Thick: A Stepbrother Romance (5 page)

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              I stroked him for a few minutes, noticing his breathing changed to a harsher sound. His chest moved in fast spurts as he tried to get his breathing under control. He opened his eyes when I took my hand away. Spreading my legs, I leaned back onto the pillow watching him open the package and cover himself with the condom. He settled between my thighs, leaning down he took my lips in a gentle kiss.

              “I’ll go slowly.”

              I nodded as he positioned the head of his cock at my entrance. Gripping my thighs gently, he slowly slipped inside, inch, by painstakingly inch. My pussy felt like it was being stretched to the limits. But the feeling wasn’t unwanted. As he got halfway inside, I felt a pinching sensation. Gritting my teeth, I closed my eyes and tried to forget the pain.

              “There’s no way I’ll last. Jesus H. Your fucking tight,” he gasped out, his chin to his chest watching his dick slowly disappear inside me.

              I wanted the pain to be over with, I wanted to get to the pleasure of it all. “Just do it,” I whimpered, tears beginning to collect in my eyes.

              He looked at me for confirmation, when I nodded to him he lowered his hand to play with my clitoris. As the sensation of him rubbing me there was overriding the pain and I moaned, he thrust inside me to the hilt. I screamed as the pinching sensation turned into a full on burning sensation. The tears fell freely from my eyes now. I stared up at him, his eyes closed in concentration. After sometime of him not moving, the pain began to ease.

              He slowly opened his eyes, leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. “I’m sorry, love. Are you ok?”

              He turned his face away from me, not able to see the pain in my eyes. He lifted himself back up making sure not to jostle me too much. I didn’t want him to feel bad for something I gave him permission to do. So I touched his arm, so he would look at me. When he did I nodded my head for him to continue. As he pulled out I felt extremely empty. He lowered himself over me when he pushed back inside me. The feeling now blooming through me was pleasure, a deep, raw, overwhelming pleasure. I lifted my hips to meet his, encouraging him to speed up.

              He kissed me long and hard, as his hips started to slap into mine. The friction feeling so good I cried out into his mouth. Sweat started coating our body as we glided against each other. It felt like he was worshipping my body, that I was the only one that could ever make him feel like this. An overwhelming feeling began deep inside my core, a slithered up through my body. My pants echoed his grunts and groans.

              As his hips started slapping against mine, I was lost. I arched my back under him. The feeling of his tongue gliding between my breasts pushed me over the edge. I screamed my release into the empty room, my voice echoing off the wall. The waves were prolonged from every thrust and grinding of his pelvis against mine. When I felt him swell inside me, it pushed me into a third orgasm. My walls clenched around him over and over. He lifted away from me, grabbing my hips as he thrust in one last time, roaring my name into the night.

              I wrapped my legs and arms around him as his gave out. His chest grazing against my sensitive breasts as he tried to catch his breath. We laid there for what seemed like hours, just holding each other. When he got enough strength he pulled up and away from me, leaving me only long enough to deposit the used condom in the trash. He came back, and pulled back the covers. Placing me underneath them, he slid in next to me with a sated smile on his face.

              He pulled me to him, draping me across his chest. I was so exhausted from what we just did, that my eyes were closing long before I wanted them too. Just before I let myself fall all the way under, his lips grazed my forehead and he muttered against my hair.

              “I’ll love you always my beautiful angel,” He softly whispered.

Chapter Five


              “It’s here!” I screamed running through the house.

              The letter I had been waiting on for weeks finally showed up. About halfway through my senior year in school I applied to a school in New York. I really found that I had a knack for public relations, so that’s what I opted to go into for my career. I was beyond excited to receive the letter. I was about to give up any hope from hearing from this school. Having graduated a month ago, I was relieved when I went to the mail box and saw it setting there.

              “Hey mom, it’s here!” I screamed again, racing through the house.

              If this letter said what I think it was going to, my life would be absolutely perfect. Brad and I had been going steady for so long that I was sure he would propose any day now. For the last few weeks he seemed a little off, nervous even. I figured that could be the only reason he would act like that around me.

              I looked through the kitchen, in all the bedrooms. Even went outside to see if I could find my mother. But she was nowhere to be found. I furrowed my brows in confusion. Her car was sitting in the driveway, so she had to be here somewhere. I went to check in my room and found her sitting on the bed, tears falling down her cheeks. I had no idea what was going on, but today was going to be a good day. I wasn’t going to let whatever she had going on ruin her good mood.

              “Mom, didn’t you hear me yelling?”

              She dried her eyes with a Kleenex before looking at me. “Yeah, honey. I did.”

              I looked from her to the box sitting next to her, then back to her. There was something in that box that made her like this, I was sure of it. I walked over to take the lid off the box but she stopped me. Shaking her head, she cleared her throat and told me to tell her what I was so excited about. I showed her the letter in my hand, my eyes lit with happiness. When she saw the name on the front of it, her mouth hung open in shock.

              “No. Did you really?” She said happily.

              “I don’t know. I haven’t opened it yet. That’s why I was trying to find you,” I exhaled sitting down on the bed next to her.

              She tossed the Kleenex into the trash can, turning to me in the process. “Well let’s open it.”

              I was momentarily distracted by the box on my bed. I pointed to it, looking her in the eyes. “What’s that?”

              She waved me off, taking the envelope out of my hands. Hearing the sound of her opening it, my breath caught in my lungs. This was it. I was finally going to find out if I got into the school of my dreams. When she started reading the letter, she jumped up and started squealing. I shook my head and giggled.

              “Mom, I don’t know why you are squealing and jumping, but you want to,” I said.

              ‘Oh baby! You got in! You got in!” She yelled, turning in a circle holding the letter to her chest.

              Tears started falling from our eyes. I jumped up and grabbed the letter from her, reading it. Sure enough it read that I would be starting in the fall semester. I looked up into my mother’s tear stained, smiling face. I grabbed her to me and held on for dear life. If it hadn’t been for this woman, I wouldn’t know where I would be right now. When my own father didn’t want me, she did. Even though raising me was hard as hell, she managed it. I loved her so much.

              When our squealing died down, I ran to my door. I had to tell Brad the good news. I hadn’t seen him in almost four days. To be honest, I wanted to see him more than show him my acceptance letter. This had been the longest that he and I have ever been apart. I heard my mother calling out my name, but I wouldn’t let her stop me from seeing him. He deserved to know. He was going to be a part of my future after all.

              Getting into my car, I raced to his house. As I pulled up to the stoop, my excitement was so high that I hadn’t noticed the big van in the driveway. Running to the front door, I rang the doorbell. I was shifting from side to side when the door opened. When I saw Brad, I leapt into his arms. I rained his face with kisses, and hugged him close to me. But something didn’t feel right. I didn’t feel his arms around me, nor his lips sweeping kisses across my face.

              I lowered myself to the floor, staring up at him. Could four days really change a person? The person I saw in front of me looked like a hollow shell of the man that was so full of life a week ago. His face was a blank mask, there were dark circles under his eyes, and his lips were in a stern line. This was not my Brad.

              “Is everything ok?” I asked.

              There was a noise behind him, so I glanced in that direction to see his mother standing next to the sofa. Her face was the same as Brad’s, if not worse. She looked like someone had killed her cat or something. I was about to say something but she cut me off.

              “You need to leave, Claire,” she snubbed out.

              My mouth hung open in shock. She has never talked to me like this before, ever. If anything she treated me just like a daughter. I was flabbergasted by the anger lacing her words.

              “Mrs. Titan, did I do something wrong?” I asked, clearly confused by the look of hatred I saw on her face now.

              “Oh, like I need to answer that. You fucking whore,” she seethed, glaring at me.

              Wow. Whiplash. What the fuck was going on?

              I opened my mouth to say something, but Brad cut me off. “Claire, you need to leave.”

              I looked back up at him in shock. I had no idea what the hell was going on, but whatever it was, was really bad. “Um…Can you please explain to me what’s going on?”

              From the look on his face, my heart broke. When I said that nothing could possibly ruin my day, I had been so extremely wrong. I took in his whole appearance, noting the wrinkly clothes, unshaved jaw, and the clear lack of sleep he hadn’t been getting. I went to hug him, but he pushed me away. Tears began forming in my eyes at his dismissal. He didn’t even want to touch me. Hell, he couldn’t even look at me for more than a few seconds at a time.

              “You know a hell of a lot more than I do at this point, Claire.” He stated, as his eyes finally settled on mine blazing with a rage I have never seen before.

              “What the fuck is going on?” I said low in my throat, tucking the now forgotten envelope into my pocket.

              He walked away from me to grab a picture of the hall table. Returning to me, he thrust the picture in my hand. The first time he put his hands on me since I got here was to push me out the door. Hearing the door slam at my back, I turned around. The shock of his cold treatment was settling into my bones. I had no idea how we went from being in love, to him treating me like I was a piece of shit on his shoe.

              Looking down at the picture, I fought the bile that rose in my throat. It was a picture of Henry and me, having sex. What the fuck? There has only been one man that I have ever been with, and he just slammed the door in my face, figuratively speaking. I put a hand over my mouth as tears started to fall. I noticed a movement at the corner of my eyes. Glancing over I saw Mrs. Titan putting her things into the moving van. The same one I totally missed in my haste to get to Brad.

              When she exited the van, her sinister smile did not go unnoticed. It looked as if she knew something that I didn’t. I started walking toward her, until Brad came from the garage and saw me coming closer. He stopped in front of his mother, glaring at me. His don’t-fuck-with-me glare stopped me in my tracks. I didn’t know what the hell was going on. But I did know that I never did anything with Brad’s father. That much I was certain of.

              I saw red.

              “Do you really think I would do something like this? Huh? That I could hurt you by doing this lie!” I yelled, balling up the picture and throwing it at him.

              When he didn’t answer me, it infuriated me even further. “Fucking answer me!”

              He closed the distance between us, fast. Getting in my face, his nostrils were flared from his anger. His eyes looked pure black from his anger. He looked crazed, that at any moment he was about to break. “The fucking proof was in your mother fucking hands, Claire!”

              I stood toe to toe with him, my cheeks burning bright red from my anger. “It’s a fucking lie, Brad! I would never do something like this to you. Why the fuck would I?”

              “Money…Cock…I don’t know, take your mother fucking pick. But what I do know is,” he stopped ranting to walk back to where he was, picking the picture up off the ground. Unfolding it, he stalked back over to me. “Pictures. Do. Not. Lie, you scheming bitch.”

              The tears fell faster down my face. Brad had never spoken to me like this before. I couldn’t wrap my mind around what was happening right now. It was like I was throwed into an alternate universe. Where the whole world, my whole world was trying to fall apart. Where Brad went from being the most amazing person ever, to this devil that stood in front of me. Paint him red and give him a pitchfork and that’s what he would be.

              “Brad, I promise…I did not sleep with your father. He’s like a dad to me for Christ’s sake.” I wiped my eyes before reaching for him. He back away, which broke my heart even more.

              “Don’t. Fucking. Touch. Me.” His gravelly voice barked out as he took a step back. “I do not want to see you again. Ever! Now get the fuck out of here.”

              When I didn’t make a move to go, he leaned toward me, whispering in my ear. “You’re nothing to me.  Now get the fuck out of here.”

              Dropping the picture, I turned and ran away from him. The one person who I thought was my entire life. Turned out to be nothing more than a fantasy, a fairytale. I should have known that everything was going too good to be true. Something always comes along and fucks everything up. Not only have I let my heart get broke by him once, but twice. I thought he had changed when we got back together. That nothing would be able to tear us apart.

              I was so wrong.

              Racing like a bat out of hell from his driveway, I speeded home. The tears getting so bad I had to stop just a short ways up the road. Putting my car in park, I let the sobs over take me. It felt like someone was ripping my heart to shreds. I loved Brad with all my heart. There was nothing that I wouldn’t do for him. I would go to the ends of the earth to please that man. But in one moment, where I needed him the most. He chose a lie over me. He chose to believe a snake over the woman he supposedly loved.

              I’m not saying that the situation looked bad, because it did. You would need a serious Photoshop program to get that picture to look like one taking from a camera. It took me a few minutes to find where the program didn’t work out to well. However, there was one little small detail that Brad didn’t see on the picture that I had. I saw it the moment he handed the picture back to me. When I tried to explain it to him, he just told me to get the fuck out of there.

If he loved me like he said he did, he would have noticed that wasn’t my body. It was strikingly similar, anyone could be fooled by it. But I wasn’t just anyone. I knew my body better than anyone else; and that, wasn’t my body. Where I had full D cups the woman in the picture barely had C’s. I knew it was a fake just as soon as he handed it to me at the front door. But seeing that, if he would have just let me show it to him, would have cleared my name of this whole thing.

A knock at my window brought me from my inner turmoil. I looked up through tear stained eyes to see Henry standing next to my car. I sobbed that much harder, laying my head on the steering wheel. Before I knew it my door was open and I was gathered into strong arms. His hands made small circles against my back in a soothing motion. He cooed at me to get my crying to tamper down.

“Oh sweetie…We both know that it’s a lie.” He exhaled.

I nodded my head. “I do. But B…Brad w…won’t listen t…to me. He h…hates me Mr. T…Titan,” I cried out between sobs. 

              “Oh angel,” he cooed, wrapping me in his arms even tighter. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

              We stood there clutching each other for what felt like hours, but was probably mere minutes. I sighed. Stepping back from his embrace, I wiped my eyes. The sobs finally easing up enough so that I could drive. My heart still ached from the knife Brad stuck there, probably always would. He’d been my world, then tragedy struck. It’s like that famous Shakespearean play, Romeo and Juliet. Except Romeo doesn’t die, he does the slaying.

              “Mr. Titan…I know I don’t have to repeat myself, especially to you. But…that was not me in the picture.”

              He chuckled. “I know, Claire. I would recognize that body anywhere. Trust me, dear. I know this is too much information, but, I’ve seen that body naked for the last twenty years.”

              My eyes jerked to his laughing ones. I was so confused. “Say what?”

              His laughter boomed from his lips. “That my dear Claire, was my wife.” He raised his hands to smooth his hair back into place. “I’ve been waiting for her to pull something like this. But I never expected her to go this far. She’s been all but dying for a divorce. She is a real snake that one. Instead of just filing for divorce, she staged the whole thing. Of course, she’s acting like she’s heartbroken and Brad’s playing right into her ploy. But don’t doubt it, the truth will come out.”

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