Read TheTrainingOfTanya2 Online

Authors: Bruce McLachlan

Tags: #General Fiction

TheTrainingOfTanya2 (4 page)

BOOK: TheTrainingOfTanya2
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"A couple of hours. I thought it best to let you get some rest. But your food's probably cold by now," replied Amber.

The thought of food jumped through her mind, and her belly immediately growled to itself as though it had heard the words as well. The moment of peace revealed that she needed sustenance and there were no atrocious clients to distract her from her famine.

"That's okay, I could eat a live horse," she muttered.

Extracting herself from the arms of the woman, Tanya moved to her plate. Wolfing down the fare, she quickly gobbled everything. The coldness of the broth went unnoticed as she frenziedly erased her hunger.

Once she devoured everything, she moved back onto the bed and placed her head in Amber's lap. Holding her belly, she felt the food coursing through her canals and revitalising her.

"Better?" offered Amber.

"Much," Tanya replied.

The door opened suddenly. Both of them had failed to hear the subtle sound of the lock.

Jerking upright, they flashed alarmed stares to the opening, but, instead of the hated visage of Sebastian, all they found was a short curvaceous girl with long blonde hair and a perky smile.

"What is it?" snapped Amber.

"He's back, and he wants you and Tanya in room four," whispered the girl.

She quickly ran off after passing on the order. If Sebastian arrived looking for them and she was still here, it would expose her awareness of their illicit coupling.

"Damn his evil heart!" growled Amber.

"What? Not another customer already?" asked Tanya.

Her face dropped into an appalled expression as the fleeting heaven she had stolen was steered back to the hell that was her enticing slavery.

"It's okay, we'll be fine," said Amber.

Rising from the bed, she took Tanya's hand to help her up.

"Can't we escape? Can't we do something to get out of here?" she uttered with desperation.

"I can't, Tanya," said the woman with grave sorrow. Her head wilted as she spoke.

"What do you mean? We can make a run for it right now! Naked or not, we can escape!" she exclaimed.

The chances of being caught where high. Without clothes, they were certain to be stopped, and eventually handed to the Watch, and that meant prison. However, there was a slim chance and they could take it and maybe get free.

"I have to stay here, Tanya. Please don't run. He'll make me pay if you do," pleaded Amber.

"What are you talking about?"

"Sebastian knows where my family lives. He'll kill them if I escape. My mother, my father, my sisters. I can't save myself at their expense."

"We could warn them," offered Tanya.

She was eager to accept this unprecedented opportunity for flight. The moments of peace she had gained with Amber had restored all her previous commitment to escape.

"Not before he gets there, and even if we could, my parents are old, they'd never make it out of the city before he used his influence with the Watch to stop us. All my family would be imprisoned, or worse still, my sisters would end up here. I'd rather die here than let them see this place," she said morosely.

Amber was doomed to endure, willingly, the degrading life Sebastian had forced on her. Tanya now had no option. She wanted to save herself, but she was not an evil being and could not allow others to replace her if she could help it.

"I…I'll stay then, for now. But if I see a chance, I'll take it, later. When you won't get blamed," she stated.

"That's up to you, Tanya. I'm grateful that you won't run now, but if you get caught, he's terrible to those who do. Women have been tortured in front of all of us as a lesson. The last was hung by her breasts and whipped until she went insane. He keeps her in an iron box upstairs, now. I know because I've had to pour water in through her air holes to flush out her prison and feed her. She's like a deranged animal, I…I don't want that to happen to you, Tanya," Amber said, her voice quavering slightly.

"I'll consider what you've said," she stated.

This was the best that she could offer the woman. With a meagre smile, Amber led her from the room and out onto the corridor. They saw Sebastian march down the stairs and stop before a door. He held a bag and a riding crop in one hand and a key in the other. He unlocked the door and threw it open before he indicated the chamber within.

"Well? Come on then!" he growled.

The two females scampered in quickly rather than risk irking his already cantankerous mood with a delay.

The room seemed virtually empty. The barren chamber was small and comprised of stone panels that had been painted black. At the centre rose a dense wooden beam with a heavy metal ring set high on the sturdy whipping post. A teak cabinet lay closed against the far wall with two soft and accommodating armchairs of red leather in the far corners. The chairs flanked the cabinet and provided soft luxuriant posts for spectators.

Two oil lamps were situated on the walls on either side of the door. The lamps spilled a timid glow through the room and made it seem a sinister and vile place.

"Tanya, up against the post," ordered Sebastian.

Tanya was afraid to feel the lick of the crop to make her act as he wanted and so with reluctance, she complied. There was no doubt enough punishment to come from the client without encouraging a little unnecessary appetiser.

Sebastian walked over to the wooden post and grabbed her hands. He produced manacles from the bag and threaded one of the cuffs through the ring. The chain that connected the bonds was evened out and the trammels were locked into place around her wrists. With her hands raised above her head, Tanya found that she had surprising amounts of slack to exploit. She was almost able to touch her head if she stood up straight, and she wondered if the client wanted to whip her and watch her dance. If this were the case, she might do herself some serious harm against the unforgiving wood unless she could control her writhing.

From the bag, Sebastian then produced a plexus of leather straps. They bore a large ridged phallus and the monstrous length jutted forth from a triangular pad.

"Put this on and wait for the client. They'll tell you what they want," stated Sebastian.

His presence was a threat to the crafted fantasy of the client so he grabbed the bag and hastily marched from the room. The door slammed shut and Amber began to remove her own leather underwear and fasten herself into the tight fitting folds of the strap on.

"What's going to happen to me?" Tanya said weakly.

"I think I know who this client is. They'll want to have me abuse you and ravish you while they watch," said Amber solemnly.

"Oh Gods, no, please," she whimpered.

The prospect of being tortured by the one who had just shown her such affection was a terrible role reversal. Her obedience to the clients was a price she decided she had to pay, but Amber was a fellow prisoner and would take no pleasure from Tanya's suffering.

"I have to, Tanya. But I'll go easy, I swear. Try and enjoy it. I'll make sure I take every chance to pleasure you," she promised and straightened the massive dangling rod.

"With that? I can't take that in me! It's too big!" she mewled.

Tanya pulled at her shackles and danced agitatedly from foot to foot with worry.

"Ssssh, just trust me, and forgive me," said Amber.

She moved closer and kissed Tanya's cheek as moist pools started to gather in her eyes. The door opened and Amber stepped back. She looked suddenly impassive when the client entered, as some skilled Thespian that had been joking backstage and now walked out from behind the curtains to enact a tragedy.

Whoever the client was, he wished to remain anonymous because he hid his identity deep within a hooded cloak. His features and even his body were hidden from view.

The door closed and locked from without to ward off the outside world. The enigmatic form strolled across the chamber to the pair of enslaved servants. He walked around them and his hidden gaze scrutinised the pair for long and tense moments.

Without word, he turned and went to one of the chairs. The client pulled it over toward them so he might sit closer and watch his orchestrated show and then he went to the cabinet. Opening it, he exposed the ranks of weapons of corporal punishment. His eyes and gloved hands ran over the array and sought items to meet his appetite for scourging.

Amber took advantage of the diversion of his attention and ducked in to whisper into Tanya's ear.

"Try and arouse yourself. Think of anything to help get you wet. It'll make things easier," she offered.

Amber was trying to ease the ordeal on her partner and for that, Tanya was grateful.

The figure slouched into the folds of the chair. The leather creaked as he settled into position close to Tanya's side.

"Take these," said a soft female voice.

It caught Tanya by surprise. She had assumed that the client was a male. Now it seemed that this was a woman who wanted to see two others of her own sex performing as she commanded while watching the show with voyeuristic delight.

Amber accepted the ball gag and the leather strap. The rectangle of thick hide split into three tongues at the end and the leather was scuffed along every corner from much use. The woman set a cane beside her chair and leaned back into the luxurious seat as Amber clasped the weapon and looked across Tanya's helpless and naked rear.

"You know what I want to see," she purred with excitement.

Clearly, this woman had made Amber perform for her before. Tanya glanced to the weapon and pictured celestial women pinned against the pole and crying out as that same leather hand assailed their jolting rears. The thought of Amber being responsible for their adversity was an alluring image so Tanya grabbed that mental depiction and kept Amber in her mind and punishing hapless girls. Suddenly Tanya was appreciating the fact that she was going to be the next.

Amber paused for a moment and then switched into character with disturbingly practised ease. She stepped forward and forced the swollen ball into Tanya's mouth. It made her choke and struggle as she was treated so roughly.

The buckled strap was fixed about her head and this forced the straps at the corners of her mouth to dig in. Tanya's tongue floundered beneath the vast orb and her jaws ached from the absurd rictus. She imagined the forms in her mind as they bit to the device while their screams poured over it. Tanya imagined that she could taste their distress, that by suckling on the ball, she was exchanging a second hand passionate kiss with all those that had chewed upon it before she had.

Amber stepped back and Tanya leant her head to the beam and closed her eyes. She quickly began to run through sexual fantasies. Tanya grabbed dreams where Amber was lodged between her legs with her diligent tongue hurling itself into her pussy. However, her desperation was making lust a difficult commodity to rise. She tried to reassure herself with her usual self-deprecating litany, but Amber's presence was making it troublesome.

The strap hummed against the air and sounded a dull note across Tanya's rear. She stiffened, her head jerked up, and she cried out onto the gag. The weapon swung back to catch the other side, forcing Tanya to jump forward and hug herself to the beam. She shuddered as her welt-covered rear answered the touch of the implement.

"Yes, that's it. Make the little bitch suffer!" said the woman on a licentious hiss.

The client's cloak was shuffling as she started to caress herself within its folds. The strap flashed down again and stinging applause started to ring through the room as it struck Tanya's rear and imparted hot bursts of sensation. The terrified captive yanked at her chains. She jiggled up and down as she tried to find some way in which to escape Amber's lambasting hand.

Tanya burbled and pleaded for mercy the words croaked and distorted by the ball that was filling her mouth. She begged her lover to stop, but the woman merely continued to repeatedly swat at Tanya's jouncing rear. Amber tracked her victim's motions so that the weapon never once failed to land on her without full precision and strength.

"Now take her! In the bottom!" growled the woman.

Amber instantly dropped the strap and jumped forward. She grabbed Tanya's hips and took a firm hold. Pulling her out from the pole, Amber left Tanya with her arms draped along the wood. Her rear was jutting outward provocatively and she was left open to the decreed ravishing.

Amber grabbed the length and placed the rounded head to Tanya's sphincter. Still dazed by the strapping, Tanya suddenly realised what was going to transpire. Before she could move, Amber clapped her hands back into place and gave a wicked pelvic thrust.

A lucid anguish filled Tanya's rear. The tight orifice was suddenly being wrenched open without any precursor teasing and the flesh hated such penetration unless warmed up and educated first. The searing distress of the intrusion lifted her to tip toe and tried to have her jolt away, to unsheathe the hideous rod filling her rectum. Amber held tight and kept it lodged deep. She defeated Tanya's paroxysms and stayed oblivious to her keening hollers.

The observing woman sighed with rapture at the sound. She shook with glee at the sight of another woman being punished so viciously.

With uncaring venom, Amber began to ride her artificial manhood back and forth. She thrust into Tanya while she howled and struggled to get free. The pain was dwindling as the opening started to accept the penetration, but the feel of it swelling within her while she was held by her lover and befouled by such callous violation was driving her mad.

As she thrust, Amber started, venomously, spanking Tanya. Her hands randomly jumped back and flashed in to clap against her cheeks, to sting them with open palmed swats and each spank made Tanya squeak and buck. The addition of extra woe and the untamed cruelty of her lover made her weep with sorrow, despair, and suffering.

"Now the other hole. Fill her up!" demanded the woman.

Amber tugged herself free. The unlubricated membranes clung to the fat rod and made the flight of the bestial sceptre just as distressing as its use on her.

BOOK: TheTrainingOfTanya2
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