The Wager: A Billionaire Romance (23 page)

BOOK: The Wager: A Billionaire Romance
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"So--er--it was nice running into you," I said. "I should get back to Mel."

I turned on my heel and walked back down the stairs. I wanted to break out into a run, but held myself in check until I knew I was out of their line of sight. Once I was downstairs, I searched frantically for Mel. I had to leave and go home. It was a mistake coming here tonight. What was I thinking anyways? That Roman would wait for me after I'd turned him down?

"Lily! How'd it go?" Mel asked, walking up to me excitedly. Once she saw my face, her expression changed to one of worry. She knit her brow and without a word, grabbed my hand and led us out of the cramped gallery. We hailed a taxi and I climbed in, slumping against the seat.

"I guess it didn't go well, huh?" she asked. "I thought for sure he would jump at the chance--" her voice trailed off as she let out a long sigh.

"He's moved on," I said.

"With that woman? That's just so typical. One second he's declaring his love for you and the next second he's already moved on," she bit out bitterly. Then she covered her mouth and sucked in a gasp. "Oh, I'm so sorry Lily. I didn't mean it like that."

I waved off her apology. "Don't worry about."

"Did you at least get to tell him how you felt?"

"No. There was no point. What difference would it have made?"

Mel sat up and turned to me in shock. "What? Why didn't you tell him? It'd make all the difference in the world. He probably thinks he's lost you forever so he's trying to move on, but if you told him how you felt--"

"I really don't want to talk about this right now, Mel," I said rubbing my temples. I felt another headache coming on and didn't want to deal with Mel's questions at the moment. "All I want is to go back to my apartment and just rest my head. It's been a long day."

"Fine, we'll drop it for now," she said. "And you think I'm the stubborn one?" I heard her mutter under her breath a moment later.

















Chapter Sixteen: Roman


Seeing Lily at the art gallery was a shock to my system. I thought I was hallucinating or imagining her walking down the stairs. So many times over the past few weeks, I thought I'd see someone who looked like her only to be disappointed when I realized it wasn't Lily. But now that I'd seen her in the flesh, I almost couldn't believe it.

"Are you listening to me, Roman?"

The question startled me out of my thoughts, and I looked up to find Brittany staring up at me, her lips pinched and her eyes narrowed.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked.

"I was saying that there's a new club that's just opened in Hell's Kitchen. Mischa and Eric were heading there..." she let the sentence trail.

I knew she wanted me to offer to bring her, but that was the last thing I wanted to do. Not only was I not in the mood for loud music and dancing, but I was getting tired of her company. When Rob had introduced her to me a couple of days ago, she seemed nice enough. She was actually the only woman I'd met since Lily broke up with me that I didn't find tedious and write off immediately. She seemed intelligent and sure of herself, and had a sharp, if somewhat sarcastic sense of humor.

I knew Rob was slowly trying to get me back into the dating game and had been not so subtly introducing me to any attractive female he could find. For the past couple of weeks, Rob had been getting on my case about my lack of a social life and how I'd been a downright hermit ever since I came back from Maine. To prove him wrong and shut him up, I had invited Brittany to this gallery opening on a whim.

It had been a huge mistake. Brittany couldn't be more shallow and uninteresting and I was growing increasingly bored by the minute. Her humor, which I had initially found sharp and witty, was nothing more than cynical put downs and insults disguised in the thin veil of a joke. And the more she clung to my arm, the more sour my mood grew.

I never realized how dull my dates had been before I met Lily. I have no idea how I'd managed a conversation with them for more than ten minutes. Sure they were beautiful, but that was about all they had going for them. It was the same old bullshit every day.

What an empty life that was. None of it fulfilled me. I'd been a walking shell of myself ever since Lily left me, just going through the motions. Outside, I'm sure I put on a good show and no one who knew me would be able to tell there was anything wrong. Inside, I was slowly wasting away. Once I knew what a real relationship was, I knew I couldn't go back to the empty existence I used to lead.

"I'm sorry, I've got to call it an early night. I've got a meeting tomorrow morning," I lied. "If you want to stay, or go to the club, I'll have my driver take you. I've got to go now."

She looked upset by my words and remained silent. I didn't stick around for her to regain her powers of speech. I'd turned my back towards her and made my way down the stairs. Outside the gallery, I hailed a cab and got inside. The driver asked me where I wanted to go and I hesitated before answering.

There was only one place I wanted to be, but I didn't know if I'd be welcome. Then again, seeing Lily tonight brought back all the feelings I'd been trying to suppress. I had told her I'd keep away from her if that's what she wanted, but now I knew that was a lie--another one to add to my list. There was no way I'd be able to stay away from her when I knew she was so close.

It must have been fate that brought her to the gallery tonight while I was there. Something about the way she looked right before she left got me curious. She looked almost hopeful, up until Brittany walked up. Could it be...? I didn't want to get my hopes up, but I had to know.

I'd made my decision and gave the driver Lily's address. On the way to her apartment, I tried to rehearse what I'd say to her. What excuse could I use that would explain my presence? Was I only imagining her disappointment? So many doubts and thoughts were racing around my brain that I didn't even realize the cab had arrived in front of Lily's building until the driver turned around and spoke.

"Are you getting out or not?" he asked loudly.

"Sorry," I said handing him a wad of cash hastily and getting out of the car.

This was it, I told myself as I released a heavy breath. I walked up the steps and pressed her buzzer.

"Who is it?" came her staticky voice.

"It's me. Roman," I said.

There was a long pause and I thought she'd turn me away again, but suddenly the door buzzed open and I walked quickly inside before she changed her mind. She was waiting for me when I arrived on her floor. Her door was open and her head was peeked out watching me warily. Lily had changed out of her dress from earlier and was wearing a pair of Hello Kitty pajamas that I'd always teased her for wearing, but secretly liked on her.

"Can I come inside?" I asked, once I reached her.

She stood aside silently, letting me pass into her apartment. I walked the few steps towards the living room and took a seat on the couch. Lily followed close behind me, but she remained standing.

"What's up?" she asked.

I smiled at her brevity. It was just like her to cut to the chase. But I wasn't really prepared to speak. What could I say? Should I ask for yet another chance? I ran my hand through my hair and stood up to pace around the small living room. I looked back at her once or twice to find her surveying me silently.

"It was good to see you tonight." I finally said.

Inwardly I cringed. I didn't know what it was about her that made me so inept and at a loss for words in her presence. There was so much emotion bubbling up inside me that I was trying to keep a rein on. I didn't want to scare her or pressure her, but just seeing her again brought a sliver of hope back to me.

"Er--thanks. It was good seeing you too," she said tentatively. "Did you come all this way to tell me that?"

"No, I came because I wanted to see you again. You left so suddenly," I said.

"Oh." She looked down at her hands and fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

"Why did you leave so soon?" I asked softly.

Lily took a deep breath and finally looked up at me. Her mouth opened like she was about to speak, but then thought better of it and shook her head. "It's stupid," she finally said.

"Please?" I asked. I wanted to know what she'd been about to say.

Lily bit her lip, and I could see the emotions clearly written on her expressive face. She was debating with herself whether she should tell me or not. She finally released her bottom lip as her face stilled and her eyes held a determined glint. I knew she'd made her decision.

"It was just hard to see you already dating again," she confessed. "I know you're Roman Conrad and you've probably got women beating down your door, but I just didn't realize you'd be there with a date." She blew out a breath and closed her eyes. I could see a hint of a blush creep up her cheeks and suddenly I wanted to close the distance between us and scoop her up in my arms.

"I'm not dating again," I said. "I don't want to date again," I added.

Lily snapped her head up sharply and pinned me with her stare. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I still love you. I can't imagine being with anyone but you, Lily," I said.

"You do?" she said it softly, almost as if she didn't believe my words.

"Of course I do, you silly girl. But the question is, what are your feelings for me?" I asked.

I held my breath, my body rigid with tension, bracing myself for her answer. It seemed like an eternity before she finally spoke.

"I feel the same," she said.

My face split into a wide grin and I let out a long breath. I felt a warmth radiating throughout my body.

"I've never stopped loving you, it was trusting you that I had a problem with," she said.

I was just about to walk over and pull her into my arms when her words stopped me in my tracks. "Where does that leave us?" I asked.

"Well, I'd like to try again. I know I told you I couldn't get over what you did, but I think I was just too scared to get hurt again. I want to give you another chance, I don't want to live with regrets," she said.

This time noting was going to keep me from her. I wrapped my arms around her and spun her around and around, her words filling me with joy and excitement.

"Put me down, Roman," she laughed, pounding her fists against my back. "You're going to make me dizzy."

I stopped spinning and gently put her back down in front of me. "Sorry about that, but you don't know how happy you've made me," I said, grinning at her. "I've been waiting for you to say those words feels like eternity. I promise you I'm never going to hurt you again and I'm going prove my trust to you."

"Just kiss me already," she said laughingly as she pulled my head down.

Our lips met and I closed my eyes, reveling in the feel of her in my arms again. It felt so right and so natural, like I was coming home again. She was soft and sweet and everything I remembered and yet so much more. This woman in my arms, who I knew I'd never let go again was as vital to me as air. I held her tightly, her head pressed against my chest as I kissed the top of her head. We stayed like that for a while, letting the moment engulf us, each lost in our own little world.

"You know I'm actually glad I made that wager," I said after a while.

She pulled out of my arms and looked at me with narrowed eyes. "Oh yeah?"

"Don't look at me like that," I laughed as I pulled her back down to rest against my chest. "It's what brought us together. I didn't think I would have taken the time to talk or get to know you if I hadn't done it, so in a way, it was a good thing."

"I suppose you're right, but you ever try that again..."

"I wouldn't dare," I said cutting her off with another kiss.















Author's Note



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