The Wager- BBW Erotic Curvy Paranormal Romance (TOUCH OF THE GODS) (34 page)

BOOK: The Wager- BBW Erotic Curvy Paranormal Romance (TOUCH OF THE GODS)
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“You're a Goddess now, Vanessa. You can grow larger. Just think big.”Gently, I plucked her from my nose and placed her back on the table and gestured for the Cyclopes to move back. Giving her an encouraging smile, I watched Vanessa close her eyes, her fists balled as she thought hard and suddenly, her entire body was encased in a green aura that spread out in the darkness of the forge, until the brightness became too difficult to gaze upon.

We all turned our heads, shielding out the light and finally, with a slight vibration in the air, it died away, leaving only a shocked goddess sized Vanessa. Her tattered clothes changed into a deep green gown that brought out her hazel irises. Even her brown hair gleamed with luster that reminded me of an angel's halo.

Frias motioned the others to bring a large metal shield so she could see how she looked.

I stood behind her, kissing her neck. Never again, would I stop touching her. She trembled when I nibbled on the soft place between her ear and shoulder, but when I looked up, she wasn't smiling. Was she unhappy? “What's wrong, agápi̱ mou?”

              “I still look the same. There's nothing different about me!”

“Hmmm, well I guess that just goes to show that even before this, you were already a Goddess.”

“Oh Heph, I've missed you so much!”

“We have eternity, Vanessa.” Turning her to face me, I dipped my head to kiss her deep, tickling the roof of her mouth with my tongue and was thrilled when she moaned in response. Pulling her body tightly against mine, the softness of her curves had my cock hardening and I couldn't stop touching her all over. Sucking on her sweet tongue, I cupped her round ass, loving how it filled my palms and had it not been for Frias clearing his throat, I would have taken her right there on the table.

Reluctantly, I stepped away, but not before one last swipe of my tongue in her mouth. I smiled down at her flustered face. Vanessa's cheeks were red from both the kiss and embarrassment that we nearly fucked in front of my entire staff. Not that I'd have to worry about them blabbing, but it was still rather unprofessional of me.

The roof above suddenly rattled and I used my body to shield her from falling dust and debris. Stupid Jaison and his spoiled ways. Sighing deeply, I stroked my finger over her cheek, wishing I didn't have to leave her, but work called. “I have to finish with the volcano above. Frias can show you to my home. Wait for me there and once the shift is over, I'll join you.”

“Alright, but I expect you to finish what you started.”

“Already bossing me around!” I winked at her to let her know I only joked and with one more kiss, my friend whisked her off and I went back outside, a spring in my step.

As the hours passed while I worked on my repairs, I could see Olympus in the distance. The sound of the whistle alerted me that the day was done, but I didn't move right away.

The Cyclopes’ all left, waving their goodbyes to me before heading to their respective homes with only Frias coming up to join me at the peak. Together, we sat on the volcano's opening edge, the fiery element sleeping soundly for hopefully another hundred or so years. We watched Apollo gearing up to pull down the sun. We spoke not a word, just enjoying the crisp fall air.

“So, don't let it go to your head or anything, but I'm proud of you, Hephaestus.”

“Yeah? Well, I'm not sure why. Honestly, I should be thanking you. I found out from Eros that you planned the whole thing; from him bringing up the idea for a bet with Ares to getting me to the pub and finding out about it. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you actually loved me.”

Frias snorted, but nudged my shoulder in friendship to let me know that he did care very much for me. He turned to watch the Goddess Artemis as she stopped to speak with her twin brother. It was the one time of day where the mortals would see both the sun and moon in the sky together.

“She's waiting for you, yet you still sit here. Why?”

              “I’m just thinking. Many of the gods try to make Olympus the most perfect place to live and at one time, I wanted so badly to join them.”

“And now?”

“My paradise waits for me in my home. I'm more blessed than any god or goddess here.”

“That you are, my friend. Now go in and be with your woman. And I do hope you mean to make an honest woman out of her.”

“Only, if you'll be at the wedding.”

“I would never dream of missing it. Have a good night, Hephaestus.”

I waited until the he disappeared down the mountainside, before I flashed myself home. I was greeted to a plate of chocolate chip cookies sitting in the center of my bed. Tilting my head, I walked over, picking one up and nearly died at how the sweet treat melted in my mouth. By the time I was on my fifth one, I barely registered that I wasn't alone. I whirled around to find Vanessa leaning against the door frame, dressed in that awful, long, white sleeping shirt. Why did she have to bring that awful thing here?

“I hope you liked the cookies. I never got the chance to give you the ones I brought the first time I saw you.”

“They're delicious, but certainly not the dessert I had in mind for tonight.”

“Well, then, let's just place them on the nightstand and find out what you would like to eat.”

Stepping back, I watched as she lifted the plate, taking it over to set it on the table. I took the opportunity to grip her when she straightened. Lifting her off the ground, I tossed her into the middle of my large bed.

Grinning wickedly she giggled, resting on her back and staring up at me. With a flick of her finger, we were both naked.

  I shook my head. “You're getting used to this goddess thing, I see.”

              “It has its perks.”

“That it does, but it also needs to be used with care.”

“I promise to be responsible. Now, come get me. I've waited more than a hundred days to have you inside of me.”

Not needing to be asked twice, I knelt on the side of the bed, gripping her thighs and pulling her to the edge. Placing each leg over my shoulder, I opened her to my greedy view and the moment my eyes feasted upon her aroused pussy, my mouth salivated. Licking my lips, I wanted to go slow, make love to her, but it had been so long, that I just dove in, latching onto her juicy cunt and slurped on the spicy juice that was uniquely her.

She cried out, vibrating against my mouth as I devoured her offerings, twirling my tongue around her sensitive clit. I slithered my tongue along the seam until I prodded her hole. I had missed her taste, missed her decadent scent. In my own heated state, precum dripped from my tip in copious amounts, my cock painfully hard with the need to cram itself into her tightness, but not before I made her come on my tongue, not before I could bring her the first of many orgasms she would have for the rest of our immortal lives.

Vanessa's hips bucked as she tried pushing herself into my questing lips, and I indulged her with harder sucks, longer licks and when I knew she hung on the pinnacle of climax, I drew it out, lapping around her labia.

“Damn it Heph, please stop torturing me! I need to come!”

              Her impatient plea was enough to make me free her body from the release it needed and taking three fingers, I thrust them deep, driving her over the edge, nearly coming with her when she let out a long groan, her walls clenching my fingers, coating my hand in her cream. Not waiting until the orgasm stopped, I pulled out my slick digits, licked them clean and climbed up onto the bed, her legs still crossed around the back of my neck. The new position brought her wider, and in one solid push, I plunged into her quivering pussy. Frozen, I waited for her to adjust to my size, and for me to hold back my climax, but damn she felt amazing, all hot and tight around my cock.

Vanessa grabbed the sides of my face with her hands, bringing me closer so that I could look her in the eyes. “Fuck me hard. Brand me from the inside out.”

              “Are you sure?”

“More than anything. I love you, Hephaestus.”

“I love you, Vanessa.”

With her permission to let go, I pulled back until the tip of the Prince Albert tickled the entrance of her vagina, then rammed back in, pushing so hard, she slid up a few inches. Still holding my face, she kissed me deep, our tongues warring with each other. I continued to pummel her in fast, short strokes.  Each downward thrust of my hips had Vanessa mewing in my mouth, which brought me closer each time to losing it, but I wanted to get one more from her. Luckily, I didn't have to wait long. Growling in victory as her body trembled beneath mine, I watched her pleasure take hold, her head thrown back, with her mouth wide in a silent scream.

In that moment, she was my everything.
              Overflowing with love, for the woman in my arms, I felt my balls tighten a moment before I exploded. The feeling so intense, it left me breathless and dizzy. I attempted to brace myself so I wouldn’t crush her with my weight. I swallowed large gulps of air, until my vision came back and slid out of her, after uncurling her from my shoulders. With what little strength I had, I pulled her into curl in front of me and together we rested, while our hearts calmed back to a stable rhythm. Kissing the top of her head, I smiled, listening to her sigh of contentment which I felt as well.

“That's just gross! Cover yourselves.”

  We were interrupted by the last person I thought would ever enter my home, let alone, my bedroom! “Mother! What are you doing here?”

We struggled to pull the sheets up over our bodies, before finally staring at Hera, as she stood with a disapproving frown. It made me wonder if she ever smiled, or if the saying’ if you make that face for long, it'll stay that way’ applied to her.

“I came to make sure the winner was still pleased with her prize.”

“He's not a prize he's the man I love. I'm stunned you actually sent me here, considering I denied you. I thought that meant punishment.”

“Um, I did punish you for not taking my offer, child.”

“Not to sound dense, but how did you do that?”

“I gave you to Hephaestus. That's torture for anyone on Olympus.”

“You stupid bitch!”

My arms wrapped around Vanessa's waist, before she could leap from the bed to hit my mother, who only smiled before she disappeared from the room. That kind of statement would have hurt before, but seeing how my love was willing to defend me by physically attacking the Queen of the Gods, I felt nothing but pity for Hera. Never would she know this kind of love with Zeus, or the devotion, as I had with Vanessa. Pulling her close, I kissed her until she wiggled against me. Grinning down at her, I couldn't believe how lucky I was.

“Sorry about that, but she just makes me want to rip her eyes out.”

“I understand, and I thank you for wanting to protect my honor. But you don't need to, not now, or ever. Just stand by me, as I will you and that's all that will matter.”

“I can do that. Who would have thought, a simple curse of the god's touch would land us here.”

“It is pretty amazing. I, for one, can say that I'm glad I cursed you.”

“Looking back on it now? So am I, and I'll love you now and for eternity.”

agápi̱ mou
. For eternity.”




Six months later


              “No! You're wrong, Dad. He can never love - ever.”

“I think you're wrong. I believe if he wanted to, he could love another for more than sexual purposes.”

“I know him! It's impossible.”

“You're the God of Love, Eros. Wasn't it you who told me to have faith? Practice what you preach, son.”

Eros harrumphed, crossing his arms, while I sat casually at the dinner table with my wife Vanessa by my side, playing with our grand daughter, Voluptas.

Psyche rolled her eyes at our banter, but smiled as she soothed her husband's ruffled wing feathers.

It had been a long, glorious six months, since my wife succeeded in the trials and became the Goddess of Resilience. She also freed a man named Jerry, sending him to the Elysian Fields where he would live out his eternity in peace and tranquility. Following that, she returned the family pet pig Hannybal to her paradise home to once again, live and frolic as the lovely nymph, Adriano.

BOOK: The Wager- BBW Erotic Curvy Paranormal Romance (TOUCH OF THE GODS)
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