The Watcher (14 page)

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Authors: Rhiannon Jean

BOOK: The Watcher
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“No, Lily, we don’t need to try this at a later date. I’m so sorry. My past…well it should be left alone.”

“You left, Gabriel, just now you were somewhere else. Your eyes were different and it was like I didn’t even recognize the man sitting in front of me.”

“I know, kitten, and I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I promise to never leave you like that again. I can’t talk about my past. Please just let it go.”

“It’s OK, Gabriel. I understand. I have a past too. Maybe someday we can share our pasts with each other. I had a rough time growing up too,” she admitted. I knew very few people knew about her childhood, so I was extremely touched that she wanted to share it with me. I hoped she knew I wouldn’t judge her or look at her with pity in my eyes like so many did to me.

I pulled back slightly and crushed my lips to hers. Her arms went up around my neck and she stood on her tiptoes and kissed me back with matched fervor. Hearing a few catcalls, I was brought back to reality. I pulled back and grinned like an idiot at her. Grinning back at me she shook her head slowly.

“Oops, forgot we were in public,” she said while laughing.

Chapter Six





The rest of dinner was light-hearted and full of laughter. We ended up enjoying a slice of rich chocolate cake and sipping on espresso while I talked endlessly about the antics of my cats, and he told me about some of the guys who worked at the garage and how he’d been best friends with Rosy for a long time. We held hands and laughed and fed each other. The heat in his eyes grew hotter as the night wore on. Every time I caught him staring at me like he wanted to devour me, my breath caught and I stuttered in the middle of whatever story I was telling. My panties were soaked through as thoughts of him naked and sweaty between my thighs kept coming to mind.

He paid the check and turned to me, “My club nearby is closed for renovations, but I’d love to show you what I’m doing to the place. Do you mind if we take a little walk over there?”

“That would be lovely, Gabriel. That’s so exciting that you own another club! Is it like The Secret Word?”

“Actually that’s why I’m renovating. The Secret Word has been such a success that I’m modeling the new club after it.”

“Complete with the 50s looking barstools?” I asked hopefully

He laughed and took my hand, guiding me outside, “Complete with 50s barstools.”

“Awesome!” I exclaimed, “I love those barstools, they are so cute!” Little did he know I had fantasized about him doing very dirty things to me while I was sitting on one of those stools; so yeah, I loved those things.

I shivered in the cool night air and hoped we didn’t have to walk too far; these heels were taking their toll on me. Gabriel let go of my hand and took off his jacket, placing it gently over my shoulders. He kissed my forehead softly and pulled me into his arms. I loved that this guy was a hugger. Most guys only hugged out of obligation or if they felt they needed to comfort you. Gabriel seemed to truly want me in his arms for no reason other than to feel me there.

“A girl could get used to this, Gabriel,” I said leaning my head on his chest.

“Get used to what, kitten? Hugging?”

I sighed in contentment, “Oh yeah, definitely the hugging.”

“I want you in my arms as much as possible, Lily. Having you in them just feels right. Almost like I’m home,” he whispered as he tightened his arms around me. “I never really had one growing up, but this feels like what home should have been.”

I stayed silent, surprised that he had shared something with me. Maybe he just needed time. We had only just met, really. I couldn’t push him to tell me his life story a week into our time together. I tightened my arms around him and whispered back, “I feel the same way, Gabriel. I never want you to let me go.”

“Then I never will, beautiful,” he responded quietly. We stood there for several minutes, holding onto each other and being oblivious to the busy city around us. I felt like I was in one of those chick flicks I loved so much, where everything but the man in my arms fades into the background. I was falling in love and that damn heart of mine had worked its way back to my sleeve again, just waiting for Gabriel to grab ahold of it.

He pulled away and took my hand once more, leading me down the sidewalk. We reached the club that was roped off due to the construction, and he unlocked the door and let me in ahead of him. He had started softly singing
Wherever You Will Go
by The Calling as he went around turning on a few lights.

I smiled to myself, knowing he knew this was one of my favorite songs as well. He came over to me, led me to the bar, and helped me onto one of the stools. He clicked a remote and music started playing softly in the background.
Wicked Game
by Chris Isaak came on and he turned to look at me, his eyes full of heat yet again. He removed his jacket from my shoulders and placed it on the bar. Kneeling down in front of me, he took off my shoes. He began to slowly rub my feet, one after the other, and I moaned softly. His hands moved up to my calves, rubbing the tight muscles sensuously. I looked down at him and the want in his eyes mirrored my own. Was my barstool fantasy about to come true? Then his hands moved to my knees and I giggled, breaking the spell.

“Oh, ticklish are we, Miss Lily?” he smirked.

I batted his hands and replied with another giggle, “Yes, you wicked man! Hands off my knees.”

“Can I put my hands here?” he said softly as his hands moved to outside of my upper thighs. He had pushed my dress up slowly and could now see that I was wearing stockings and a garter belt.

“Jesus Christ, Lily, you are full of fucking surprises. Do you have any idea how sexy you are, or what I want to do to you right now?” His voice was low and full of want and I had absolutely no idea how to respond. No one had ever spoken to me like this. I stared at him kneeling between my knees and listened to Chris Isaak in the background.

“Can I touch you here?” he asked softly as his hands moved to my inner thighs. I nodded, my eyes never leaving his. I wasn’t about to try to speak right now and embarrass myself by stuttering.

“How about here?” he asked as one of his hands moved right to my core. My eyes closed and my head tilted back.

“Yes, sir,” I replied breathlessly. He rubbed me through my panties with one hand and stood up, towering over me. His other hand gripped the back of my neck and pulled me closer to him.

“Keep your eyes open, Lily. Look at me while I pleasure you,” he commanded softly. His demeanor had changed again, and his alpha male side was back. If it was possible, I got wetter at the site of him leaning over me and staring at me as if he were about to devour me.

“Good girl, now keep them on mine or I will stop what I’m doing.”

“Yes, sir.” I replied. It would take all my strength and courage to keep my eyes open. I had never had someone watch me while they were pleasuring me, as they usually looked away or closed their eyes. Gabriel’s command was new territory for me, but I never wanted him to stop touching me like this. I gathered up my courage and continued to stare into his eyes. He brought out a darker side of me that I never knew existed and I desperately wanted to explore it further.

His fingers pushed my panties aside and stroked my lips softly. His breath caught when he felt the moisture he had caused.

“Jesus Lily, you’re so ready for me.”

“You did that, Gabriel, just by looking at me like that.” He pulled me into him and kissed me hard. As his tongue entered my mouth, two of his fingers entered me. I gasped into his mouth and he pulled away. My eyes stared into his as his thumb found my clit and started stroking it softly. I moaned and licked my lips slowly, knowing it would drive him crazy. He crushed his lips down onto mine once more and pushed his fingers in deeper.

“You’re mine, Lily,” he said against my mouth.

“Yes, Gabriel,” I gasped against his lips as his thumb sped up, making my clit throb. I was so close to coming already.
“Say it, Lily, say you’re mine, or I won’t let you come.”

I fought against my urge to back talk, my pussy clenching his fingers as they worked their way in and out of my tightness.

“I’m yours, Gabriel, only yours,” I whispered. He curled his fingers deeply inside me and increased the pressure on my clit. My body clenched and my breath caught in my throat as he pulled back to look into my eyes again.

“Come for me, kitten,” he commanded and that’s when my world exploded. I yelled out his name and the heat crept up my body as I came and came. I stared into his hungry gaze as he slowed his motions, clinging to his shoulders. My breath came in short bursts and I tried to compose myself. Just as my breathing started to return to normal, he pushed his fingers even deeper into me and pressed harshly on my clit. A second, almost as powerful, orgasm hit me and I cried out once more. He lightened the pressure and as the waves of pleasure subsided, my whole body went limp and I leaned against him. I whimpered as he pulled his fingers out of me, instantly feeling empty. He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean.

“God dammit, Lily, you taste fucking amazing,” he said incredulously.

I blushed at the compliment and tried to compose myself as my heartbeat returned to normal.

“Thank you,” I said sheepishly. After I smoothed down my hair and pulled my dress back down, Gabriel pulled me into his arms again. Have I mentioned he gives good hugs?

“Can I see you again soon, Lily?”

“Yes, are you free tomorrow?” I smiled into his shoulder. He pulled back and knelt down and put my shoes back on my feet.

“How about a movie and a late lunch?” he replied. I was too excited to speak so I nodded instead. He replaced his coat over my shoulders, turned off the music and lights, and led me back outside.

“Let’s get you home, beautiful, you’ll need sleep if you want to have strength for tomorrow,” he smirked.

Oh my.

Chapter Seven





The next morning I awoke in a great mood. The night before had been so much fun, and I realized that Gabriel was the perfect mixture of sweet and salty that I couldn’t resist. I couldn’t wait to see him again, and I was still in shock that
wanted to see
again so soon. When Ryan and I had dated, he spread out the first dates over a few weeks. He made sure that I knew he needed space. Maybe this was how things were supposed to be. Breathing a sigh of contentment, I wandered into the kitchen.

I had some time before the movie, so I went through paperwork and called about a few more apartments. After setting some more appointments with landlords and one with my lawyer, I made some coffee and sat down with my journal. Suddenly I was inspired to write again. I knew it had to be because of Gabriel, but I was OK with that. He was so inspiring. His kindness and his caring poured out of him and he wasn’t ashamed to show his sweet side. I swear Ryan had some sort of complex that only made him want to be sweet in private. Lord forbid we hold hands or kiss in front of his friends.

Shaking my head to clear it, I put my pen to the paper and began to write furiously. I wrote about every moment I’d had with Gabriel so far, starting with that very first night I saw him staring at me in class. I got chills just thinking about that stare. It had been full of heat then, but now it was positively an inferno. I hadn’t recognized it as heat, since no man had ever been hot for me. Thinking about that made me really sad. Ryan said he loved me and wanted me, but that look never appeared in his eyes. I wiped a tear away, not even realizing I had started crying. I opened my playlists and chose
Movin’ On
by Rascal Flatts and continued to write.

Just like the song said, I also felt trapped in my past. Even though I had just filed for divorce, it still felt like it had been a long time coming. I needed to find that peace that had been eluding me for so many years. I wrote about my feelings on the divorce and my feelings for Gabriel. As I sifted through my emotions, the last conversation I had with my mother came to mind. She’d called yet again asking for money for bills. She had run out of money and had called begging and pleading, saying that I was the only one she could turn to. I remembered the anger I had felt towards her and the sorrow I had felt for my little brother. He was always caught in the middle of her crappy life decisions. I hadn’t felt like fighting so I got her account numbers and called the utility companies and paid her bills.

I wrote about the hatred and regret I felt every time she or my brother called. I could only do so much and I wanted so badly to be able to help her, but she wouldn’t help herself. This was the main reason my sister had moved so far away. My hand started to cramp and I looked at the clock. I had an hour before Gabriel was set to pick me up, so I closed my journal and wiped the tears off my face. I took a deep, calming breath and tried to relax. Writing was so cathartic and I felt so much better. It had been way too long since I had written and I knew I needed to make it into a daily habit. I stood up, stretched, and headed into the bathroom to get ready to see my stalker.





We were standing in line at the movie theatre trying to figure out which one we wanted to see. “Fifty Shades of Grey” was playing, and I knew she secretly wanted to pick that one. I knew she didn’t want to go by herself. Maybe this would be a good way to gauge her reaction to my kind of Saturday night. There were a few action flicks playing and a few kids’ movies. I pretended to contemplate movie posters while she fidgeted nervously.

“I already know what you want to see, kitten, you don’t have to be embarrassed,” I smirked as I grabbed her hand.  I paid for our tickets and got us a popcorn and soda to share. I didn’t even bother to ask her if she wanted extra butter as I generously poured it over the kernels. Unbeknownst to her, I’d sat next to her at the movies many times before. She went to see them alone fairly often and it killed me that that asshole never went with her. I knew she was self-conscious about her weight, even though she had no reason to be. When he actually went with her, Ryan had never wanted to get popcorn or treats, telling her it would go right to her hips. I noticed that she had stopped going to movies with him shortly after that.

“Beautiful, would you like chocolate too? m&ms perhaps?” I asked her and she nodded her head, a huge grin spreading over her face. I’d kill lions and tigers and bears just to see that smile. She was so relaxed now that she saw that I wasn’t going to judge her. Thankfully it hadn’t dawned on her that I knew her favorite movie snacks. I still wasn’t ready to divulge all my secrets and I just wanted a normal date with her. I got her favorite peanut butter m&m’s and we headed into the theatre. The movie had been out for a few weeks, so we pretty much had the whole place to ourselves. I led her all the way up the stairs to the last row and we grabbed the center seats. I smiled inwardly, the teenager still hidden inside me secretly hoping that we’d make out. We plopped down in our seats and got the snacks situated. I took her hand and brought it to my lips, gently kissing the inside of her palm.

“Thank you for spending the day with me, Lily.”

“Thank you, Gabriel. These last few nights have been the best of my life. It’s like you’re almost too perfect,” she replied.

“I assure you, I’m not perfect, kitten.”

“But you seem to know just what to say or what I’m thinking all the time, Gabriel. It’s like our minds are connected…maybe even our hearts,” she said and looked down at our hands linked together. I leaned over and lightly brushed my lips against hers.

“I think they are too, kitten,” I whispered. The previews started, saving her from having to reply. I would bet my life savings she was freaking out on the inside, but it didn’t matter, we were both falling hard. I listened in to her thoughts as she watched the previews. “
This man is just that, a MAN. Not a typical guy or a boy, which I’m so used to being with. He is beautiful, and talented, and funny, and intelligent, and apparently he wants to be mine.

I squeezed her hand then put my arm around her, trying not to look smug. She snuggled up against me and was immediately immersed in Ana’s story. She’d loved the books, having devoured
them in the span of a week. She liked that Christian guy and how he spoiled Ana to no end. It pained her watching them on screen, seeing Ana’s pain when Christian wouldn’t let her touch him. I couldn’t even imagine doing that to Lily. I wanted her hands on me at all times. Even now, I was stroking my fingers mindlessly up and down her thigh.

She turned to look at my profile, and I felt her warming at the thought of my hands traveling higher. I suddenly wished she had worn a skirt, giving me easier access. Turning to look at her, I furrowed my eyebrows, a smile playing on my lips as I heard her think exactly the same thing.

“Yes, kitten?” I asked in a whisper.

“Nothing, just wondering if you like the movie so far?” she replied. We had reached the part where Ana was researching BDSM and Lily’s mind was going in a million different directions. She was curious about that lifestyle, but it kind of scared her too. I knew she had been a control freak pretty much all of her life, just like I had, so she wondered how she could possibly give up all control to a man. Now Christian was showing Ana how “nice” he could be but my eyes never left her face. Wanting to lighten the mood before she got too nervous, I decided to tease her a little.

“I’m getting a few ideas,” I said lightly as I smiled her way.

“Really, now?” she asked, blushing furiously.

“Mmmhmmm. Has it been ‘nice’ knowing me so far?” I teased, my fingers moving higher up her thigh. She swallowed loudly, a smile playing at her lips. She wanted a repeat of last night. And I wasn’t about to stop now. The theatre

“Meh, I guess you could say it’s been nice. I’d go with “OK” really. That might be a better word for it,” she replied. “Oh my,” I thought. Two could play at this game. She was feeling brazen, egging me on and wanting to see how far she could take this, trying to be in charge as usual. It was time to turn the tables around. My fingers found her center and stroked her lightly over her jeans as I placed my lips on her neck, right on her secret sensitive spot.

“OK, huh?” I asked as my fingers stopped and pressed down hard. She could barely breathe as my touch shot sparks through her body. She turned her face into my neck and licked right behind my ear. She had never tasted my skin before and I wondered if she liked it as much as I loved her taste. My breath caught as she bit down lightly on my neck. We were acting like naughty teenagers, necking in the movie theatre, and I loved every minute of it. I decided to push her further. It was time to test my boundaries in public places.

I raised my hand to her breast as I trailed kisses up her neck, across her cheek, and finally landing on her lips. I nibbled her bottom lip and squeezed her nipple hard through her shirt. Gasping, she tried to pull away from my grasp, but I put my other hand on the back of her neck and held her in place. Her gasp allowed my tongue entrance into her mouth and before I knew it we were full on making out. Our tongues entwined, our teeth nipped at each other’s lips, and our sighs filled each other’s ears. I moved my hand to her other breast, caressing it through her shirt, then pinching it hard. This time she had anticipated the pinch and bit down on my lower lip. As I tasted the slight tang of my blood, it was my turn to gasp and I pulled away slightly.

“Like it a little rough, do we kitten?” I asked in amazement.

“It would seem that way, Gabriel,” she all but purred. I had unleashed a little of her wild side, and I started to let myself have hope that I could make her come completely unhinged sexually. She had tried it once with Ryan, (yeah I’m a pervert for being there, but I never watched. I was simply intrigued). She started getting a little rough, and he had called her a crazy bitch. What a fucking twat. Lily was gorgeous and willing and full of devious sexual energy.

“Lily, you are fucking amazing,” I said, my eyes full of wonder and heat. I crushed my lips back down on hers and wrapped my arms around her. This theatre had those adjustable seat arms that you could move out of the way so we were able to fully embrace. I swiftly pulled her into my lap, and she straddled my legs. I knew she could feel my length growing against her core. My lips searched hers as though I were looking for an answer to some unspoken question. My heart thundered in my chest and I fisted my hands through her thick hair. I held her tightly against my body and slightly rocked my hips, moving my length along her center. It felt so amazing to have her in my arms. It was like she belonged there, just like I had said last night; it felt like home.

I moved my hands to her face and gently moved her back a little. I stared into her eyes and shook my head.

“What?” she whispered.

“I’m completely in love with you, Lily,” I whispered back.

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