Thick: A Stepbrother Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Thick: A Stepbrother Romance
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              He cheated on my, yes. But people change every day. Was I a fool to want this to work between us? Probably. Was I going to go the rest of my life and wonder what could have been? Hell no…

              I threw caution to the wind and went for it. Running my fingers through his hair, I crushed my lips to his. The action startling him for a second, before his tongue began caressing mine. He ran a hand up my back to my hair, holding me to him. This kiss was just like all the others we shared, completely mind blowing. I have had my fair share of kisses, but his would always and forever, would trump them all. It always felt like he was branding himself on my soul. At this moment, he probably was.

              “Claire,” he groaned, shifting to where I laid underneath him on the bed.

              He broke the kiss and began kissing, down my jaw to my neck. I squirmed underneath him, his touch setting me on fire. Each caress of his hands, each kiss taking me higher. His lips were like live wires against my skin. I wasn’t sure if I was making a complete fool of myself, but right now I could care less. He was the one I wanted. Brad would always be the one I wanted. There could be no one else for me. And I hated myself with a passion. I needed to be strong, stand my ground with him. But the more he kissed, and touched me, the more I felt my resolve slipping. Damn him.

              “Brad…I want…” I gasped out, ruffling his hair. He broke his kiss from my neck and leaned back.

              “What do you want, love?” He looked all over my face for his answer.

              My eyes connected with his, a blush staining my cheeks. “You,” I stated breathlessly.

              The smile I hadn’t seen for over a month, bloomed across his face. “Are you sure? We don’t have to do this.”

              I nodded my head, leaning forward and briefly kissing his lips again. I unbuttoned his tux jacket and slipped it from his wide shoulders. “I’m sure.”

              He leaned down to kiss me, just as my mom’s voice came through the door. “Dinner’s ready, honey. Are you staying Brad?”

              He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I smiled. “Yes, he’s staying mom.” I took his mouth in another earth shattering kiss. “Staying right where he belongs,” I whispered against his smiling lips.

Chapter Three


              Prom was tomorrow. I couldn’t be more excited. Ever since the long talk we had in my bedroom two weeks ago, we had been planning our night of awesomeness. I was currently on cloud nine. We didn’t get to do what we wanted to that night; and things kept coming up so we couldn’t be alone together. A few stolen kisses here, groping sessions there, was all we could get in. But I was more determined than ever to be with Brad.

              He didn’t mind not being able to be together like that, if anything he was ok with just touching and caressing. It was like we were doing something that was forbidden, which in a sense we were. However, tomorrow night was going to be the night. A bunch of our friends were going to be throwing a party after prom was over. Underage drinking would be involved, so no parents were allowed. I didn’t know how they managed that, but I was thankful.

              I was lost in my thoughts-doodling in my notebook- when the air in my room became charged. I smiled, knowing Brad was trying to get a one up on me. There was one problem with his shenanigans. It never worked when you could literally feel the other person before they stepped into the room. I could barely hear his footsteps, like he was tiptoeing to keep from me hearing him. I waited until I was sure he was next to the bed before turning my chair and jumping on him.

              He laughed when I flung my hands around his neck and peppered his face with kisses. Falling back onto the bed, he gripped my hips as I straddled him. Feeling the erection he was currently sporting. If anything good came from those rumors, it was the fact his dick was incredibly thick, or so it felt like it was.

              “I can never get a one up on you.” He chuckled, running his hands up and down my sides and hips.

              “Feels like you can get one up just fine,” I seduced, slowly grinding myself against him.

              He groaned, closing his eyes. In a pained voice he said, “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

              “Are you sure?” I purred, rubbing myself against him again.

              His mouth opened as his breathing escalated. “Yes, very sure...” His fingers, gripping my hips hard as he gently thrust against me. “Although…I love how your mind works, beautiful.”

              “Careful sexiness. We wouldn’t want to ruin tomorrow’s festivities, would we?” I grinned a devilish grin when he opened his eyes pinning me with a lust filled stare.

              He removed his hands from my hips reluctantly, placing them under his head. “You know…I’m definitely willing to ruin them,” he chuckled.

              I rolled my eyes, getting off of him. Going back over to my desk, I looked behind me as he adjusted himself in his pants. It didn’t matter how many times I saw him do that, it would never take the surprise away from how big he was. It took my breath away every time. He caught me looking and made a move of unbuttoning his pants, goading me. I snickered, two can play this game.              

              Turning around fully, I swayed my hips as I came between his spread thighs. Looking through my lashes, I kneeled in front of him. To say this whole thing wasn’t getting me wet, would be a damn lie. I was absolutely drenched. We wouldn’t be able to go to the game without me taking a shower before we did. That was for sure. But I couldn’t resist teasing him a bit more. It was too much fun not too. I kept my eyes on his, watching his Adams apple bob in his throat.

              Leaning forward, I grazed my tongue along the zipper of his jeans. Taking it between my teeth, I started unzipping his pants. I was careful not to snag it on his cock. Unlike regular guys, Brad opted to go commando. I didn’t really get it, but it was sexy none the less. I watched his eyes dilate until none of the blue was showing. He gulped and sucked in a shaky breath. Fluttering my eye lashes at him. I came forward and ran my tongue up the underside of his throbbing manhood.

              The first touch of my tongue, he threw his head back and moaned. His hands now clutching the sheets behind him. At any moment I was afraid that they would rip under the pressure. Seeing him come unglued had me close to the edge already. This was the first time I had been so brazen with my actions. I could tell that he was loving every second of it. And hell, so was I, seeing his head throwed back in ecstasy, his tongue running across his lips to wet them. It was an orgasm just watching it.

              But I had to stop. I didn’t want to ruin our plans, no matter how dumb I thought they were now. I, however, had put a lot of work into making it the perfect night. It pained me to step away from him, but I did. When it registered in his sex fogged mind, he eyes opened and his breathing was harsh.

              “Fuck,” he said shakily.

              I giggled. “The real thing is going to be better…If you wait.”

              “Definitely not ruining the plans. Tomorrow night, you’re mine love.” His low-gravelly-sexy as fuck voice rasped.

              “Looking forward to it, love. I’m wet just thinking about it.” I seductively purred, running to the bathroom when he narrowed his eyes in warning at me.

              I knew that last comment was pushing it, but I couldn’t help it. Ever since getting back together with him it has been a frigging blast setting him off. I knew that I would be paying for it tomorrow, but damn, I’ve heard delayed gratification is the shit. At least, that’s what I’ve read. I didn’t want to seem like I didn’t know what I was doing, so I’ve been reading up on sex. Some may laugh, but what was a virgin to do? Just go in the bedroom and expect their partner to do all the work. Yeah, that didn’t fly with me.

              The only part of sex that scared me, was the pain. I sure hoped that from some of the stuff I read, they lied. However, I knew that wouldn’t be the case. I thought multiple times to just get it over with before him and I had sex; that way we could enjoy each other the first time we were together. How would one even go about doing that though? I shuddered at the thought of doing something so drastic. I didn’t want a plastic phallus taking my v-card. I wanted a flesh and blood cock doing all the dirty work. Brad’s thick, strong, cock doing all the work.

              Getting to school the next morning was…eventful…Have you ever been in the same car with a sex charged male. One that was just dying to rip your clothes off, and even tried a few times. For jokes of course. But yeah, that’s what I had to deal with this morning. It was hilarious watching him try to control the beast. I’ve never laughed so hard in all my life. I can tell he is frustrated, but damn, so was I. I was done playing around tonight, would be the night and I can’t wait.

              I shut my locker door before heading off to my last class of the day. I’ve been working my ass off for the past few weeks to get all my work done. Thank god, I did. I had a nice surprise to tell Brad about when he took me home to get ready for prom. I was officially a graduate. Cedar Grove High would be mailing me my diploma in the mail in a few weeks. I didn’t even really need to be here, but I came anyway because that meant more time I got to spend with Brad.

              He didn’t know that I was doing this. He was going to have the surprise of his life. As I was making my way through the maze of people, I passed by a cove surrounded by jocks. I was sure that Brad was right in the middle of them all. But something began nagging at me. So I decided to stand off to the side until the crowd dispersed. I heard my name being whispered between them, and cocked my head to the side to listen a bit better.

              “So Claire is finally going to do it.” One of the guys said to, I assumed was Brad.

              “Yeah, tonight that cherry’s getting popped guys,” he laughed out.

              My mouth opened in shock. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing right now. Is he really gloating to a bunch of guys that he was going to nail me tonight? Really? I heard a group of girls approach and pushed myself farther against the wall. With all the guys standing around me, no one knew I was there. A significant giggle I recognized as Cherish’s sounded out throughout the hall. Brad had no idea I was standing here, I wasn’t even supposed to be down here since my last class was up stairs.

              I held my breath when she began to speak.

              “So Brad, we still getting together tonight. It is Prom after all, we said we were going together.” She cooed, as a slurping sound came immediately afterwards.

              “Fuck no, Cherish.” It was then I recognized the sound, she had kissed him. “Don’t kiss me with that nasty mouth again. Tonight I have other plans.”

              I smiled even though it still kind of hurt me that he was talking about me and my virginity with all these guys. However, I would rather him talk about something like that then meet up with Cherish. That would have broken my heart. It would have been just like seeing him under the stairs with her all over again. I looked at my phone and noticed that we had almost five minutes to get to class. An evil smile passed over my face. Pushing through the crowd of the guys, I found Brad right in the middle of them, laughing at something someone had said.

              His eyes raked over me with a mischievous glint. He liked his lips, I was more determined than ever to get the taste of nasty ass Cherish out of his mouth. I stepped between his spread thighs leaned down and grabbed his face in my hands, melding my mouth to his. The kiss lasted just a few seconds, but just enough to remind him who he belonged to. It was also enough time to show Cherish that he wasn’t hers.

              I stepped back, glaring at her. “If that isn’t proof enough that he is mine, then maybe the show later on tonight will be. Now piss off,” I seethed.

              All the guys around us boomed with laughter, some whooped and hollered and some even whistled. I felt Brad’s hands encircle my waist, pulling me into his lap. Cherish giving me the stink eye the whole time before she flipped me off and then stormed away. I giggled, damn that felt good. That had been so out of character for me. I leaned back into Brad’s arms, he brought his mouth to my ear.

              “Nice pissing contest babe.” He chuckled.

              “Why thank ya.” I replied in my best southern accent, which only made him laugh harder.

              “You’re mighty welcome.”

              I laughed a bit harder as I stood up from his lap. Turning around I leaned down so I was eye level with him, my face as serious as I could make it. “Oh…the next time you want to gloat about taking my virginity, make sure you at least offer them a front row seat.”

His face paled. He couldn’t tell that I was joking, which made it frigging priceless. I bellowed with laughter.

“You heard?” He asked as he began fidgeting.

I nodded my head, then gave him a peck on the lips. “I was just joking about the front row seats,” I heard all the guys around us groan and whisper cuss words. I chuckled, bringing my lips to his ear, kissing it gently. He groaned at the contact. “I’m not mad either. If I had any friends, I’d be telling them the same thing,” I whispered just before licking the shell of his ear.

He visibly shivered when I stood back. I stared into his desire laced eyes, God he was gorgeous. I smiled and winked before turning around to head to my last unneeded class of the day. Only to get to the end of the hall before I felt a hand on my arm. I turned with a smile expecting Brad, but what I got was a whole lot of Cherish. I jerked my arm out of hers, and glared at her.

“What makes you think you can touch me,” I confronted her, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Oh…look who thinks she’s a bad bitch just because she fucking Brad tonight.” She laughed evilly, leaning against the wall as she began to check her cuticles. “Let me tell you something, sweets. Brad will never be yours. You need to get that through your head now. He is only with you at this point in time because you are the untouchable Claire James. Trust me, they’ve had bets on this shit for weeks.”

“Oh really? You sound a bit too much like that movie, hmm…what is it,” I say stroking my chin with my finger. “Oh yeah, that’s right. She’s All That. You don’t even know how ridiculous you sound right now. Honey this isn’t the nineties, come join the twenty first century with us. You honestly expect me to believe that my boyfriend –the one you’ve been trying to fuck – has a bet going about getting me in the sack? What are you going to say next? That he can make me prom queen. Grow. The. Fuck. Up.” I chuckled, flipping my hair and hitting her in the face as I walked off.

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