Read The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women Online

Authors: Pauline Orr,Diana Vega,Carla Burke,Evelyn Hunt,Inez Eaton,Emma Bishop,Cynthia Conley,Bonnie Robles,Sue Harrington,Kim Wilkerson

The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women (11 page)

BOOK: The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women
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I studied the massive guy with wide eyes, making Blake chuckle, “Exactly! One look and people think again.”


Joe grinned, “They don’t realize that I couldn’t hurt a fly.”


His deep voice and huge build were fitting enough but his intimidating vibe rounded out the image to perfection. He stopped at the delivery elevator, taking up the entire space in front of the doors, while we waited for it to open.


Blake pulled me behind him, “Bear with me. You never know when some nut-job is going to launch himself at one of us.”


Joe said over his shoulder, “Usually women but we’ve had a few guys try to tackle him.”


I nodded, “I can understand that.”


Blake explained to Joe, “She’s a reporter so she’s seen some shit.”


The door opened to a white-suited server pushing a tray. One look at Joe and he quickly said, “I’m going to room 217. If I can get by, I’ll be out of your way.”


With a nod, Joe let him through before ushering us inside the lift. By way of conversation, I asked, “What floor are you on?”


He told me they had the entire thirteenth floor which I should have remembered. Somewhere in the back of my mind, a vague memory brewed. I grinned, “Why the thirteenth?”


Joe shot him a look and rolled his eyes while Blake laughed, “We have an image to uphold. Thirteen is shrouded in superstition… why not?”


“Uh-huh! Working it, aren’t you?”


The door opened and Joe led us to a room, used the keycard to enter, and checked it out before allowing us inside. He paused at the door to say over his shoulder, “I’ll be next door if you need me.”


After he left, Blake switched the TV on but quickly turned the station when the local news featured their band.


“You don’t like the fame, do you?”


He shrugged, “At first, I did. It started to wear on me after a while. About that interview…”


“Blake, I can’t be unbiased here so…”


He studied my face, “Just write the truth. What did you think?”


“You guys sounded excellent. Pumped the crowd like pros and all that. I wanted to do a piece that showed behind the scenes but I…”


“What if you just interview the remainder of the band and avoid writing about me?”


My eyebrows rose, “That’s not what the fans want. You’re the one at the mike so they want to hear about you.”


He shrugged, “So, write a little about me and focus on the other band members. The drummer is new. I know he’s chomping at the bit to get attention.”


I thought it over for a second before nodding, “Okay, I’ll try.”


He called the other members in as I grabbed my notes. While we waited for their arrival, he pulled a bottle of champagne out, “Cause to celebrate.”


I shook my head, “I can’t write if I’m seeing double.”


“Just sip it, then.”


I took the glass he offered, “I don’t remember you being so pushy!”


He laughed, “Oh… you have no idea!”


Before I could respond, the band filed inside his room without knocking. The bassist’s eyes darted between us and nodded, “So this is the woman that’s changed your mood lately.”


Blake shot me an ‘I told you so!’ look and reluctantly nodded. The bassist stuck his hand out, “Devon. Nice to meet you and don’t do you dare leave.”


I laughed and shook his hand as the lead guitarist bounced onto the bed, “Same here. He’s been a terror then flipped on us suddenly. Oh… I’m—”


“I know your names already. You’re Steve…” My pen motioned toward the drummer, “…and you go by Rand.”


“As you probably know… I’m Kristine.”


Each nodded so I proceeded to ask them my list of questions. The drummer excitedly answered most while the remainder gave me tolerance and shot amused looks at Rand. Blake watched the process but he concentrated on me for the most part.


His presence became territorial when the drummer lightly flirted. I nervously downed my champagne and he immediately closed his hand over mine, refilling my glass while pointedly staring at his peers. Quickly getting the message, Rand backed off but blurted out, “Guess we’re not sharing her, huh?”


My jaw dropped as I glanced at Blake who scowled at the drummer, “No, shit! Do I look like I’m in the mood to share her?”


Shaking his head, he rose and asked me, “You’ve got enough material, right?”


I nodded, trying to dowse my own roaring emotions at this new information. I downed my second glass of bubbly while they scrambled out the door. Blake lifted my glass to pour a third while saying, “Yeah, there’s that.”


I tried to stifle my anger. After all, I’d been married. He put the glass down, dragged his shirt off, and lifted me to him.


I calmly asked, “Where do we go from here?”


“You come with us.”


My eyes narrowed, “How am I going to do my job while traveling with you?”


“You won’t need to work. Shit, you can blog about our travels.”


“And join your other women?”


Impatience flashed over his face, “There are no other women.”


“That’s not what they said!”


That wildness flew over his face as his thumb grazed my lips, “It’s been a few months. We’ve both had pasts. Let’s leave it at that.”


I silently nodded, knowing he was right but still irked at the situation. I grabbed the glass of champagne and downed it but, before I could grab the bottle, he pulled me to him, “You’re gorgeous when you’re angry.”


His mouth dropped to mine, firm and demanding, which sent my hormones reeling all over again. After a searing kiss, he pulled back and I realized my ire was fueling his arousal.


My eyes narrowed, “You’ve changed. When did pissing women off start turning you on?”


Laughing, he claimed, “Pissing women off doesn’t do shit but pissing you off fires me up.”


His hand landed on my ass hard and I pushed at him, “Jesus, Blake, what the fuck?”


His dark laughter and wild look made me even madder. Just knowing he was doing it to get his rocks off had me clenching my teeth. He pulled his hand back again to slap my ass.


I growled, “Don’t you…!”


His hand made contact a split-second before he pushed me down. Enraged now, I shoved at his chest which brought thrilled and heated laughter rumbling out of him. The realization that I was fueling him was beside the point. I was so mad that I couldn’t stop now.


He grabbed my flailing arms and pinned them to my side, lowering his face to mine with raw lust brewing in his eyes. His lips stopped above mine to whisper, “Show me what you got!”




He brought my wrists together to free one hand and roughly pinched my nipple, causing me to jerk under him and screech. My temper got the best of me, sending me into an angry writhe.


“Oooh… yeah! That’s it!”


His raw lust shot me into fury. I fought him with everything I had but his teeth slammed onto my neck, showing me who was boss and driving my passion off the charts. I went from fighting to tearing at his clothing. His dark laughter simultaneously amplified my ache and fueled my anger, benefiting his wildness until he’d shredded my clothes right off me.


By this time, I was panting under him while he was holding me down and promising to boldly rock my fucking world. My ragged moaning begs were probably heard by the other band members as he wrestled me over onto my stomach to slap my bare ass. I cursed and fought while my blood boiled from his roughness and my pussy ached for him to boldly fuck it.


He dragged me to the end of the bed. I tore the bed sheets off, sliding them down but I went limp when his fingers thrust inside me. He pumped me into slickness before rubbing my ass and driving a thumb inside, scooting me up the bed. Whimpering, I pushed into the bed and ground into his hand.


He pumped both holes, firing me into a state of need where I was begging him to tear me up. Spanking my ass with his bare hand, he asked, “What do you want?”


“Damn it, Blake!”


I tried to pull myself back up the bed but he fucked me harder, collapsing me onto the bed in a writhing mess while he hissed, “Tell me what you want me do.”


I cried, “Fuck it—fuck my ass!”


He crawled over me, pinned me to the bed by the nape of my neck while I ground against him. I’d only had anal with him but the memories always haunted me. He slowly entered me, making me beg him to wreck me all over again. Instead of doing what I desperately wanted, he slowly slid into me while digging his fingers into my ass cheeks.


I thrust backwards into him, gasping my pleas but he held my hips, mercilessly teasing me into begging louder. He finally plowed inside, pumping furiously into me. I collapsed to my elbows and sank into the mattress in a boneless, whimpering heap. He pulled me over, stroking my clit while rocking his hips sideways.


I immediately seized on the bed as my pussy began to clench, sending waves of bliss wrecking my mind and body. His fingers drove inside, fucking my pussy while his cock thumped in my ass. I gushed on him, queefing liquid while he growled in satisfaction. At that point, I could have died happy as long as he continued granting me pleasure.


His fingers tugged, slid, and fucked before spreading my slit wide as he curled his hips and jerked inside me. I slapped the bed, grabbing the sheet and bucking my hips against his pumping cock. Even though I knew he came, he pulled out and slammed into my pussy to fuck me even harder. My nipples heaved into the air as my mouth gaped.


Wet noisy queefs drenched the air but his dark tone sliced through them, “Yeah, Baby, juice that cock up!”


He fucked me up the bed, turning me onto my side and driving even deeper. I curled backward around his bent knee, soaking the bed sheets with my queefs as my body turned into a fluid heap from the feminine bliss flooding through me.


He shoved a hand into my hair, kissing my neck and whispering in my ear, “Marry me, Baby. We’re too good together.”


I weakly looked up at him, “Are you serious?”


He nodded, “Believe me, I’m dead serious.”


I frowned, “Are you planning on pissing me off every time we fuck?”


Laughing, he pulled out and lifted me to him, “You fucking better believe it!”


I slapped his shoulder but grinned, “Okay.”


Completely awed that he’d thoroughly demolished my senses, I said, “You know, you could have done any damn thing you wanted and I would have accepted it.”


He grinned, “Yeah?”


I laughed at his thoughtful expression, “What are you planning?”


He wouldn’t tell me while we took a shower even though I bugged him relentlessly. Afterward, I logged onto my laptop to try to write my blog but couldn’t concentrate with him darting glances at me.


I finally stopped and asked, “What?”


“You never did answer me.”


I frowned, “What was the question?”


His eyebrows shot up, “I proposed.”


“I said ‘okay’”


He rose from the bed, “I’d like a little more than a simple okay as if you’re responding to a food order.”


I rolled my eyes, “Yes, Blake, I would love to marry you.”

BOOK: The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women
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