This Blood (24 page)

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Authors: Alisha Basso

BOOK: This Blood
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Wow. This was great. No one would be watching Lucian or Ann. I had to bow my head to hide my excited smile. Now all I had to do was figure out how to slip away from them.

Eden cut in. “When will we begin our little adventure?”

I spoke up. I was in trouble here. I needed enough time to figure this out! “Seth won’t leave me with Arian for the length of time we’re going to need,” I said. “I’ll need time to work on him.”

“Well, we will have to plan some distraction.  It’s clear we are not quite ready. We will return when we can, to discuss it further,” Arian said this as she edged out of the trolls grip. “I really must get Grace back now. I am sure Seth will wonder where we have gone. This is our first outing. We do not want to jeopardize his trust.”

I agreed and walked to the bushes. Picking up my shirt, I shuddered at the memory of Eden’s kiss. My skin crawled. Eden was a violent monster.  I would kill him before we ever got intimate.

Arian rebuttoned her shirt as we walked back through the phony jungle. Mine was already on, having dressed in record time. She seemed happy, and satisfied with the way everything ended up.

As soon as the doors to the elevator opened, we entered and she sent it on its way.

“Oh my God, Grace. How wonderful! I never dreamed this would work out so well. I will be in Thorak’s bed, you and Eden by our side. Perhaps we will be able to finally explore each other. Oh, I am so very excited. And to think I also have the great honor of joining you in Seth’s bed as well. I must say, the night you entered our lives has been the greatest gift.”

In her excitement, she spun around, grabbed my shoulders and violently pressed her lips to mine. I was slammed back against the wall by the force of her ardor. I was just starting to push her away, when the doors to the elevator opened.






Seth’s eyes went wide with shock.

I was still pushing at Arian. She didn’t realize the elevator had stopped and her tongue kept trying to climb down my throat. Her frustrated moans were interrupted by the sound of Seth’s throat clearing.

She pushed away abruptly, her hand went to her lips and she flushed a dark shade of scarlet. Meanwhile, I was frantically wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. My eyes were wide, my mind racing in fear and confusion.

He began to laugh. “My, my Grace, I should have known that even the women would fall prey to your charms.  It is alright my dear.” He placed a hand on Arian’s cheek. “You are not to be blamed. I feel the same way.”  He giggled, then he turned and in a flash of speed, swept me up and kissed me with the same ardor I always felt when in his arms. After a moment, he drew back, his eyes narrowing. He lowered his head and studied my mouth in the most inhuman way. Then he stabbed me with a look of pure venom.

I felt myself being slammed into the wall again, but this time it was anger that propelled me there. Seth’s eyes bled to solid silver, and he spoke through clenched teeth. “You
of another man, Grace!” he slammed his fist into the wall beside my head and I froze in horror. “You
of another man!” He raged as he slammed his other fist into the wall. Splinters and bits of plywood flew in all directions from the force of his blow. He turned his angry eyes to Arian.

“What have you been doing to allow this?” he roared. His outburst made me want to shrink up into myself.  I looked at Arian. She was staring at him in alarm.

“She has not been near another man
.  I have
. I was with Eden before I came to see her. You smell him on her because I was kissing Grace, as you well know. His scent is still on me and I must have wiped it all over her.  I promise you, it was completely unintentional.” She looked outraged, her hands were resting on her hips and she was practically yelling. And I thought I was a good actress! “Honestly, Seth. You act like a jealous husband. Do you really think I would risk your trust, not to mention your fury by letting her be touched by another man? My life means more to me than that!”  She took a step toward him. Her courage was very impressive. “I never allowed another man in the same room with her.” she said, in a reassuring tone, like Seth was nothing more than a confused child. The effect worked. He seemed calmer. His eyes were no longer that unnatural, sightless silver.

He lowered his head, taking in a great gulp of air; and let it out slowly from his nose. Then he looked up at me. “I am sorry, Grace,” he said. “But I cannot afford to be lax when it comes to you. You are far too important. I am sorry that I assumed you had betrayed me.”

He stepped close to me. “We will retire now. But first I must insist you wash the scent of Eden off of your body. You may go now, Arian.” He sent her a cool look, like she was the lowest form of vermin.

“I’m sorry, Grace. I will see you tomorrow.” She smiled at me and her look of worry did little to dispel my fear.

“Yeah, and thanks, Arian. I think you saved my life just now.” I said as I eyed Seth. I hoped my words would make him realize how psycho he truly was. At the very least, he needed some lessons in anger management class!

Arian stepped out of the elevator as Seth pressed the button for his floor. I turned my head, facing the wall. I chose not to make eye contact. He was a monster, I knew that all along, but seeing his temper flare again made me all the more aware of the fact.

“You are angry with me?” he asked, his voice low.

“Um, let me think…
. How thick can you get? You could have killed me! What if you hit my face instead of the wall, Seth? What would you have said? Oops, golly, I’m sorry, Grace, I’ll buy you a new skull? Damn, Seth, you really need to get a hold of your jealousy issues.”

“I was rash,” he said. “I just assumed you spent your time away making love to another man. I should have stopped and thought about that.” He shook his head. “Knowing how you feel about my coven, and how hard it was to get you into my bed, I should have known you would not enter another’s bed so impulsively. I apologize, I was acting idiotic.”  

“Let’s hear it for honesty. How nice to hear you admit that even you, the great and wonderful Lord Seth, are capable of stupidity. Can I go back to my room now? I don’t really feel like spending anymore time with you.” I folded my arms and continued to look in the opposite direction.

The elevator doors opened, but I made no move to leave the small box.

Seth reached for me. “Come Grace, and let me remind you that you are still a prisoner. Despite any remorse for my recent treatment of you, you must understand, it changes nothing. You are still mine. I still decide where you come and go.”

I lifted my eyebrows, pursed my lips and refused to look at him, even after I was hoisted over his shoulder and carried into his room. He was walking at a speedy clip when we entered.  He jogged up the stairs and unceremoniously tossed me onto the bed. He then turned his back on me and walked away, muttering to himself angrily.

My eyes followed him as he descended the stairs and began pacing the room. “I am going mad!” he shouted loudly. “I swear to you, Grace, you are driving me mad!” He pointed to his head while glaring at me, “One moment in your presence and I lose all of my purpose, all of my conviction! You are very important, but you are also a terrible distraction.”

I watched him pace, alternately flinging his arms in the air and combing his hands through his hair with evident frustration. He was gesturing so much, it reminded me of my mother after she discovered that I stole her car and crashed it into the neighbors’ trash cans.

“The Council believes that I have already invested too much of myself into you. They feel my personal sentiments could jeopardize our cause; and after my encounter with you in the elevator, I am starting to believe they are correct!” He raised his arms, his fists clenched.

I was shocked. Was this going to be a turning point? What was he saying? I mentally pushed my eyes back into their sockets and tried to stop ogling him.

“Something must be done. I cannot, will not continue to coddle you, Grace!” He was really freaking me out, “I believe I need to distance myself from you.”  He seemed to be thinking out loud more than trying to make a point to me. He didn’t look at me. “You cannot be trusted. How can I keep you away from the world? I need you close…” He finally looked up at me, his eyes flashing to the bed. “….But not too close. I cannot be making love all the time.” He seemed to be growing testier by the second.

“I am Lord! I need to spend my time with my Council!  This is a crucial matter, and you just take up too much of my energy”

Whoa, he was losing it!

“My mind is always full of her, her body, her hair.”  He was really off now; I didn’t think he was even speaking to me. He stopped pacing, and then brought his fingers to his lips “No. I need to feed. I must keep her here to feed. I can resist taking her body.  All I need from her is food. I must be strong. I will feed as I always have. I will keep her far from me. Yes, but
? Not a cell, no.”  He began pacing again, deep in thought.

“Seth?” I squeaked.

“But a cell is the only place where she could not escape. Perhaps I will cage her here?” He looked around the room.  “No, I would be breaking the locks before an hour had passed.”

“Seth,” I said louder, trying to get his attention. He was scaring me more than a little.

“Thorak, yes, he can keep her, or perhaps another trusted member of my coven, perhaps Chloe? No, she hates the very thought of Grace! Not, Arian… No. Obviously her control is not up to par.”

I stood, then descended the stairs. I cautiously walked closer to him. When I was about three feet away, I yelled, “

His head shot up, his eyes focused on me, and then he snarled, “What?” After a moment, he seemed to remember himself. He closed his eyes, inhaling from his nose and sucked in several deep breaths.  “I have some things to speak to you about.” He looked absolutely serious. “I was planning to collect you from Arian, when I encountered that delicate little scene in the elevator.” He was calmer, although not as much as I would have liked.  “I admit it surprised me, seeing you in the arms of a woman, although it is nothing I object to; no, not at all. But the urgent matter that was so pressing only seconds before and that I was determined to take care of immediately, was suddenly ripped from my mind at the very idea of you in another man’s bed! I lost all rational thought!” He looked very pained, like this was heavier than the weight of the world. “This is the very thing the Council cautioned me about. The very thing they said I would not see until it was too late. I am obsessed with you!”

He stepped closer to me. I didn’t know what to say. All I did know was that he planned on doing something really horrible. 

“I need to remove you from my home, Grace. I see now that I will never be able to accomplish my goals with you always on my mind. I will send you to a secure place.”

“Uh, how about a nice church? I know of a really beautiful one by the university. No one would bother me there.”  I tried to make a joke, okay, so sue me. I was nervous, I didn’t like where this was going.

He ignored me. Placing his hands on my upper arms, he lowered his head to stare directly into my eyes. “I must make sacrifices,” he said softly. I must prove my loyalty. The Council feels they have as much right to you as I do. Although I do not agree, I must still prove to them that I can leave you alone. Our future success demands that I use you purely for the tool that you are, and not treat you like a lover or a mate.” He looked almost sad for a moment, and I couldn’t have cared less.

I was freaking out. “What the hell are you taking about?” I shouted, as my body began shaking. “Where could you possibly take me? What are you going to do? Throw me into a dungeon? Are you going to lock me in some closet somewhere? Well, let me warn you…” I was getting angrier and that “tool” comment was the last straw. “I will not do well being shelved in some little room,” I choked out.  “I might waste away from boredom and loneliness, and how effective will your
great Madea
be then? How powerful can you be if I’m sick, or worse, dead?  Make sure you think about all of this while you consider my relo!”

He looked thoughtful. “Do not worry sweet, I will.” He laid a cool hand on my cheek and started toward the door. I watched him place his hand under a small scanner mounted on the wall, which I hadn’t noticed it before. Then the door whooshed open. He stepped out without a backward glance, leaving me alone to dwell on my newest dilemma.

I was not feeling very optimistic. If he locked me away, taking away all of my so-called freedom, any hope of escape would be lost. I walked numbly to the middle of the room. The weight of what needed to be done sunk like a brick in my stomach. I scanned the opulent room. Nothing looked particularly helpful. There were a few chairs, a black suede sofa, and a few low tables. It wasn’t exactly your Early American bedroom set from Ethan Allen.

Seth obviously had a plan. I could see it in his eyes. I couldn’t let him lock me away. What I needed was a weapon, something that could incapacitate or, God help me,

My situation had turned dire. I could no longer bide my time. Arian was no longer a viable option. I entered the closet and rummaged around in the different drawers and cubbies to no avail.

“Son of a bitch,” I yelled, and threw my hands up. I plopped onto a plush ottoman and let my eyes roam around the room.

“Think,” I muttered to myself, “If only Seth had been a little cheaper in his taste of furniture. What I wouldn’t give for a cheesy, spindle-legged stool.” I needed something that could be easily broken and shaped into a weapon with minimal effort. I sat, looking out of the door from the soft seat in his closet, about to give up, when two things caught my eye. One was a weighty looking bust that sat on an iron table, inside the closet door; and the other was a beautiful picture, hanging on the wall next to his bed.

The picture was of a nude woman. She was lying on her side and the black and white contrasted brilliantly against the dark fabric on the walls, but that wasn’t what caught my eye. No, the object that was currently making my heart race was the lovely wooden frame. I smiled to myself as an idea started to form.

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