Read The Werewolf Prince and I Online

Authors: Marian Tee

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Fantasy, #Vampires

The Werewolf Prince and I (18 page)

BOOK: The Werewolf Prince and I
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She watched with helpless longing as Domenico took off his shades, placing them on the table before running one hand through his hair. Her mouth dried as he slowly stood from his seat, mesmerized at the way every suit he wore seemed tailored to emphasize the elegance and ruthless strength of his whipcord thin body.

Fingers snapped in front her.

Misty straightened, surprised to see Domenico already standing inches before her, an odd look in his eyes. “Are you all right, darling?”

She swallowed, “Yes, sir---uh, Domenico,” she corrected herself quickly. Dear, dear Lord…why was she feeling so hot? The air-conditioning was fine, wasn’t it?

, a sly voice inside her head suggested,
it’s because you’re H.


Have the hots for him, horny---

I am not!


“Misty.” Domenico wore a puzzled frown this time.

Oh God, she had been talking to herself.

She managed a weak smile. “Sorry. I was just thinking.”

Domenico raised a brow. “About what?”

“Nothing.” But her blush gave her away.

Domenico bent down to stare straight into her eyes. “Really?” he asked slyly.

She took a step back. She couldn’t help it.

But he countered each step with another step forward until she found herself yelping as her back hit the wall.

Domenico’s hands were suddenly braced against the wall, forming a barrier on each side of her face and effectively imprisoning her in place.

 “I wasn’t thinking anything important.” But her voice trembled in the end. God, God, he was so near. His lips were so near. And he smelled so good. And God, God…

He laughed. “Liar.”

Domenico’s lips touched the edge of her mouth.

Misty wanted to turn so their lips could meet, but she couldn’t. She didn’t have the confidence just yet, even with everything that happened last night. That time still felt like a dream.

“Tell me,” Domenico whispered, his mouth near her ear this time.


He licked her ear.

She jumped.

“What were you thinking about?”

He cupped her face.

And she realized she couldn’t lie. “You.” She couldn’t elaborate, wasn’t allowed to elaborate because Domenico was kissing her deeply then.

An hour later and they were seated across each other, Misty glaring and Domenico smiling complacently as blushing and giggling waitresses served them their food.

When they left, Misty burst out, “They knew!”

Domenico shrugged. “So?”

“What do you mean so?” she sputtered. “They knew we---w-we----” She couldn’t get the words out, but her red face said what she had to say.

“I wanted you. You wanted me. We’re about to be married,” Domenico said simply, finally looking at her. “They didn’t see us, did they?”

“But they heard us!” In fact, she could remember the five times she moaned and the particular thud that her back made when he slammed her against the wall and made her come in his mouth – again, with his tongue thrusting in and out of her.

She closed her eyes in mortification.

And even if they hadn’t heard them making noise, the way Domenico was acting said it all. There was an unmistakable air about him, one that told everyone very clearly he had just been satisfied, sexually, and completely.

Domenico nearly smiled, but he didn’t because he could see Misty was halfway to being seriously upset. “Cara, Lyccans are not like humans. I told you already, didn’t I? We are not as uninhibited as humans are. Passion is definitely not something to hide. I’m not saying we’re ruled by it but we don’t find shame in enjoying it - especially if it’s with the right person.”

“But we’re in a restaurant!”

Domenico almost smiled again. She reminded him of that cute kid in the Disney movie – the one that the girls had made him watch with them years back.
But it’s a talking dog!

“No one saw us. So what’s the problem? Didn’t you enjoy it?”

Misty looked tormented.

This time he laughed. He knew why she was looking like she was about to have diarrhea. She wanted to be honest but at the same time felt embarrassed at doing so.

“You’re so hard to understand,” Misty mumbled.

“Am I?”

“You were supposed to be cold. Everyone thinks you’re cold.” Misty sounded almost accusing. “But you’re not!”

And there
, Domenico thought,
was the difference

Any other woman would have rejoiced in making him lose his cool. Because Misty was right. He did not normally act like this. Yes, he was Lyccan and yes, his kind was very passionate. But Domenico used to be different from other Lyccans…until now.

Until Misty.

But she didn’t know that and he liked it that way.

It was beginning to be clear to him that Misty was going to be more important to him than he expected her to be, dangerously so. It was imperative that she did not realize that. If his own father – his own flesh and blood, someone he had once idolized – could hurt him so deeply, then Misty – who owed him nothing – could do worse.

He smiled at her, knowing that his thoughts – unlike hers – were completely hidden from Misty. “I promise I’ll never make love to you again until we’re married. Will that make you happy then?”

She looked tormented again.

He laughed.  “Come on, come on. You know you want to say it,” he murmured silkily.

How did he know her so well in so short a time
, she wondered. But out loud, she said reluctantly, honestly, “No. That’s not going to make me happy.”

“Great. Because I wasn’t about to keep that promise anyway.” He suddenly took her hand across the table and brought it to his lips. “Never lie to me, hmm, Misty? Even if it’s out of embarrassment. I despise dishonesty.”

She nodded, trembling still at the touch of his lips against her skin. She wanted to tell him that he shouldn’t lie to her, too, but in their circumstances, she didn’t really have the right, did she? Glancing at Domenico and seeing the brooding look on his face, she said haltingly, “What about you?”

Domenico was startled. “What about me?”

“You didn’t get to---” She blushed.

Mesmerized at the play of emotions on her face, he drawled out, “Is that an offer to make me come, darling?”

Swallowing, she nodded.

He smiled, knowing she was probably mentally squirming by now. “Relax, Misty. I don’t ever want you to think that you have to return the favor every time I give you an orgasm. I like doing it for you,” he said simply, honestly.

Misty’s gaze was earnest when it sought his, making him suck his breath as she said shakily but feelingly, “I
to pleasure you.”

His cock immediately rose to attention. “What,” he said slowly, “do you have in mind?”

Misty gulped at the hunger in his eyes, and his challenging tone made her wonder if she was truly ready for what she was about to do. Taking a deep breath, she said, “I want to take you in my mouth.” She closed her eyes the moment she said it, feeling her cheeks heat.

“Are you sure you want to?”

Her eyes flew open at the mocking doubt in Domenico’s tone. Even though she knew he was only teasing her, she felt defensive. Lifting her chin, Misty said, “Yes.”

“Then come and kneel before me.”

Here it goes
, Misty thought, and her panties immediately became wet at the thought of what was about to happen. The thought of making him come in her mouth, of being able to make someone like Domenico Moretti lose control, was enough for her heart to beat madly and her breasts to throb in exquisite pain.

She got up from her seat and knelt between her knees as he turned his chair away from the table.

Seeing Misty in a subservient position brought out something fierce and primitive from inside him, and Domenico’s cock swelled even more. “Unzip my pants and take my cock out,” he said, lust causing his voice to thicken.

With none too steady hands, Misty carefully lowered here zipper, pushing the black briefs to the side so his cock would spring free. Even though it was her second time to see his cock, the sheer length and girth of it still made her gasp.

Domenico almost smiled. He would have if he did not have the most painful hard-on in his life. He had never been this excited for a blowjob. “Do you think you can take all of me?”

She nodded.

“Then start holding me first, stroke me up and down like that.” He grunted when her fingers found him and she did as asked, quickly finding a rhythm that had him clutching the armrest hard.

“Slowly take me in your mouth…aah.” Domenico’s fingers clenched around the armrest even though he knew he was close to breaking his chair. The warmth of Misty’s mouth surrounding his cock was a pleasure like no other.

Misty did her best to take as much of Domenico’s cock as she could, but she could only manage a few inches before she felt the gag reflex kicking in.

“Relax your throat,” Domenico gritted out. “Take it slowly.”

Focusing on his words, Misty tried again, this time concentrating on the strangely addictive taste of Domenico’s cock as she sucked him. The words worked like magic, her mouth and throat relaxing in a way that let her take almost his entire length.

Domenico’s head rolled back. “
Like that.” He groaned as her teeth grazed the sensitive tip of his cock.

Hearing Domenico’s sounds of pleasure made Misty wetter, and she instinctively tried to move faster, one hand holding the base of his cock more confidently while her other hand caressed the balls underneath.

Domenico’s fingers gripped her hair, using it to guide her movements. He tried his best to keep his hips from thrusting too hard into her mouth but as he became closer and closer to reaching an orgasm, it became near impossible to control his movements.

“Pull out now if you don’t want me to come in your mouth,” he rasped, letting go of her hair as he focused on keeping himself from ejaculating.

In response, Misty, without releasing his cock from her mouth, took his hands again and put it back on her hair.

Domenico lost all control after that. Gripping her hair hard, he thrust his cock into her mouth and exploded, his body shuddering at the force of his release.

Misty did her best to swallow it all in, but there was just too much and some of the salty white liquid dribbled out of her mouth. She slowly let go of his cock, blushing when it came out of her mouth with a loud pop. For a moment, she could only stare at him wide-eyed, unable to believe what she had done – and how much pleasure she had derived simply from giving him head.

Domenico opened his eyes and caught sight of the look of stunned realization on Misty’s lovely face. Taking the napkin from the table, he gently wiped her lips clean, finding it hard to believe that it was her first time to suck cock.

BOOK: The Werewolf Prince and I
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