Their Master's Pleasure (25 page)

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Authors: B. A. Bradbury

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #historical, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #cp, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

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She managed to inject an impressive amount of disdain into that single sentence, and Michael looked at her in surprise, then at me. I simply nodded.

Michael shrugged, smiling. ‘As you wish, my dear.'

And so it was Elizabeth who had the distinction of christening this place, though I doubt she appreciated the honour. Michael went to the first line and untied the rope from the spike. He lowered the loop almost to the floor and told Elizabeth to straddle it. When she had done so, he pulled on the rope to lift the loop up between her legs. As it touched her groin she stiffened. Michael tensioned it a little more, so that she was obliged to raise her heels off the floor, then he tied the free end to the spike once more, effectively keeping her in this position.

‘Comfortable?' he asked.

She did not deign to answer him, or even look at him when he approached. He drew her arms behind her back and tied her wrists with a length of cord from his pocket. He then knelt down and tied her ankles together in a similar fashion. That seemed to be that, for he then turned his attentions to Victoria and finally to Catherine. With all three of my wards astride their lines, bound at wrist and ankle, I assumed he was done; but then he returned to Elizabeth once more.

‘You may wish to watch this closely, Mr Montague,' he said. ‘It's the most critical part of the whole operation.'

He untied the rope and began to increase the tension still further. Elizabeth murmured, rising up onto her tiptoes, her back arching as she strained ever higher. The rope came down from the beam at a steep angle, both in front and behind, so that it pressed into her vulva and buttock cleft. The more Michael tensioned it the more deeply it cut into her, and she caught hold of the rope behind her back, pushing down with her arms in an attempt to relieve the pressure between her legs.

Apparently satisfied he tied off the rope once more. Victoria watched his approach with trepidation, though there was little she could do about it. Again he adjusted the line till she was straining upwards, grasping the rope behind her back in exactly the same fashion as Elizabeth. Then it was Cathy's turn.

When all was done Michael turned to me. ‘This is known as “riding the line”. It's not a comfortable position, as these young ladies have no doubt discovered for themselves, and their discomfort will increase steadily with time. How long we leave them like this is an important decision, therefore. Do you have any thoughts?'

I shook my head. ‘I'm entirely in your hands, Sir Michael. What would you recommend?'

‘As they are new to this, two hours, I think. Certainly no more than three. ‘

‘Let's make it two, then. I'll have some drinks sent down.'

‘Well, we don't have to stay here the whole time, in fact. I suggest we take our ease upstairs and come back in an hour to see how they're doing.'

‘That sounds most civilised,' I said. ‘Drinks in the library, then.'

While we waited I attempted to learn from Michael precisely who Faith was. He was most elusive, declining to tell me her full name and saying simply that she was the ward of a friend of his, also anonymous. This secrecy, along with the fact that she was clearly no shopkeeper's daughter or farm girl, led me to suspect underhand dealing. It wouldn't be the first time some young woman had been cheated of her inheritance by being forced into a life of virtual or even actual slavery in this fashion. Though I disapproved of such machinations it was clearly no business of mine, and I could do precious little about it in any case.

As to whether he would achieve his declared aim of breaking her spirit, I had little doubt that he would. She was a brave enough girl - her courageous showing in the race was proof of that - but I learned long ago that pain can be a powerful persuader. I think I have never in all my life met so recalcitrant a pair of females as the Bailey twins, Peggy and Hetty, yet my grandfather tamed them in the end. It required a veritable plethora of punishments and the shedding of innumerable tears, but they were finally brought to heel. They settled down and married brothers from a neighbouring village, never again to terrorise the countryside with their wild behaviour.

‘Time we checked on our victims,' Michael said.

We went down and I soon realised that all was not well in the line room. My two younger wards were moaning pitifully and even Elizabeth, who was certainly not lacking in mettle, appeared far from happy. None of them, it seemed, was able to stand still. They all shifted constantly, so far as their bonds allowed, presumably seeking a position that offered a modicum of relief. Their arms and legs were quivering, I noticed, and Victoria's left leg in particular was shaking violently. All in all they were not a happy sight, I have to say, and I realised the line was a more fiendish punishment than its initial appearance suggested.

Michael went up to Cathy and ran his hands over her, squeezing her shoulders, arms and legs, especially her calves. He probed with his fingers, spreading first her labia and then her buttocks, peering closely into each cleft in turn. He nodded, saying nothing, and moved on to Victoria and finally to Elizabeth.

‘You are all making the same mistake,' he said to them when the inspection was concluded. ‘You're taking too much weight on your legs. Cunts and arses have to do their share of the work, even in so short a session as this.'

‘We've tried,' Elizabeth muttered tightly. ‘It hurts too much.'

‘It will hurt a damn sight more if your legs give way altogether. You're only halfway through and your calves are cramping already. Rest your legs now, is my advice, no matter how painful that may be. You would do well to heed it.'

As we mounted the steps once more, Michael said that he wanted to check on Faith and asked if I cared to join him. ‘I like to give her random thrashings,' he said, ‘to keep her unsettled. And afterwards we can put that pretty mouth of hers to work, eh? I can promise you a tonguing you'll never forget, James - I'll even let you go first!'

He grinned as he made the offer and I began to suspect that Michael, unlike myself, had a penchant for performing in front of an audience. I declined as graciously as I could, saying there were urgent household matters that required my attention. He shrugged and said in that case he would see me in an hour's time. With a wink and a wave of the hand, he departed.

I did not wait for him, however. Just thirty minutes later, wondering how the girls might be faring, I went down to the cellars.

If I thought my wards were suffering before, it was clear that things were now far worse with them. Cathy was whining and Victoria weeping openly. Elizabeth, brave as ever, was silent, though her harsh, ragged breathing told of her anguish. All three were shaking as though they had the fever, and they shifted and fidgeted more than ever, still desperately seeking the relief that eluded them.

Victoria was the first to notice me. ‘Uncle James!' she sobbed. ‘Help me! Please help me!'

‘My dear,' I said, somewhat taken aback, ‘I cannot. Sir Michael proposed you should remain here for two hours and I concurred. I cannot, as a gentleman, change that without his agreement, no matter how much I might wish to.'

‘How much time... still remains?' Elizabeth asked.

Her voice was so hoarse and her desperation so evident I feared to tell her the truth. A lie would be no kindness, however. ‘Thirty minutes more.'

That provoked such piteous and heartrending cries I almost wished I had lied to them.

‘Uncle!' Victoria wailed. ‘Please!'

I went up to her, drawn by the abject misery in that appeal. Though honour prevented me from letting her down, there was perhaps something I could do to ease her suffering, even if just a little. I put my left arm about her waist and lifted her up, taking most of her weight, if not quite all. She gave a thin, astonishingly high little scream and I feared I had hurt her even more. Then she let out a long shuddering sob of relief and I guessed that initial cry was simply a reaction to the pressure coming off her abused flesh.

She leaned her head against my shoulder. ‘Thank you, uncle,' she sighed. ‘Thank you!'

There was one other thing I could do for her comfort. I slid my right hand down her belly and felt for her clitoris with the tip of my middle finger. I was careful to stray no further, for I knew the lower portion of her labia must be dreadfully sore from the chafing of the rope.

A murmur from her lips told me I had found that which I sought and I began to rub it, round and around in tiny circles. She began to sob once more, but in delight rather than woe. I brought her all the way to climax in this fashion, holding her up despite the growing ache in my arm and holding her after till she subsided, sighing with contentment. I did not want to put her down, but Catherine was crying now, demanding that I comfort her in turn.

‘It's all right, uncle,' Victoria murmured. ‘I can manage now, I think. It is only fair that you should help Cathy as you helped me.'

I lowered her, therefore, just as gently as I could. She stiffened and whimpered as the line cut into her tender parts, but despite the fresh onset of pain, again urged me to attend to her sister. Accordingly I went over to Cathy and performed the same service. She was considerably lighter than Victoria and I managed to hold her up right to orgasm and beyond, in spite of the now considerable ache my arm and shoulder were experiencing. Her sighs of gratitude at the end were no less gratifying and it was with reluctance that I set her down once more. Though Elizabeth had made no plea, it was clear that she too was suffering and deserved whatever comfort I could bestow.

‘How about you, Elizabeth?' I said, when I stood beside her. ‘Do
not desire a little relief?'

‘I cannot,' she moaned desolately. ‘I must not.'

I looked at her, standing there astride the line, torment clear in her lovely face. Her skin was sheened with perspiration despite the chill of the air and her marvellous body quivered with strain.

‘Because of Freddie?'

She nodded miserably and my heart went out to her.

‘I think he would understand,' I said. ‘I think he would urge you to do anything that might ease your suffering even a little...'

‘Do not tempt me, uncle,' she interjected, ‘for I would despise myself afterwards. Please... I cannot!'

Though I had nothing but admiration for her fortitude and her loyalty to my godson, it seemed to me she was denying herself something she needed desperately at this point. I racked my brains for some way to help her. And then it came to me - though it seemed a strange, crazed notion at best.

‘No, Elizabeth,' I said quietly, for her ears alone, ‘I see that you cannot... but perhaps there is someone who could. Would she come, do you think, if you summoned her?'

My ward looked at me, startlement showing through the pain. Surprise gave way to thoughtfulness and finally she nodded slowly. ‘Perhaps,' she said. ‘Perhaps she might.'

‘I do hope so,' I said. ‘It would please me more than I can say to see that young woman again.'

Without waiting for an answer I put my arm about Elizabeth's waist and hoisted her up as I had her sisters. She too cried out and her eyes screwed tight shut. When she opened them again, some seconds later, her relief was clear to see. And there was something else besides - a look that was somehow different.

‘Thank you, master,' she murmured.

‘Hello, Ursula,' I said. ‘I've missed you.'

‘In truth I cannot say the same, sir, remembering the strapping you gave my breasts.'

‘That was no more than you deserved, my dear. Slaves spanking masters is contrary to nature, and you were wrong to attempt such a thing. Belinda and the others might consider it no more than a girlish prank, but you and I both know different, don't we?'

‘Perhaps,' she said. ‘I can see why you would think so, at least, and wish to punish me in a manner befitting the crime, as you saw it. But Cathy and Victoria? What have they done to deserve such dreadful treatment as this?'

‘Nothing that I'm aware of,' I said truthfully. ‘But then I never claimed to be a fair-minded person like you. I indulge myself for no other reason than sheer selfish pleasure; but you knew that already, didn't you?'

I reached beneath her as I spoke and began to work her clitoris with my fingertip. Sure enough, she was soon gasping and sighing as her orgasm built slowly, and crying out in a thoroughly abandoned fashion as the convulsions took her at the end. My left arm ached so much it felt likely to fall off, but that was a small price to pay for having Ursula's softness pressed up against me as she sobbed in the aftermath. I could only hope and pray she would not be a stranger to Bleekston Hall, now she knew the way.


Chapter 27



Some short while later Michael joined us. I think he must surely have guessed something had transpired in his absence, for my wards, though undoubtedly in pain, were not suffering as greatly as he must have been expecting. He said nothing, however, but proceeded to untie the cords around their wrists and ankles before loosening the ropes to release them from their trial. I helped Victoria up to her room, for she seemed the most badly afflicted, while Elizabeth and Cathy leaned upon each other.

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