Thirty-Eight Days (16 page)

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Authors: Len Webster

BOOK: Thirty-Eight Days
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“Stevie?” His eyebrows bunched together.

“Yeah,” she responded as she twirled her fork in her bowl, not looking at him. They were silent for a minute before Noel spoke first.

“I already made plans with Rob to go rowing. He’d have my ass if I bailed. But thanks for offering,” he said as he took her bowl and put it in the sink. She felt relieved that he said no, but she was more disappointed than she should have been.

“Oh, that’s okay. You should take Alex’s car to the row club, and if you decide you want to go for a swim later, we’ll be there all day. You’re more than welcome to come along,” Clara said as she hopped off the bar stool and slung her bag over her shoulder.

“Alex has a car here?” Noel asked, looking confused. Clara grinned as she remembered Alex’s smile the first time he saw his “baby.” It was one of his trust fund purchases.

“Yeah, the keys are on the hallway table. It’s the red ’65 Mustang in the parking garage. He got it done up last time he was in Melbourne,” she said as she made her way to the hallway and grabbed her keys off the table.


Clara and Stevie spent most of the afternoon watching Jarred jump off the diving platform and spring boards. He made sure he splashed Stevie as much as possible. Clara couldn’t help but laugh as they tried to kill each other in public. It was a lovely day at Eastern Beach. There weren’t too many families on the boardwalk since it was a Thursday on a school day. The beach wouldn’t get busy until the middle of December when local high schools and primary schools started their school holidays.

The place was just like she remembered. The Art Deco style boardwalk enclosed off a section of the beach and acted as a shark-proof barrier. She remembered the summers she spent on there with her brother before he left for Stanford.

The diving platform had recently been painted, and the brightness of it could easily make Clara squirm. She sat there and listened to Stevie rant on about how Jarred and Annie’s breakup was driving her insane. But Clara just closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth from the sun, the sounds of the waves and the soft
of seagulls causing her to slowly drift to sleep.

“Where’s Stevie?” Jarred asked. She wasn’t sure how long she had dozed off for, but the sun was now behind clouds that weren’t present before.

“Some guy,” she said as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

“Say no more,” Jarred said with a repulsed face, holding up his hands. Clara stretched her body out before crossing her legs as Jarred sat next to her. She remembered the tall, broad-shouldered, copper haired guy that got Stevie’s attention.

“Want to talk about it?” Clara asked. She could tell his breakup was heavy on his mind. Jarred’s blonde hair was just like Stevie’s; if she didn’t know otherwise, she’d think they were blood related. However, Jarred had a few freckles whereas Stevie didn’t.

"Nah! Dampen the moment
we’re having!” Jarred shrugged and turned to face her. “Listen, Clara, I’m sorry we didn’t tell you about Darren. We didn’t know how to tell you.” His face contorted and Clara rested her hand on his shoulder.

“Now who’s dampening the moment? Don’t worry about that
that’s history! Listen, what you have with Annie isn’t finished. You know how she is. She gets a little doubtful. I know you wouldn’t kiss another girl. God, you came to my apartment almost crying the last time you both had a fight and begged me to help you.” She laughed and squeezed his shoulder, the tension in Jarred’s body fleeting as he laughed as well.

“I’m whipped. What can I say? I love the girl.” He shrugged. Clara dropped her hand from his shoulder and beamed at him.

“You have no idea how refreshing it is to hear a guy be so sure that he loves a woman. Give her some time, okay?”

“All right,” Jarred agreed, and smiled at her. “Hey, did you want me to go to the kiosk and get some drinks?” he asked, and Clara nodded.

“Lemonade would be great,” she replied as they both watched Stevie walk the boardwalk alone.

“Keep the wicked witch entertained while I get the drinks.” Jarred winked and nudged Clara. She let out a laugh and shook her head.

Stevie flipped Jarred the bird as they walked past each other before plopping down next to Clara. The sun’s rays hit Clara’s skin as the clouds departed.

“How’s the water?” Clara smirked. She knew that Stevie would understand what she meant by “water.”

“He’s all right, bit handsy, but you know. The idiot thought it would be smart to write his number down on a piece of paper and then throw me in the water. It’s his fault I won’t be calling him,” she huffed. Clara laughed at Stevie’s misfortune.

“Clara!” she heard her name being yelled out. Turning her head, she saw Noel casually walking on the other side of the boardwalk. Her heart skipped a beat and then intensified.

He’s here.

“Who’s he?” Stevie whispered.

“Hey.” Clara smiled as Noel sat down next to her, his shoulder almost touching hers. Her breathing immediately heaved.

“Hey yourself,” he smiled, causing her body to warm. That smile had the power to render her speechless.

Damn it, Clara!

“Well, since Clara seems to be oblivious to my existence, I’m Stevie.” She reached her hand over Clara to Noel.

“Noel. Nice to meet you, Stevie,” he replied as he shook Stevie’s hand.

“And it’s
nice to meet you too, Noel. Listen, you see that idiot over there holding all those drinks?” Stevie pointed Jarred out to Noel, who nodded. Clara stared into those beautiful green eyes and she swallowed hard.

“That’s my stepbrother. Do you mind giving him a hand? He’s special
Stevie said.

“Sure thing, be back in a second,” Noel said as he willingly got up and walked over to Jarred. Clara only stared after him.

“You didn’t tell me Noel is unbelievably hot!” Stevie moaned, practically drooling.

“Is he?” Clara said blankly.

“Don’t be stupid, Clara! Liam has nothing over Noel, and you know it! How haven’t you slept with him?” Clara removed her eyes off of Noel’s back and stared at Stevie. Squinting her eyes at Stevie, she let out a bothered sigh.

“You know why!” Clara said annoyed.

“Darren can’t keep you off boys forever,” Stevie said as she flipped her hair, completely missing the point of Clara’s statement. Rolling her eyes, Clara focused on the water instead.

“I am not attracted to Noel, okay? He’s practically family,” Clara explained, taking her eyes off the water and looking at Stevie.

Stevie snorted. “Funny, you’ve never mentioned him before the other day. You must be one hell of a close family!” She let out a short laugh that made Clara roll her eyes again.

Minutes later, Noel and Jarred approach them. Jarred handed Clara her lemonade before practically chucking Stevie’s Coke at her.

“I thought you had rowing?” Clara questioned, cradling her lemonade as Noel sat next to her.

“Rescheduled. A friend asked me to the beach today.” He winked at her. Clara quickly turned away before Noel could catch sight of her blush.

He didn’t even say anything, and I blushed! What is wrong with me?

“All right, dare dive off!” Stevie cheered.

“Dare dive off, what’s that?” Noel asked curiously at Stevie, a smirk developing on her face.

“I just dare you to dive off a particular diving board, either the springs
or the platform. If you don’t do the dare, you do a naked run along the beach. Got to make sure the lifeguards don’t catch you, or the police. And since Jarred has done it all today and Clara hasn’t even put a toe in the water… I dare you, Clara Lawrence, to dive off the platform.” Clara’s eyes widened with fear.

Eastern Beach’s diving platform scared the hell out of her. She wasn’t sure how high it was, but it terrified her. She started to tremble. The panic settled in her, making it difficult to breathe. Noel’s hand touched her shoulder and Clara turned to face him.

“You don’t have to do it, you know. It’s a dare,” Noel said, his concern making her heart swell.

“Noel’s right. Stevie’s a dick! Don’t do it, okay?” Jarred tried to reason.

“Lawrence, I will make your life hell next year if you don’t do this! The naked run is normally for the guys, so we can forget about that. But I mean it, I will make your life hell!”

And she would, too. Damn it, Clara! It’s just a diving platform.

She glanced over at Stevie to see a smug look on her face. Clara wanted to wipe it off Stevie’s face, and she knew she had to dive off the platform. As she stood up, Noel’s hand wrapped around her wrist.

“Clara, you’ve
hated that platform, even as a kid. You would always say you could do it, and Alex would have to go up there and get you down,” Noel tried to reason with her. The memory of their childhood made Clara smile.

“I’ll be fine, Noel. I’m not eight anymore. The fact that you still remember that surprises me,” she replied as she lifted her top over her head. “Let’s do this!” Clara said, determined. It was a bet she wasn’t willing to lose.

“Clara,” Noel breathed out her name. She turned and he held both her arms in his hands, steadying her.

“Don’t try to stop me, Noel. I have to do this,” she said, turning for the steps of the diving tower.

“Lawrence, your shorts! Take them off! Jarred, don’t look!” Stevie instructed with her hands on her hips.

“Why? Oh never mind,” Clara said as she unbuttoned her shorts, zipped down the zipper, and shimmied out of them. It was the first time she was ever in a bikini without a pair on. She was always too self-conscious to not be without a pair. She bent down and picked up her shorts, throwing them at Stevie.

“There! You happy?” Clara asked before she spun around and walked up the steps. Each one caused her head to spin a little and made her stomach feel a bit queasy. The higher she got up, the sicker she felt. As she reached the top, her knees shook and her arms trembled. She held on to the wooden wall and peered over the edge of the platform. Clara started to get dizzy, and she quickly removed her gaze from the water below.

Why didn’t I just listen to the boys and say I can’t do this!

Sliding down the wall, she sat and hugged her legs, resting her chin on her knees. Her shakes wouldn’t stop. Silent tears ran down her face. She was beyond scared, and it frightened her to the core. Clara was about to yell out she couldn’t do it when someone’s hand touched her shoulder.

“Clara,” the voice said. She peered up to see Noel’s green eyes look at her, his kind and full of concern.

do this. You were right, I’m just like eight-year-old me,” she said softly.

“Hey, eight-year-old Clara had Alex to carry her down. Unfortunately, you have me,” he said as he removed his hand and sat next to her, wrapping his arm around her. The touch of him was sending the darkness running.

“Unfortunately.” Clara laughed. Noel’s lips developed a smile and he looked happy to hear her laugh.

“I’ll carry you down if you want. But I’ll support you if you jump off this platform,” he said as he wiped away her tears. The touch of his fingers made those attempts at calming her nerves useless.

“You think I can do it?” she asked in a small voice.

“Yes, of course I do. I see it in your eyes. I see determination, I see hope, and I even see belief. It’s inspiring, Clara. You’re much stronger than you give yourself credit for,” Noel confessed as he tucked her loose hair behind her ear.

Clara’s heart swelled, opening its doors
so freely for the first time. He believed in her. If anyone was inspired, it was Clara. She looked into Noel’s eyes and believed every word that came out of his mouth. She moved his hand away from her face and reached over to place a hand on his cheek like the day before at the bakery. Moving out of his arms, she placed a kiss on Noel’s cheek.

“Thank you,” she whispered as she removed her lips from him. Clara looked into Noel’s eyes and knew she wouldn’t regret what she just did, but she was grateful for his words. Clara stood up and walked to the edge of the platform.

“Jump with me,” Clara said as she turned around to see Noel standing up.

“Okay. Do you trust me, Clara?”

“You promise you won’t chicken out and make me jump by myself?” she asked with worry.

“I promise,” Noel said, closing the distance and placing his hands on her cheeks. “Do you trust me, Clara?” he asked again. Her breathing became shallow gasps as his touch brought with it the fire she craved.

” she whispered him the truth.

“Good,” Noel replied as he let go of her face. He took a step back and lifted his shirt over his head. Clara eyed his chest and her blush came back, but this time she didn’t turn away. Noel dropped his shirt on the floor and walked next to her.

“I’m scared to death to do this,” she said as she looked up at him, her heart threatening to push out of her rib cage.

“I’ll be right here, Clara. I promise I
leave you. Trust me,” he said as he held out his hand. She hesitated for a second, but she knew she needed his support. She reached over and put her hand in his. The moment they touched, she felt a feeling in her that she couldn’t explain. It was like a current of electricity travelling through her body, giving her the courage to jump.

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