Read TheTrainingOfTanya2 Online

Authors: Bruce McLachlan

Tags: #General Fiction

TheTrainingOfTanya2 (5 page)

BOOK: TheTrainingOfTanya2
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Tanya sagged in the grip of the woman. Salty lines streaked her face as tentacles of drool extended from her slack chin. Her hindquarters were alive with wriggling distress. Her welt-covered rear had been revived from the harsh attention of the strap and Amber's capricious spanks. Now her anus burned internally from violation and chastisement, and it seemed that her belly was to be next.

Amber kicked Tanya's legs apart. The atrocious obduracy of her lover was heart cracking. Because of their coupling, Tanya was having trouble finding her usual delectation in her abuse and subsequent use. Familiarity, friendship, perhaps even affection had thrown her from her usual slave mindset and defeated her mantra of masochistic devotion to her clients and their satisfaction.

With callous detachment, Amber took aim and fed the length to the opening of her pussy. Another savage thrust opened Tanya to a distinct degree. The toy forced its way in with barbarity to have every muscle in Tanya's body suddenly stand to attention as she screamed onto the air.

"That's it! Wonderful! Now give it to her! Hard and fast!" snarled the woman.

Amber dove from root to tip as she held tightly to Tanya in order to stop her escaping. Tanya danced on her toes. Her hips wriggled and her hands clawed at her bonds as her head whipped around from trying to find a way in which to get away from Amber's abuses.

Once more, the heavy-handed smacks of Amber started to arbitrarily assail her. The extra attacks delighted the client but made Tanya sob in new misery.

"Come on! I want to see this slave come!" ordered the woman

The client had laid down her demands for the session and revealed the only means to end it. Tanya burbled with increased dismay. She could barely take the event as it was, so how was she supposed to find pleasure enough in it to actually achieve orgasm? Amber would be forced to violate her until she did. She should either fake it, or try to do as ordered. Tanya doubted she could trick someone of her own gender, especially with her own lack of experience in such matters, so she opted to try to comply.

Filling her mind with thoughts of the other night, she imagined that she was lying on the bed with Amber thrusting into her with love, not hate. The woman was gently holding her hips and guiding the length into her to educate her in the ways of the private passions of her own sex.

The fantasy slowly began to work and she felt the dildo begin to ease in its route. Her tracts became moist as the long rod jammed itself deep into her, bouncing her upon its ridges and trenches. Gradually she felt a nugget of pleasure start to appear. The seed bloomed slowly as she nourished it with detailed dreams of cunnilingus with Amber and a long unhurried and detailed exploration of every part of the woman's beautiful body.

The smacking hand of Amber and the brutality of her love hampered the detailed construction of her fantasies, but Tanya was resolute and desperate. When she felt herself rising to climax, she was overjoyed. The tide of gathering pleasure eroded the pain of her containment and made it easier to continue. Genuine relish in her ravishment began taking over. Despite the obstacles, Tanya found herself luxuriating in the scenario she had at first despised.

Her lover was being made to molest and discipline her for the amusement of the client. The pound of the phallus, the slap of her hand, they were tokens of brutal affection that Tanya's love of being degraded found most gratifying. Suddenly she was finding a most potent glee in the ordeal. Her gasping cries grew quicker and louder as she felt the final release creeping through her, mustering its power for a final eruption.

When the orgasm enveloped her, Tanya thrashed against Amber's hold with even more manic vigour and dropped herself onto the length so that it shoved into her deepest regions. She battled to endure the power of her climax as the massive phallus poured into her dripping womb, jolting in and out while she cried out in purest ecstasy.

Amber slowed and withdrew almost solemnly. This made Tanya question what was to follow.

"Now make her pay the price!" snarled the woman.

Tanya realised that after she climaxed she was destined to be caned, hence Amber's regret that Tanya had succumbed so quickly.

Taking up the wooden strut, Amber thrashed it against the air. She beat out several notes before turning the weapon onto Tanya's defenceless buttocks. Entranced with her newfound debauchery, Tanya thrust her rear out to accept it. She was anxious to suffer for the client, to bring the woman to orgasm through her hollers and tears.

The weapon hacked at the air and sounded against her flesh. It sent a ripple through her cheeks before a sudden detonation of ghastly sensation gouged into the trench. Tanya leapt up and bellowed into the air as she answered the full effects of the stroke.

Amber paused to experience the entire intensity of the implement. She waited until Tanya had calmed and sagged against her manacles, then she added the next.

The thwack brought forth a resounding squeal from Tanya's throat and new life flew through her body, which instantly brought her to a tensed stance. Her jaws bit to the gag and she wailed freely as rabid spittle flecked the pole. It was both ghastly and beautiful. The pain was an aphrodisiac that she needed, and one she both hated and loved.

Tanya's legs criss-crossed against each other. Her body cavorted in endurance and she gradually weathered the full raging storm of suffering. A moment later, she was presenting her buttocks for another and throwing herself into the role of a forlorn and reluctant slave.

Once she had settled and false pleas were freely jumping from her spread lips, the next stroke came without fail. Tanya continued to screech. She struggled to take the pain of the virulent weapon wielded by her lover's casual arm. The same hand that had caressed and eased her suffering was now drowning her in physical despair. The elation and the confusion she felt continued to merge with the arousal she was bringing the client and it carried her on a wicked haze.

A full dozen were inflicted, and Amber only paused during the session to pinch the raised trenches that were set on her buttocks. By reviving the old weals, she made Tanya jerk and shudder before she continued with the delivery of the twelve excruciating impacts.

When she finished, Tanya was hanging loose from her manacles. Her legs were too weak to support her. Her body dripped with lines of sparkling sweat and her breathing was weak and shallow.

The lingering havoc in her form was a license to relish her subjugation. If she had the energy, she would have graciously thanked both client and fellow slave for expelling another portion of her self-loathing and guilt.

"Release her," snapped the woman.

Amber unfastened a manacle and let Tanya's arm drop slack to her side. Her physique dangled by one stretched wrist and Amber turned to the other. The cuff was opened and she instantly dropped to the floor in a twisted heap.

Tanya was unable to operate her own body. Her senses were crippled by a residual debilitating pain. The cane had generated a level of havoc that refused to diminish.

"Now. You will service me, slave girl. And if you don't do a good job, you go back up for another twelve strokes of the cane. Understand?" stated the woman.

The words caught Tanya's aghast attention and spurred her into desperate effort. With all her might, she roared at her body to obey her and fought her way up onto all fours. She could see Amber standing a short way back, mentally begging for Tanya to succeed because she was unable to face tormenting her again.

With painful sloth, Tanya managed to trek over to the woman. She opened the lower reaches of her cloak to expose her legs and naked loins.

"Come on in, slave girl!" chuckled the client.

The woman's hands rubbed her inner thighs in expectation. With a slight giggle, she invited her slave to the carnal feast.

Fighting her lethargy, Tanya managed to drop into position. Pushing her head forward and between the legs, she settled her mouth against the sex of the client. Her tongue stolidly emerged and started to enter the woman. Licking slowly, she tasted the opulent juices that arousal by her torture had wrought. She knew full well that her sloth would earn reprisal and Tanya braced for what she wanted.

"She's a little slow. Tell her to speed up!" snarled the client.

Tanya cried into the damp womb as the cane slashed down and drew another weal into her rear. Instantly her tongue became livelier. The organ rolled into the woman, fawning with terrified haste and a keen prurience.

"Much better. That's it, slave girl," she crooned.

The client settled back to drink of the oral attention. As the pain of the stroke ebbed, Tanya's thirst for more rekindled itself and she purposely lagged to earn another stroke. The moment it fell, her tongue instantly acquired more alacrity and it did not take long to bring the woman to climax at such a rate.

The client's thighs locked to Tanya's head and she rode through her bliss, her lust fanned to insane levels by her enjoyment of this scenario. Bucking against the chair, her gloved hands dragged against the armrests and her head was thrown back while she gasped and moaned.

"Enough!" she barked.

The client shoved Tanya away so that she collapsed onto the floor at Amber's feet. She arose and straightened her cloak before striding passed them without word. Knocking on the door, she had Sebastian unfasten the lock, let her out, and escort her away.

Amber instantly threw the cane away and dropped beside Tanya. Embracing her tightly, she blubbered with distraught misery.

"Oh Tanya! I'm so, so sorry! I had to! I had no choice! Please forgive me! Please!" She wept.

Wet droplets of shame dropped onto Tanya as she lay in a fainéant heap. Tanya's ears were ringing with the cymbal crashes of her own wails and her body was resonating with agony and deviant ecstasy.

"It's okay," she whimpered. "Just hold me, please."

Losing herself in the arms of the woman, Tanya quickly drifted into a morose stupor. Despite what the woman thought, the rigours and initially harsh straits of the scenario had made it all the more delightful and gratifying for Tanya.

Chapter Three

A deep resonant clank had Tanya lift a lazy eyelid and attempted to look down, whereupon she saw the leather, mummified slaves had returned and were lifting out a large nearby flagstone. The rough hole that the absent panel exposed dropped into a darkness that was as impenetrable as the veil surrounding the column of ruddy light.

A strange sickly sweet odour rose up from the pit--an unfamiliar smell that tickled her nose with insubstantial fingers.

Her owners stepped forward. The Mistress was wearing a new thong to replace the one bequeathed to Tanya and with a brief look into the light, the torturess caused a response from high above. The steady clack of links put in motion, grew in volume and then a stout black chain entered into view. Every segment of it was a porcupine apparition of stiletto spines. Within this mire of thorns ran a pipe that entered two flaccid balloons of tanned gut. The bulbs dangled at the end of the metal length and the section of tube that was just above them was adorned with a small tap that was obviously a control to regulate the flow into the sacs.

Exhausted by her abuses, Tanya merely watched with growing consternation. She wheezed and sputtered from the difficulty she found in drawing breath because of her current pose, and every part of her was throbbing with discomfort.

The slaves quickly untied the crotch rope and when it was released, her raw hindquarters collapsed onto the floor. Her Master moved in and looked down at her with glee. His eyes strolled across her, taking in her quivering body and the gems of sweat that decorated her. After studying his captive, he took hold of the chain and knelt down between her languid legs.

One of the loose bags was placed to her sex and the other to her anus. Her Master eagerly forced them in with a pile-driving finger before he turned the tap and let the balloons start to swell under a gurgling inrush of pressure.

"Master, what are you doing to me?" she mewled softly.

Tanya's arms pulled at the ropes upon her chest. Her feet shuffled against the floor and she felt the intruders continue to grow.

"Sssh, slave. I'm going to test you one last time. I'm going to push you to your limits," he promised.

Tanya let out a weak groan as the bags started to shove outward. Their growing coldness suggested that a reservoir of fluid from above was forcing them to expand so potently.

"She won't make it through this. You know that, right?" declared the Mistress, gruffly.

"Oh I think you underestimate our slave. She'll be fine," he replied.

The pressure continued to increase and as the couple studied her. There was obviously no sign of an impending end to it. The discomfort rose into pain, and the pain into an agony that had her shrieking as the balls continued to bloat. Their size was threatening to rupture her, internally should they continue. Then the tap was turned and the growing tumours within her body stalled in their development. The screaming ache in her abdomen left her begging and sobbing for their expulsion. Snorting in the smell of the thong, it helped maintain her submission. The odour was a perfume of masochistic delight that Tanya relished and used to help her endure the effects of the monstrous spheres.

The slaves ignored her entreaties and despairing wails and stepped forward. Their participation in her ordeals was obviously not yet completed.

Gloved hands raised her and worked deftly across her frame. They released her body and lowered her back to the floor where they looked up to await the necessary command from their superiors.

Tanya groped at the balloons and tried to get them out. Her belly burned with the intensity of a thousand furnaces and the chain spines nipped at her fingertips with every attempt.

"Put her in," uttered the Master.

He shifted forward and pulled the underwear off Tanya's face to deprive her of the reassuring scent.

"What? Wait! Master I--" she began, whereupon the slave's shoved and catapulted Tanya into the hole.

BOOK: TheTrainingOfTanya2
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