Thief of Hearts (16 page)

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Authors: L.H. Cosway

BOOK: Thief of Hearts
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Both Stu and I came to stand by him as he pulled up a picture file that showed a 3-D image of
The Storm on the Sea of Galilee
. Alfie zoomed in on the cracks in the paint. “When I did this before I never had actual images of the original like this. It’s fascinating the things that can’t be seen in ordinary prints. I’ve always known that unlike paintings done on wood panels where the cracks run in somewhat straight lines, on canvas it’s the exact opposite. The cracks form in concentric circles, with a secondary network of finer cracks that radiate from the centre and join the circles together like a spider-web.”

He paused and zoomed again, this time rotating the image at an angle. “And see here, the cracks actually appear to be elevated. Fortunately, I have a few methods of replicating this effect so it shouldn’t be too difficult. My new discovery though, are these tiny little black and brown pinhead spots at the edges of the painting.” Now he zoomed to the far left of the piece. “All day I’ve been trying to figure them out, and with a bit of research online I managed to discover what they are.” He paused as though for dramatic effect.

“Well, what are they?” I asked.

“Ancient fly droppings!” Alfie exclaimed as though it was the most marvellous thing ever.

“Lovely,” Stu deadpanned and I gave a light chuckle.

“That’s kind of disgusting,” I said and Alfie frowned.

“Oh, you’re no fun. I wish Jamie could be in on this with us. I’m sure he’d be just as excited as I am.”

“Excited about fly poo. What is the world coming to?” I joked.

“Well, I for one am looking forward to figuring out a way to replicate them,” said Alfie, sticking out his tongue at me. I smiled and walked over to the fridge.

“I think I’ll make something to eat. Anybody hungry?”

“Oh yes, I’m starved,” said Alfie, rising from his seat and heading for the door. “Call me when it’s ready.”

Stu eyed his departing figure, a single brow raised. “He always treat you like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like you’re his mum.”

I laughed. “You mean because he lets me cook for him? Believe me when I say nobody wants Alfie loose in the kitchen. He might be a genius with a paintbrush, but my cousin could manage to burn a ham sandwich.”

Stu let out a quiet chuckle and stood, crossing the room to stand before me. I swallowed, my throat dry at his proximity. I turned and opened the fridge to check what food we had in, trying to ignore the awareness he provoked.

“Are you staying to eat?” I asked shyly, not meeting his eyes. I could feel his heat as he approached again, this time standing behind me.

“I should get going,” he replied, voice low.

I nodded. “Okay, I guess I’ll see you in class then.”

“See you in class, Andrea,” Stu whispered right before he pressed a kiss to the back of my neck. I closed my eyes, the sensation overpowering even though it was only a kiss. By the time I turned around to face him he was already gone.

It was a shame his presence still lingered.



The rest of the week passed by and Shark Eyes never came back, probably because he didn’t want another encounter with Stu. But since I hadn’t managed to come up with the money I knew my interest rate had gone up. I just hoped this whole thing with the robbery worked out, because otherwise I was screwed. I could see myself having to move back in with Mum and Dad, selling my car and anything else I owned of worth.

Each day Alfie worked on his painting. Stu still attended class, which was odd. I didn’t get it, nor did I understand the kiss from the other day. He wouldn’t have done it if he wasn’t attracted to me, right? But then, why had he been so distant ever since?

Aside from during class, he hadn’t spoken to me at all. Now it was Saturday and I was spending the morning in the back garden we shared with the two other flats above us. The sun had decided to make an appearance, so I was making the most of it by marking papers outside. There was knock at the front door, and I heard Jamie announce his presence when Alfie let him in.

Twenty minutes later, there was a second knock, and that had me puzzled. Admittedly, we didn’t really get guests aside from Jamie, but maybe my parents had decided to pay a visit. Smiling at the idea getting to see Mum and Dad after the week I’d had, I quickly set the papers under my sunhat so they wouldn’t blow away and headed inside.

I stopped in my tracks when I entered the hallway and saw Stu standing at the door with Jamie.

“Why, Andie, would you look at who decided to pay a visit? It’s Brad Pitt’s decidedly broodier younger brother,” he declared loudly and I winced a little.

Stu glanced at me, his expression perplexed. He looked nothing like Brad Pitt, but I suspected that was the only handsome male celebrity Jamie could recall off the top of his head. It went to show just how long it had been since he’d picked up a gossip rag.

“Well, don’t just stand there,” Jamie went on. “Come in.”

Stu stepped inside, and I grew conscious of the fact that I was wearing cut-off jean shorts and a blue string vest. Since I had longer legs than most, I felt a little bit too bare.

“I came to see how that, uh, thing is coming along,” said Stu, his gaze wandering over my aforementioned bare legs. His throat bobbed as he swallowed.

“No need to be cryptic,” said Jamie, waving his hand in the air. “Alfie’s told me all about your arrangement and my lips are sealed.”

Stu appeared agitated by the idea of Jamie, a virtual stranger, knowing about the robbery. He opened his mouth to say something, but I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hallway and into my bedroom before he could speak. I heard Jamie chuckling and muttering, “Well, that’s one way to get a man in your bed.”

I closed the door and turned to Stu, still clasping his hand. Our mouths were literally inches apart and a heady sensation washed over me. “He doesn’t know about the robbery,” I whispered and his expression instantly relaxed. “Alfie told him one of your brothers is a Rembrandt fanatic, and he’s painting the piece as a surprise birthday gift.”

Stu grinned at that and so did I. I’d met his brothers. They weren’t the sort of men who were into Rembrandt. After a second the mood changed. Our smiles fell but our eyes stayed connected. Stu’s gaze turned hot and needful and it made something flutter in my chest.

“How’ve you been?” he murmured, moving his thumb along the inside of my wrist. Neither one of us let go, and I wondered if he enjoyed the feeling of being skin to skin as much as I did. Sweat pebbled my forehead, both from the unseasonably hot day and Stu’s effect on me. My body responded to his on instinct.

“Good. Busy,” I croaked as he moved an inch closer. His eyes wandered to my lips, which suddenly felt dry so I licked them. Stu’s expression turned pained as he endeavoured to look away. Now his gaze was on my collarbone, studying my bare skin.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in so few clothes,” he said, a strain in his voice.

“It’s sunny,” I replied.

“You’ve got the most flawless skin,” he continued, his gaze moving to my chest. My boobs weren’t small. They weren’t gigantic, either. They were just sort of . . . medium. Though for some reason they felt bigger now as Stu ogled them, almost as if they were straining to break free.

“Um,” I said, biting my lip. Words were never my strong suit when Stu was near.

He braced one hand against the wall at my shoulder, his thumb still brushing the inside of my wrist. How could I feel that one touch all the way between my thighs? This man had some sort of magic.

“Do you ever think about that kiss at your parents’?” he asked huskily, dipping his head to trace his lips across my jaw. A small, embarrassing noise escaped me that I wasn’t sure how to label.

“Um,” I said again. Seriously, brain, could you come up with something more than single syllable nonsense right now?

“I do,” Stu went on, his tongue dipping out to taste me. My head fell back against the wall, granting him more access. Stu groaned and started kissing my neck in earnest, sucking and biting. His lips felt like heaven, and I was already wet. How quickly things escalated. Stu pressed his hips into me.
Shit, he was hard.
His mouth travelled across my neck, along my earlobe and to my mouth. When he kissed me it was soft and explorative. I didn’t stop him, didn’t want to. Desire had won this round.

Reaching down, he lifted my thigh and hitched it around his waist. I gasped into his kiss, allowing him to slip his tongue in and taste me. I loved the feel of his soft licks, how his tongue danced with mine.

Stu pulled away, going to kiss my neck again before moving down to my cleavage. He mouthed the top of one breast, then the other, and the moan that came out of me sounded foreign. I didn’t realise I was still capable of such a sound.

“Your tits are gorgeous,” Stu breathed, kissing and licking them. When he gave them a little bite I yelped. His answering chuckle was low, hitting my right in the pit of my stomach. “I spend half my time in class staring at them, the other half I spend wondering what your nipples look like. You drive me insane, Andrea.”

I moaned again and Stu grunted, pinching my hardened nipple through the fabric of my top. “I love that sound,” he said. “You’ve no clue how long it’s been since I’ve heard a woman make that sound.” His voice was practically a growl now, more animal than man. I strained against his erection where it pressed firmly between my thighs. I could tell he was . . . substantial. The thought actually had me blushing.

“Stuart, are you coming to see this painting, or what?” Jamie called from Alfie’s bedroom, his tone full of mischief. Mortification hit me as I wondered if they’d heard us, but then I remembered Alfie had the radio on. I just hoped it drowned out the sound of . . . whatever that just was.

“If we ignore them they’ll leave us alone, right?” Stu asked irritably.

“Unfortunately, it’ll only make them more determined. You should go.”

“I don’t want to,” he grunted, standing back to his full height and brazenly dropping his hand between my legs.

“Stu!” I yelped, stifling a gasp.

“I want to stay and taste this,” he continued, massaging me. I hadn’t been touched like this in such a long time that I was embarrassingly close to orgasm. If he applied any more pressure, I was in danger of coming and he’d barely done a thing.

Stu swore and moved away, turning to face the window for a second as he willed his erection to go down. I busied myself fixing my hair back into place and made an effort to calm my laboured breathing. A minute passed, maybe two, and then Stu moved by me out the door. I didn’t get why he wouldn’t look at me, but I hoped it was because it’d make it harder for him to leave. I closed the door and moved into my room. Flopping down on my bed, I pressed my face into my pillow to muffle a groan. I’d never been so aroused in my life, not even with Mark.
thought was sobering.

Our relationship had always been more friendship based than sexual. We were just seventeen when we first met and became fast friends. Our friendship blossomed into love, rather than lust becoming love. Don’t get me wrong, we had a fantastic sex life, but I never felt that hot itching need beneath my skin that Stu gave me. Again, guilt set in. A part of me thought I shouldn’t be feeling this way. If my love for Mark was as pure and true as I thought, then how could I possibly want Stu? Maybe it was all just lust. Lust could make even the tamest person act out of character, and I was still wrapped up in its madness.

I lay there, my hand resting on my lower belly, where my top had ridden up a little. My nerves were frazzled and wondered if I should allow myself a little relief. What harm could it do? Moving my hand under the waistband of my shorts, I slid my fingers beneath my underwear and touched myself. I was embarrassingly wet.

Stu’s muffled voice sounded from Alfie’s room as they carried out a conversation. I let it wash over me as I stroked my tender flesh and imagined it was his fingers. I had a vision of him coming to me after class, locking the door and kneeling before me. I’d be wearing a skirt and he’d push it up, burying his head between my legs as he went down on me with his skilled tongue.

I moved two fingers inside myself, using my other hand to circle my clit. My hips jutted forward, practically in the air as I strained to come. My movements got faster, harder, until a fresh swell of moisture coated my fingers. I buried my face in my pillow once more as I orgasmed so intensely I wanted to scream. The fantasy in my head combined with Stu’s voice just one room away was a heady combination.

This wasn’t something I normally did. Sure, I got myself off every once in a blue moon, but it was more of a bodily function rather than a necessity. Being turned on by a real live person was certainly new territory for me.

I lay there for long minutes, feeling sated yet wanting more.
Wanting him.
I knew it was wrong but I just couldn’t help myself. It wasn’t a choice, it just was. Moving off the bed, I opened my wardrobe and grabbed a cotton jumper, pulling it on over my vest. My nipples were still hard beneath my bra, and the feel of the fabric sliding over them both aroused and frustrated me.

After paying a quick visit to the bathroom, I knocked on Alfie’s door and stepped inside. My cousin was hard at work, stabbing the paintbrush into the canvas with passionate abandon. Stu sat at the worktable by the window with Jamie, funnily enough engaged in a game of Go. Jamie was fanatical about this Chinese board game akin to chess. He actually attended Go tournaments from time to time and I always lost whenever I played him.

Glancing at the board I was surprised to find that Stu currently had the upper hand. The objective was to surround as much territory as possible using black and white pebbles. In this particular case, Stu was the black pebbles and Jamie the white.

“Hey,” I said and Stu’s attention fell on me. His eyes traced my body then focused intently on my face. I flushed, feeling like he could tell from my expression what I’d just been up to. He stared a long moment, his eyes dark and heated, but that could’ve just been because of what had transpired between us earlier.

“Andrea, it seems I’ve finally found a worthy opponent,” said Jamie, smiling from ear to ear. He always loved a challenge. “Stuart here is quite the natural.”

I looked at Stu. “You’ve never played before?”

He shook his head. “No.”

“In that case you’re doing incredibly well.”

His lips curved into a smile while Jamie’s attention returned to the board, pondering his next move.

I tugged on the end of my sleeve as Stu continued to study me. “You okay?” he asked.

I nodded, perhaps a little too fervently. “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”

It took him a moment to answer. “You look . . . flushed.”

“It’s just the weather. I’m fine,” I said, waving him off.

“So, Stuart,” said Jamie, and I was relieved he decided to speak if only to divert Stu’s attention away from me, “do you mind if I ask about your time in prison? I have to admit I’m morbidly curious.”

Obviously, my relief was short-lived. This was typical Jamie. The man had been born without a filter.

“Maybe some other time,” said Stu, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

“Oh, don’t be shy. I’ve had a few run-ins with the law myself over the years. I knew all those unreturned library books would catch up with me eventually,” he joked.

“How about I make us all something to drink?” I said in an effort to change the subject. “Anybody thirsty?”

“I’ll take a juice,” said Alfie, not moving his eyes from his work.

“Sure, whatever you have is fine,” said Jamie with a smile.

“I’ll help you,” Stu offered, about to get up from his seat but I waved him off.

“You stay and continue your game. I’ll only be a minute.”

When I returned with four glasses of orange juice the men were in the middle of a conversation that had Stu saying to Jamie, “Come on, even you have to admit she’s sexy.”

I paused by the door, not entering yet because I wanted them to continue talking and suspected they’d stop if I came in, like a domestic version of the ‘waiter pause’.

Jamie’s eyes glinted with mischief as he answered pointedly, “Well, everything else aside, being that I fancy men, I’m not exactly her target audience.”

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