Their Virgin Concubine, Masters of Ménage, Book 3

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Masters of Ménage, Book 3


Shayla Black and Lexi Blake




THEIR VIRGIN CONCUBINE, Masters of Ménage, Book 3

Shayla Black and Lexi Blake


Published by Shayla Black and Lexi Blake

Copyright 2012 Shelley Bradley LLC and DLZ Entertainment

Edited by Chloe Vale and Shayla Black

ePub ISBN: 978-1-937608-08-8


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THEIR VIRGIN CONCUBINE, Masters of Ménage, Book 3

Shayla Black and Lexi Blake

Copyright 2012 Shelley Bradley LLC and DLZ Entertainment



Bonus material and excerpts at the conclusion of this book.




Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

About the Authors




Chapter One



Kadir al Mussad watched the gorgeous blonde with the swaying, tight ass walk by and wondered if there was something wrong with his dick. She was lovely and obviously available. No ring on that finger. Wearing a gray skirt that barely covered her essentials and red stilettos, she was definitely dressed to attract a man. As she passed, she turned slightly, her eyes widening as she took in his thousand dollar custom-made suit and handcrafted Italian loafers. He could see the hot blonde silently itemizing him, doing her best to estimate his wealth down to the last dollar.

And she would fall short by a few billion.

“Hi.” She carried a few folders, but not where they’d hide her breasts. At least a D cup and, from the placement of those large globes high on her chest, he would bet she’d purchased them herself. Like the rest of the blonde, they were magnificently constructed and hard as a rock.

His dick practically yawned. “Hello. I’m looking for Mr. Townsend.”

Her painted mouth curled up in a sex-kitten smile. “He recently changed his last name to James.”

Good for Dex
. A little warmth flooded Kade’s system at the thought of his friend finally finding his true place beside his two biological brothers, along with their shared wife, Hannah. “Excellent. Then where is Mr. James this morning?”

Dex was the head of security. He would be the one to talk to about the little problem Kade was having. He needed information on one of Black Oak Oil’s employees. Little things like where her office was and whether or not she had all her teeth. All the things his eldest brother, Talib, hadn’t seen fit to mention when he’d ordered Kade and their middle brother, Rafe, to fetch this girl and bring her home to Bezakistan. The sheikh could be a bossy asshole at times.

God, if Talib didn’t settle on a wife soon, Kade was going to lose his bloody mind—and a lot more. Of course, the problem was that once Talib settled on a wife, Kade and Rafe would have to settle for her, too. One wife for all brothers. God bless Bezakistan.

He had to hope this candidate looked better than the mousy pictures included in Talib’s dossier. It wasn’t that she was ugly, merely plain and deeply somber. And the photos were grainy, a driver’s license picture and a little black and white image that looked like it had come from a school yearbook. Neither had been promising. And her background was so bland he’d forgotten most of it already. Grew up in a small town. Apple of her parents’ eyes. Graduated from college with a degree in economics. Yep. He’d gone to sleep just after reading that tidbit.

“He’s in a meeting, but you can wait in his office.” Her eyes softened, an obviously practiced move. “Or you could buy me a cup of coffee.”

Nothing. Not even a stir. His cock was still completely flaccid, despite her less than subtle come-on. Damn it, he was barely thirty. His dick should be standing up and shouting “let’s party!” Kade would rather take a nap. He sighed. Maybe his dick’s lack of responsiveness didn’t matter since he’d likely soon be chained to some boring, dull-as-dishwater intellectual because that was Talib’s type.

Maybe he should try to convince his cock to take the blonde up on her offer.

Before he could, a flurry of chaos walked by, her brown hair caught at the back of her head in a messy bun. She quickly rushed down the hall, barely containing a haphazard stack of files in her arms that stuck out this way and that, the edges poking at all sorts of odd angles. She was talking on a cell phone tucked between her ear and her shoulder, her face animated. She plowed right into the blonde, who dropped the two little folders she’d been carrying. The stack in the brunette’s arms exploded, paper filling the air like a ticker-tape parade.

“Goddamn it,” the blonde cursed. “Fucking researchers.”

“I am so sorry, Amanda.” The brunette spoke in a soft Texas twang as she dropped to the ground on her hands and knees, phone tumbling across the office carpet as she began wrangling the wild herd of papers. “I was talking and I wasn’t looking where I was going. I’m really sorry.”

“Here, let me help you,” a deep voice said. Rafiq, his brother, always the gentleman, hurried up the hall and got to one knee.

“Thank you,” the blonde purred. Then she realized Rafe was talking to the little brunette and frowned down at her. “There’s a reason everyone around here calls you Pandora.”

Pandora. Goddess of Chaos. The messy bun on the back of the brunette’s head looked like it would unravel at any moment, unleashing a cascade of brown curls lit with strands of honey blonde and warm red. She turned her face up, and Kade nearly cheered.

His dick was back in top form now, standing tall and eager.
Oh, yeah.

There was nothing at all artificial about Pandora. She was soft and feminine, with bee-stung lips and blue eyes that were nearly hidden behind a pair of big glasses that might have been fashionable in the eighties. She wore a shapeless blouse, but as she moved, she popped a button, and he caught sight of creamy white cleavage flushed with a hint of pink. Clearly, she was flustered and embarrassed.

“They don’t call me Pandora because I unleashed evil on the world or anything,” she explained. “I’m just clumsy. I apologize to you, too, sir. So sorry.”

Then Pandora bit her lip in a way that made him wonder how she would suck a cock, provided that she’d ever sucked a cock before. Her air of innocence had him wondering. He could teach her how to suck a cock. His cock. His brother Rafe’s cock. She looked back at him.

She was far more polite than the blonde, who impatiently tapped her stiletto, palm outstretched, as she waited for Pandora to organize and return her folders. Clearly, Amanda wasn’t going to lower herself to help. So the sweet brunette picked up the blonde’s folders and carefully placed the documents inside before handing them up to the other woman. Kade watched her every move. Poised on all fours, Pandora’s ass stuck up in the air. Even encased in an ugly khaki skirt, there was no hiding those curves. That ass was made to take a cock, her hips perfect for holding on to as a man drove inside and made her howl with pleasure.

There was a vicious swat to his knees, and he looked into Rafe’s impatient eyes. “Are you going to help or not?”

Kade heard the unspoken end to that sentence.
Or are you going to stand there and stare at her ass?

He wanted to stare at her ass. A single grunt from his older brother made him sigh and drop to the floor. Folders were scattered everywhere, paperwork spread out around her like a multi-colored quilt of chaos. Pandora, indeed. She’d shaken up his day. He wondered if she could also rock his world.

“What about that coffee?” Amanda asked him, her voice dropping to a seductive murmur.

He didn’t bother to look up at the blonde. “I’m not thirsty right now. I’ll just wait for Dex.”

She tsked, huffed, and stomped off. He smiled.

“So, once we’ve cleaned up this little mess, would you like to get a drink?” Kade asked Pandora in his smoothest voice.

His brother’s head came up, his mouth dropping open. Rafe’s expression silently said “idiot.”

Why were Rafe’s panties in a wad? Could he not see the bounty in front of them? Now that Kade was close, he could smell her shampoo. Citrus, orangey and tangy. Delightful. He took a deep breath. What the hell would her pussy smell like? He would just rub his nose all over and keep that spicy, feminine scent with him all fucking day long. Damn, it felt good to be horny.

“Are you all right?”

He opened his eyes and stopped sniffing the female.
. The good news was she didn’t seem to know what he was doing. The bad news? His brother was looking at him like he was the world’s biggest moron. Oh, well. Rafe often had that look on his face. Kade tried not to take it personally. “I am very well, thank you.”

“He’s a bit slow, if you know what I mean,” Rafe said with a sharp bite to his words.

Pandora’s eyes widened with sympathy. “Oh. Really? Okay. I’ll just show you where everything goes. It’s so nice of you to help me.”

Rafe sat back on his heels, a brilliant smile crossing his face as he held back laughter. Kade wanted to punch the asshole in the face, but it was so good to see his brother smile again that he let his violent impulses go. Still, he had to repair the damage wrought by Rafe’s insult. He didn’t want pretty Pandora to think he was slow. Except in bed, where he would go very slowly and savor every inch of her.

He caught her hand in his. Soft skin, warm, slightly calloused on the side of one finger where she’d hold a pencil. He flipped her hand over, his thumb tracing the blue lines of her veins before covering it with his other hand. He wanted her to feel surrounded by him, a little taste of what he and Rafe could give her. “My brother is teasing you,
. I have two degrees from Oxford University. He thinks I am slow because he has three.”

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