Thief of Hearts (21 page)

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Authors: L.H. Cosway

BOOK: Thief of Hearts
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Sweat pebbled his forehead. I bounced on his lap, speeding my movements, feeling more and more confident the dirtier his words became.

“Bet nobody knows what a dirty little thing you are,” he continued hoarsely, his gaze turning unfocused. “This is all for me, yeah?”

His tight grip on my hair was the perfect edge to the pleasure of him filling me. The way he devoured me with his gaze made me feel beautiful and sexy and fierce.

Stu let go of my hair and reached for my clit. “There you are,” he murmured, such tenderness in his eyes. “There you are. Will you come for me, luv? I want to feel you come on my dick.

Stu rubbed circles into my clit, swearing profusely all the while. I knew he was seconds away from coming but he was holding back. He wanted us to peak together. As soon as he knew he had me, his cock twitched and he spilled inside me. My orgasm hit me fast and intense, and I couldn’t remember ever coming so hard. I felt boneless, falling into his arms as tremors encapsulated my body. We were both quiet, only the sounds of the radio and our heavy breathing filling the car.

Stu ran his hand up and down my back, his touch soothing. As I came down from my sex high, I startled and looked out the windows, scared I’d find some voyeur outside watching us. But there was no one. Stu had picked a wonderfully secluded spot, even if he didn’t predict exactly how far things were going escalate. I mean, neither had I, and I was kind of reeling from the fact that we’d just had sex. It was certainly spontaneous.

“You okay?” he asked and I nodded, my face buried in the crook of his neck. I never wanted to move. He chuckled. “Gonna take a little nap, are ya?”

I smiled. “Maybe.”

“One day I’ll fall sleep inside you, Andrea,” he whispered huskily. “Just not today.”

His words struck a chord, because really they should’ve terrified me. I barely knew the man, but he was inside me and it was
, and I loved the idea that sometime soon he wanted to be that intimate with me.
With. Me.
My heart felt alive.

I kissed him once on the collarbone then reached for my bra where it lay on the passenger seat. Stu went about buttoning up his shirt as I did up my blouse. Jamie’s wig had somehow found its way to the back seat. Gently, Stu lifted me off his lap and I climbed onto the passenger seat, fixing my underwear and skirt back into place.

I couldn’t believe we’d had sex.

I couldn’t believe we’d had sex in a car, in broad daylight.

Stu Cross definitely had an unprecedented effect on me. I’d never broken a single rule before I met him, never mind the actual law.

When we were done fixing ourselves, he cast me a sexy look as he pulled out of the park, biting his lower lip as he murmured, “Look at you. Christ, I could go again.”

I blushed. “Shut up.”

“Don’t get shy on me now, luv. You just stole my post-prison virginity cowgirl style.”

A surprised chuckle escaped me. “I don’t think you were ever a virgin, Stu.”

“Whatever. You’re sexy, Andrea. You should own it.”

I blushed and focused my attention out the window. When we arrived at my flat I expected him to stay in the car, but he didn’t. He followed me inside where Alfie was anxiously pacing around the kitchen, like he was waiting to hear whether or not he got the lead role in

“Where have you been? I’ve been calling non-stop. I thought something awful happened.”

I stepped by him and went to grab a bottle of water from the fridge, knocking half of it back in one long gulp. Who knew car sex could make me so thirsty? Stu took the bottle from me, never breaking eye contact as he tipped it to his own lips and drained the rest.

I shivered.

something awful happen?” Alfie questioned, eyeing the two of us in concern. “Andie, what happened to your disguise?”

Well, crap.



My pulse raced, my eyes going wide as I fumbled for an explanation. I must’ve looked completely dishevelled. “The, um, the wig was making my scalp itch, so I took it off on the way back. And the contacts made my eyes too dry, so yeah, I took those out as well.”

“Oh, right. Well, how did the meeting go? Did you pull it off?”

“Without a hitch,” said Stu, his gaze meeting mine for a second. I wouldn’t exactly say the experience was ‘hitch-free’, especially with how jealous he got when Renfield flirted with me. But I suppose it could be considered successful since the man believed us to be genuine. I almost felt guilty for conning him, but then I remembered all the stolen art he owned. He was hardly innocent.

My cousin was watching me closely and I could tell he was suspicious. Maybe my cheeks were still flushed, or perhaps I was displaying some other outward sign that I’d just had sex with Stu Cross. I. Just. Had. Sex. With. Stu. Cross. Incredible, exhilarating, spine-tingling sex.

Thankfully Stu’s phone started ringing and Alfie’s attention was drawn away from me.

“Trev, how’s it going?” he answered and then listened to his brother speaking on the other end of the line.

“Oh yeah, sounds good. I’ll be home in a bit. Have to return a motor to Terry Teabag before I head back. Yeah, yeah, okay. See you then.”

He hung up, sliding the phone back in his pocket. My cousin pursed his lips, and I could tell by his expression that he was amused. He wanted to say something but was holding it back. I frowned at him, kicking his foot with the toe of my shoe.

“What’s wrong with you?”

An amused chuckle escaped him. “Oh, come on. Terry Teabag? That’s the most hilarious name I’ve ever heard.” Stu folded his arms and cocked an eyebrow. Alfie shot him a gleeful look. “I’m sorry, but I have to ask. Why do they call him Teabag?”

Stu’s lips twitched. “Guess.”

Alfie stroked his chin ponderously. “Hmm. Let me see. Does he always leave the bag in after he makes a cup of tea?”

Stu shook his head, almost smiling.

“Oh! I’ve got it. He stole a crate of teabags off the back of a truck one time and gave them away for free to everyone in the neighbourhood.”

Now Stu chuckled. “Seriously? No.”

“Wait, wait, I’ll get it eventually. Okay, is it something sexual?”

“Alfie!” I exclaimed, horrified.

Stu’s chuckle deepened. “No, you numpty. He doesn’t like teabags. They freak him right out.”

Alfie frowned. “That’s it?” Stu nodded. “Well, that’s rather disappointing.”

“Everyone ’round my way has nicknames like that. You’ve got Tall Warren, only five foot one. Chipper Fred, works the local chippy. Tommy the Taxi, drives a taxi. Ballbuster Mick, got in a fight once and literally busted some bloke’s balls.”

My cousin held on to his stomach he was laughing so hard. “Oh my God, stop, I can’t breathe,” he exclaimed.

I had to admit, I was giggling myself. That last one was pretty funny. Stu shook his head, obviously not finding it all quite as hilarious as my cousin. His eyes came to me. “Can we talk?”

I swallowed and gestured to the hallway, leaving Alfie to continue his amused laughter solo. “What is it?” I asked quietly, glancing up at Stu.

“We’re having a barbecue and a few beers at ours tonight.”


“You should come.”

The way his voice dipped on the last word made me tremble slightly. I chewed on my lip and dug my heel into the floor. “Well, um . . . I’m not sure if . . .”

Stu gripped my upper arm. “Andrea, quit overthinking everything and just agree to have dinner with me and my family. It’s really not that complicated. Please.”

It was the ‘please’ that had me nodding my head before I could properly weigh the decision. “Well, I suppose I could pop by, but I won’t be able to stay late. I already had to call in sick to work today and I can’t do it again.”

Now he smiled wickedly. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get to work in the morning.”

I folded my arms across my chest. “Stu, I’m not staying over.”

He winked. “We’ll see.”


“Look, I’ll be back in a while to collect you. Wear something nice,” he said, dipping down to press a quick kiss on my lips and then he was gone. I realised how quiet the flat was once the door slammed shut and fretted over whether or not Alfie had heard us. But then I went inside the kitchen and found him staring out the window, lost in his own head. He blinked when I opened the cupboard to search for a snack.

“Is Stu gone?” Alfie asked, his expression sober.

I nodded.

“You don’t think he was offended by me laughing, do you? I feel like he might think I was mocking where he comes from, their way of life.”

“He didn’t think that, Alfie. It’s fine.”

“I just realised after you both left how condescending I came across, but it wasn’t intentional. If anything, I envy him a little.”

“I thought you were wary of his background.”

“Well yes, in the beginning I was, but I can see now he doesn’t intend us any ill will. In fact, I kind of like having him around. I feel like if anything bad happens we’ve got a big muscled action hero on our side to swoop in and save the day.”

I laughed at this, but at the back of my mind I was thrilled that Alfie was thawing towards Stu. I’d never seen him take to a stranger before. Even when I first started dating Mark, Alfie had taken a long time to accept him.

“And why would you envy him?” I asked, curious.

Alfie lifted a shoulder. “I suppose I just would’ve preferred a deprived upbringing to what I had. At least he had his brothers. They could support one another.”

I gave his shoulder a small squeeze. “If you hadn’t had the upbringing you did, then you wouldn’t be who you are today, and I quite like who you are, Alfie.”

He sniffed and nodded, then without another word disappeared inside his bedroom. When he was gone my nerves returned, remembering I’d agreed to go to Stu’s house for dinner. Trying not to fret on it, I took a shower and put on my nicest pair of jeans, alongside a silk camisole and a light cream cardigan.

I was sitting by my laptop, checking some lessons for work the next day and letting my hair air dry when a knock sounded at the door. I knew it had to be Stu, but I just hadn’t expected him back so early.

He’d changed out of the suit and now wore his typical ensemble of T-shirt and jeans. I much preferred him like this. Leaning down, he kissed the edge of my mouth. Butterflies took charge of my stomach.

“You ready?”

“Yes, just let me grab my things.”

A few minutes later we were in his car on our way to his house. I noticed the neighbourhoods getting dingier as we travelled, which reminded me how the rich and poor lived in such different circumstances in London. I’d always been somewhere in the middle, not quite rich, not quite poor. In more recent times I certainly knew how it felt to be stretched thin financially, but it wasn’t like I’d ever gone hungry. Feeling nervous, I chewed on my fingernails, wondering what sort of welcome I’d receive.

“Do your brothers know I’m coming?” I asked, my voice betraying my nerves.

Stu nodded. “Yeah, but don’t worry. I told them you’re just a friend.” He reached over and took my hand in his, his thumb rubbing just beneath my ring. “Besides, if anyone asks you can just say you’re married.”

A self-deprecating laugh escaped me. “I guess having emotional attachments to objects has its benefits.”

“Hmmm,” Stu murmured, his expression contemplative.


He seemed to weigh his words. “Do you ever think you’ll feel ready to take this off? Maybe put someone else’s ring on there?”

My posture stiffened at his question, my stomach churning. It was far too early for him to be asking me questions like that. I pulled my hand out of his hold.

“I don’t know,” I answered quietly.

Stu didn’t say anything, but I felt him looking at me for a long moment before he settled his attention back on the road. When we reached his house I was just about ready to burst from the awkward silence, relieved to get out of the car. I looked up and down the street, trying not to judge how rough it looked. Stu pulled his keys from his pocket and opened the front door. I stepped inside, and the smell of barbecued meat drifting down the hallway made my mouth water.

Unlike most of the street, Stu’s house was actually incredibly well looked after. Everything was new and modern, and it looked like the entire place had been gutted out and renovated. We bypassed the living room to enter a large, open-plan kitchen. It even had an island and one of those range-style cookers. Large sliding doors led out to the back garden where it appeared all the family had congregated.

“Stu!” Trevor called, the first to spot us. “Come over here and tell Reya I’m right. Joker would kick Dare Devil’s arse any day of the week.”

Stu placed his hand to the small of my back, his heat soothing even though I suspected he was still annoyed with me, and led me over to Trevor and his friend.

“Sorry, Reya, but I have to side with my brother on this one. It doesn’t matter what character you put him up against, Joker always wins.”

“Oh whatever. You two are biased,” said the woman. She was about my height, with long golden brown hair and similarly coloured eyes. I thought she might be Spanish, or maybe Italian.

“Hi, I’m Andie. Stu’s friend,” I said, introducing myself.

“She’s Stu’s teacher,” Trevor butted in, elbowing Reya in the side and shooting her a wink. She returned it with a look that told him to quit being a smart-arse. I liked her already.

“Oh well, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Reya,” said the woman just as Trevor threw his arm around her shoulders.

“She’s my best buddy, aren’t ya ReyRey?” He grinned widely, and she narrowed her gaze.

“How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that? You know I hate it.”

“And that’s why I’ll never stop.” He grinned before leaning in and licking the side of her face. Uh,
. Reya squealed her displeasure and Trevor scarpered. She chased after him but he effortlessly jumped up onto the high wall at the back of the garden, like some kind of ninja.

“The next time you do that I’ll string you up by the testicles,” she shouted. “Don’t think I won’t.”

Trevor blew her a kiss. “Sure, sure, you love my testicles too much to ever do them harm.”

“First of all, gross. Second of all, wanna try me?”

I glanced at Stu. “Are they always like this?”

He shrugged, his expression a little distant, even if his hand still lingered at the base of my spine. “Depends on what mood Trevor’s in.”

“How did he manage to get up there so easily? I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“He’s a traceur. We all are, actually. Or well, I used to be. I’m too old for all that nowadays, haven’t got the legs for it.”

“Forgive my ignorance, but what’s a traceur?” I asked, embarrassed I didn’t know.

“It’s someone who practices parkour. Ever heard of free-running?”

“Oh! Yes, I have. Those people are incredible. You used to do that?” I had to admit I was impressed.

Stu glanced away. “Yeah, when I was younger. Fucked my knee up in prison, so my legs can’t take the impact anymore.”

“Don’t listen to him. He’s just gotten lazy in his old age,” came Lee’s voice. I turned to see him holding a spatula and wearing a chef’s apron. Just behind him was a fancy-looking barbecue, burgers sizzling away over the coals. He gave me a nod. “All right, Andie? You hungry?”


“Good. And it’s good to see you again. Sorry I was a nasty prick last time. Had my wires crossed.”

“Oh, um, no worries,” I replied, not knowing what he meant about having his wires crossed.

“Come on, let’s get a drink,” said Stu, his breath hitting my ear as he led me over to a deck table where the rest of his family were enjoying themselves. “You want me to fix you up another cocktail? Same as last time?”

“No, that’s okay. Just give me whatever you’re having.”

“So long as it isn’t whiskey, right?” He winked.

I remembered him taking my glass at Renfield’s, drinking it for me. That had actually been quite a sexy move. And now I couldn’t stop looking at his lips.

“Right yeah, can’t stand the stuff,” I said, a little too breathily.

Stu shot me a heated look, like he knew what I was thinking. Then he grabbed me a beer, before proceeding to re-introduce me to his family members. There was his youngest brother, Liam, Lee’s wife, Karla, and their cousin, Sophie, and her two kids, Billy and Jonathan. I waved hello to everyone, smiling all the while and trying not to forget their names. Trevor and Reya came to join us, having called a truce to their bickering.

Reya took the seat on the other side of me, and I noticed she smelled really nice, like vanilla pods. It must’ve been her perfume. Trevor sat on her other side, continually ribbing her in the same way he’d done before. I felt a little awkward when Stu went to help Lee with the food, sipping on my beer and just letting everyone else chat around me.

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