The Wannabes (10 page)

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Authors: Tammy Coons

BOOK: The Wannabes
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Please go away.

“Yeah,” Ryder gave him a quick nod then looked out at the
landscape. The sounds of laughing children and the smell of barbeque grills
firing up filled the air. His stomach growled.

“There you are,” he heard Stella say. He turned and saw her
wrap her arms around Mike, she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Let’s fire up the grill, I brought some steaks.” Mike
kissed Stella’s hand and Stella giggled. Ryder rolled his eyes. Mike went

“Ryder, did Corbin give you a tour?” Stella asked.

“Yeah,” Ryder cleared his throat, a small uncontrollable
smile played out on his lips.

“Did you check out the lake?”

He gave her a nod and took a sip of his beer. “Beautiful.”

“Where is Corbin?”

“She’s ahm…napping.” The vision of her half exposed ass
filled his mind.

“Ryder James, are you blushing?”

Am I?

He gave Stella a shrug and then his sly smile. She crossed
her arms and seemed to study him. He let out a laugh then finished his beer.




RYDER GLANCED INTO the kitchen to
see Corbin enter. She was wearing some tiny shorts and a tank top. Her hair was
pulled back neatly into a pony tail, revealing her neck. She chugged some
water, then turned his way. He watched her face as it turned pink. He felt a
small smile play out on his lips.

Damn, she’s sexy.

She looked to the floor then back up to meet his eyes. He
gestured with his finger for her to come outside. She tugged at her shirt then
slid the patio door open. Ryder wanted to sweep her up and take her back to the
bedroom. He felt a tug in his pants, the vision of her writhing beneath him,
her moans, how eager she was to let him have his way with her. Later, he would
take his time with her. He cleared his throat, in an effort to hide a groan.

“It’s dark already? Where is everyone?” she asked looking

“Mike and Stella went to town to get some more supplies.”

“Oh.” He watched as she toyed with the cap of her water
bottle. She brought her eyes to his.

Ryder pushed out his chair and patted his lap. She hesitated
for a moment then walked to him. He pulled her onto him so she was straddling
him. She glanced around again.

“Are you ok?” he ran his hands up and down her arms. She
gave him a nod. He reached up and cupped her face in his hands and brought her
lips to his. He pulled away, brushing his thumb over where he had just kissed
her. He felt her shiver, and then felt her hands entwine his hair. She brought
her lips to his in a feverish kiss. Their tongues teased one another. Corbin
released his hair and slid her hands between them, pressing, squeezing and
rubbing him. He slid his hand up her shirt and teased her nipples. Small sighs
escaped her.

“Well…well…well.” They both froze and turned and turned to
see Stella and Mike standing on the patio. Mike gave Ryder thumbs up.

Corbin removed herself from his lap and hurried into the
house. Ryder considered going after her but the bulge in his pants told him to
stay put. He ran his hand threw his hair and lit a cigarette. Stella gave him a
sideways look then went into the house.

“Rock star, wanna help me out with the grill?”

“Yeah, in a minute,” Ryder reached under the table and
adjusted himself. His dick was rock hard.

Or an hour or two.



“So…” Stella gestured with her

“What?” Corbin shrugged.

“Did you…?” Stella made a circle with her thumb and finger
and slid another in and out of it.

“Gah, Stella.” Corbin covered her face wither hands.

“I am going to take that as a yes. How was it?”

“Stella, please.” She didn’t want to discuss it at all with

“Oh no, I ain’t leaving you alone until I get some deets on

Corbin let out a huge sigh. “It was good, I guess.” She

“What? That’s it?” Stella threw her hands in the air.

“I don’t know what you want me to tell you.” Corbin wanted
to slink away. She avoided Stella’s eyes.

“How are the potatoes?” Mike yelled from the patio.

Stella opened the microwave door and stuck a fork in one of
them. “They’re done.”

“Steaks are ready too.” Stella gave Mike a nod then turned
to Corbin.

“Can you grab the sour cream? And FYI, this conversation
isn’t over.” Stella gave her a wink. Corbin shook her head and uttered a
nervous laugh.

They gathered up plates and silverware and walked out to the
patio. Mike and Ryder were gathered around the grill. In typical male fashion,
they were discussing the how to’s of grilling. Ryder looked her way.

“Got you some Blue Moon.” He reached into the cooler and
pulled on out. He walked to her, twisted the top and held it out to her. Their
fingers brushed together and she almost dropped the plates she was holding.


He gave her a wink and then took the plates from her and set
the table while she sat do

“I was thinking...” Stella cooed.

“Oh God,” Corbin muttered aloud.

“Shut up...anyway….after a golf cart ride, we should all
take a dip in the lake.”

“Sure felt good earlier.” Ryder wiggled his eyebrows at
Corbin. She felt a blush spread.

“I’ll bet.” Stella shot Corbin a raised eyebrow.

Mike dished out the steaks and Stella passed the potatoes
around. Corbin feeling famished, dug into her food. She caught Ryder eyeing her
and suddenly felt self conscious. She placed her fork and knife on her plate
and took a sip of her beer. Rob had always chastised her about her eating
habits. He often told his buddies she could out eat him any day.

“Corbin, what are your plans now that you have graduated?”
Mike asked between chews.

“I guess go on to the U of I?” Corbin shrugged. In all
fairness she had no idea what her plans were.

“Do you want to be a teacher?” Mike probed further.

“I would love to be an interpreter.”

“An interpreter? Here?” Ryder asked. She met his gaze.

“I don’t know, somewhere.” She looked down at her plate and
pushed her food around.

“I think that sounds exciting,” Stella said with a nod.
Corbin gave her a shrug.

“What about you, rock star? What are your plans?” Mike
asked. Corbin felt relieved the conversation was now on someone else.

“I guess just work, make some money, get my own place. What
about you?” Ryder leaned back in his chair.

“My last day on the job here is August 30
, so
on August 31
I am going back home to Texas.”

Corbin watched as a sense of sadness washed over Stella’s

“What job?” Ryder asked he took a long pull from his beer.

“Our company has been here since April helping out with the
new pipeline. I can’t wait to get back home.” Mike gave Stella a pat on the
leg, she pretended to pout.

“I imagine.” Ryder gave him a nod.

“I am going to work on a ranch there, I’m so sick of
traveling. I have been trying to talk Stella into coming along.”

“You should go,” Corbin blurted.

“And leave behind this awesome town and my fabulous job?”
Stella plumped her hair. Corbin rolled her eyes at her and then all laughed. They
all fell silent for a moment. Everyone seemed to be lost in their own thoughts.

“Stella told me you used to be in a band and almost got
signed. Infected Whiskey?” Mike said then let out a burp.

“Yep.” Ryder lit a cigarette. Corbin watched as his demeanor
changed from relaxed to guarded.

“What happened? Why did you guys break up?” Stella chimed

“I fucked up.” Ryder shrugged.

“How?” Corbin asked softly. Ryder looked to her then away.

“The night before we were supposed to sign the contract, I
went out and celebrated. I got coked up and blasted on whiskey. Then I decided
to take a ride on my chopper, I almost killed myself that night. I broke both
of my legs and arms, busted several ribs, had bruised lungs and a concussion.
While I was in the hospital Infected Whiskey broke up. The guys got offers from
other bands to join in. I am surprised Alex didn’t fill you guys in on this.”
He tapped his lighter on the table and kept his gaze down.

“No, she didn’t,” Stella said in almost a whisper.

“That’s why I got this.” He pointed to the grim reaper
tattoo over his heart. “This dude had me in his hands.” He pushed away from the
table and grabbed another beer from the cooler.

“That is a hell of a story, rock star.”

Ryder shrugged and walked to the railing. Corbin’s mind
raced and her heart surged in her chest. Silence fell on the patio again. This
time Corbin’s cell phone broke it. She looked and saw that she had a message
from Rob. She rolled her eyes and then looked to Ryder. He stood looking out
into the night sky seemingly lost in his own thoughts. She looked back to her
phone and without reading Rob’s message, deleted it along with Rob’s number.
She placed her phone on vibrate. Ryder turned to her and gave her a soft smile.
She returned the smile then walked to him. She wrapped her arms around his
waist and gave his back a kiss.

Time to put on your big girl panties and move on, girl.

“Shall we hit the golf cart?” Mike asked.

“Hell yeah,” Stella replied. “Are you two coming?”

Ryder turned to Corbin and entwined his fingers with hers.
“Do you want to?” All she could do was nod.

“I’ll grab the cooler,” Mike said.

Ryder tugged her in the direction of the patio stairs. They
ware enveloped into the darkness. He pulled her up tight against him and kissed
her deeply, once again Corbin was glad he had a hold of her because her knees

“I think some skinny dipping is in order tonight,” he
whispered in her ear.

“No, I can’t.” Corbin shook her head.

“Don’t act so shy, Corbin.” He practically growled. He then
leaned into her. “I have already seen you naked, remember?”

She felt herself blush all the way to her toes. She bit her
bottom lip.

“Come on.” He tugged her hand and they made their way to the
cart, there Mike and Stella were having a make out session of their own. Ryder
cleared his throat and the two moved apart. Corbin’s head was a swirly mess.
She looked to Ryder.

“Let’s stay here.” The words sounding more like a plea.

“Huh?” Ryder met her gaze. She pulled him towards the house.
Her heart raced in her chest and her body ached for his touch.

“Have fun!” Mike called from behind them. She heard Ryder
utter a chuckle, it sounded a little devious.

Once inside the bedroom, Corbin shut and locked the door.
She felt Ryder’s finger trail from the top of her neck down to the top of her
shorts. She closed her eyes and relished in his touch. She turned to face him
and removed her tank top. His eyes rested on her breasts then he brought them
back up to hers. He placed his hands on either side of her and pinned her
against the door. He skimmed his lips over hers. Corbin’s breath hitched in her
throat, she hooked her fingers in his belt loop and pulled him closer. He gave
her his sly smile.

“Slow down, we have all night,” he said softly. Corbin heard
a moan escape her. “Let’s go take a shower.”

She nodded, desire overflowed within her.

Anything you want.

He led her to the bathroom, her thoughts were filled with
Ryder naked and soapy.

He set the water temperature and then stripped his clothes
off. He walked to Corbin and kneeled. Looking up at her, he removed her shorts
and panties. On his way back up, he trailed kisses over her stomach then
hesitated on each one of her breasts. He took his time and gave each nipple
some attention. He then covered her mouth with his, Corbin moaned in his mouth
and he returned a little groan. They pulled away, his eyes were heavy.

They entered the shower and took turns under the water. They
paused once in awhile and locked into some very deep hungry kisses. After
rinsing, they dried each other off, and then made their way back to the bedroom.
Once the door was locked, Ryder removed her towel and then his own. He backed
her up to the bed; she sat then scooted up to the pillows. Her breathing became
labored as he crawled on top of her. They stared deeply into one another’s eyes
and Ryder kissed her softly. Corbin’s body tingled with anticipation.

“Please Ryder, I want you.” She watched as he bit down on
his lip.

“Not yet.” He kissed and nipped at her neck and trailed
down. When he stopped at her mound she wrapped her legs around him and grabbed
his hair. He skillfully taunted and teased, bringing her close to orgasm and
stopping. She begged him over and over to finish, and finally when the moment
came she almost screamed. He kissed his way back up to her mouth. Their tongues
intertwined and danced in each other’s mouths. Ryder pulled away and she
watched as he slipped on a condom. He lay back on top of her and she wrapped
her legs around him. He entered her slowly and Corbin cried out as did he. He
moved in and out of her his mouth never leaving hers. Corbin clawed at his back
and raised her pelvis urging him on. He kept his pace slow driving her over the
edge. She opened her eyes and stared into his. A warm feeling rushed over her.

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