rode the crest of a
tsunami sized wave, which kept rolling and rolling toward the shore.  Never
reaching - both kept straining and thrashing against each other, desperate to
ride through the shudders of ecstasy that continued to wrack their bodies.

Allison slumped
on top of Tiaan and his arms wrapped around her like shackles. It took them a
long while to come down and they did not move or talk for nearly fifteen

“How many men
have you had?”

stiffened and he stroked her back tenderly.

“No insult intended,
baby. I just want to know how many other men have known this side of you.”

“Three, and
none of them.  I never experienced anything even remotely as intense with any
of them as I do with you.”

“Nor have I.”

Allison lifted
her head and tsk’ed at him.  “Please Tiaan.  I am not naïve.  You are – what
thirty-five years old – and have had more women than you can recall the names of. 
I won’t be offended if you…”

“Well, I sure
as hell am offended.  I told you I have not had as many as everyone seems to want
to believe.  Yes, I’ve had women and for your information I do remember all of their
names.  I am not that much of an asshole and I was very particular about the
women I had sex with.  I assure you I did not just jump every pussy that came
my way.”

realized he was really upset and she leaned forward to place a soft kiss on his

“I am sorry,
but in my defense all the tabloids and reports on your…exploits are well documented. 
You can’t deny that you had a different woman on your arm literally every

“And you
honestly think I had the stamina or desire to fuck every single one of them,
night after night?”

blushed.  “Well, we’ve been…”

different.  You’re different.  Damn it, Allison, I have never had sex with the
same woman twice, until you.”

Her eyes
widened at his confirmation of what Michael said and a smile so warm turned her
lips upward to brighten the whole room.  He grimaced.

“You like
that, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do. I
have seen all those gorgeous women you’ve dated and I am not a patch to any of
them.  Now I have an advantage over all of them.”

“You are
wrong, baby.  They are not a patch to you.  You, my love, are absolutely
exquisite, even the morning sunrise pales in comparison to you.”

“Okay…now you will
worry me if you become poetic.  Why don’t you kiss me and make love to me again
instead.  You’ve only done it once…today.”

Tiaan laughed
and flipped her over to nestle between her legs.  He leaned over her, his smile
sweet and tender.

“I have
created a monster.”

“Are you
complaining Mr. Sheppard?”

definitely not Miss Hadley.  Most definitely not.”

His head lowered and he commenced
to prove to her just what kind of an effect she had on his libido. 


Tiaan had invited his parents, Brianna
and Geoff to dinner, as well.  They were the first to arrive and his mother
immediately hugged her against her chest.  Geoff just shook his head.  He
winked at Allison.

“You’ve made
my wife’s day, Allison.  Now both of her little boys have women in their

“Can you blame
me, darling?  I have begun to despair that we would never have grandchildren. 
I sincerely trust the two of you are planning to start a family soon after the

blushed and Tiaan laughed.

“Ease up,
Mom.  Allison just moved in, we’re not married yet.”

sorry.  I just assumed…I mean, you’ve never had a proper girlfriend – apart
from Sally when you were in primary school – so with Allison moving in…I am

“Relax Mom,
I’ll probably follow Mason’s example and just arrange the wedding on Allison’s

heartbeat increased as their eyes met.  It seemed as if Tiaan was challenging
her to say something contrary.

“Well, that is
rather disappointing.”

“What dearie?”

“It was
romantic and original when Mason did it.  Now Tiaan just wants to be a

Tiaan’s eyes
narrowed and he reached out a hand to run his fingers through her hair. He
leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

“I see that as
a yes, sweetlips.  Don’t even think of reneging later.”

The wicked glint
in his eyes made her wonder if his statement was not deliberate, knowing how
she would react to his challenge.  It seemed as if he knew her very well

“As long as
you know that Mason set the bar very high…you’ll have to dig deep to beat

“He might be
the oldest twin, sweetlips, but I invented romance.  How else do you think I
managed to sweep you off your feet so quickly?”

Oh puh-leez!
Just listen to that drivel, Lucas.  He can’t even spell romance.”  Michael
turned to Allison.  “You should know, cuz, the reason he has never had a
girlfriend is because he’s clueless when it comes to romance.”

“Careful, bud,
I don’t see a girl on either of your sides.”

laughed. Michael and Lucas hugged and greeted Tiaan’s parents.  Tiaan’s cousin
Charles arrived amidst more bantering and her own parents shortly thereafter.
Allison was hardly surprised when Willow and Savannah arrived nearly thirty
minutes late.  Michael snorted when they arrived.

“I don’t know
why you are surprised, cuz.  Willow is not known for her timekeeping.  Probably
because it takes her forever to…”

let me sic my father on you.  Leave Willow be.”

“Gmphf, not to
worry, girlfriend.  I pay no attention to insects.”

“Oh, you are
to be thrown in the pool, little twit.”

And so started
a very pleasant and enjoyable afternoon, filled with jokes and laughter.  After
lunch everyone found a seat in the den for some coffee and tea.  Tiaan pulled
Allison down on his lap in one of the plush lounge chairs.

“Dad, Uncle
Paddy is not just here for a visit.  He has some news for you.”  

John and Emma
looked at Paddy.  He was her father, John’s older brother whom he had missed
terribly.  They used to be very close and the decision to move to Australia ten
years ago, to be closer to Aunt Cynthia’s family, was very difficult for them.

“It was the
best surprise ever to arrive here and find you here, Pad.  We should visit more

daresay you might actually get tired of me soon.”

“What do you

“I have decided
to move back to New York.”

For a moment
John and Emma did not say a word then Emma jumped up and hugged Paddy, followed
by John.

offered to let me stay in her house while I am looking for my own place.”

“Oh, where are
you going, my girl?”

“Oh…I…shit, I
forgot to tell you.”

John and Emma
laughed and winked at Tiaan.  “Good thing the Sheppard boys have such good

“What do you

“Tiaan phoned
us last week to discuss your moving in with him.”

Allison glared
at him with narrowed eyes.  “Last week, did he?”

sweetlips. Last week.  I would have given you another week to make up your own
mind, thereafter I would have come to pack for you.”


“Talk about
moving back to New York.  Guess who I bumped into on Wednesday, Allie?”

“I would not
even venture a guess, Savannah.  Why don’t you just tell us?”

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