The Visitor: Alien Hunger Special Edition (13 page)

Read The Visitor: Alien Hunger Special Edition Online

Authors: Kaitlyn O'Connor

Tags: #alien invasion, #erotic dancer, #alpha male, #older woman younger man, #alien lover, #alien scout

BOOK: The Visitor: Alien Hunger Special Edition
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She might’ve doubted his sincerity if
his kiss hadn’t robbed her of thought with the sheer ferocity of
it, if she hadn’t felt feverish need in the way his hands shook as
he explored her, hadn’t felt tremors rippling through his massive
muscles as he surged against her and lifted slightly only to surge
against her again. His kiss gave swift rise to euphoric
intoxication, however, and the restless movements of his body along
hers stirred hectic sensations within her, spawned need and then a
sense of desperation.

She clutched at him, digging her
fingers into his flesh in a mindless effort to pull him closer. He
curled his hips in response, pressing his swollen cock almost
painfully against her. She didn’t object. Eager to feel the
pressure where she needed it, she struggled with his weight, trying
to realign her body to his.

He dragged the thigh he’d thrust
between hers higher, pushing her thighs wider and then lifted the
leg lying beside hers and used his foot to push her legs wider
still so that he could nestle his narrow hips between her thighs.
The move repositioned his cock, moving it out of her reach just as
she thought to reach for it and aligning it with her cleft where
she’d meant to guide it. When he curled against her that time, the
pressure exerted against her nether lips sent shards of pleasure
through her.

She was gasping so desperately for air
after a few moments that her mind reeled with encroaching darkness.
All she could think was that she was going to come any second if he
didn’t stop teasing her. “Garryk! I’m going to come!” she gasped a
little desperately.

he muttered hoarsely, reaching between them hastily to guide his
cock along her cleft.

She dug her fingernails into him as
the head of his cock nudged her clit, sending an electrifying jolt
through her sex. She thought for a moment that she’d started to
come, but the frantic palpitation of her muscles, she discovered,
was a demand for something of substance to hang on to. The moment
he pushed inside of her, they locked down on his cock and froze,
making her belly cramp almost painfully.

Realizing he wasn’t making a lot of
headway, Garryk paused in his efforts to dig a trough in the
mattress with his toes, expelling a pained breath. “Relax, baby,”
he growled from between clenched teeth.

Chelsey opened her eyes and widened
them at him in disbelief. Relax?

Never mind,” he muttered,
locking one arm around her shoulders and the other around her hips
and trying to stuff her down over his cock as he thrust again.
Thankfully, it sent a thrill through her to feel him inching toward
the spot where she needed stimulation. Her muscles unclenched long
enough to get a better hold and tried to drag him in with a series
of palpitations. Garryk, aided by a great deal of moisture and
teeth gritted determination, abruptly slid home hard enough and
deep enough to slam into her womb. She nearly blacked out as pain
exploded in her belly, but she’d sounded the battle cry. “I’m
coming!” Garryk had the bit between his teeth by that time and was
racing for the finish line.

Sucking in a gulp of air
as the waves of pain mellowed, yielding to sharply climbing waves
of pleasure, Chelsey squeezed her eyes closed and strained to grab
the gold cup before he could get to it. As close as she was, he
still nearly left her in the dust. Fortunately, the sharp jerk of
his cock, the flow of hot semen inside her, and the thrill both
sent fluttering through her, pitched her over the top. The first
convulsion was so hard her body arched into a bow, forcing a sound
from her throat that most nearly resembled fingernails on a chalk
board. A shudder travelled all the way through Garryk and then her
muscles clamped around his cock as it jerked again, forcing a
strangled grunt from him. “
!” he muttered in a choked,
agonized litany, sounding as if he was on the verge of passing

Chelsey sucked in a breath and sang
hallelujah in soprano as another convulsion hit her, threatening to
shake her apart, strumming her nails along his back mindlessly
every time she hit another high note.

Garryk let out a hiss of breath and
bowed backwards, grinding his pelvis against the lips her sex in an
apparent effort to shove the head of his cock into the mouth her
womb lest any tadpoles go astray, jerking as his body ejected the
last of his seed.

Chelsey’s entire body felt like so
much dead weight the moment she stopped convulsing. Her arms and
knees hit the bed limply and everything in between seemed to melt
and form a spreading puddle as her nerve endings continued to spark
and sizzle like short circuited wiring. Garryk collapsed heavily on
top of her, blowing gusty breaths of hot hair against her neck that
made her skin pebble all over and a shudder run through her. Their
skin seemed to meld together as if they’d been rubbed down with
super glue.

Chelsey, panting for breath and
struggling against gathering darkness, began to feel like a pancake
beneath him as he settled, pressing her deeper and deeper into the
mattress. “Garryk?” she managed to grunt finally.

What baby?” he asked

You’re crushing

He jerked reflexively and then managed
to heave upward high enough to shove his hand between them, plant a
palm in the middle of her left boob, and pry himself loose. Alarm
flickered through Chelsey briefly as she felt her breast flatten
and the ribs beneath it yield, but she was too near death to feel
any pain and too focused on expanding her lungs as soon as Garryk
removed his weight to think about complaining. Thankfully, he
managed to shift enough of his weight to one side for gravity to
take over. He hit the bed and sprawled out limply, nearly
clobbering her with an arm that felt like a falling tree as it
glanced off her forehead.

Chelsey was surfing toward Neverland
when Garryk apparently regained enough consciousness to entertain a
few doubts. “You ok, baby?”

The question, coming to her from
beneath fathoms of sleep, was completely incomprehensible beyond
the questioning tone. “Wha …?”

He patted her belly with a hand that
felt like a lead pie plate. “Good.”

Ok,” she muttered,
struggling onto her side.

It stirred him up again. He rolled
toward her, dropped grappling hooks around her in the form of an
arm and leg like cast iron tree trunks, dragged her beneath him,
and began to breathe heavily in her ear. She considered stuffing
something in his mouth, but decided he might suffocate. Instead,
she managed to wiggle far enough up the bed to get her head on a
pillow. Bliss followed for about two seconds and then he shifted
upward and burrowed his head next to hers. Fortunately, he
discovered burying his nose in her hair wasn’t particularly
comfortable. When he’d fought free of the clinging strands, he
turned his face just far enough to rest his cheek on the back her
head and expel his breaths past her ear instead into it. Happy at
last, Chelsey dove toward oblivion.

She woke to bright sunlight spilling
through chinks in the curtains and a sense of profound well-being.
A little surprised at the happiness than began to percolate through
her as soon as she rose toward consciousness, she searched a little
vaguely for the source and discovered that it was attached to the
hard rod wedged between the cheeks of her ass and the stickiness
that had dried overnight and glued her upper thighs together.
Grimacing at that not-so-delightful reminder of the night before,
she wiggled away from the wedge and lifted one thigh to peel it
from the other.

Uttering a deep sigh, Garryk rolled
away from her. Hearing a grunt of pain, she glanced toward him just
as he lifted his hips to adjust his cock. “Wha timesit?” he asked
in a morning growl.

The clock was on
side of the bed!
Sighing a little irritably, Chelsey rolled over to look at the
clock and froze, staring at his back in horror. There were three or
four long scratches on his back that looked like a close encounter
with a wild cat—well, three welts and one scratch. Unfortunately,
the moment she saw them, Chelsey instantly remembered stroking his
back a little frantically in the throes of her climax the night
before. She didn’t remember scratching him, though!

At the thought, she lifted her hands
and examined her nails, discovering to her dismay that she had
several chipped nails from her chores the day before.

A rustle drew her attention and she
discovered Garryk had twisted his head to look at her. She dropped
her hands guiltily and stared back at him.

He frowned, his gaze flickering over
her face curiously. “What time is it?”

Chelsey flicked a look at the clock.
“Uh … ten something.”

Groaning, he burrowed his face back
into the pillow. Chelsey scooted off the bed and headed for the
bathroom. She’d already used the toilet and brushed her teeth and
was about to step into the shower when she heard Garryk try the

I’m feeling a little
desperate here,” he called through the door.

Mildly annoyed that he hadn’t
mentioned that before she’d claimed the bathroom, she turned from
the shower and unlocked the door. He caught her before she could
escape and waltzed her back against the wall next to the shower.
“Mornin’, baby,” he murmured huskily.

I thought you needed to
go?” she retorted, smiling in spite of her annoyance.

Mornin’ darlin’,” he
responded in an attempt at a falsetto.

She reached down and cupped his balls.
He flinched. “Nope. Still there.”

He gave her a look and released her,
turning away. “Fine, Miss Sunshine. I’ll just take a piss and be on
my way.”

Chelsey hesitated at the door and made
an about face, sidling up behind him and stroking a hand over his
ass. “Mornin’ darlin’,” she sang sweetly and turned and headed for
the shower. “Don’t flush!”

She’d just stepped beneath the spray
when she heard the toilet handle jiggled. “Garryk! I swear to god

He snatched the shower curtain back
and climbed in with her. “Need some help, lady?”

No, I don’t,” she said
testily. “I can manage by myself, thank you!”

I’ll let you bathe

She flicked a grin at him, eyeing him
with speculative interest. “You’re so generous,” she murmured
moving out of the way so he could get under the spray while she
lathered her bath scrungy. When she looked at him again, he had his
head under the showerhead and his back to her. She winced at the
marks on his back. Those were going to sting when she soaped his

He flicked a glance at her over his
shoulder after a moment. Shrugging inwardly with the reflection
that he was bound to find out anyway when he washed his hair, she
moved closer and very carefully scrubbed his back. He sucked in a
hissing breath when she rubbed the scrub over the worst one and she
winced again.

Is there a scratch or
something on my back? That stings.”

Uh … maybe a teensy, tiny
one–or two.”

He twisted his head, trying to look at
his back, and finally met her gaze. She tried to look innocent. His
lips twitched. “No wonder I passed out afterwards—blood

It isn’t that bad!” she
said a little testily, then batted her eyelashes at him hopefully
and added, “I’ll kiss it and make it better.”

A gleam entered his eyes. Encircling
her with his arms, he dragged her closer. “Do I get to pick which
‘it’ you kiss?”

Heat wafted through her at the look in
his eyes, the huskiness in his voice, and images that instantly
rose in her mind. She swallowed with an effort against the sudden
dryness in her mouth. “Yes.”

His expression tautened. Releasing
her, he took the bath scrub and began bathing her, paying special
attention to her dirty old breasts. Her nipples were throbbing
almost painfully by the time he decided he’d teased them long
enough with the rough pad, made a half hearted stab at washing her
middle and focused on thoroughly scrubbing every crevice between
her thighs. Her kegels were clapping in frantic demand by the time
he crouched down to scrub her legs and feet.

She nearly slipped down when she
planted her soapy foot and lifted the other. He steadied her,
flicking water on her feet to rinse them and straightened. Catching
her shoulders, he rotated her, gathered her hair and flicked it
over one shoulder and scrubbed her back. Naturally her cleft and
buttocks got all the attention there.

Drawing her back against his length
when he’d finished, he placed the bath scrub in her hand and pushed
his cock between her legs, stroking it back and forth against her
nether lips while he massaged her breasts, tweaking her nipples
with his fingers.

My turn,” he murmured

Chapter Eight

Chelsey’s belly was already doing a
shimmy when she pulled away and turned. It was sheer pleasure to
run her hands over his beautifully sculpted chest and belly and
arms. She used both hands, swapping the bath scrub from one to the
other. Ignoring the dick standing at attention, she knelt down and
washed his feet and legs next, starting at his feet and working
upwards. Straightening when she got to the tops of his thighs, she
reached around him and washed his buttocks and cleft and then
pulled away to focus on his joy stick, watching his face while she
stroked it and reached beneath it to gently massage his

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