The Virgin Bride (The Australians) (13 page)

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Authors: Miranda Lee

Tags: #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Fiction, #Virginity, #Physicians, #Australia, #Adult, #Historical, #Love stories

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He was getting ready for afternoon surgery the next day when Emma suddenly burst in, waving something in her hands. ‘It was positive, Jason!' she cried excitedly. ‘We're pregnant! I bought a test from the chemist. The one being advertised in all the women's magazines. It said you could tell at ten days, and I'm well over that.'

Joy and relief exploded through his chest like a
fireworks display. He hadn't realised till that moment how much having a family of his own meant to him.

Unable to express his feelings in words, he scooped her up into his arms and kissed her over and over.

‘Just as well Nancy's stepped outside to do some shopping,' he said breathlessly, when he finally put her down again. ‘Otherwise the whole of Tindley would know the news before this day was out.'

Emma gave him a pitying look, then laughed.

‘What are you laughing at?'

‘Jason, everyone already knows.'

‘But how? Did you tell them?'

‘No. But they're past masters at putting two and two together. Not that it would have been hard. There's only one chemist shop in Tindley. What would you think if a recently married person—namely me—came in and bought a pregnancy testing kit, then half an hour later went running from her shop up the street like a madwoman into her doctor husband's surgery?'

Jason pulled a face. ‘She's pregnant?'


He sighed. ‘Maybe you shouldn't bother to have an ultrasound at four months. We'll just ask the good ladies of Tindley. No doubt they'll operate a book, giving odds on the sex, the due date, weight length and name! Did you know we were even money on getting a divorce at one stage?' Jason began shaking his head. ‘That's the only drawback to living in Tindley. That infernal grapevine!'

‘True,' Emma said, nodding sagely. ‘But it's much
better than living in the city. You can't have everything in life, Jason. Everyone knows that.'

He blinked at her, then laughed.

‘What did I say that was so funny?'


She gave him a suspicious look. ‘You're not keeping secrets from me again, are you?'

‘Never! It's just that that was what my mother always used to say. That you can't have everything in life.'

‘And it's true.'

Jason looked at this beautiful girl who loved him and who was carrying his child and drew her into his arms once more.

‘No, it's not, my darling. Not in my case. Because I have you, and you are everything.'

She looked up at him with wonder in her eyes. ‘Do you want our baby to be a boy or a girl?'

‘I don't mind either way. Do you?'

‘No. Any child of yours will be special. Thank you for marrying me, Jason. Thank you for saving me from myself.'

Jason knew who should be thanking whom, but he was a man, after all, and allowed his ego to wallow in her lovely words. ‘You're welcome, my darling,' he murmured, and slowly, gently, covered her mouth with his.


It was a girl. Emma named her Juliette, in keeping with the Steel tradition of using names starting with J. Only one person in Tindley collected on the name. A charge of ‘insider information' was directed at
Nancy, but she claimed innocence. She'd simply chosen the most romantic name she could think of!

Juliette's christening was an all-town affair, with Jason's brother, Jerry, and the Brandewildes the proud godparents. Jerry had come to Tindley at Emma's instigation, late in her pregnancy, when she'd said she needed help in the shop. Jerry had proved to be a born sweet-seller, his shyness eventually evaporating with life in a smaller and much friendlier community. Emma had given him the rooms behind the shop to live in, shifting her plans for a craft club to the local hall.

At Juliette's christening, her proud dad brought forth his new video camera, bought for him by his doting wife from that little nest-egg she'd put aside. Emma was always buying Jason things. A lovely sapphire dress ring. The latest VC player. A super-soft leather reading chair with footrest. He loved being spoiled by her, and loved spoiling her back again in his own special way!

The people of Tindley counted their blessings every time they saw the happy family walking down the main street together. Dr Steel was going to stay, the men of Tindley finally agreed. No doubt about that.

The matter was deemed as settled, and money changed hands. The odds on Jason staying had been a generous four to one when the bets were first laid eighteen months before.

Doc Brandewilde really cleaned up.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8309-5


First North American Publication 2002.

Copyright © 1999 by Miranda Lee.

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