The Young Clementina (8 page)

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Authors: D. E. Stevenson

BOOK: The Young Clementina
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“Not so much about imperence,” returned Mrs. Cope hotly. “It wos her wot was imperent to me.”

“Kindly answer my question. Was it after you had seen Mrs. Wisdon that you decided to speak?”

“I didn't s'y nothin' ter nobody till I was arst,” said Mrs. Cope sullenly. “An' when I was arst I sed wot I know'd, an' not a word more.”

Mr. Amber continued his cross-examination for some little time, trying to shake Mrs. Cope, but without success. I thought he had strengthened the value of her evidence rather than weakened it. When at last he sat down there was a little buzz in court and I saw the jury whispering to each other.

Chapter Five
“She Asked Me Not to Disturb Her”

I was so dumbfounded by Mrs. Cope's story that I could not speak to Kitty, could not look at her. I knew that Kitty would blame me for Mrs. Cope; it was my doing that Mrs. Cope had stayed and prepared breakfast for her and so found her out in her deception. For of course I realized now that Kitty had deceived me. It was impossible to doubt Mrs. Cope, she was trustworthy, she was completely and absolutely honest. She was one of those people who glory in honesty, who take a pride in their integrity. She would no more have gone into the witness-box and told lies than she would have flown. If Mrs. Cope said that Kitty had not spent the night in my flat, Kitty had not done so. I saw now that I had been used, that I had been deceived, made a dupe for Kitty's convenience. I saw now why Mr. Corrieston had not answered my questions, why Kitty had contradicted herself, and, even in her wildest moments, had been careful to conceal the facts of the case. She was guilty, that was why. Her assurances that Garth was mad and had “made up the whole thing” were nothing but a pack of lies.

I was so angry at the way I had been duped that my terror fled. When I thought of how Kitty must have crept out of the flat while I was asleep, of how she must have looked at me lying there on the couch in the sitting room, and smiled to think of the success of her plan, and how easy it had been, my rage knew no bounds. I scarcely realized that the case for the petitioner was closed; I scarcely heard Mr. Amber's opening speech for the defense, nor Kitty's examination and cross-examination. What was the use of listening to it all? It was lies from beginning to end.

I was so angry that my terror fled, but only fled to return with redoubled force when I heard my name called and found myself getting up out of my seat and moving up to the witness-box. It was dreadful to stand there in front of the whole court and to know that I stood there to protect a lie. To know that although my evidence was true in every particular it was being used for an untrue cause. It was dreadful to stand there and answer Mr. Amber's questions—the questions that I had been told he would ask me—knowing what I knew, knowing that everybody in court was aware that I was either an accomplice or a dupe.

Mr. Amber began by asking the questions for which I had been prepared, but he went on to other questions which were infinitely more worrying. I suppose Mrs. Cope's evidence had altered his line of defense, the old line of defense had been swept away by Mrs. Cope. Even the fact that the milk (which I had left for Kitty's tea) had been finished was of no importance now, for Mrs. Cope had admitted to having drunk it herself. Mr. Amber left the subject of milk severely alone; he tried, instead, to get me to discredit Mrs. Cope, to say she was untruthful and dishonest. He wanted me to say I had missed things from the flat and had suspected Mrs. Cope—I couldn't do it. I was aware that my answers were not the answers that Mr. Amber wanted, and that they were unhelpful to Kitty's defense, but I could not make them otherwise.

At last, to my relief, Mr. Amber relinquished the subject of Mrs. Cope and passed on to other matters.

“Do you sleep very heavily, Miss Dean?” he inquired.

“No, I don't think so. Not unless I am very tired.”

“You were sleeping on the sofa that night?”


“Was it as comfortable as a bed?”


“It was not so comfortable as a bed. You would not sleep so well as usual, I imagine.”

“No, I don't suppose I should.”

“Is it likely that anyone—anyone at all—could have passed through the room without waking you?”

“It does not seem—likely,” I replied feebly. What was the good of asking me that? Kitty had passed through the room when I was asleep, she must have done so. We all knew that she had done so. The man was trying to make me lie.

He bent forward earnestly and said, “Miss Dean, think for a moment. Can you remember hearing a sound from the bedroom the next morning?”

I knew the whole court was awaiting my answer with breathless interest.

“No,” I said faintly, “I heard nothing.”

“You knew the respondent was asleep?”

“Yes, I went about the flat very quietly, I did not want to disturb her.”

“Did you open the bedroom door and look in to see whether she was all right? She had been indisposed the night before, if I remember rightly.”

“She had a headache.”

“Yes, so you looked in to see if she were better?”


“Wasn't it rather strange not to look in before leaving the flat?”

“She asked me not to disturb her,” I replied.

I knew, the moment the words had left my lips, that it was the wrong thing to say. How dreadful it is that one can never recall words! There was a rustle in court. I looked toward Kitty and saw her eyes fixed upon me; they were full of scorn and hatred.

Mr. Amber cleared his throat and continued, “Did the respondent visit your flat on the day upon which the Divorce Papers were served?”

“Yes. She called for me at Wentworth's and we went back to the flat together.”

“Was Mrs. Cope there?”


“What took place?”

“My sister told me about the Divorce Papers—showed them to me.”

“Was Mrs. Cope present?”

“No, she had gone.”


“I told her I would make the tea—that she need not wait.”

“Was there any unpleasantness before she left?”

“Oh yes. At least Mrs. Wisdon asked me to send her away.”

“Can you remember the words she used?”

“Approximately. She said, ‘Send that dreadful woman away; I can't think how you can bear her near you.'”

“Did Mrs. Cope hear the words?”

“I'm afraid she did. I was sorry about it.”

“You were sorry about it. You knew that Mrs. Cope was easily offended, that she was a dangerous woman to offend.”

“I was sorry because I knew it would hurt her feelings.”

“Was Mrs. Cope angry?”

“Yes, I think she was.”

“What did she say?”

“She said, ‘Oh, Mrs. Wisdon's tired is she, she's had a tiring day has she? Fancy that!'—or words to that effect.”

“She said it in a disagreeable way?”


“Did you form the opinion that her feeling toward the respondent was amicable?”


“You felt the respondent had made an enemy, rather a dangerous and unscrupulous enemy, perhaps?”

“I didn't think of that. I just felt sorry that Mrs. Cope's feelings were hurt.”

I saw by this time what Mr. Amber was driving at. He wanted to prove that Mrs. Cope was furious with Kitty; that she had given her evidence maliciously. It seemed to me a very frail straw to support his case, but I suppose it was the only straw left. I thought that it might be true up to a certain point. Mrs. Cope was not above getting her own back for the insult which had been offered her—probably she was glad of the opportunity—but she wouldn't have lied to get her own back, I was sure of that. I had known the woman for twelve years and she was a simple creature, simple and good-hearted; intensely loyal to her friends, implacable to her enemies. Kitty had made an enemy of Mrs. Cope by a few inconsiderate words and this was the result. It would have been just as easy for Kitty to have made a friend of Mrs. Cope, and, if she had done so, Mrs. Cope would have gone to the stake rather than given evidence against her. Those few words of Kitty's had lost her case, for it was lost entirely upon Mrs. Cope's evidence. The alibi which seemed to be the whole defense had been utterly destroyed; there was not a shred of it left.

Mr. Amber sat down, and Garth's counsel rose to cross-examine me. He did not trouble me much; he had won his case already, and he knew it—everybody in court knew it.

I did not go back to my seat after leaving the witness-box; I was too frightened of Kitty to go back. That look of hatred which I had caught was too clear in my mind. I leaned against the wall at the back of the court feeling sick and shaken. Suddenly I felt a hand on my arm and looked down into the red, cheerful face of Mrs. Cope.

“You come along wif me, Miss,” she said in a friendly manner. “You
look green an' no mistaike. Come an' 'ave a nice cup o' tea wif me. They won't want us no more; it's all over but the shouting.”

I let her lead me away. What she said was quite true—it was all over but the shouting.

Mrs. Cope and I had tea together in the court restaurant. I was glad of the tea, and I was glad of Mrs. Cope's cheerful company. She made the whole affair seem unreal—
was real and human, the other was a bad dream. We talked about everyday matters, about the crying need for new linoleum for my hall, and whether the curtains in my sitting room could be made to last out another winter. When we had had our tea we went back to the courtroom, the three counsels had finished addressing the court and the Judge was summing up. He was very short.

“…the crux of the matter is this, do you or do you not believe in the honesty of the witnesses? If you believe them to be speaking the truth you have no option but to find the respondent guilty of adultery with the co-respondent, and the co-respondent guilty of adultery with the respondent. But if you believe the witnesses to be untrustworthy and moved by malice to give lying evidence you may discount their evidence or dismiss it entirely. I can trust you to give your best attention to the matter, weighing the evidence with care and impartiality. You may retire if you wish to do so.”

“There is no need for us to retire, my lord,” replied the foreman.

“You are agreed upon your verdict?”

“Yes, we are all agreed.”

“Do you find the respondent guilty of adultery with the co-respondent?”


“Do you find the co-respondent guilty of adultery with the respondent?”


I had known that Kitty's case was hopeless, but the bald words were a shock, nevertheless. I did not wait to hear the Judge; I blundered out of the place, found a taxi and went home.

Chapter Six
Mr. Corrieston Explains

I was ill, really ill, for several days. I lay in bed, burning and shivering by turns, and the pain in my head was appalling. Mrs. Cope came in twice a day and looked after me like a mother. She made me strange lumpy concoctions which she called milk puddings and stood over me while I tried to eat them.

“'Ow's the pore 'ead?” she would ask, looking down at me with a commiserating expression upon her usually cheerful countenance. “I remember the awful 'ead I 'ad two years ago when I 'ad the 'flu—that time I was off work an' my sister-in-lor came an' did for yer.”

“She very nearly did for me,” I replied weakly.

Mrs. Cope did not see my feeble joke. “There's only a few spoons more,” she said, peering into the bowl, “taike it all up now, an' ye'll feel better.”

We did not mention the divorce case at all. At first I felt too ill to speak of anything, and afterward it seemed unnecessary to go back and rake it up. I did not want to quarrel with Mrs. Cope; she was the only friend I had at this time, and she was a good friend to me. When I recovered a little, and was able to sit up in bed without the whole room going round like a whirligig, I began to look forward to Mrs. Cope's visits with something approaching eagerness. (It was so dull lying in bed, and I could not read for long without making my head ache.) I drew her out so that she should stay longer with me and Mrs. Cope was not loath to be drawn. She told me long tales—somewhat involved I found them—about the battles she had with the people on her stair, and especially about a certain Mrs. Ammet—or Hammet, I never knew which—who lived in the flat immediately below.

“She's a pore weak thing,” said Mrs. Cope scornfully. “The kind wot taikes to 'er bed every time she 'as a pine an' leaves 'er 'usban' ter mind the baiby—

I nodded gravely.

“But fer all that she's a tongue like a asp,” continued Mrs. Cope, “an' the other d'y when I wos comin' dahn the stairs we 'ad a bit of a argument so to speak. It's not the first we've 'ad by no means, an' it won't be the last. Wot bisniss is it of 'ers, I should like ter know, if Cope does taike a drop too much of a Friday night?”

“None at all,” I agreed.

“That's wot I s'y,” said Mrs. Cope. “'Er 'usban's T.T. an' a nasty ugly-tempered thing at that. Wot 'e don't spend on a friendly drop o' beer 'e spends on 'orses. Well, Mrs. Ammet ses—”

And with ghoulish glee Mrs. Cope embarked upon her complicated tale. Mrs. Ammet's tongue might be aspish, but it seemed to me that Mrs. Cope was more than a match for it. In the encounters reported to me, at least, Mrs. Cope always had the last word.

Mr. Wentworth was kind too. He came and saw me in bed, much to Mrs. Cope's excitement, and brought me grapes and a new book about the Antarctic to while away the time.

“Don't hurry back to work, Miss Dean,” he said as he rose to go. “Take another week off. I miss you very much, but I can manage for another week, and you deserve a little holiday.”

I was glad of the week, it was lovely autumn weather, and, when I had recovered sufficiently I went and sat in Kensington Gardens and watched the children playing. I felt weak and silly, and the happiness of the children, as they ran about and shouted at each other, touched a spring in my heart. They were so gay and pretty in the sunshine, like a flock of bright birds flitting to and fro. I had missed all that in my life—all the joys of normal womanhood—I was a very lonely woman, on the way to a lonely old age.

I wrote to Kitty saying that I was sorry for what had occurred and asking her to come to see me if she was in town, but I had no reply. Kitty vanished out of my life. She was angry with me, I knew. She had wanted me to lie, and I would not lie—I could not. Even if I
lied and said that I had looked into the bedroom and seen her there before I left the flat, nobody would have believed me.

I went over the whole case—all that I could remember of it—as I sat in the gardens in the sunshine with the children playing round me. I thought that if I could only get the whole thing straight and understand it, I could dismiss it from my mind, and that was what I wanted above all things. It was so horrible, so sordid and shameful, it made me feel unclean to think about it; and yet I had to think about it, because I could not understand it. There were several things about the case that baffled me completely.

Strangely enough it was Mr. Corrieston who enabled me to see the case in its proper light. I was sitting on a seat in the gardens and I saw him walking past. He looked very dapper in his top hat and morning coat. He saw me sitting there and came over the grass toward me, raising his hat.

“May I sit down and talk to you for a few minutes, Miss Dean?” he inquired.

“If you want to,” I replied. It seemed strange that he should want to talk to me, considering that I had lost him his case. He had worked for victory with such amazing energy, and I had brought him defeat; but it was evident from his manner that he bore me no ill-will, and he did not look like a defeated man; he was cheerful and brisk as ever and very smart.

Mr. Corrieston smiled at me in a friendly manner and sat down beside me. “Of course I want to,” he said. “I should not have asked for permission to talk to you if I had not wanted it.”

“I thought you might be annoyed with me,” I replied, half smiling in return.

“It was not your fault, Miss Dean.”

“I know, but—”

“So I am not annoyed with you. I am not an unreasonable man.”

“Why did you advise my sister to defend?” I asked him. “She had not a leg to stand on as far as I can see.”

“It was rather a strange case—but I was sure we could win, and Mr. Amber was quite confident.”

“But why?”

“For several reasons.” He ticked them off on his fat stubby fingers as he spoke. “
—Mrs. Wisdon is a very pretty woman and a very charming one. I was sure she would make a good witness, and she did.
—Mr. Wisdon is hot-tempered and impatient. I was sure he would make a bad witness, and he did.
—we thought the alibi was secure. Mrs. Wisdon had spent the night with her sister, therefore she could not have been at Maidenhead—these hotel proprietors and chambermaids can usually be discredited or bamboozled if the defense is at all convincing.
—you have an honest face.”

“Then it all hung upon me?”

“It all hung upon you,” smiled Mr. Corrieston.

“But you said—”

“I said what I said for your good—and ours. I did not want you to think your evidence supremely important. You would have been even more nervous than you were.”

“And you think—but for Mrs. Cope—we would have won?”

“I think so. That woman upset the apple-cart—an interesting type, Miss Dean.”

“You don't seem at all upset at losing the case. I suppose you get used to it,” I said, not very tactfully I'm afraid.

He laughed heartily. “I'm not so used to it as all that,” he said. “To tell you the truth I don't often lose a case. If I had lost the case through carelessness, or for want of forethought, or through any mistake on my part I should have been very much upset. As it was, the case was perfectly handled.”

I disagreed with Mr. Corrieston, but I did not voice my opinion. I wanted to ask some more questions while he was in the mood to answer them.

“If you had trusted me, instead of bewildering me on purpose—” I began.

“Ho! ho! So I bewildered you on purpose,” he said, laughing foxily. “That was very reprehensible indeed.”

“It was very foolish,” I told him frankly.

“It was not foolish, Miss Dean. The first time I saw you I formed the opinion that you were too honest to be trusted—my judgment is rarely at fault. You would have made an excellent witness if you had been certain of your ground. If you had been sure that Mrs. Wisdon had slept in your bed—as you
until Mrs. Cope appeared on the scene—you would have convinced the jury quite easily and given Mrs. Wisdon the necessary alibi. That was all we wanted from you, but we wanted it badly. Everything would have gone well if it had not been for Mrs. Cope.”

“I could have warned you about Mrs. Cope,” I pointed out. “If I hadn't been completely in the dark I
have warned you.”

“I didn't know that such a person as Mrs. Cope existed,” said Mr. Corrieston. “I didn't know that there was anything to be warned about. I could see no danger at all from keeping you in the dark—as you so aptly put it—and I could see the dangers of enlightening you quite clearly. I knew that you would be useless as a witness unless you could give your evidence with a perfectly clear conscience—and I was right.”

“I don't quite see—”

useless,” he said smiling. “Because you believed Mrs. Cope, you were worse than useless. But don't worry too much, the case was lost before you gave your evidence—irretrievably lost. It was lost when Mrs. Cope went into the box. She was the unexpected factor in the case.”

“I wonder how Garth's solicitor found her,” I said musingly.

“They made a fortunate hit. Law is like that, Miss Dean, there is a good deal of luck in the way the cards fall. I don't mind losing a rubber when the cards are against me and my conscience is clear.”

“And if you had won the case,” I asked him, “won it knowing that you had won it by a lie?”

“Would my conscience still have been clear?” he said, laughing. “That's what you meant, isn't it? Oh, Miss Dean, you have much too tender a conscience for this world! That is my living. If I can win a case for a client who is not altogether innocent of what he is accused I am all the more pleased. Some men refuse such cases when they can afford to do so, but I shall never do that. Such cases interest me intensely, there is more in them, and they require more careful handling. I love to pit my brain against another equally astute. To watch skillful counsel handling such a case is meat and drink to me. To listen as he makes a point, or skates gracefully over a thin patch of ice, to see him encouraging one witness or bamboozling another—it is a great game. The most fascinating game in the world.”

We sat in silence for a minute or two while I assimilated the information I had gained. Mr. Corrieston had surprised me. I found I did not dislike him now; in fact I quite liked him. He had opened his heart to me and shown me his real self. I saw his point of view, and, although it could never be mine, I found it less despicable than I had expected.

“I'm afraid your sister is taking this hard,” he said at last.

“I don't know—yes, I expect she is. I haven't seen her.”

He shook his head. “She blames you—the most innocent and well-meaning of sisters—how like a charming lady!”

“Do you know where she is?” I inquired.

“I do. But I cannot tell you. She is not in London, I am glad to say. I found your sister slightly exhausting, Miss Dean. She is very charming, of course, but like many charming ladies she lacks balance, and she has too few reticences. She does not bear her burdens on her own back; she unloads them onto the nearest person with a sublime disregard of the said person's feelings. Just a
bit inconsiderate, don't you find?”

“So she was angry with you, too?” I said, and I couldn't help smiling.

“She was angry with me, too.”

“Will she marry Mr. Hamilton, now?”

“My dear lady!” exclaimed Mr. Corrieston with a return of the manner which I so detested. “My
lady, I do not know. If I knew I would tell you—that I do not know.”

“So that's that,” I said, laughing against my will.

“Yes,” he said. “That's that—and I hope we part friends, Miss Dean. You do not bear me any grudge for keeping you in the dark I hope?”

“I still think it was foolish policy.”

“And I still think it was wise.”

We shook hands and he got up and walked away quickly.

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