The Wannabes (9 page)

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Authors: Tammy Coons

BOOK: The Wannabes
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TWO WEEKS HAD passed and Corbin’s
mom’s condition remained the same. After much reassurance from Nancy and Jan,
Corbin decided to go to the lake for the weekend with her friends. She was
still ridden with guilt. Her brothers had been in and out of the facility but
rarely stayed longer than an hour.

What if she dies and I’m not there?

She shook the thought away and finished shaving her much
neglected areas. She rinsed and pulled the plug in the tub. She hadn’t had much
sleep lately and by the bags under her eyes, it catching up to her. In between
working and spending all of her free time with her mom she was rarely home.

She opened the bathroom door and saw Ryder bent over in the
fridge. He was singing Just got Paid. His work clothes were covered in corn
dust and shaf, and when he stood and turned his face was smudged with dirt. He
graced her with a sly smile then held a Blue Moon out to her.

“Want one?”

“Sure.” He popped the top and handed it to her. He grabbed
his own and did the same. He took a hefty drink of his.

“You got me hooked on this stuff.” Corbin laughed.

“Stella told me you moved out.”

“I did, but Alex and I hashed some shit out last night, so
you’re stuck with me for awhile.” He gave her a wink and slid up on the

“That’s good...I mean, it’s good you guys talked.” Corbin
felt her cheeks turn.

“Yeah.” He took another drink. “What’s been going on with
you? How’s your mom?”

“ changes in her condition yet.” Ryder nodded.

“You going to the lake this weekend?” He raised an eyebrow
at her. Corbin swallowed hard.


“Good you need some time to relax.” He slid off the counter
and removed his shirt. Corbin put her bottle up to her mouth to stifle a moan.

“Are you?” She said a little out of breath. He smiled.


“For the whole weekend or..?” He chuckled.

“I got the weekend off so yeah, I’ll be there.” He took
another sip.

“Should be fun.” Corbin fought the urge to fidget. She
watched as Ryder licked his lips and she shivered.

“Yeah, I’m hoping so.” He finished his beer and dropped the
bottle in the trash. “Are you done in there?” He pointed to the bathroom.

“Ryder…” she wanted to ask about the night a Rebels but the
words stuck in her throat. He unbuttoned his pants.

“Yeah,” He cocked his head sideways.

“Don’t forget to grab a towel.” He nodded then disappeared
in the hall. Corbin jetted from the kitchen cursing herself for acting like a
lame ass. She went into her bedroom and threw some more clothes in her bag. She
opened her bedside stand and pulled out the box of condoms; taking a deep
breath she shoved them under her clothes. Hearing Stella announce her arrival
home she poked her head out of her room.

“Do you have a few minutes?”

“Sure, what’s up?” Stella sat her purse down and walked into
her room. Corbin shut the door behind her and mustered up the courage to speak.
She sat down on her bed and cleared her throat.


“Spit it out girl.”Stella plopped down next to her. Corbin
tucked her hair behind her ear.

“I have only had sex with one guy in my life and…”

“Really, wow!” Stella’s jaw dropped.

“Yeah, and now that I am single...I really don’t know much
about sex.”

“Ok?” Stella gestured for her to go on. Corbin felt herself
break out into a sweat and wiped her brow.

“I know this sounds stupid, but Rob and I only did the
missionary position, and I have never had an orgasm, like that...with him. I
mean he only lasted about 30 seconds when we did do it.”

Stella gave her a small smile. “There’s more to sex than a
30 second rabbit screw.”


“Just go with the moment when it happens, don’t be scared.
Just make sure you trust your next partner enough to let him take control.”
Stella stood. “You’ll be fine Corbin.” She gave her a small wink and left the

“Well that was helpful,” Corbin muttered. She wanted Ryder
to be her next, but also knew he was very experienced. She was scared she
wouldn’t be up to his standards in the sack.

I am so pathetic.



RYDER EXITED THE bathroom and ran
into Stella.

“We need to talk.” She pushed him back into the bathroom. He
watched as she fidgeted.

“About?” He raised an eyebrow at her.

“I know I shouldn’t be telling you this shit, it’s like I am
breaking girl code.” She began pacing back and forth. “But I have too.”

Ryder ran a hand threw his wet hair then put the lid of the
toilet down and sat.

Here we go again.

“I just talked to Corbin...and she told me something.”

“And?” He shook his head.

“I’m just going to say it, ugh…” Stella threw her hands in
the air then sat down on the floor. She covered her eyes.

“Speak woman.” Ryder heaved a frustrated sigh.

“Ok...but promise me you won’t tell her I told you.”

“Yeah, pinky swear, what the fuck?”

“Corbin…just told me...that…she has only been with Rob.”

“So? What does that have to do with me?”

“Oh Christ…I know what you’re plans are for this weekend,

Get Corbin alone.

“To get hammered and swim?” He played dumb.

See what she’s hiding under her clothes.

“No, you ass, I know what you have been wanting to do since
day one.”

“So what are you trying to tell me?”

Spend the weekend having sex.

Stella heaved an exasperated sigh then stood. “Just take it
slow with Corbin, ok?”

Ryder gave her his sly smile. “I promise I will be gentle.”

Stella threw her hands in the air then yanked the bathroom
door open. Ryder chuckled and followed her out. He grabbed another beer from
the fridge then went to living room and plopped on the couch. He clicked the TV
on and began scrolling through the channels. He heard a door open and turned in
the direction of the sound. Corbin exited her room and when they made eye
contact her face turned a bright shade of red.

“All packed?” Ryder cocked his head sideways. She gave him a
nod and disappeared into the kitchen. Thoughts of her writhing beneath him
filled his mind. He felt his dick growing.

Down boy, there will be enough time for that later.




“I GET THE master bedroom!” Stella
announced as they entered the lake house. She scurried up the stairs.

“As usual,” Corbin shrugged and sat her bag down.

“This place is pretty big,” Ryder said from behind her. She
turned to him. He slid his sunglasses down and took the place in.

“There are two bedrooms up and one down here. I usually take
the one downstairs because Stella can get pretty noisy…if you know what I
mean.” Corbin pointed upstairs and felt her cheeks burn.

“Ahh…” Ryder nodded. “How about a tour?” He removed his
sunglasses and set his bag down. Corbin gave him a nod then showed him through
the house. The last spot she showed him was the tiny bathroom. He stood so
close behind her that she could feel his body heat resonating from him. She
turned to him. They made eye contact and Corbin felt light headed.

“So I guess I’ll just go unpack.” Corbin looked away from

“How about after that you show me around the Lake? Maybe go
for a swim?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her making her laugh.

“Ok.” Corbin squeezed past him and hurried to the bedroom.
She quickly shoved stuff in her dresser, checked herself in the mirror then
hurried back out.

“That was fast,” Ryder commented. He had changed into his
swim trunks and was wearing an unbuttoned short sleeved shirt. Corbin uttered a
nervous laugh. “Come on, I am hot and want to take a dip.” He grabbed her hand
and pulled her out the door.

“Wait, let me grab the keys.” Corbin hurried back in and
grabbed the keys off the key holder.


“For the golf cart, do you want a beer for the ride?” She
threw the keys to Ryder.

“Hell yeah,” He gave her a wink and slid his sunglasses on.
She bit hard on her bottom lip.

Ok Corbin...if you want him...just do it...don’t waste
any more time.

She pulled a couple beers from the cooler and proceeded back
outside. She waved the beers at him and hopped onto the cart. He took his,
popped the top, and took a hefty drink.

“Damn, this shit is good.” He clicked his tongue and Corbin
felt as if her clit was going to explode. “Which way?”

“Huh?” Corbin’s mind was wrapped up in the vision of them
entangled in sheets together.

“Which way are we going?” He placed his arm on the back of
her seat. His shirt fell open Corbin scanned his chest. She licked her lips and
swallowed hard.

“Anyway you want.” She yanked her eyes up. “I mean any
direction is ok.” She watched as he gave her his sly smile. He started the cart
and they sped off towards the lake.

“This place is awesome,” Ryder announced as the pulled up in
front of the lake. Adults and kids milled about. Ryder shut the cart off and
placed his arms on the back of her seat again.

Corbin glanced at him then focused her eyes on the water.
She sipped her beer and contemplated her next move.

“Do you want to get in?”

“Let’s do it.” Ryder jumped off the cart stripped off his
shirt and kicked off his shoes. He threw his sunglasses on the seat. Corbin
held back a moan. His body glistened with sweat, his swim trunks hung on his

Keep it together girl.

Corbin put her beer in the cup holder and slid off the seat.
She pulled her shirt over her head and slid her shorts off.

“Damn, girl.” Ryder fanned himself and gave her a whistle.

“Stop,” Corbin laughed she felt herself blush. Ryder walked
to her side of cart and took her hand. He pulled her against him. Her breath
caught in her throat, she looked to the ground. She felt Ryder place a finger
under her chin and raised her eyes to his.

“Couldn’t help it, Corbin. You’ve got a rocking body. I
don’t know why you hide it.” Corbin looked into his green eyes and all of her
common sense flew out the window. She placed her hand on the back of his head
and brought his mouth to hers. The kiss made her toes curl into the sand. Ryder
ran his hands up and down her back while she wrapped her arms around his neck. The
kiss deepened and Ryder groaned in her mouth which intensified the heat that
was raging between her legs.

“Excuse me, there are kids present.” They pulled away. A
woman carrying a small child stood before them.

“Sorry.” Corbin wiped her lips. The woman shook her head and
walked away.

“We should probably get in the water. I seem to have a
serious situation going on.” Ryder breathed into her ear. He pulled her against
him and she felt his hardness. Corbin gathered he courage and whispered back.

“So do I, only you can’t feel it.”

Ryder cocked his head sideways then swooped her up in his

“We will see about that,” he growled. He began wading out
into the water.

“Don’t go to deep,” Corbin blurted. For some reason, Ryder
stopped in his tracks and started laughing uncontrollably. Corbin squirmed out
of his arms.

“What, I can’t swim.” Corbin had no clue as to what could
have been so funny about her comment. She turned to get out of the water but
Ryder grabbed her arm.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that well, you know...after we had
that make out session in front of the world...I said what I said and you said
what you said...and then telling me no to go too deep.” He held his side.

Corbin felt herself blush and realization hit her. She burst
out laughing.

“I am so stupid,” Corbin said between laughs. She watched
Ryder shake his head.

“No you’re not. Come on hop on my back I’ll keep you safe
out there.” Corbin looked out at the water.

“Are you sure?”

“Trust me.” Ryder held out his hand. Corbin looked at him
and then back out at the water. She took his hand then hopped on his back and
let him take her out into the deeper water.

“I’m so scared.” She clung to him tightly.

“Don’t be, I got you.” She felt his hands caress her legs.

He stopped when the water was up to his chest. He gave her
legs a tap.

“Relax a little and turn and face me.” Corbin turned
awkwardly in the water so she was nose to nose with Ryder. He placed his hands
on her hips. “Drop your legs, you can touch the bottom here.”

“Don’t let go of me.” Corbin’s heart hammered in her chest.

“Oh, I won’t.” He gave her a quick kiss. She reluctantly
removed her legs and released her grip around his neck then placed her feet on
the bottom of the lake. The water came over the top of her boobs. She watched
Ryder glance down, he then pulled her up closer to the shore so her boobs were
out of the water.

“That’s better.” He ran a finger in between them making
Corbin shiver. He went under the water and popped back up, his hair was slicked
back and water dripped from his face. Corbin removed her hair tie and dipped
under, she made sure to run a hand up his chest as she resurfaced. When she
opened her eyes Ryder stood in the water motionless. She wrapped her arms
around his neck and kissed him hard she wrapped her legs around him again.

“Eww!” a small voice exclaimed and sent a huge splash in
their faces.

Ryder pulled away from her, “Let’s go back to the cabin.”

Corbin nodded then switched her position back to his back. He
carried her back to the cart and on the way back, Ryder almost ran into a
couple of trees due to Corbin’s eager mouth. When they pulled up to the cabin
they saw a truck with Texas plates.

“Cowboy Mike must be here,” Ryder said in a Texan drawl. He
shut the cart off then reached for Corbin and pulled her onto his lap. He
kissed her hard, his tongue probing her mouth. Corbin moaned into his.

“Damn, that is hot,” Ryder growled. They separated again and
made their way inside. Sounds of Stella’s moans filled the house.

“Told you,” Corbin pointed upstairs. Ryder gave her a gentle
shove into the bedroom then followed her in. He shut the door behind him and
locked it.

“Ryder I…” Corbin began. Ryder cocked his head and flew that
sly smile her way.

“Yeah, Corbin…” He walked towards her untying his swim
trunks. He licked his lips. His eyes went up and down her body.

“I…” He let his trunks fall to the floor. Her eyes rested on
his penis. “I…ahm.” His hands were untying her top and sliding down her
bottoms. She grabbed a handful of his hair and whispered “Je veux te faire

“Oh yeah, baby, I will.” Ryder nipped her ear then covered
her mouth with is. He eased her back on the bed his lips never leaving hers.
Corbin wrapped herself around him, pulling him as close to her as possible.

She felt his mouth trailing from her neck to her breasts
then over her stomach. He nudged her thighs open with his face and gave her a
kiss on her mound. Corbin shuddered and her breath hitched in her throat. She
entwined her fingers in Ryder’s hair as he sent an arsenal of tongue lashings
on her clit. She opened herself further to him, her moans filling the room. A
sweat broke out on her brow; never had she felt so much pleasure.

“Oh God, Ryder, don’t stop!” She moaned aloud. She felt his
tongue quicken up its pace and held fast to his head as she came. He gave her
clit a small kiss, and then returned his mouth to hers. He kissed her deeply.
Corbin wrapped herself around him.

“Shit, my condoms are in my bag,” Ryder groaned.

“I…have the dresser...” Corbin panted. Ryder
hopped up and dug through the dresser; he pulled a condom out, ripped it open,
and slid it on. He then climbed back on top of her. He entered her slowly, a
gruff growl erupted from him.“Oh shit, Corbin,” he moaned. Corbin bit onto the
pillow to stifle her moans from the pleasure she was feeling.

“Ryder...oh Ryder…” She wrapped her legs around him to urge
him to push harder into her. He followed her response and slammed himself into
her. Corbin removed the pillow from her mouth and moaned loudly.

“I can’t hold it,” Ryder groaned. She felt his dick pulsate
inside of her as he let go. He dug his fingers into her hips and shuddered. He
gave her a couple more rams then relaxed and pulled out. He plopped down on his
back, his breathing labored.

“Oh my God,” Corbin panted. Ryder chuckled next to her and
ran a hand down her stomach.

“You’re welcome.” He exhaled a long breath. Corbin turned to
him and rested her head on his chest. She wrapped her leg around him and fell
into a deep sleep.



AFTER RYDER WAS sure Corbin was
sound asleep, he slipped his arm out from under her. He kissed her forehead and
carefully got out of the bed. Remembering his swim trunks were soaked from the
lake, he wrapped his shirt around his waist and reached for the door. He
glanced at Corbin who lay half covered in a sheet. He caught a glimpse of the
top of her thigh that hit the bottom of the curve of her ass. He felt his dick
begin to harden. He momentarily considered waking her up and doing her again.
But his full bladder demanded his attention more. He opened the door and crept
out making sure to shut the door as quietly as possible.

“Hey there, rock star,” Mike drawled. Ryder jumped then
turned around.

“Howdy, tex.” He pretended to tip a hat. He snatched his bag
from the floor and went into the bathroom to get dressed. He tried to pee but
his still raging hard on was making it difficult.

“Want a beer?” Mike asked from outside the door.


“Ah yeah, I’ll be out in a sec.” Ryder gave up on trying to
pee and threw on some jeans. When he opened the door, Mike shoved a Bud in his
face. “Thanks man.” Mike reached out with a bottle opener and popped the top
off. Ryder took a long drink.

“Smoke?” Mike asked, holding out his cigarettes and lighter.
Ryder took one and lit it. He ran his hand threw his messed up hair.

“Where’s Stella?”

“Upstairs…I wore her ass out.” Mike shot him a sideways

“Ahh...I think I am going to go outside, get some air.”
Ryder slid the patio door open and walked to the railing.

“Great place isn’t it,” Mike said from behind him.

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