Third Watch (33 page)

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Authors: Anne Mccaffrey

BOOK: Third Watch
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—One of the Ancestral Friends who raised and experimented on “Narhii,” better known as Ariin, Khorii’s twin.

Al y Cassidro, Dr. Phador
—headmaster and dean of the mining engineering school at Maganos Moonbase.

Ali Baba
—Aziza’s ship.

Allende, Jalonzo
—a young genius from the planet Paloduro.

—unicorn-like sentient species, precursor race to the Linyaari. Also known as

Ancestral Friends
—an ancient shape-changing and spacefaring race responsible for saving the unicorns (or Ancestors) from Old Terra, and using them to create the Linyaari race on Vhiliinyar.

Ancestral Hosts

Ancestral Friends.

—owner of the cleaning concession on MOO, and sometimes lady companion to Captain Becker.

—a victim of the space plague on the planet Paloduro, whose form was appropriated by the Ghosts.

Aridimi Desert
—a vast, barren desert on the Makahomian planet, site of a hidden Temple and a sacred lake.

—people from the Makahomian Aridimi desert.

—Ariin for short, Khorii’s twin sister, stolen from Acorna while still a tiny embryo, and raised by the Ancestral Friends in a different time and place under the name Narhii.

—Linyaari who have been selected for the task of caring for the Ancestors.

—Linyaari word for “daddy.”

Aziza Amunpul
—head of a troupe of dancers and thieves, who, after being reformed, becomes Hafiz’s chief security officer on MOO.

—the Linyaari spaceship commanded by Acorna’s aunt Neeva.

—shorthand for Standard Galactic, the language used throughout human-settled space.

Bates, Asha
—teacher on the Maganos Moonbase, then temporary captain of the supply ship
after its original crew was killed by the plague.


Jonas Becker.

Boca Rio
—a planet in the Solojo star system.

—An Ancestral Friend in charge of security.

Bulaybub Felidar sach Pilau ardo Agorah
—a Makahomian Temple priest, better known by his real name—Tagoth. A priest who supports modernizing the Makahomian way of life, he was a favorite of Nadhari Kando, before her departure from the planet. He has a close relationship in his young relative, Miw-Sher.

Calum Baird
—one of three miners who discovered Acorna and raised her.

—a precious catseye gemstone available in large supply and great size on the planet of Makahomia, but also, very rarely and in smaller sizes, throughout the known universe. The stones are considered sacred on Makahomia, and are guarded by the priest class and the Temples. Throughout the rest of the universe, they are used in the mining and terraforming industries.

—one of Coco’s pirate band.

—leader of the pirates that Marl Fidd tries to enlist in his efforts to kidnap Khorii and use her to purify the riches on other deserted worlds.

Commodore Crezhale
—an officer in the Federation Health Service.

—Jonas Becker’s salvage ship, heavily modified to incorporate various “found” items Becker has come across in his space voyages.

—Becker’s shuttle, used to go between the
and places in which the
is unable to land.

Declan “Gill” Giloglie
—one of three human miners who discovered Acorna and raised her.

Delszaki Li
—once the richest man on Kezdet, opposed to child exploitation, made many political enemies. He lived his life paralyzed, floating in an antigravity chair. Clever and devious, he both hijacked and rescued Acorna and gave her a cause—saving the children of Kezdet. He became her adopted father. Li’s death was a source of tremendous sadness to all but his enemies.

—Temple priest and doctor in Hissim.

Dinero Grande
—a world in the Solojo star system.

Domestic Goddess
—Andina’s spaceship.

Dsu Macostut
—Federation officer, Lieutenant Commander of the Federation base on Makahomia.

Edacki Ganoosh
—corrupt Kezdet count, uncle of Kisla Manjari.

—A planet supporting several forms of sulfur-based sentient life.

—a youngster who survived the space plague on the planet Paloduro.

—Mac’s son, a Linyaari childlike android, given as a wedding/birth gift to Acorna and Aari. According to Mac, the android is named for an ancient Terran king, and is often called Viiz for short.

—Linyaari time unit, small portion of

Estrella Blanca
—Also known as the
White Star
, a pleasure spacecraft that was where Acorna, Aari, Khorii, Jonas Becker, and Khiindi first encountered the plague. It was a ghost ship after Captain Delores Grimwald killed the crew and passengers to prevent the plague from spreading.

—Temple priest in the Aridimi desert, who spied for Mulzar Edu Kando.

—one of the Makavitian Rain Forest tribes on Makahomia.

—Acorna’s mother.

Fidd, Marl
—a student on Maganos Moonbase, later a committed criminal and pirate. A true cad.

—Linyaari communications officer on Vhiliinyar expedition.

Fiirki Miilkar
—a Linyaari animal specialist.

—a Linyaari.

—Linyaari word for fish.

—A moon in the Solojo system.

—also known as Ancestral Friends. A shape-changing and spacefaring race responsible for saving the unicorns from Old Terra and using them to create the Linyaari race on Vhiliinyar.

—highest peak on Vhiliinyar, never scaled by the Linyaari people. The official marker for Vhiliinyar’s date line, anchoring the meridian line that sets the end of the old day and the beginning of the new day across the planet as it rotates Our Star at the center of the solar system. With nearby peaks Zaami and Kaahi, the high mountains are a mystical place for most Linyaari.

)—a Linyaari year.

gheraalye malivii
—Linyaari for navigation officer.

gheraalye ve-khanyii
—Linyaari for senior communications Officer.

—a deadly alien life-form with the ability to take on the forms of the dead of other species and cultures, which feed on the higher forms of inorganic matter produced by those other cultures.

—office of toast-master in a Linyaari social organization.

—an Ancestral Friend who has become entangled with Aari and Acorna and their children in their voyages through time. He even impersonated Aari for a while. He was punished for his impudence by his people, who trapped him in the body of a cat and took away his machinery for time travel and time control. He has become Khorii’s boon companion—she calls him Khiindi. He is the key to a number of secrets that none of the humans or Linyaari are privy to, including the fate of Khorii’s formerly lost twin, Ariin.

Grimwald, Delores M.
—Captain of the ship
La Estrella Blanca
, deceased. She sacrificed herself and everyone on her ship to avoid spreading the space plague.

—Gravitation Stabilization System.

haarha liirni
—Linyaari term for advanced education, usually pursued during adulthood while on sabbatical from a previous calling.

Hafiz Harakamian
—Rafik’s uncle, head of the interstellar financial empire of House Harakamian, a passionate collector of rarities from throughout the galaxy and a devotee of the old-fashioned sport of horseracing. Although basically crooked enough to hide behind a spiral staircase, he is genuinely fond of Rafik and Acorna.

Hellstrom, Hap
—a student on Maganos Moonbase, and one of Khorii’s best friends. He crewed on the

Highmagister HaGurdy
—the Ancestral Friend in charge of the Hosts on old Vhiliinyar.

—the biggest city on Makahomia, home of the largest Temple.

—an Ancestor.

—Melireenya’s lifemate.

—an Ancestor stallion, mate of Nrihiiye.

—the first Linyaari Ancestral attendant.

—a Linyaari ship.

for narhii-Vhiliinyar.

—self-styled leader of the Kilumbembese Red Bracelets. Depending on circumstances and who he is trying to impress, he is known as either “General Ikwaskwan” or “Admiral Ikwaskwan,” though both ranks are self-assigned. Entered into devious dealings with Edacki Ganoosh that led to his downfall.

—a name coined for the inorganic-matter-eating entities also known as ghosts.

—captain-in-training on the

Johnny Greene
—an old friend of Calum, Rafik, and Gill; joined the Starfarers when he was fired after Amalgamated Mining’s takeover of MME.

Jonas Becker
—interplanetary salvage artist; alias space junkman. Captain of the
. CEO of Becker Interplanetary Recycling and Salvage Enterprises Ltd.—a one-man, one-cat salvage firm Jonas inherited from his adopted father. Jonas spent his early youth on a labor farm on the planet Kezdet before he was adopted.

Judit Kendoro
—assistant to psychiatrist Alton Forelle at Amalgamated Mining, saved Acorna from certain death. Later fell in love with Gill and joined with him to help care for the children employed in Delszaki Li’s Maganos mining operation.

—a high mountain peak on Vhiliinyar.

Kaalmi Vroniiyi
—leader of the Linyaari Council, which made the decision to restore the ruined planet Vhiliinyar, with Hafiz’s help and support, to a state that would once again support the Linyaari and all the life-forms native to the planet.

—the father of Aari, Maati, and Laarye. A member of the Nyaarya clan, and life-bonded to Miiri.

Kaczmarek, Calla
—the psychologist and psychology/sociology instructor on Maganos Moonbase.

—something against all Linyaari beliefs, something not Linyaari.

—a plumply beautiful wannabe psychic with a small shred of actual talent and a large fondness for profit. Married to Hafiz Harakamian. This is her first marriage, his second.

Kashirian Steppes
—Makahomian region that produces the best fighters.

—Makahomians from the Kashirian Steppes.

—a coffeelike hot drink produced from roasted ground beans.

—a line of general-purpose male androids, some with customized specializations, differentiated among their owners by number, for example—KEN637.

—a backwoods planet with a labor system based on child exploitation. Currently in economic turmoil because that system was broken by Delszaki Li and Acorna.

—senior Linyaari navigator on the

—He is supposedly Khorii’s cat, one of RK’s offspring. He is, however, much more than that. He is actually Grimalkin, an Ancestral Friend who got into more mischief than his shapeshifting people approved of. They trapped him in the body of a cat and gave him to Khorii, as penance for his harm to her family and also to allow Grimalkin time to work out his destiny.

—name given by Acorna’s people to the space-borne enemies who have attacked them without mercy.

—Acorna and Aari’s oldest child, a daughter, known as Khorii for short.

—a Linyaari time measurement roughly equivalent to an hour of Standard Time.

—Oriental term for unicorn, also a name sometimes associated with Acorna.

Kilumbemba Empire
—an entire society that raises and exports mercenaries for hire—the Red Bracelets.

Kisla Manjari
—anorexic and snobbish young woman, raised as daughter of Baron Manjari; shattered when through Acorna’s efforts to help the children of Kezdet her father is ruined and the truth of her lowly birth is revealed.

—the legendary first city on Vhiliinyar, founded by the Ancestral Hosts.

—capital city of narhii-Vhiliinyar, named after Kubiilikaan, the legendary first city on Vhiliinyar, founded by the Ancestral Hosts.

—sleep learning device invented by the Linyaari that can, from a small sample of any foreign language, teach the wearer the new language overnight.

—Maati and Aari’s brother. He died on Vhiliinyar during the Khleevi invasion. He was trapped in an accident in a cave far distant from the spaceport during the evacuation, and was badly injured. Aari stayed behind to rescue and heal him, but was captured by the Khleevi and tortured before he could accomplish his mission. Laarye died before Aari could escape and return. Time travel has brought him back to life.

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