This Blood (32 page)

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Authors: Alisha Basso

BOOK: This Blood
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“This is your life. You’re strong and smart. Soon you’ll have the ring. Then you decide what happens. Soon it will all be up to you.”

He licked his thumb and wiped it across the drying smear I’d made on my neck. “I’m here, I won’t leave. Besides, he made his point. You know he can reach you and now you’re properly scared. I doubt he’ll return tonight.”

I hoped he was right. I laid my head on the soft pillow, his naked body cradling me warmly. “Leave the lights on. I think I’ll sleep better.”




Morning arrived quickly. The sun was warm through the windows. I stretched, then lying across the bed, I tried to collect my thoughts. Lucian was gone and the smell of food was causing my stomach to growl. I rolled off the bed and walked into the outer room.

Lucian sat at the table. A pitcher of pale green liquid sat in front of a huge platter of fruits and breads.

“You’re up. How are you feeling?” He smiled with his mouth full and garbled, “This stuff is delicious.”

“I’m feeling okay. Better after food, I think.”

He pushed the platter towards me as I sat across from him.

“What’s that? Juice?” I pointed to the green liquid.

“It’s honeydew, I think. It has just a trace of mint and lime. It’s fantastic.”

“Who brought all of this?”

He smiled “It was here when I got up, which was about ten minutes ago.”

He stood; he was wearing the black pants again. They hung low, exposing his too sexy for primetime abs.

Whew, I guess sleep was not what I needed to cool the attraction! Even the Seth scare didn’t seem to dampen my libido. I poured some juice and ate a few large purple-colored berries. They were sweet. I pulled a hunk of soft bread off Lucian’s half eaten loaf and ate hungrily.

I spoke with my mouth full “I’m going for a fwim in the baf tub.”

“What? You’re taking a bath?”

I swallowed the hunk of bread and washed it down with the full glass of melon juice.  “I need one. I don’t know about you, but I need to feel cleaner.” The memory of last night, the discovery that Seth can still take blood from me, that I will never get far enough away, was terrifying. I stood, wiping my mouth with the soft napkin near my plate before I started toward the door.

“Wait a second and I’ll go with you.”

I quirked my eyebrow at him.

“I mean I’ll walk you there, and then I’ll go wash up in the river”

“Good plan,” I said as I held the door open for him.

We were just outside the gates when Misha approached, her eyes observing my new clothing and Lucian’s bare chest.

“Hello! I hope you are well rested. Father says you have much work to do and sent me to escort you to the Hall.”

I was only a little annoyed. I tried to keep it out of my voice. “Misha, honey, if you remember, my friends and I came to you with only the clothes on our backs, and now those are missing. Would it be too much to ask if we could get some additional clothing to last us ‘til we leave? ”

“Oh, my! I am such a child! I forgot to tell you that we prepared your wardrobes in the bathing chamber. I’m so sorry. I was supposed to tell you after the feast last night. I hope you weren’t inconvenienced too terribly much.”

I wanted to laugh out loud. But instead I said, “No. We managed all right. But could you tell your father that we need time to dress before we begin any business?”

“Oh, yes, at once.”

She practically ran to give Gavyn the message. I shook my head at her retreating back.

“She seemed so much older the first time I saw her. I mistook her mother and her for sisters. But now that I’ve spoken with both, I can clearly see the age difference.”

“She is young, but not as young as you think. I believe she may be pushing forty. But these people have longer life spans than humans, which is why she is still as energetic and bubbly as a mortal teenager.” Lucian began walking again, taking my hand in his.

“How do you know this stuff?” I asked, “You’re like the town gossip. Been peeking over fences, Lucian?”

He chuckled. “No. I have very keen hearing and I pay attention. That’s why I feel so safe here. I truly think Gavyn intends to return the ring. I was wary at first, but I see these people are honorable. They’re like you: beautiful, kind, wise with insurmountable goodness in their hearts.”

“Wow, all that, huh? I hate to break this to you, but Gavyn stole the ring. It still remains to be seen if he’ll return it. As I’ve said to others before, I’m reserving judgment.”

We continued walking, and the bathing house came into view. By day, it was breathtaking. The smooth white façade shone with a pearlescence in the early morning sun.

“I’ll follow you in, but only to get my own clothing.”






We opened the doors and entered the steamy chamber. The bathhouse was hotter today than the previous night. Several men, clothed and, well, less than clothed, milled around the bathing chamber speaking companionably to each other, taking absolutely no notice of each other’s nakedness

Women lounged on cushions, rubbing creams and oils into their skin from the same jars Ann and I had used. 

“Should I feel awkward? Because I do!”   My first impulse was to bolt, but I didn’t want to look like an idiot. It was obvious these people didn’t have qualms regarding nudity. It must not be such a social no- no as in our back-ass culture.

I guess it was only me, however, because Lucian seemed as unfazed as the rest of them.

“Ah, Lucian, my friend,” a friendly voice called from amongst the crowd, “I see you have decided to join us this fine day.”

The man was tall and very well built. He was also very naked. He strode forward, his face smiling.

“I see you have brought our honored guest. Please, join us in the bath. The water is very refreshing.” He slapped Lucian amicably on the back.  “You will feel recharged after a fair soak.”

Lucian smiled warmly at the man. “Well, Erik,” he said, “I would, but I feel more drawn to your cool river.”

I was suddenly very worried. If Lucian left, I would be alone with all these men. I knew I was safe enough, but I still didn’t like the idea. I decided on the best of my shitty choices. I didn’t want to look like a total fool. I would suck it up and try to live as they did. Grasping Lucian’s hand, I said, “No, I think the healing water will do your body better than the river. Please stay” I squeezed his hand gently to persuade him.

He got the point.

“After your bath, you may help yourself to the hooks on that far wall.” The friendly man began to wade into the pool. “We have provided several suits of clothes for your small party. You may choose what you would like to wear and take the rest to your chambers, or you may simply leave them here.”

“Thank you.” I said to his retreating back, as he joined a large group of men.

They were huddled around a lovely dark-haired woman. She was laughing as she pulled a silver comb through her long hair.

I felt a little uneasy. This casually sexual atmosphere made me more nervous than a night alone with Lucian.

Looking at the far wall, I decided to find something to put on right after my bath. The hooks were jam-packed with beautiful clothing. I chose a white gown.  It was gauzy and light as a feather. A basket held several silken undergarments.

I grabbed a pair of the white panties and made a silent wish for a proper bra, but no such luck.  Clutching the clothing in my hands, I walked tentatively to the edge of the pool. I set the clothes away from the side and scanned the room for Lucian. He was lying on the steps that led to the deep end of the pool. Half of his powerful nude body was submerged in the water, the other half was leaning on a higher step.

He was speaking to a couple. The woman was blond perfection. She lay on a fluffy cushion beside the pool, one of her long legs dipping lazily into the water as she laughed at something Lucian said. The man beside her was just as lovely. I hoped he was her mate. With the lack of women around here, I knew every single one of them would be attached, but I also knew it didn’t matter. I felt a little sick as I watched them chat familiarly as if they had known each other for years. I hated feeling jealous, which was exactly what I was feeling. Damn it!

I turned my back on them. Pulling the tunic and panties off quickly, I decided to join the party. After all, Lucian was my friend too, more so, in fact.

I shook out my long hair, the tips lightly brushing my butt and began walking to the edge of the pool.

Lucian looked up first. His eyes, once laughing, now looked shocked. Raw hunger seeped into his gaze and I knew I had nothing to worry about. If he had glanced at this woman with half the lust his eyes held now, I would have jumped off a bridge.

“May I join you?” I asked sweetly.

The two sat up quickly and the woman scooted aside allowing me to sit next to her.

“Hi, I’m Grace,” I said, offering her my hand. Yep, that’s me, all goodness and friendliness.

She smiled brightly.

“We all know who you are, and we are very happy to have you. Please, my name is Cassie and this is my brother, Cain. We were just speaking to your friend here about the craft of brewing potions to enhance the libido. It seems he has a wealth of knowledge regarding plants and herbs.”

I lowered my eyes to him, my head swimming at the only part of her greeting that I actually heard “You mean you can brew potions to increase sex drive?”

She looked confused. “Well of course! We are trying to save our people from extinction, which means we must mate as often as possible. We find the task can become arduous after eight or nine couplings. The potions are what keep us going. Why, it’s in the bath we’re soaking in now.”

I thought I was having a small aneurism. “I knew it!” I shouted stupidly. “I thought I was losing my mind!” Damn, I’ve wanted to jump Lucian’s bones since last night. He’s been driving me crazy.”

Lucian looked startled. “You have? My God, Gracie and what did I do? Went to bed naked as the day I was born. I had no idea you were under the influence of a sex potion.”

Cain was frowning at me like I was covered in bugs. “You fought it? Why would you not mate with him? He is healthy?”

“Yes, he’s perfectly healthy, I guess, but we’re friends, we aren’t lovers.” I stared at their troubled faces.

“What? What’s the matter?” I asked them.

Lucian spoke. “They don’t understand how you would throw away a chance to procreate. They are always searching for new partners, always trying to contribute to their bloodlines. They mate with all of their friends. It’s what they have to do.”

“Oh,” I said softly. “I guess I really don’t understand what it takes to cling to survival, but I’m learning. I mean I would like to make love to Lucian, but it would complicate things for us. Besides, any child of mine would be in too much danger.”

I watched his face as I said this and his smile warmed me to my toes.

I slid into the water, feeling way too embarrassed at my sudden and surprisingly stupid confession.

“We better get moving,” I said nervously. “Places to go, people to save.”

“Right behind you,” he said, as he swam in my wake.

I felt him at my back so I swam to the deeper end. I dove under and went several feet, before resurfacing near the soap with Lucian right behind me.

We bathed in silence. I could feel his eyes as I scrubbed my neck and shoulders. My hair was a soapy mass, balled at the top of my head. I grabbed a sponge, soaping it to overflowing and washed my more private parts. I was truly hoping I didn’t have his audience the entire time.

I stole a glance at him. He was washing his face, his eyes shut, face full of suds. I took the opportunity and dove under again, the suds flowing away from me as I swam toward the shallow end of the pool. When I emerged, I was fully rinsed and smelling like paradise. I stepped out of the water and wrapped myself in one of the large absorbent cloths folded on a nearby table.

I dressed quickly. Knowing I just soaked in love potion didn’t bother me as much as knowing that Lucian did as well. I guess I’d have to comfort myself tonight.

I left the chamber. I didn’t wait for him. He could find his way to the hall alone. I didn’t want to be exposed to him any longer than was necessary.






I tied my wet hair in a knot at the back of my head as I walked to the hall. I felt energized and broke into a jog, feeling a sudden urge to get this over with immediately.

I entered the hall. It had been rearranged to accommodate a more business-type meeting. The tables were pushed together in a half circle and only a few seats remained empty.

Approaching the table, my purpose was clear, my mind made up.

“Welcome, Grace,” Gavyn said, smiling. “We are most anxious to begin. We hope to work out the details quickly. We know how you must long for your home.”

“Well, mostly I long for my ring,” I said bluntly, “and that’s what I want to speak to you about, before any of the details are worked out.”

His smile vanished. “We shall take a walk, I think.” He grabbed my hand and almost jerked me outside. Pulling me along quickly, my feet stumbled over the uneven ground.  He was moving like a wild man. I had barely enough time to gather myself and got really angry when we arrived at the back of the hall. His eyes kept searching the surrounding area. He was clearly afraid someone would spot us lurking behind the shrubbery.

We came to a stop at the base of a huge tree. Its massive trunk hid us from view. He spun around and his grip on my arm tightened. I winced at his strength. Oh-yeah, he was pissing me off.

“You said you would help,” he hissed through clenched teeth, “Are you backing out?”

“No!” I snapped back. “I said I’d help and I meant it.”

I yanked my arm from his grasp. “But when it comes time to work the mojo, it will be
! I want the ring back, or nothing happens. Get it? That’s the deal. Take it or leave it!”

I rubbed the soreness from my arm and glared at him. He was mad, and apparently didn’t know his own strength, because… ouch!

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