The Vampire's Kiss (27 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Eden

Tags: #Nightmare

BOOK: The Vampire's Kiss
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A long sliver of wood from the ship’s bow had pierced his chest.

“I-is he dead?”

William didn’t answer. With his fingers clenched around the blade, he leapt off the cliff. Within seconds, he was beside Geoffrey, staring down at his still figure.

He lifted the sword. “Good-bye, brother.”

He slashed the blade across Geoffrey’s throat, severing his head in one quick blow.

William closed his eyes against the sight. The sword dropped from his fingers, to land in the blood beneath his feet.

Now, it was finished.

He returned to Savannah. He needed her, needed her touch to wipe the darkness from him. To banish the cold sweeping through him.

She was there, waiting on the cliff’s edge. He could see the tear tracks on her cheeks. He pulled her against him, desperate to feel her body against his. He inhaled her delicate scent and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

He’d almost lost her. His body began to shake.


He kissed her with all the fire and desperation that was in him. It had been too close. He could still see Geoffrey, see him sinking his teeth into her delicate throat.

He shuddered.

He felt her fingers, lightly stroking his back. Soothing him. Reassuring him.

It’s all right, William. It’s over now.
He felt her warmth pouring into him.

“Let’s get out of here,” he whispered. He wanted to leave this place and never come back.

She nodded, and they turned away from the cliffs.

William froze. He could feel something. Someone. Watching. Waiting.

His gaze searched the clearing. “Where did the wolf go?”

Savannah blinked. “I-I don’t know. I wasn’t watching—” She hurried over to the rocks and bent down, touching the ground lightly. When her hand lifted, there was blood on her fingers. “He was here a moment ago . . .”

And now he’d vanished.

But William could still feel him. Still feel his rage.

He’s watching us.

Savannah returned to his side, her body brushing lightly against his.

He didn’t know, but all his senses were screaming a warning to him. The wolf was waiting. Hiding in the shadows. And he was going to attack.

William didn’t know if Savannah could survive another attack. She was weak. He’d taken her blood, and then Geoffrey had savaged her. She needed to feed in order to regain her strength. They both needed to feed. But he knew she wouldn’t want to do it, that she would fight the hunger. He would have to force her. He couldn’t risk her waning strength. Not when they had another killer on their trail.

He wanted to go after the wolf, to hunt the beast down and destroy it. But he had to take care of Savannah. She needed him.

He scooped her up into his arms, holding her tightly.

He heard a low growl, and he knew that it wasn’t just a wolf that was stalking him. He could feel the creature’s dark power. Its hunger.

Stay away from her.
He knew the creature heard his warning.

William’s arms tightened around Savannah and he leapt into the air.

The wolf howled.

HE TOOK SAVANNAH to an inn on the outskirts of a small village. He knew they looked like hell, but with a small compulsion, he made the innkeeper overlook their haggard appearance and give them the best room that he had available, a room that, he assured William, had strong shutters that covered its windows.

William took Savannah upstairs, worried by her increasing pallor. She needed blood, and she needed it fast.

He locked the door behind him and placed her gently on the bed.

She stared up at him, her eyes wide. “That wasn’t a wolf, was it?”

William shook his head. He noticed that her hands were shaking.

“What was it?”

“A vampire.” From the instant that the beast had attacked Geoffrey, he’d known that he was dealing with one of his kind.

Savannah nodded. “I thought so.” She swallowed and rubbed her head. “Why did he attack Geoffrey?”

“I don’t know. Geoffrey spent his life hurting others. Maybe he did something to the vampire, hurt him or someone that he cared about.”

She slid back against the pillows, weariness evident in every line of her body. “Geoffrey hurt so many people.”

He pulled the covers over her. “He won’t hurt anyone else.”

Her hand caught his. “Thank you, William.”

He stilled. Hunger flashed through him at her delicate touch. “For what?”

“For ending my nightmare.”

He took a deep breath. Her weakness beat against him. “Rest, now. Just close your eyes and rest.”

She frowned, shifting restlessly on the bed. “Are you leaving?”

“Only for a moment.”

She shook her head. “No! Don’t leave me.”

“Sleep, Savannah.” He pushed the compulsion. Normally, it wouldn’t have worked on her, but in her weakened state, there was no way she could fight him.

Her lashes lowered and her body stilled.

He couldn’t risk traveling far. Not with the other vampire close by. He would have to find food, fast, and return to Savannah.

He would use one of the inn’s staff. A maid or a bellhop. He would be quick. Savannah had to drink. And she wasn’t strong enough to get the blood on her own.

He hurried to the door. With every second that passed, her strength drained.

And with the wolf out there, she couldn’t afford to be weak. Not for a moment.

“SAVANNAH. WAKE up, Savannah.”

She heard his voice, calling softly to her. She tried to open her eyes, but she just felt so tired. She wanted to sleep, just sleep.

“You can’t sleep. You have to open your eyes.”

She knew that voice. William. She smiled.

“Yes, it’s me. And I need you to look at me. Can you do that?”

She concentrated, gathering her strength. William needed her. She focused her remaining energy, and her eyes opened.

William gazed down at her, his black stare intense. A lock of his hair had slipped free and fallen over his forehead. The dark lock made him look strangely gentle, almost boyish. She lifted her hand, wanting to touch him.

He caught her hand, bringing it up to his lips. He kissed her palm, his breath hot upon her chilled hand.

“You made me sleep.” Her tone was accusing.

“I’m sorry.” He didn’t sound apologetic.

“I feel so weak.” She tried to sit up, but she slid back against the bedding. “What’s wrong with me?”

He smoothed her hair back with a gentle hand. “You lost too much blood. Your body’s weak. If you don’t get more blood soon . . .” He shook his head. “You have to drink, Savannah. There’s no choice.”

She knew he was right. She could feel the hunger within her. The need. But she was so tired.

William leaned forward and kissed her softly. “Drink from me,” he whispered against her lips. “Drink from me.”

He moved, baring his neck before her.

She could feel her teeth burning, stretching. She could see the pulse beating, throbbing against his throat.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” she murmured, fighting against the need that rose within her, the need that demanded she bury her teeth in his throat and drink. “You’re weak, too. Geoffrey hurt you. There was so much blood—“

“I’ve fed. Don’t worry about me.”

She frowned. That was why he’d forced her to sleep.

“I didn’t hurt anyone. The innkeeper doesn’t even remember uh . . . helping me.” She could hear the faint smile in his voice. “Now, come on, Savannah.

She swallowed. She wanted to. She wanted desperately to taste him, but a part of her held back, still repelled by the idea of actually biting him, of drinking his blood.

She felt the sigh that moved through him.

“I was afraid of that,” he said. “Looks like we’ll have to try something else.”

He grabbed the front of her shirt and ripped the material apart.

She gasped, her eyes widening.

His hand lifted, sliding to caress her breast. “Passion, remember? Physical desire and the dark hunger merge. I am just going to have to make you . . . hungry . . . enough to drink from me.”

Yes, she remembered. She arched into his touch, a hot tide of desire pouring through her.

His head lowered and his lips locked around her aching nipple. He licked her, sucking lightly. She felt heat pool low in her belly.

His fingers slipped over the curve of her stomach while his mouth continued to suckle her. She heard the rasp of her zipper and felt his hand slide inside her pants. He touched her lightly through the thin layer of her panties. She lifted her hips, responding eagerly to his touch.

And she felt her hunger rise.

“You feel so good. So damn good.” He pushed her pants off and pulled her silken panties down. His gaze flashed to meet hers. “If you won’t taste me, then I guess I’ll have to taste you.”

Then, before she could murmur a protest, his dark head lowered and he was kissing her, his tongue licking the most intimate part of her body.

Her body tensed and pleasure slammed through her. She forgot her exhaustion. Forgot her fear. She just felt. Felt him. Felt heat. Need. Desire. Hunger.

Her hips twisted, moving feverishly. The tension within her mounted, churning higher, tighter.

She moaned, tossing her head back against the pillow. “William!”

His tongue teased her. Swirling. Rubbing. She clenched her teeth as his fingers teased her breasts, rubbing and plucking her nipples.

She could feel her climax, feel the pressure as it mounted. Close. So close—

William pulled back and stared down at her. His face was stark. Need was stamped on every hard line of his body. “What do you want, Savannah?” His voice was guttural.

She stared into his swirling gaze. “You,” she whispered. “I want you.”
I always will.

He unzipped his pants and slid his hips between her thighs. She felt him, felt the tip of his manhood pressing against her moist opening. “Then take me.”

He thrust deep.

Hunger consumed her, spinning her out of control.

He surged into her, again and again. Lifting her legs, he wrapped them around his hips, forcing her to take more of him. All of him. Deeper. Harder.

Her teeth burned. She wanted him. Wanted to taste him. Needed to taste him.

“Do it,” he growled. “Do it!”

Her teeth sank into his neck. He shuddered, thrusting deeply into her body. Her mouth moved lightly against him, drinking his essence, and his hips thrust against her. He pushed her deeper into the mattress. Lifted her legs higher.

She screamed as her climax rocked through her.

William kept thrusting, his body locked with hers. His jaw was clenched. He stiffened against her, and her name slipped past his lips. He shuddered, pumping himself into her heat, and his eyes closed.

For an instant, she actually felt his pleasure, felt the strength of the release that swept through him.

She gasped, stunned by the feelings that surged through her.

She held William tightly, her heart pounding. And a whisper swept through her mind.

I love you.

Her heart stilled. But had that thought been her own . . . or William’s?

THE WOLF PACED slowly outside of the inn. He knew they were making love. He could feel it, smell it on the air.

He would let William have his time with the woman. He’d been waiting centuries for the Dark One. He could wait a few more hours.

He howled, the mournful sound cutting through the night.

WILLIAM STIFFENED. He’d heard the howl. And it had been too close. Too damn close.

He pulled away from Savannah, from her tempting warmth and her gentle arms. “He’s out there. Dammit, that bastard is out there!”

Savannah sat up, pulling the sheet against her breasts. Her cheeks weren’t pale anymore, but flushed with color and health. Her emerald eyes shone like jewels.

“Why would he follow us?”

William dressed quickly. “I don’t know. But I’m going to find out.”

Savannah jumped to her feet. “Not without me you aren’t!”

William’s jaw clenched. “You’ve faced enough danger for one night. Stay here.”

She shook her head. “No way. I’m not just going to sit here while you go out there and face this . . . this thing! I almost lost you once tonight.” She took a deep breath. “When Geoffrey shot you, when I saw all that blood, I thought, I thought—”

William pulled her into his arms. He could feel the tremors that rocked through her body. “It’s all right, Savannah. I’m okay.”

“You could have died,” she whispered, closing her eyes. “You could have bled out. There, on that damn cliff!”

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