Then Came Love (15 page)

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Authors: Mona Ingram

BOOK: Then Came Love
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“I suppose that’s true, but I think they’ve all decided I’m guilty of something. I wish you could have seen the way Kathy and Carlos looked at me.” She shuddered slightly. “It was definitely a cool reception.”

“How would you feel if someone you thought you knew turned out to be married to a big drug producer, secretly owned a house on the next lake and then showed up like nothing was wrong after her husband got busted? You’re lucky they didn’t call the cops.”

“Very funny.”

“I’m serious. You’re going to have to talk to them some time.”

“I know. But do you think I could take just one day? I’d like to touch base with my lawyer and take a long walk on Kits Beach.”

“So I guess you don’t want to come to the golf club tomorrow?” Agnes put out her cigarette.

“Thanks, but no thanks. Give my love to the barracudas.”

Agnes rose. “Sleep well, my friend. Tomorrow is another day.”

* * *

“Tell them the truth.” The lawyer looked into Amanda’s eyes. “You have nothing to hide, do you?”

“No, not a thing. Why does everyone keep asking me that?”

“Because you were his wife and they automatically assume you know about his business.” He spoke almost to himself. “It’s surprising how many wives don’t know what’s going on with their husband’s finances.” He looked up. “Do you want me to go with you?”

“What do you think?”

“It wouldn’t hurt. It’s a high profile case.”

“Good. I’d feel better if you were with me.”

“You might start thinking about the money.”


“The drug money. He must have money stashed somewhere.”

“I have a bit of cash that he gave me. Around seven thousand I think. But that’s not what you mean, is it?”

“No. I mean big sums. Give it some thought so you’re prepared.”

“Okay. I was planning to go tomorrow. Will you be free?”

He glanced at his schedule. “No court dates. I’ll make myself available whenever you call. Now get out there and enjoy that walk on the beach. You deserve it.”

Chapter Fourteen

“Come in.” Traynor waved Jackson into his office. “I hear they found that cell phone.”

Jackson looked up, startled. Did his boss know everything? “Yes, but in the meantime she showed up at Loon Lake.”

Traynor came forward in his chair. “Loon Lake? I don’t believe it.”

“According to Kathy at the resort, she came to fill me in. Amanda knew I’d seen Reimer when he came to get her and that I’d put two and two together.”

“But in this case, two and two made six.”

Jackson remained silent.

“So where is she now?”

Jackson took a breath. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I don’t know exactly, but I think I can find her. Can you check the file on Reimer and tell me what Golf Club he belonged to?”

Traynor studied the file. “Here it is. It’s in Shaughnessy.”

“Thank you. Could I have a couple of days off?”

“You’ve earned it. Where are you headed?”


His boss watched him carefully. “Is it serious with this woman?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Traynor grunted. “If the subject comes up, ask her about the money.”

Jackson grinned. “If I have time.”

“Go on, get out of here.”

* * *

Agnes was in her usual chair at the golf club, gin and tonic in hand. She looked up as the chatter at the usual table of women stopped. They were all looking toward the entrance where a young man stood surveying the room. She knew instantly that he was Amanda’s young man. He moved with an air of assurance that went well with his rugged good looks.

He spotted her and recognition gleamed in his eyes. He strode across the room, seemingly unaware of the pack of women ogling him as he passed.


She gestured to the chair beside her. “Jackson.”

He hesitated, then sat down. “You know me?”

“Amanda has spoken of you.”

His face softened. “How is she?”

Agnes could easily see why Amanda was taken with this young man. Just a few words and she was putty in his hands.

“She’s confused. Maybe a bit frightened, but she’s trying to be brave about it.” She looked Jackson squarely in the eye. “I won’t make excuses for her. She probably should have told you about the cottage. But she didn’t know about Vince.”

“I know that.”

Agnes relaxed. “I’m glad to hear it. I’ve told her she has to go to the police, that they’ll be looking for her. You could help her with that, I suppose.” She paused in the act of lighting a cigarette. “You
here to find her, aren’t you?”

“Yes, but not in an official capacity. I can make it easier for her though. Make sure she gets to see the right people.” He leaned close enough for Agnes to see the blue glints in his amazing grey eyes. “Will you tell me where I can find her?”

“Not precisely.”

His smile faded.

“What I meant is that she said she was going to take a walk on Kits Beach. It’s a big beach.”

The smile was back. “I’ll find her. Any hints?”

“She told me she sometimes watches them playing volleyball.”

He rose and extended his hand. “Thank you, Agnes. Everyone should have a friend like you.”

Agnes watched him leave and spoke to herself. “That one’s a keeper all right.” She motioned for another gin and tonic.

* * *

Amanda walked down near the water on the harder sand, then turned back. For a while she tried placing her feet in her own footprints; it wasn’t easy and didn’t work as a distraction. Her thoughts kept going back to Jackson. What did he think of her right now? Or did he think of her at all? Maybe he’d gone on to another mission and pushed her out of his mind.

She didn’t realize that she was growing angry until she caught herself kicking at the sand as she walked. At Loon Lake, she’d found a new level of confidence and now she was letting it slip away like sand through her fingers. She stopped, picked up a handful of sand and examined it. It sparkled like gold but she knew it wasn’t the real thing. She paused and looked across at the tall buildings of downtown Vancouver. Maybe the golden glow of happiness she’d felt at Loon Lake hadn’t been real either.

A volley ball skittered across the sand. A young man in baggy shorts retrieved it and threw it back. ‘
Life goes on
,’ she sighed and walked up the beach to her favourite log and sat down to watch.

* * *

Wow. Agnes wasn’t kidding
. Jackson walked from the parking lot.
It’s big
. He shielded his eyes from the afternoon sun and scanned up and down the length of the beach. Adults, children, singles, families; they were engaged in every activity you could imagine on a beach. He started to walk.

It never occurred to him that he wouldn’t find her. He loved her; it was as simple as that. Okay, there might be some rocky times near term, but when that was taken care of, there’d be clear sailing.

Clear sailing? Did I just think that?
He smiled to himself.
I must be worse off than I thought.

And then he spotted her. She was sitting on a log, watching a volleyball game. He stopped to observe her, to see if he could get a read on her mood. She wasn’t really watching the game. She was gazing into the distance, an unreadable expression on her face.

* * *

Amanda stared at the volleyball players without really seeing them. She didn’t know why she’d never thought of it before. She’d been sifting through her memories, collecting little snippets from the past two years. Like the time she’d been dusting the bookcase and stopped to read a gardening book. A piece of paper had fallen out. She’d glanced at it and set it aside, intent on the article that explained how to enhance the colour of hydrangeas.

Vince had come home at that moment and when he saw what she was doing he was instantly angry. “We have gardeners to do these things,” he’d shouted. He’d picked up the paper, shoved it inside the book and put the book back on the shelf. Several days later she’d taken the book down from the shelf and checked; the paper was still there. There were no words, just neatly printed rows of numbers. She’d studied them for a few moments then shrugged and put it back. Knowing what she did now, it was almost comical that he’d hidden the slip of paper in a gardening book.

And there was the time shortly after they were married that Vince had come home from a trip with a large suitcase she’d never seen. He’d pulled it through the living room on its little wheels and gone into their bedroom. Puzzled at his behaviour, she’d followed him a few moments later. He was in the walk-in closet and the door to the safe was open. “It’s Club business” he’d said, and motioned her away. He came out several minutes later carrying the same suitcase, which appeared to weigh nothing.

No wonder everyone thought she knew something. She’d been so naive! Looking at it now, she realized that she
know something, she just didn’t know what. It would be such a relief to hand the information over to the police tomorrow. It was only right that Vince would no longer reap the benefits of his illegal activities. She was glad Lloyd Watson was coming with her. She wondered if he–

She sensed someone standing behind her and prickles of awareness danced down her spine. She stood up slowly and turned.

Her world tilted. “Jackson.”

He was standing in the shade of a tree; she couldn’t see his face clearly. Had he come to arrest her?

“What are you doing here?” She shook her head back and forth, afraid of the answer and yet needing to hear.

He stepped forward, into the light. He looked different and yet the same.

“I told you this wasn’t over.” He took another step and then she was in his arms, inhaling his scent.

“Jackson” she said again, pulling back to look into his eyes. “You shaved off your beard.” She touched the side of his face, reassuring herself that he was actually here.

He nodded and lowered his mouth. It was the kiss she’d dreamed about her entire life. When they finally pulled apart they were met with applause from the volleyball contingent. Jackson smiled and waved them off. “I’m sorry about your Gran,” he said, pulling her head against his chest. “I know how much she meant to you.”

“Thank you, Jackson.” She closed her eyes and listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. That’s what he was...steady. She looked up and he kissed her again. She was aware of nothing except his lips, trailing kisses down her neck and then back up again, capturing her mouth with an intensity that robbed her of breath. So this was the way it was supposed to be! It was something she could get used to for the rest of her life.

“I love you.” They murmured it at the same time and smiled into each other’s eyes.


The sun warmed the crisp autumn day. Amanda sat next to Agnes on the shore of Loon Lake. “We’re calling it a delayed wedding celebration” she explained to her friend. Kathy and Dave had closed the resort for the weekend, admitting only Jackson and Amanda’s guests.

“Of course you’ve been busy.” Agnes glanced meaningfully at the child sleeping peacefully in a basket. Jackson had wanted to call his first son after his father and Amanda had happily agreed. “I see Robbie already has his father’s good looks.” She lit a cigarette and motioned toward the dock where Jackson was fishing with Logan. “And what will you call the next one?”

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