The Vine of Desire (23 page)

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Authors: Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

BOOK: The Vine of Desire
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“Great!” Lalit says when I phone him. “I’ll pick you up at ten
and take you up to the City. We’ll have the wildest, wickedest time. Maybe I’ll never bring you back.”

Though I know he can’t hear, I shoot a quick glance at Sunil. From behind the newspaper, that refuge of so many males, he’s whispering something to Anju.

“Why are you being so obsessively patriarchal?” Anju replies. “She’s a grown woman—quite able to take care of herself.”

I find a pen and walk to the calendar. At last I have something to write on it! But against my will my eyes are pulled to
Sunil. All I can see of him are his hands, gripping the paper. His nails are neat, careful, boyish. Why do they make me sad? When they first met, Anju was crazy about him. She would copy out entire love poems from her English textbook for him. She’d talk about him to me for hours.

No, I won’t write anything. Each time Sunil passed by and saw Lalit’s name, it would be like salt rubbed into a wound.

I put the pen away and start on the dishes. And so I don’t see, until it’s too late, that 10:00
Saturday sits squarely in the middle of the rahukal hours.

“For heaven’s sake! Give her your cell phone if you’re so worried,” I hear Anju snap as she gathers up her books and moves to the bedroom. “Then she can call if there’s a problem, and you can go get her.”

Is this the way passion must end?

Only later will I be struck by my cousin’s choice of pronouns.
, not

Monday … Tuesday … Wednesday … Thursday. I cook and do laundry, take Dayita to the park. Out of old habit, I glance around for Sara, but am not unhappy when I don’t find her. For the moment, I’ve given up on desperation. I play baby tag, I watch Oprah and Mr. Rogers, I learn American gestures. Impatience burns me like a heat flash, in between I’m calm as ice. I scrub the bathroom, I turn the radio up loud to dance. I eat healthy, I bathe long, I scrub my face with turmeric and besan and put fuchsia polish on my toenails. I dream terrible, guilty dreams. After dinner, Sunil plays finger games with Dayita. I wash the dishes, Anju dries. Or, rather, she flourishes the kitchen towel and recites lines from the “Clerk’s Tale,” which they’re
studying in one of her classes. The old words, half-mysterious, half-familiar, sound like bells from some foreign land.

“Talk about male fantasies!” she adds. “You won’t
this woman Griselda. No, actually, you will—she’s a photocopy of so many of our Indian heroines. Sita, Savitri, Damayanti. It’s like they all trained at the same academy, got the same M.R.S. degree.”


“You know, short for martyrs.”

I smile, but only a little part of me is listening. The rest is deep down and dancing. The strobe lights pulse. Jeweled women dart around me like hummingbirds.
That’s the way, uh huh, uh huh, I like it, uh huh, uh huh.
Wild me, wicked me. The me that’s given up on the M.R.S. degree. I swim through an ocean of fun, all the fun that my past denied me.

About my future I will not think.

Folly and frivolity, my mother would have said. My mother-in-law would have called it sin. Pishi would have warned me that when we desire something so much, the gods snatch it away. Even Gouri Ma would have advised caution. I turn my back on them all and ask Anju, “What’s the difference between a soldier and a lady?”

She looks at me blankly. “Huh?”

My laughter carries me all the way to Saturday morning. A laughter in which anxiety is suspended like sediment in a rushing river.

But first there’s Friday. On Friday the phone rings, again right after Anju and Sunil leave. I’m smiling as I pick it up. Ah so, the good doctor is a creature of habit.

“Soo-dah, please,” says an American-female voice.

My heart struggles like a caught animal. “That’s me.”

“I’m Lupe. Sara gave me your number—”

Sara? I haven’t seen her for ages. She said she’d call me, but she never did.” A thought that I hadn’t considered earlier strikes me. “Is she in trouble?”

Lupe pauses. Then she says, “You still looking for a job?”


“Hasn’t been easy finding a job for you. It’s because of the baby. No one wants a nanny with a baby. But, finally, I got something. It isn’t that good a situation, though, I’ll tell you up front.”

“Oh,” I say.

“This woman, she needs a caretaker for her father-in-law for when she goes to work. He’s bedridden and has a bit of a temper. She didn’t tell me that part, but I have ways. A lot of times he gets confused, loses control of his bladder, stuff like that. You’ve got to clean him, make him eat, give him his medicine. That kind of thing. You want it?”

My heart sinks. I’d hoped for an easygoing, sunny child to baby-sit, like Sara’s Joshua. A companion to Dayita. They’d play together and take naps at the same time. They’d never fight.

“Let me think about it,” I say, for politeness’s sake. But I already know. As a child, I’d visited too many families where old relatives lived. Sometimes we children would peek into their rooms, which were always the small ones at the back of the house. I clearly remember the distinct, sour odor of the wasted bodies, the crazed eyes that grabbed yours and wouldn’t let go, the thin, silvery drool, like snail tracks, on their chins.

I’m not that desperate.

Still, I take down Lupe’s number. I’ll call her each week. Surely something better will turn up.

“They’re Indian, by the way. At least he is.” Another strike against them. Indians are the worst employers, Sara had said. Treat you like shit, and then gossip among their friends about you.

“That’s why she agreed to try you,” Lupe says. “Baby and all. She thinks it’ll help if you talk to him in his language.”

“We have a lot of languages in India,” I say. “I might not speak his.”

It’s a good thing I’ve already made up my mind not to take this job.

“Is Sara okay?” I ask one last time. “Do you have her number?”

“She’ll call you when she can,” says Lupe, who has obviously mastered the art of evading questions.



Write a brief (approximately five hundred words) character sketch of a person you know closely. Choose a person you normally have difficulty understanding. The paper should give us a distinct sense of a personality and the motivations/obsessions that drive him/her. Clarify your relationship to this person. This assignment is to help you comprehend this character more fully and to prepare you for your next paper for the course, a full-length memoir piece about this person.

My Name is Sunil
Anju Majumdar
English 3162
Prof. W. Lindley

The first time I dreamed of the eagle was when I was nine. My father had just allowed me to have a pet, which I had been wanting for
years. It was a gray rabbit. I named it Alexander, because we had been studying Greek history in school. My father thought it was a stupid name for a rabbit, but he didn’t say too much because I had been chosen for the school football team, the youngest player in my division, and he was pleased.

We were playing against the Bakul Bagan Boys School that evening. It was a rainy day, the field was so muddy we couldn’t even see the grass. I kept slipping, missing the ball. Once I fell hard and felt the pain slice through my knee. But I didn’t stop because Father was out there watching, he’d come home early from work just for me. The ball was coming right at me, chased by a group of boys who all looked very large and fierce. One of them had a straggly mustache, like a hairy caterpillar that had shed most of its hair. As I was thinking this, he slammed into me. I fell with my leg twisted under me and couldn’t get up until the referee blew the whistle and helped me off the field. Our team lost, bad. I was afraid to see the expression on my father’s face. When I finally dared to look for him among the spectators, I couldn’t find him. It took me a while to get home—the coach had to bandage up my knee, which was swollen, and when I was let off at the school bus stop, there was no one waiting for me. I didn’t
have enough money to hire a rickshaw, so I limped home. When I got there, Alexander was gone. No one ever told me what happened to him.

That night I dreamed of the eagle. I was in a field. It came out of the sky like a black feathered meteor. I was terrified, but then it swooped down and put me on its back. We flew up until the earth was as small as a marble, and I knew I’d never have to go back to it. I put my arms around the eagle’s neck and felt the heat from her body. Her feathers were like melted bronze. The wind roared in my ears and I thought, This must be what love feels like.

For the next few years, each time something terrible happened, I dreamed of the eagle, and she kept me going. Then I went away and things got better. I did well in college, I got a job in America. I got married to a woman who was smart and funny, if not as beautiful as I’d wanted. I even liked her temper. It made life interesting. There were still some unhappy things in my life, but I didn’t have to think about them. I was working hard at making a good life, I was working harder at becoming a good person, and this was important because we were about to have a baby.

But the baby died. The baby died and the field was oozy brown
like chocolate sauce, no, like shit, and it was sucking me in, I breathed it, it covered my eyeballs, it seeped in through my pores. It was worse than dying. I groped to find my wife, but she was lost in her own shit field, and I didn’t have the strength to care. With my last breath, I called for the eagle.

No eagle appeared, not then.

Later (there’s always a later, isn’t there, no matter how bad things get), when I came back to the tatters of myself, I found I was no longer the same. I no longer believed in happiness, and thus didn’t believe in the need for goodness either. Still, I tried. I tried to shore up my wife; I tried to salvage my waterlogged career. I tried to cut myself loose from anger and make do with what life had seen fit to leave me. Some days, waking, I had to ask myself what my name was. But this much I knew: I wasn’t ever going to want anything as desperately as I’d wanted my baby.

Then She came back into my life. Flew all the way from India with her melted bronze eyes. A dislocated gear slammed back into place in my head, and I, Sunil, kicked off morality and obligation like a pair of worn-out shoes.

Ms. Majumdar:

This is well written and powerful in its impact, but a bit of a surprise. It’s more of a dramatic monologue (which we do not cover in this class) than a character sketch, which is what I’d asked for.

The character of Sunil is a strong one, though somewhat monodimensional I am not sure this assignment has helped you understand him further. Nor am I certain of your relationship to him. The narrative intelligence in the essay is not sufficiently male (too emotional). Can you work on this?

Your comparisons are quite good (the hairy caterpillar, for example), but you tend to mix your metaphors unnecessarily (see last paragraph) and sometimes use too many, one after another, which makes all of them less effective (see last paragraph, again). Why is the eagle sometimes an “it” and sometimes a “she”? And sometimes a “She”??

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