Read The Unwilling Mistress Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

The Unwilling Mistress (11 page)

BOOK: The Unwilling Mistress
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“You want fifty thousand pounds today” he said in disbelief


“Yes” she replied “Or maybe you can’t get your hands on that kind of money”


He had dropped his smile, his eyes cold as he pulled her towards the picture she knew the safe to be in


“Ok Mia” he said slowly “You can have your money, but it had better be one hell of a performance” he said his eyes scanning her, before adding with a lecherous flick of his eyes over her body “Perhaps you and I can play through it later together” he said his meaning very clear


“Perhaps” she replied her hand raised for her money


Jake pulled the picture open and within plain site of her, she had watched him move the dial around to the three numbers she needed, happiness filling her.


As he pulled out fifty thousand pounds, she had taken the bag with the camera and placed the money inside it. He had shown her how to work the device, giving her instructions on how best to position it before he had allowed her to leave.


As the young woman had left his office, he had looked upwards with a thoughtful expression on his face. He wasn’t used to smart women, but Mia Jones was clever. He had never really intended to pay her any money but she had forced him to give her half up front and he felt uneasy about that. However, at that moment in time, she was his one way of getting something on Drake Trent and with an unpleasant smile he had thought how he would bide his time, Drake Trent wouldn’t be around for ever, and then he would make sure that he enjoyed Mia Jones the thought exciting him.


Mia had once more returned to her room, safely storing the money and camera, before moving back down to the dining room, where Drake sat waiting for her. With a broad smile he had pulled back a chair for her, sitting her down on it in a way that had made her smile warmly at him.


“I thought you weren’t coming” he said with a smile on his lips, as Mia had looked back at him


“It takes a long time to look this good” she had answered with a small grin which he had returned nodding making some inane comment about perfection, which had seen her lips twitch gently


“Perhaps after breakfast we could go for a walk” she had said breezily, her eyes holding his with a look which had him agreeing whilst wondering what had happened.


As they had walked through the estate’s beautiful woodland she had began to tell him what had occurred in Jakes study, as he walked beside her listening intently


“Wow a sex video” he said softly “Not exactly original…and what would be the’s not as if I’m married”


Mia had frowned “No, but I bet you wouldn’t want your competitors seeing that splashed all over the headlines and internet” she had said “It probably would look pretty bad for your boards of directors too”. Drake had nodded his head gently


“I guess so” he replied his tone icy but thoughtful


“Well whatever you’re going to do Mia, you had better do it today or tonight because tomorrow we will have to be out of here” he said firmly “and I am damn well not going to leave you here”


Mia had looked at him gently, his need to protect her filling her with warmth


“Do you think that you could get us into his office this afternoon” she had asked as he had nodded


“I think so”


With that the two had returned to the building. Around the pool, the other six male guests lay in various states of exhaustion, most still hung-over from the day before, while their dates lay beside them enjoying the unusually hot summer sun looking bored. As Drake had entered the main foyer, Jake had appeared


“Drake” he cried with a fake smile lighting his face “Sleep well” he asked winking slightly at the taller man


Drake had smiled back “Like a log Jake” he replied “best nights sleep I’ve had for a long time” he added looking down on Mia with a small smile which she had returned, feeling a laugh come to her lips at their shared joke.


“Good..good…anything else I can get for you” the unpleasant man had asked


“I would like to use your office for a while” he said “need to make some personal calls.. check up on some stuff”


Jake had grinned “Hey my home is yours” he had said “feel free” his eyes following them as they entered the study.


As the door had closed she had whispered to him


“Do you think he bugs this room” to which Drake had shaken his head. “No, men like Jake wouldn’t want to have incriminating evidence lying around about them. He wouldn’t have touched this room”


Mia had nodded at the logic of what he had said, and as Drake stood guard at the door she had moved over to the safe quickly opening it. As she had searched through the different documents within the large wall safe, she had given a small cry of delight as she had found the letter directing Adam to take the funds to Jake Black. With shining eyes and a happy smile she had held it up to him in triumph before closing over the safe once more.


With relief Drake had then placed a phone call to his secretary informing her to organise for a helicopter to pick him up early the next morning


“No point in raising his suspicions” he had said firmly as they had both left the room, the incriminating letter securely tucked away in Drakes pocket.


As if by magic Jake had once more appeared


“Everything OK” he asked his eyes thinning as Drake had shaken his head


“I’m afraid not, Jake, I have to go.. urgent business” seeing as Jake had looked suspiciously at the two “Not right away” he had said with forced joviality becoming more relieved as Drake had shaken his head again


“No, first thing in the morning” A helicopter will be arriving for me at seven.


Jake had given Mia a knowing smile as he had opened his arms


“I guess these things happen, eh, but at least you get to relax one last night. The taller man had looked back at him with a smile


“Yep, might as well enjoy it while we can” he said as they walked away smiling. Jake had followed them with a triumphant look in his eyes, thoughts of enjoying Mia even sooner than he intended filling him. Yep life was going well for Jake Black he thought moving out to the pool, as the couple before him had once more moved to walk around the estate.


That evening after dinner, Drake and Mia had once again danced together, watching as the others had once more drank more than they should, many to Mia`s disgust having swapped partners for the evening. As Drake had held her close, Mia had found herself enjoying the scent of him as it invaded her senses, finding herself moving against him more erotically than she had meant to, seeing the way his eyes blazed at her actions. She had wordlessly held his eyes, the electricity between them almost tangible, as they moved against each other around the dance floor.


Seeing the two of them, Jake had ensured that they were left alone, smiling to himself at his plans for Drake Trent. He enjoyed the power of pulling down people so out with his own stratosphere and making them jump to his biddings, and Drake Trent had been tough. It had taken a girl like Mia to pull him down. With a lustful look, he had watched her. From the day she had joined the club, he had planned to bring her here. Planned to one day satisfy himself with her as he had with so many of the other girls, but there had been something different about her, something aloof, which had made him hold back. However, that day, she had shown herself to be just as greedy as anybody else, taking the money in return for the favour he had asked, and now Mia Jones was suddenly very attainable. The next day Drake would be gone, and then she would dance for him and do so much more, with this thought Jake Black had smiled once more to himself.


At 11, as the other guests were becoming loud and boisterous, Drake had wished goodnight to everybody, holding Mia’s hand as he led her upstairs. Following close behind Jake had watched from the end of the corridor as they had both moved into his bedroom together, seeing with a smile how Mia held the handbag in her arms, and with a grin he had once more returned to what was left of the party downstairs.


Inside his room, Drake had smiled at the beautiful woman before him


“So far, so good” he said gently, as she had smiled back at him


His eyes once more looked at how lovely she looked in the red cocktail dress, which clung to her perfect body and while he had taken in all this, he had found himself more focused on her lovely eyes which shone brightly as she had smiled, that wonderful smile which completely lit up her face. She was smiling now, and he had felt his stomach flip flopping, his mind wondering why she should have such an affect on him.


“Yep, so far” she laughed her eyes shy as she had tried not to stare back appreciating how handsome he looked.


As he had moved over to the drinks cabinet at one end of the room, he had poured himself a whisky and her a brandy, smiling as he made a toast


“To freedom” he said as she flashed another smile at him


“Ok, Miss Jones” he said lowering his glass from his mouth


“We know that we can share a bed like adults, so what side do you want” he quipped playfully at her. With a small grimace Mia had looked down on what she was wearing


“Do you think I’m overdressed” she laughed seeing how he had moved over to a drawer before pulling out a tee-shirt which he handed to her.


“This might be better” he smiled gently, as she had moved into the ensuite bathroom to change.


After several minutes she had returned, her hair pulled out from the bun she had set it for dinner, now hanging around her body, moving gently against her as she walked, the tee-shirt resting on her knees enabling him to see her lovely long shapely legs. Drake had swallowed hard, trying to push down the sudden desire in his body as the baggy garment had still not fully hidden her curves as she had moved, making him look away, with a need to remove himself from her.


“My turn” he said breezily though a little huskily, as he had grabbed his pyjama bottoms. He had hoped when he returned several minutes later that she would have been safely in the bed hidden under the duvet covers, but she still stood in the middle of the room her back to him as she fixed the bag and camera within it. She was filming the empty bed and she had moved over to lie on it looking at him out of sight of the camera.


“Care to join me” she said softly as she lay back on the soft covers. Her arms outstretched towards him her eyes half closed and sensual, as she had pouted at him. Drake had smiled, remembering the plan they had made earlier that day, and he had moved to the side of the camera before throwing his suit onto the bag, causing the camera to move to the other wall the lens away from the bed.


Looking over at her he had winked and smiled softly as she had held back the laugh with her hand. Sitting up she had bounced on the bed as though she had been joined before moaning softly as had he, moving over to crouch at the side of the bed beside her. For several more minutes they had maintained this, both making faces at each other at how ridiculous the whole thing seemed.


Finally Mia had moved from the bed and reaching in had switched off the camera, bursting into laughter.


“I would love to see his face when he sees this” she giggled looking over at Drake who had stood to join her, his face also creased with laughter.


“Well it should keep him busy, but make sure you don’t give him too much time to look at it before we leave” he had added suddenly serious, as he had once again looked over at Mia


Turning away he had added in what he hoped was a natural voice which would hide the desire in him


“OK, you choose which side you want” aware of Mia hesitating behind him


“Drake” she began softly “Thank you for everything”


He had swallowed the small lump in his throat, hearing the sincerity in her soft voice


“That’s OK” he said with an attempt at a laugh “It’s the hardest I’ve ever had to work for a third date”


Looking over at where he stood his long supple back facing her, Mia had been overcome with the need to touch him, to feel him against her. He was once again only wearing his pyjama bottoms, and moving forward she had leant her head against his back, her hands moving to his side to softly hold him


She had felt the tremor pass through him as she had began to kiss his skin his breathing becoming ragged


“Please Mia” he whispered softly “Don’t”, groaning as she had continued her tongue gently licking down his spine, the touch of her mouth on him sending shivers throughout his entire body.


“I am trying so hard” he said his voice husky, as she had shaken her head against him


“I want this” she whispered gently “I want it so much, it hurts”


With that he had turned in her arms, his hands cupping her face


“You don’t have to do this because…” he began as she had moaned


“For God’s sake kiss me Drake” her voice and eyes so full of need for him that he had bent down and taken her lips with his.


The sensations which ran through the two of them were electrifying, as they held each other so tightly, their mouths fiercely pulling on the other with a need so strong it had to be satisfied. She could feel the strength of his arousal pressing against her soft stomach as he held her so tightly. As she had moaned loudly, he had pulled the tee-shirt from over her head, his eyes dark with desire seeing her body for the first time, as she had pushed down his trousers feeling him step out of them as the silk material had swished down to the ground

BOOK: The Unwilling Mistress
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