Thief of Hearts (31 page)

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Authors: L.H. Cosway

BOOK: Thief of Hearts
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He chuckled quietly and tipped my forehead. “That’s right. Good memory.”

“I always remember stuff about you,” I slurred just before he dropped his arm and slid it around my waist so I was snuggled against him. The warmth from his body felt delicious, especially since it was dark out and there was a chill in the air. I was almost sad when we reached my flat, because he let go and pulled my keys from my bag for me.

“Thanks, I had a great time tonight,” I said, sticking them in the lock and pushing the door open. I turned and stood in the doorway facing him. “I’m glad I decided to compete. It was fun.”

“Yeah, me too. You were a better player than you gave yourself credit for.”

I shrugged. “Not as good as you ya big . . . winner.” I grimaced and smacked my hand over my face. “Oh my God, I really am drunk. I should go to bed.”

Stu’s gaze was hot and for a second I thought he might kiss me, but he only ran a hand down my arm before stepping away. “Get some sleep, luv. I’ll see you in class on Monday.”

I swallowed tightly. “Yeah, see you Monday.”

A second later he was gone and I went into my kitchen, plopping my bag down on the counter and grabbing a glass of water. I sat on a stool and stared glumly at the room, disappointed that even as tipsy as I was, I still hadn’t the courage to tell him how I really felt. My phone buzzed with a text, and I knew it was probably Alfie checking to make sure I got home okay. I pulled my bag into my lap, fumbling for my phone when my hand brushed off something unfamiliar. Upon closer inspection I discovered it was a book, but not just any book.

What the

I withdrew the first edition copy of
Jude the Obscure
and emotion swelled within me. Stu. He must’ve put it in there when I wasn’t looking. My eyes started to water as I opened it to find Thomas Hardy’s signature on the title page. My fingers skimmed reverently over the inscription. As I did so, something else fell out onto my lap. Actually, two somethings: a note and pretty white-gold chain. I unfolded the note to read it.


Not all stories end sadly. Take a chance on us. I’ll be waiting.


P.S. If you ever decide to take off the ring, this should keep it safe.

The water in my eyes turned to full-on tears as I held up the delicate piece of jewellery. It glittered under the light of the lampshade overhead. So pretty. My pulse quickened as my attention went to my ring. Without overthinking it, I slid it off my finger and put it on the chain. Next I clipped it around my neck, and somehow it just felt right. It was still with me, because Mark always would be too. But I no longer needed its presence to be a barrier. I didn’t need it to protect my heart, because my heart had been given another soul to love. To be safe

Mark’s ring had found a new home and gratefulness filled me, because Stu’s kind gesture, his gift, had been what gave me the courage to move forward.

My life wasn’t over.

Maybe it had just begun.

I didn’t hesitate when I climbed off the stool, grabbed my keys, and headed for the door. Stu’s car was still parked outside Jamie’s shop, so he couldn’t have gone far. I ran outside and onto the street, my heart pounding as I searched for him. I was barely three houses down when I stopped in my tracks.

stood by the kerb as though debating whether or not to come back to my flat.

Then he looked up.

His eyes wandered over me, but it didn’t take him long to see I was wearing the chain. All at once his expression changed from uncertainty to joy to heated possession. He started to smile when I suddenly leapt for him, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. My hands trembled when I cupped his face and pulled his mouth to mine, kissing him with everything I had inside me.

He groaned into the kiss, holding me tight as our tongues collided.

I broke away long enough to whisper, “I love you.”

Then my mouth was on him again, kissing, nipping, biting. Stu made a low sound of pleasure and frustration as he tried to catch his breath. “Wait, Andrea. What did you just say?”

“I said I love you. I’ve loved you for as long as you’ve loved me. Maybe longer.”

At this he clasped my chin in one hand, pulling my mouth back to his in a hot, searing kiss. “Say it again,” he growled.

“I love you.”


“I love you.”

His hands cupped my backside, his expression full of sexy promise. “I love you, too, Andrea. So fucking much.”

After that everything sped up. Before I knew it he’d carried me back to my flat, into my bedroom, and divested me of all my clothing. His face was between my legs. I arched off the mattress and gasped when I came. Stu crawled up my body. He was naked, too, but I couldn’t for the life of me remember how he’d gotten that way. Though there were scratches and bite marks on his neck and shoulders that had to have been my doing.

I couldn’t even blame it on the wine, because the strength of my emotions seemed to have zapped away all the drunkenness until it left nothing but stone-cold sobriety.

He pushed inside me and I cried out before biting down on his shoulder again. There was something about Stu that brought out my wild side. I moaned when he started to move, unable to help how loud I was being. We were nothing but sensation and frenzied whispers.

“I missed you.”

“I missed you, too.”

“Don’t ever leave me again.”

“I won’t.”

“Promise me.”

“I promise.”

“I love the book.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Stu gripped my neck as he drew back then thrust into me deep. My eyes closed, a light sheen of sweat covering my body as he drove me to dizzying heights of pleasure. We’d both been so hungry for one another that we’d forgotten to use protection. It felt like we both realised at the same time, but I only caressed his cheek and told him not to stop. I trusted him. Completely. Implicitly. In spite of everything.

It was true what he’d written in that note. I was his family now, and he was mine. I felt it deep in my bones. Our love meant we’d go to the ends of the earth to protect each other. Each of our lists had grown by one.

And sometimes the smallest number could be the biggest in the world.



The letter had been burning a hole in my pocket all day. As soon as class came to an end I walked over to where Stu remained seated and dropped it on his desk. My pulse accelerated as he looked from the letter to me and then back to the letter.

“What’s this, luv?”

I already knew. I was nervous for his reaction. I wanted him to be happy and not feel intimidated by the task ahead.

Stu and I had been seeing each other for almost three months. In secret, obviously. I knew that technically it was unethical to be conducting a romantic relationship with one of my students, but we were both adults. So long as it didn’t interfere with my work and Stu’s studies, then I didn’t see anything wrong.

Besides, there was only one month left of the course. After that he wouldn’t be my student anymore. I was going to miss seeing him every day.

A couple of weeks ago I’d started helping him with his university application. He applied to the Mathematics BSc programme at King’s College, and since Dad worked in the department he’d informed me just yesterday that Stu had gotten in. Stu applied through the college, which meant his acceptance letter had been sent here. And that was why I had it in my possession.

His acceptance depended on his final grades in my class, but I was confident he was going to ace his exams. In spite of his dyslexia, his reading and writing was improving rapidly. He was really trying, and it made me believe he truly wanted this.

“It’s a letter about your uni application. Open it,” I answered, barely able to conceal my excitement.

Stu smirked and shook his head, his expression warm as he tore open the letter. Obviously, my enthusiasm amused him. Some days I wondered if him studying for a degree meant more to me than it did to him. Our personal relationship aside, as a teacher there was nothing more rewarding than to see one of my students succeed.

He unfolded the letter and scanned the contents. I frowned when I saw his expression falter, his brows drawing together in what looked like disappointment.

What the hell?

“Guess it’s not the end of the world,” said Stu, shoving the letter aside and folding his arms across his chest.

“What are you talking about?”

He levelled me with a serious look. “I didn’t get in. Maybe I can try again next year.”

Completely confused, I reached for the letter but he swiped it away before I could pick it up. I looked at him. His face morphed into a giant grin and that was when I knew I was being played.

“You bastard!”

He stood up and pulled me into a hug. “Serves you right for being nosy. I told you not to ask your dad if I got in, but you just couldn’t help yourself.”

I pressed my face into his chest. “I’m sorry. But I couldn’t stand waiting.”

He chuckled and stroked my hair affectionately before pulling back to look at me. “I know, and it’s adorable.”


“Yes, Andrea?”

“You’re going to university.”

“I know, luv.”

I grinned. “And you said this wasn’t
Good Will Hunting

Now he rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. “Piss off.”

I laughed and stepped away to grab my things. Then I slid my hand into his and dragged him from the classroom. “Your brothers will probably all be at the restaurant, right?”


“Well, let’s go and give them the good news.”

“Andrea, they’re not going to be as excited as you are. They’re—”

I turned and held a finger to his lips. “That’s enough self-deprecation for one day. We’re going to Lee’s.”

So, obviously, I had an ulterior motive. As soon as I found out Stu was accepted into the course, I called Lee and we put together a last-minute party to celebrate. Everybody was waiting at the restaurant to surprise him, and I was giddy with anticipation.

When we arrived at Lee’s, Stu climbed out of his car and came around to open my door for me. I took his hand and together we walked inside. As soon as we stepped through the door everyone was cheering and shouting “Congratulations”. I was beaming from ear to ear as Stu shook his head and gazed down at me.

“Completely over the top,” he muttered before pressing a soft kiss on my lips. “But thank you.”

“You’re welcome. We’re all so proud of you.”

Our entire was family was here, including my mum and dad. Dad and Stu had developed quite a close friendship over the past few months, and surprisingly both my parents were over the moon about my new relationship. They never mentioned the student-teacher thing, and I thought it was probably because they were simply relieved I’d found love again.

Lee came over and pulled Stu into a manly hug. “Congrats, bruv. I knew ya had it in you.”

“Thanks,” said Stu, looking a little sheepish. He wasn’t used to all the pomp and ceremony.

“Incoming,” Trevor yelled before jumping on top of Stu and Lee for a group hug. I saw their youngest brother, Liam, standing off to the side and shaking his head at Trevor’s antics. Trevor shot him a look. “Get over here, Liam, before I drag you kicking and screaming. One of us is getting a uni degree, and I think I speak for all of us when I say no one expected it to be Stu. This is a momentous occasion.”

“Oi,” Lee scolded. “That’s enough, Trev.”

“What? I’m just saying what we’re all thinking.”

“It’s fine,” said Stu, raking a hand through his hair as he pulled away from his brothers and came to drape an arm around my shoulders. “If it weren’t for Andrea, none of this would be happening.”

“Aw, that’s so romantic,” said Trevor, nudging Liam vigorously. “Isn’t it fucking romantic? I think I’ve got a tear in my eye.”

Liam slapped him lightly on the back of the head. “Quit acting like a freakshow.”

“What? I’m feeling totes emosh right now. I’m not a robot. I can’t hold in my feelings like the rest of you non-feeling shrews.”

“Well, try,” said Lee before turning and taking Stu’s hand. “We’re all proud as fuck.”

“Can I second that?” came my dad’s voice as he approached with Mum.

We spent a few minutes chatting with my parents and then Alfie and Jamie arrived. The two of them had grown even closer these last few months, spending hours and hours locked up in Alfie’s bedroom. I couldn’t tell if they were getting it on or secretly plotting how to take over the world. Seriously, with those two you just never knew. They still hadn’t gone on their cruise, mainly because Alfie kept putting it off. I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to happen.

The party progressed, and we enjoyed ourselves. Lee made some fantastic food and everybody seemed to be having a nice time. Later in the evening Stu pulled me aside and led me out to his car.

“Where are we going?” I asked curiously.

“I was gonna wait a while to show you, but I don’t know, there’s something about tonight that feels right.”

What he said made me excited, but I tried not to let it show too much. “Okay.”

About twenty minutes later he parked on a quiet residential street not too far outside the city. Stu cut the engine and was silent for a minute.

“You don’t have to make any decisions right now. I just want you to know the option’s there.” He sounded nervous, which was way out of character.

“Stu, will you just tell me what’s going on?”

He inhaled a deep breath before pointing toward a nice-looking apartment building across the street. “You see that place?”

“Uh huh.”

“I just made a down payment on one of the top-floor apartments. I’m moving in next month.”

Now I turned to face him, unable to hide my smile. “That’s great news.” I knew he’d been finding it hard at home, especially with so many people under one roof. “Now you’ll finally have your own space.”

He scratched at his stubble, before blurting, “I want you to move in with me.”

I gaped at him. “What?”

“It doesn’t have to be right away. I know everything’s still very new between us. But just think about it, yeah?”

I stared over at the building again. It was way nicer than where I was currently living, and the neighbourhood was a lot better, too. Finally, I whispered, “I’m not sure if I can leave Alfie.”

“Luv, Alfie is family, so he can live with us if he wants. I’m used to having family around so it’s no big deal. There are three bedrooms.”

“Oh,” I breathed, my heart pounding in my chest. It was just so thoughtful and lovely of him to consider Alfie.

A moment of silence passed before Stu slipped his fingers through mine. I noticed a new set of keys in his other hand. “Come in and take a look around. Maybe it’ll help you make a decision.”

I let him lead me outside and a few minutes later we stepped off the lift at the top floor of the building. There was a long hallway with doors lining one side and a narrow window running all the way down the other.

Stu slotted his key in one of the doors and pushed it open to reveal a large, open-plan kitchen and living area. There wasn’t any furniture yet, but the walls looked newly painted and I liked the wooden floors. Stu pulled me farther inside and led me through all the rooms, giving me the grand tour. It was way bigger than Alfie’s and my flat, and certainly a lot bigger than the single bedroom Stu currently occupied in his family home.

I was looking out the window when he came and wrapped his arms around me from behind. His warmth soothed me and I leaned back into the embrace, enjoying the comfort his hugs always brought. He kissed the top of my head.

“Like I said, you don’t have to make a decision right away. I just want you to know the offer’s there if you ever want to accept it.”

I exhaled heavily and twisted in his arms. Stu stared down at me, looking all expectant and handsome, and somehow my decision was clear. I knew what I wanted. Between one breath and the next I pulled his mouth down to mine and kissed him with everything I had in me. Stu automatically responded to the kiss, his arms tightening around me, pulling me close, his tongue sliding along mine in a seductive dance. I broke away on a gasp and announced, “I’ll do it. I’ll move in with you.”

“Don’t fuck with me, Andrea,” he whispered, his eyelids lowered and his gaze searching mine.

“I’m not fucking with you, Stu. I want to move in with you. I want to wake up with you every morning and go to sleep in your arms every night. Life’s too short not to do what feels right in my heart.”

“Jesus, I love you,” he groaned, his voice husky as he pressed his lips to mine fiercely.

“I love you, too,” I replied and for a while we were lost in one another. About half an hour later we were in a state of undress on the floor, trying to catch our breaths.

“Well, at least the place has been christened now,” said Stu with a cheeky grin.

I smiled and elbowed him in the side. “Yes, at least there’s that. Now all I have to do is convince Alfie to move in with us.”

Stu chuckled. “Piece of cake.”

He wrapped his arms around me and I lay against his chest, glancing around at our soon-to-be home. I fingered the diamond ring that hung around my neck. It was no longer a symbol of all that I’d lost. Now it represented a part of a journey, one I was still embarking on. I’d been fortunate to fall in love not once, but twice.

And I was ready for whatever else life had in store.

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