Their Mating Rituals [Paranormal Protection Unit 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) (21 page)

BOOK: Their Mating Rituals [Paranormal Protection Unit 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Just try to get answers before you rip their hearts out,” Allister commented as he joined them. “It’s so damned hard to get answers out of them when their lives are gurgling out of their bodies. And it’s messy.” He made a face. “I really don’t need another pair of shoes ruined by blood and gore.”

Talon snorted. “What the fuck ever. Maybe if I tear one of their fucking heads off the other fuck will talk.” He growled as he walked, his heavy boots hitting the tiled floors as they stalked through the halls and toward the holding cells.

“We going to do something the women will bitch about later?” Trey asked, joining them with a drink in hand.

“Yup, we’re off to interrogate the Rogues, and Talon’s planning on tearing off heads, so we need to all stand back so that we don’t get gore on us to give away the fact we all ducked out,” Aiden told him.

“Oh the women already know we’re up to something,” Trey commented. “They sent me along to see what was up. I’m supposed to report back any, and I quote, ‘hinky’ behavior that anyone is exhibiting.”

“Are you planning to do that?” Mac asked curiously.

“Nah, that’s much too boring and so not my style,” Trey said, holding out the glass to his brother-in-arms.

Striding into the first holding cell, Talon looked at the Rogue, a Dragon that he had known when the Dragon was a younger kid. “Dimitry.” He growled the Dragon’s name. “Tell me just why the fuck you thought that you would be able to go against me and mine. Why you felt that you could fucking join with some asshole that’s trying to take my Throne.”

Taking a drink from the glass, Mac nodded. “Nice,” he murmured, handing it back to Trey before he moved to stand in one corner.

“Maybe he doesn’t know,” Aiden said as he settled just behind the Dragon in the chair. “He’s likely so low in the pecking order that he hasn’t got a clue about anything. Probably took money to do a job and doesn’t realize the treason he’s committing.”

Talon snorted. “He fucking knows. Dimitry knew me when he was a child and I was the fucking King then and I still am.” He roared in the other Dragon’s face. “Who is it that’s pulling your goddamn strings?”

“Ten says he tears his heart out,” Allister murmured, pulling out a ten-dollar bill.

“I have twenty that says it’s his throat.” Trey dug out some bills.

“Nah, he’ll eviscerate him for sure,” Mac said, digging out a fifty. “I’d bet on it.”

Rolling his eyes, Aiden moved in closer to the seated male. “I still say he doesn’t know, boss. Dimitry wasn’t ever smart enough to make it far. Hell, he tried for the Guard six, seven times and failed to qualify every single time. No way is anyone going to trust him with anything.”

“True,” Talon growled. “He’s never been the smartest of the Dragons out there, at all. He’s also always been one of those idiots who will follow along blindly to whoever might come along with some grand scheme or another.” Hitting the man upside the back of the head, he moved toward the door. “Kill him. He obviously doesn’t know anything.”

“I know you’re going to die slowly and painfully,” Dimitry snapped out.

Shooting Aiden a look, Allister frowned. “You do know that threatening your King’s life is treason and will have you killed, right?”

“That,” Dimitry spat out with a sneer at Talon, “Is no one’s King. He’s a fraud, a fake, and we have the real King ready to step into his place as soon as we remove the diseased head and all his patsies from the path. Then the Dragons will take their rightful place once more and rule this pitiful world the way it should have always been done. With an iron and unforgiving fist.”

Aiden frowned at Trey who was pointing insistently toward the door. Nodding, he and the others followed the Wolf out into the hall.

“I’m not sure about the rest of you all, but that has a tinge of zealot and fervor there that has my hackles up,” Trey said quietly.

“We don’t have hackles,” Aiden muttered, rubbing a hand over his neck. “But he’s right, T-Rex, what he says sounds like a lot more organization and intent than we originally thought.”

Talon scrubbed his hands over his face and with a sigh said, “The only one who might be trying to put himself forward as King, the only one who could is the one we’ve been looking for.” His voice sounded defeated when he said, “My son. Nathaniel.”

Aiden felt like he’d just gotten a gut punch. “Son of a bitch,” he whispered. “This is going to kill Talina, boss.” She’d had such hopes of the big brother who would love, adore, and be there for her. Another thought hit him. “We need to put more guards on Talina and the twins.” He looked at his brother and saw the same conclusions there. “He’ll be coming for her and them. He needs to ensure his rule isn’t questioned, and if he has them on his side it wouldn’t be, not right away.” But that would also mean that all the current Royal Guards, Allister and Aiden included, would have to be killed.

“That also means more guards on you boys as well. I know it’s going to kill her. Fuck,” he growled. “Her fucking mother. If the bitch was still alive, I would fucking gut her for this. Do it. Add as many guards as needed to protect her and the twins.”

“I want Patryk and Rayne permanently,” Aiden said and grinned at Talon’s look. Yeah, he’d played that one. “The kids trust them completely and so does Lina. Makes all the difference in me leaving them alone for any time. I’ll snag a few others as well, but I am going to tell my mate all about this, T. She needs to know so she’s aware and conscious of everything.”

“Fuck,” Talon growled angrily. “Goddammit, this is going to break her heart. Talina is so sure that her brother is out there and searching for us just as we’re searching for him. She’s positive that he grew up in a loving and kind family and had a much better childhood than she did.”

Moving to his boss, friend, and father-in-law, Aiden clapped him on his shoulder. “She is strong, boss. She is your daughter after all,” he pointed out. “I’ll talk to her and work with her on this, T.”

“In the meantime,” Mac threw in. “What do we do with Dimitry and the others?” he asked, looking to Talon. “Do we keep interrogating them and see what they all know or just kill them and hope we can stop the kid?”

“Keep them locked up. We won’t kill them yet. If they so much as breathe on someone wrong, though, I want them dead. But I can’t just kill them for being idiots.”

“Sounds good,” Allister said and looked at Aiden. “Go and talk with your mate. The lads and I will go and have a chat with these guys. Talon”—he looked at the man—“go and take a breather, calm down, and think about this. We need to know what weaknesses we have here on base. We need to consider how they are going to get at you and everyone else. When are we the most vulnerable? How would you go about it if you were trying to do this? He’s your blood. He likely thinks the same way you do. Use that knowledge.”

Talon nodded and looked up at the ceiling. “I will think on it.” He pulled out his cell and made a call. “Skittles. I need you in my office in ten. I want the blueprints of the base and I need the prints of the town proper. Yeah, I fucking know what time it is, just get here. Do it, Quincy Wallace, or I will have your fucking ass in a sling.”

Waiting until Talon stalked off, Trey shot the others a look. “We need to keep him calm as much as possible,” he said. “This is hitting him hard. Let’s get as much done as we can before we take him anything more. Mac and I will have a ‘chat’ with these boys. Allister, you want to join in?” he asked, not surprised at the nod the man gave him. “Aiden, go and talk to your mate,” he advised. “We’ll meet up again and talk in six hours.”

Chapter Fourteen


Lina looked up and smiled when Aiden walked in. “Hey, honey.” And then she felt it. The sorrow that hung to him made her want to cry. “What’s wrong, honey?” She rose to her feet and approached him slowly, reaching out and touching him as she did so.

Checking the babies, he tugged her hand and led her to an office where they could still clearly see their twins. Sitting on the edge of the desk, he pulled her in close to him. “Babe, I have some really bad news,” he told her softly. “We caught some Dragons, Rogues, that have a plan in hand, and what we found out and figured out isn’t good.”

“Well, we knew that there were Rogues. That’s why Patryk and Rayne have been our shadows.” Unease filled her. Moving in closer to him, she whispered, “What aren’t you telling me? Is it Daddy?” She asked suddenly, “Oh God, is he okay?”

“He’s fine, or rather as well as he can be given what we’ve discovered,” he said softly. Staring down at her he sighed. “Your brother is the leader of a large group of Rogues who are bound and determined to kill the King and usurp the Throne,” he said in a flat tone.

Lina was sure that she didn’t hear him right. Shaking her head, she pulled back from him slightly, tears forming in her eyes and falling. “No. No. Nathaniel had a good life, a wonderful childhood. Isn’t that what we found out? He can’t be doing this.” She sobbed. “No, he can’t be doing this.” She hadn’t met him, but it broke her heart all the same that he would be doing this.

Pulling her tight, his arms wrapped around her. “I’m sorry, love, but it’s the truth. You know I would never tell you anything but the truth,” he murmured. Stroking her hair gently, he rocked her in his arms. “He wants your father dead and we’re betting he’s planning to kidnap you and the twins.”

“No.” She shook her head. “No, not the babies.” She refused to believe that someone would want her babies dead. “What can we do? How can we keep the babies safe?” They were her priorities. The babies would always come first.

“We’re going to utilize more of the guards,” he told her softly. “Patryk and Rayne will be sticking like glue to the twins. They are on full duty with us now. I’ll grab a few others I fully trust and we’ll use them to keep us safe as well as provide backup for the boys. You do not go anywhere without two of the guards, even if it’s to another room. We don’t know what his plans are, love. Trey and the others are working on getting info out of those we captured, but so far we’re flying blind.”

“I won’t.” She knew that he wasn’t doing this to stifle her. He wasn’t trying to clip her wings, just keep her and the babies safe. “We’re all expendable except for you maybe, but only as long as you are useful to him,” he said softly, honestly.

“Oh God.” She felt sick. Just the thought that their babies might be in trouble had her living in fear. “Jesus, even I wouldn’t be of use to him except for those that are faithful to Daddy,” she murmured. “Gods.” She breathed. “All right. We will ensure that our babies are protected, that you are protected, and I promise I won’t go anywhere without a guard.”

“Good.” He let out a breath and kissed her gently. “I love you, Talina. I just want you safe, and I hope you know that, baby.”

“I know. I will stay safe. Just make sure that you do as well, honey, because there isn’t a force on this planet that would ever keep me from coming to you if you were ever hurt,” she told him softly. “I need you, honey, I will always and forever need you, too. You are mine and I’m never, ever letting you go.”

“Good,” he whispered, kissing her lightly. “Because if you get hurt, even the smallest of dings, there will be an unholy hell to be paid by whoever did it.” Wrapping his arms around, her Aiden hugged her close. “I’m not letting you go, angel, not ever. You are and forever will be mine.”

“Exactly.” Lina rubbed her cheek to his shoulder and breathed him in. “I love you, too, Aiden. You are my world, honey,” she whispered softly to him. “For now and always.” She sighed. “How about we go and check on the babies, make sure that their guards have enough Red Bull to keep them awake, and crawl into bed?”

“We’re staying here for the time being, so it’s going to be either my office and the roll-out or we use one of the containment room beds.” Rubbing his hand up and down her back, he let out a breath. “I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to stay put, but I’d rather be close in case they dig something up.”

“Damn,” Lina muttered. “All right, so thoughts of making love to you in order to forget everything are out the window. Not something we will do with Daddy just down the hall. Okay, let’s just go and check on our babies then?”

Nodding, he let her step back before pushing up off the desk to follow her. Back in the main room, he headed for his babies and scooped up Anthony, giving him a snuggle and kiss before handing him over to his mother. Smiling, Lina watched as Aiden practically chased one of the guards, a Cat Changer, who had Amelia in his arms around the room. Holding Anthony close, Lina moved to one of the chairs and looked down at him. “Hello, my little Dragon. I’m surprised you let your sister out of your sight, my little man.” She teased him and took one of the blankets off the back of the chair and covered him and herself at the same time. Baring her breast, she leaned back and began to hum. Smiling when Tony latched on and began to feed, she knew why he had let his sister out of his sight. It was because he was hungry.

Finally getting his daughter in hand, Aiden growled when a pair of hands reached for her. “Back off, it’s time for her to eat, and then we are going to get some sleep.” Carrying Amy over closer to his mate and his son, he sat down to cradle her to his chest.

“You took so much pleasure in that,” Lina teased him. “But it’s okay, darling, I totally don’t blame you.” She stroked her fingers over Tony’s little head and then lifted him and covered herself in one move. Putting him to her shoulder, she began to rub the bubbles from his belly and rocked him slightly as she did so. “They are both exhausted.”

“Too much excitement all at once and for too many hours,” he commented. Looking down, he chuckled. “Look at her.” Amy had one arm thrown out and was pretty much asleep, her mouth hanging open. “She’s pretty much in a coma over here,” he murmured with a grin.

Lina grinned. “She likely won’t eat anything, but this one, well we both know that he has to have a completely full belly in order to sleep.” And their little girl could sleep at the drop of a hat. It didn’t really matter to her.

“She’ll wake in the dead of the night with the demand to eat,” Aiden commented, shifting Amy to his shoulder. Rubbing her back lightly, he smiled over at Lina as Amelia made little sounds as she wiggled around for a moment.

BOOK: Their Mating Rituals [Paranormal Protection Unit 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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