The Tycoon's Blondie (The Tycoon Series Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: The Tycoon's Blondie (The Tycoon Series Book 2)
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“Greg Scott.”

Tiaan felt
Allison stiffen in his arms and he noticed her compressed lips.  He continued
slowly stroking his fingers through her hair.  His voice was deceptively soft
when he asked, “Who is Greg Scott?”

“Oh, Allison’s

fingers tightened into a fist in her hair and she winced audibly.

“Ex,” Allison
snapped, glaring at Savannah.  “Ex fiancé.”

“Of course. 
I’m sorry, I did not realize…
...sorry, Allie.”

“For what?  It
has been over for more than three years so it hardly matters.”

“So, tell us
more, Savvy.  Where did you see the asshole and did he have Simla with him?” 
Willow wanted to know.

“Er, no. 
Apparently they broke up two years ago.  He is back in New York.  He has been
appointed as a partner at Bennett and Associates.”

“It seems you
had a long chat with the weasel, Savannah.”  Charles grunted with annoyance in
his voice.

“Well, he
cornered me in the coffee shop where I was having breakfast and I was hungry. 
I was not going to jump up and run away just because…”

“Well, you
should have and left him with the bill.”  Willow mumbled angrily.  “Dickhead.”

“There seems
to be some resentment around this ex fiancé of yours, sweetlips.  Care to
enlighten us?”

glanced at Tiaan and noticed his rigid jaw.  She sighed.

“No.  It is
hardly a topic to sour a very enjoyable afternoon with.”

Tiaan’s lips
flattened and his hand tightened in her hair. 

“Yeah, I
agree, total dickhead, not worth having a discussion over.”  Michael mumbled
and started talking about the new top line racecar they were busy building.

He used
to draw everyone out and soon
laughter filled the den again. Allison was not fooled with Tiaan joining in the
banter.  The tight grip on her hair was still in place.  He seemed to
his feelings into his fingers that
tugged on the strands every now and then.

Uncle Paddy
went home with Allison’s parents and the rest of their guests left not too long
after.  Allison was busy clearing the cups from the den when Tiaan walked back
into the house, his face grim.  He took the tray out of her hands and she
collected more cups and followed him to the kitchen.  He helped her put the
last of the dirty dishes in the dishwasher without saying a word.

“I think I am
going to take a quick swim.  Are you going to join me?”

Tiaan looked
at her and shrugged.  Allison sighed and walked to their room to change.  She
knew what he wanted, but she did not have the energy to have that
conversation.  Not after the pleasant afternoon they had.  Definitely not while
he was angry and resentful.  Something she did not quite understand…no she was
lying…she did, but it was unnecessary.

fooling yourself, Allison.  You would have wanted him to tell you if he had
been engaged before.

Tiaan was
already in the pool when she got there.  She sank down on the wide steps along
one side of the pool and sat watching him swimming back and forth.  Two
seagulls circled above them and Allison lifted her head to stare at their
graceful flight. She jumped in fright when a hand closed around her ankle and
looked down into Tiaan’s eyes.  He pulled her legs apart and walked into her,
pressing her back on the edge of the first step into the pool.

He lowered his
head and kissed her with hungry possession.  Hard, rough and demanding her
submission.  It was as if he was staking his claim, reminding her that she
belonged to him.  Allison sank her hands into his hair and wrapped one leg
around his waist.  He pressed his hard cock against her pussy and she moaned. 
Suddenly, his hands were everywhere.  Allison tried to protest, tried to keep
him from dragging her bikini from her body, but within moments she was naked.

He barely took
the time to yank his bathing suit down before he sank his cock deep into her
hot, soft folds.  A sigh of pure pleasure escaped Allison’s lips and she moaned
in his ear.

honey.  I want to feel you everywhere.”

Tiaan drew
back and slammed back in, hard and so deep, Allison cried out in shock.  His
voice was harsh in her ear.

“Is that how
he fucked you, Allison?”

Allison gasped
and tears filled her eyes.  She drew back and shaped her palms around his face.

“That was
cruel.  Why? Why do this and then talk about him?”

“Because I
need to know.  Because by now, I should have known. Because I had to hear about
him from someone else.”

“Tiaan…I don’t
want to…”

“Oh no,
Allison.  You will tell me about him. 
Every fucking little detail

He withdrew
from her completely, yanked his bathing suit back over his hips and left the
pool.  Tiaan stormed toward the house, drying himself with a towel as he went.

watched him go, wrapping her arms around her naked breasts and dragged in a
deep breath.  Her pussy pulsed with the arousal he awoke with that one harsh plunge
deep inside her.  It seemed as if she could just not get enough of him.  Even
the slightest touch awakened her need for him.  A need that ran so much deeper
than just desire and lust.  A need that was ingrained in every fiber of her
being, every cell of her anatomy.  He had made her his.  In more ways than he
could ever know.

love him.  Oh, sweet Lord, I already love him with all my heart.

Allison put
her bikini back on and swam a few lengths before she followed Tiaan into the
house.  Realizing they were having their first disagreement.



Chapter Nine

Allison took a shower and dressed
in a short sundress and flip-flops.  She dried her hair and went looking for
Tiaan.  She found him standing on the patio with his hands buried in his
pockets, staring out at the sea.  He, too, had taken a shower and was dressed
in a pair of cargo shorts and a tee-shirt.

She went up to
him and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind, laying her cheek against
his broad back.  He did not move, but his body stiffened the moment she touched
him.  Her heart sank and she hugged him tighter.

“Please let’s
not fight because of him.  He is not worth it.”

“Isn’t he?” 
His voice was low and sounded weary.

stepped around him and wormed herself between his body and the patio balustrade
he was standing against.  She laid her hands on his chest and looked at him

“No, honey, he

“Then why didn’t
you tell me about him?  If he meant nothing to you anymore, it’s something you
should have told me that night I took you to dinner.”

“I didn’t tell
you about him then, because we were just two people having a nice dinner
together, not sharing our tales of woe.”

“And since

“Honestly?  It
has not crossed my mind once.  Tiaan, I have not given him a thought in years. 
I promise you there is no hidden agenda by not telling you.  It truly just
slipped my mind.”

“So tell me

sighed.  “Only if you put your arms around me.  I don’t like that I am standing
so close to you and feel as if there are miles separating us.  Please, honey.”

Tiaan dragged
his hands out of his shorts pockets and slid them around her waist.  He stroked
her spine and slipped one hand beneath her hair, while the other enveloped her
waist to tug her closer against him.  Allison wrapped her arms around his waist
and locked her hands behind his back.

“We met in college,
when I was in my third year and he was in his final year of post-grad. We
started dating and soon became a couple.  He was very ambitious, hard working,
attended all the who’s who parties and soon became a junior partner at White
Incorporated.  We got engaged two years after we met. Neither one of us were
interested in getting married. He had his career to build and I was still
specializing. After two years I felt we were both settled, he had just been
promoted, but he felt it was too soon.”

shrugged her shoulders. 

“I guess I am just
as much to blame as he was.  I should have recognized the signs by then.  Every
time I would bring up marriage, he would brush it off, until eventually we
decided on a date five years after we got engaged.”

Tiaan grunted
and Allison snorted.

“Yeah, I
know.  I was an idiot.  Anyway, everything was planned, paid for and I went to
pick up my wedding dress three days before the wedding.  He was at my apartment
when I got home.”

“You were
engaged for five years and lived separately?”

“Yes. He felt
we should not hasten into anything.”

“Five years? 
Fucking dickhead.”

“Well, I
arrived home and put my wedding dress away.  He bluntly told me he was not
ready to be a husband.  He was sorry, but he could not marry me.  Just like
that, then he walked out.  The next day I went to the mall to go cancel the
flowers and catering.  I found him kissing Simla, one of my group of friends. 
I was livid and hurt.  I had wasted seven years of my life and he used me to
get ahead in his career.  The group of Attorneys he worked for placed high
value of morals and family.  I approached them and learned that they had been
having an affair for over a year.”

Allison sighed
and pressed her cheek deeper against his chest.

“Thinking back
I never cried over him.  I was just angry, hurt and disappointed.  More so in
Simla, who had been one of my best friends since I was twelve years old. 
Luckily they moved to Canada.  He had been made a lucrative offer by one of the
best law firms at the time.”

“And since

“Oh…ehm…I had
the odd one night stand…ahum…two to be exact, over a year ago.”

“You had not
had sex for a year before we met?”


“Well, that is
an oversight we need to correct without any further delay.”

Tiaan stepped
back, lifted her easily over his shoulder and turned back to the house.  He
locked the patio door and started toward the stairs.

“Honey, I am
hungry!  Let’s eat something first.”

“Oh, I intend
to eat something, baby.  Something sweet and tangy.”


“I daresay
woman, my hunger is bigger than yours, so it has precedence over you getting
fed.  Don’t worry.  I’ll keep an eye on you and feed you just before you pass
out from hunger.”

He jogged up
the stairs with a shrieking and laughing Allison over his shoulder.  Tiaan made
short work of their clothes and fell down on the bed with her on top of him. 
His lips closed over hers, fisting his hand in her hair to keep her in place.

The moment
their lips met they opened and the kiss deepened, his tongue surging inside. 
Now was not the time for sweet and tender.  Now was the time for possession. 
For showing her who she belonged to.  For expunging any memory of Greg Scott
from her mind.

Allison melted
into his domination, loving the feel of his muscled chest against her naked
breasts, his strong thighs below her pliant ones and most of all…his twitching
cock against her stomach.

The stroke of
Tiaan’s tongue was deep, drugging and seductively passionate.  He boldly laid
claim to every inch his tongue touched, his hands caressed and Allison was
his.  Completely.

nibbled on his lips, then his chin and slowly started making her way down his


“No…I want
this.  Let me have this, please.”

Tiaan relaxed
beneath her caressing hands, brushing feather light touches over his nipples,
her mouth following the same path.  Her tongue flicked out and licked his small
nipple.  It tightened immediately and she felt his cock further swell against
her belly.  She flattened her lips around the nipple and sucked.


Allison smiled
against his chest, lapping at his salty skin to his other nipple and giving it
the same attention, then nipped on the bud.  Tiaan nearly unseated her, his
cock reacted with such beastly demand.

seems very eager tonight, honey.”

“You don’t
even want to fucking know how much, sweetlips.  You better hurry up, my…radar
can’t stand much more.”

giggled and nipped on his other nipple and he growled at her.  She glanced up
at him, amazed at the blush on his cheeks.  She scooted lower, kissing and
licking the steel ridges of his abs, down his flat stomach but carefully
avoiding his jutting cock.

“Allison, baby
I don’t think I’ll be able to…”

“But I need to
do this.”


Tiaan grunted
and gripped her hair in his fist when she stuck out her tongue and licked the underside
of his cock.  All the way from the top, to the bottom of his balls and slowly
back up.  With her tongue, she traced the pulsing veins around his silky yet
steel shaft, then twirled it all around his broad cockhead.  The fingers in her
hair tightened as she slipped her tongue inside the slit in the middle of his
head, slowly sliding it back and forth.  Tiaan nearly exploded.

Holy shit,
woman.  Enough!  Suck me.  You are driving me, crazy

With a
satisfied mumble, Allison opened her jaw wide and started to slide him into her
mouth, tracing the bottom of his cock with her tongue, splaying the tip against
the sensitive spot just below his bulbous head.  She sucked him deep into her
mouth until he bumped against the back of her throat.  Pulling back she circled
her hands at the base of his cock, slowly gliding them up and down, guiding her
mouth around him.  Tiaan could not keep still and started to thrust, keeping
her head in place with his hand firmly in her hair.

Tiaan looked
down at Allison, watching in awe as her pink lips curled around his cock. He had
never experienced such a heightened sense of arousal with any of the other women
who had sucked him off.  This woman totally brought him to his knees.  She
dragged her hot tongue over his skin and his spine nearly curled double in
pleasure.  She was so hot.  Her mouth was incinerating him, it was so hot and
so tight.  Perfect.  Absolutely perfect.

He pushed
another inch deeper into her mouth and she took him.  Her hand tightened around
his base, gripping him hard as she worked him, nipping his cock lightly with the
edge of her teeth.

That was it
for Tiaan.  He could not take another second of her hot, torturing mouth or he
would come down her throat and that was not what he wanted.  Not this time.  Not
with Greg Scott still hovering in the recesses his mind.

He dragged her
mouth off him and she protested.

“No.  I need to
be inside you, Allison.  Now.”

He lifted her
over his cock and slammed her down without any preamble.  Allison cried out and
arched her back, but she was already soaked so his entry was smooth, albeit so
deep she moaned.  Their eyes met.  Blue meeting grey meshed in the heightened
electricity that connected them.  She placed her hands on his chest and lifted
her hips.  Holding his gaze, she slammed back and cried out at the pain of the
depth she took him too.

“Careful, baby.”

She did it
again and then again until she was riding him like a frantic nymphomaniac on a
quest to conquer all.  Their cries echoed through the room, their lust and
passion driving them wild.

pussy clenched and unclenched around him, throbbing and soaking hot, electrifying
them both.  She couldn’t remember ever feeling so energized and alive.  She
rode him harder, faster and the sound of their flesh slapping as she slammed
down onto him echoed through the room, in tune with his grunts and her cries.

Allison felt the earth topple and she was on her back, Tiaan surging even
deeper than before.  She screamed as her world exploded, and she flew off the
edge into a swirling tornado. She thrust her pussy hard against his crotch,
clenching in a sensual bow of lust.

Tiaan powered
into her, the tendons in his neck standing out as his eyes met hers and he

“Mine,” and
the tendons in his neck bulged even more with each word as he thrust into her. 
“You. Are. Mine.”

possessiveness combined with the words triggered another orgasm, which took her
even harder than the first.  She screamed and it felt as if her pussy
exploded.  She clutched at him, fearful as a bright light exploded behind her
eyes.  Her forceful contractions around his cock threw him over the edge with
her and his roar could surely be heard by the heavens.  He drove into her with
an erotic savagery that propelled her higher on the bed.  She did not care. 
She wrapped her legs around his waist and spurred him on, desperate to ride the
wave of the climax that still had her in its grip.

Allison wailed
and her nails grooved down his back as another and yet another orgasm ripped through
her with every jet of Tiaan’s release that shot against her womb.

They gasped
for breath as the last of their pleasure spiraled through them allowing them at
long last to slump weakly against each other.  Tiaan barely had the energy to
drag his torso off of hers to collapse next to her, his cock still buried
inside her.

With a hoarse,
raw voice he said harshly, “I don’t care that you have not thought about him
for years, I warn you Allison, do not let me catch you near him now that he is

“Tiaan, I told
you, it is in the past.”

“I don’t care
about the words, sweetlips.  I care about the actions.  I don’t want you near
him.  Ever.  You are mine.”

Allison’s arms
tightened around him and she placed a tender kiss on his temple.

“Yes, Tiaan.  I am yours.” 

Nothing came from Tiaan’s plan to
take Allison sailing on his yacht Sunday.  She was called to an emergency early
in the morning.  A young child involved in a motor vehicle accident, with her
parents, had traumatic injuries to her teeth and supporting structures. 

“Tiaan, it is
unnecessary for you to take me.  I don’t know how long surgery is going to
take.  What are you going to be doing the whole time?”

“I’ll drop you
at the hospital and go to my office.  There are a number of projects I have
fallen behind on, so it suits me as well.  Come, we’ll take the chopper.”

rather go by car.”

Tiaan turned
around and frowned at her.  “Don’t you trust me, Allison?”

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