This Blood (14 page)

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Authors: Alisha Basso

BOOK: This Blood
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“I assume you are speaking of Eden and Ael? They will not harm your friends. I believe they are out of favor with Seth, for cavorting with you, or so I am told.” She raised a delicate brow, “They are most anxious for you to anger him. They believe you will be returned to them.  As for your friends, they must be kept healthy. It would do no good to damage them before they could be leveraged as enticing persuasions.”

This was not good. My head was hurting again, a pounding drum kept time with my pulse. I sat on the bed, my palm on my forehead. I felt a cool arm wrap around me. I stiffened as Arian pulled me closer to her side.  

“Do not fear, love, you will be safe. You are the most precious jewel in my master’s possession. If you do as he asks,” she hugged me tighter to her side, “you will be treated well.”  She was crowding me, I felt small. “You will do as he asks, will you not?” She sounded concerned, “I would hate to see your lovely friends harmed.” She leaned in, resting her head on my shoulder.

This just got better and better.

My world had been turned upside down. I was sitting on a bed big enough for several lusty couples to roll around on, with a chummy Arian snuggled close to me, like I was her favorite teddy bear.  I was tired, hungry and sick of being manipulated by the bad guys. I wanted to cry, but I didn’t want my new BFF to comfort me any more than she already had. Then, out of the awkward silence, my stomach growled noisily.

“You poor dear, you must be starving.” Arian sat up. “I will return in a moment.” She stood, then rushed to the door. As she seemed to remember something, she turned. “I am not locking the door, but keep this in mind; there are many other creatures in this house that do not sleep during the day. It would be a shame to run into some of them unprepared.”  With that grim, yet enigmatic statement, she left.

I sat for a moment, looking at my hands. They were pale. I was probably pale all over. I felt ill. The ring was gone and it was entirely my fault. I wasn’t quick enough. I did exactly what Lucian told me not to do; I played right into their hands.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

I thought about leaving, just sneaking out the door, then running for my life, but I needed to get Ann and Lucian out too. I had no idea where they were, and worse still, I had no idea what was waiting outside that door. After seeing that big-ass troll, I didn’t want to chance finding out.






I was sleepy. Lying on my side, I curled into the fetal position, hugging my legs tightly to my chest. I had to think. I needed to plan. I needed clothes. My mind reeled in pure confusion

We were so screwed

My eyes were heavy; again, my mind tried to rebel against my better judgment to stay awake.  Then fate intervened, and I was suddenly jarred awake by the smell of food.  I sat up. Arian was entering the room, followed by an older woman dressed in a smart suit. She looked sort of odd carrying a tray full of food. She looked more like she belonged at an insurance seminar.

Her salt-and-pepper hair was wrapped in a complicated bun. Her suit was straight from the Jackie O collection. Large pearl buttons took up most of her pink jacket, and her pencil skirt hit just below the knee.  She looked like someone’s mother. Then it hit me. “Are you Nadia?” I asked the woman. Her looks certainly matched the voice I heard at the beginning of this nightmare.

She looked up from the tray, a friendly smile on her face. “Why yes, I am, dear. Now how did you know that?” She came closer, placing the tray on the small table next to the bed.

“Just a lucky guess. I figured you were the voice on the phone.” I noticed how efficient she was. After she set the tray on the table, she began laying out the flatware in, what I presume, was a proper place setting.

“Well, you are correct, my dear,” he responded, her hands never faltering at her task. “I do manage Mr. McPhee’s business affairs. I am normally at his office, but at the moment, your visit is taking precedence.” She smiled warmly. “I also tend to your bath. Mr. McPhee does not seem to trust anyone else with that service.” Her eyes slid to Arian and I got the hint. Arian was a woman, but she seemed to take pleasure in both genders. I was suddenly very thankful to Nadia.

“Well, thank you for the food.” Even as a prisoner, I still managed to remember my manners. Well, at least, she seemed normal and nice. I wondered if she knew what brought me here. She could be a potential ally.  

I sat back as she picked up the tray and moved it over to my lap. It smelled wonderful. Thin slices of beef were piled high in the center of a large red platter. It was rare; the pink juices were mingling with what looked like puréed potatoes and baby carrots. I had never had dinner for breakfast before. But at this point I didn’t care. I was ravenous.

“Thank you, Nadia,” Arian said, “that will be all.”

Nadia bowed slightly and walked quietly out the door.

“How is it?” she asked after the door was firmly shut again. “I hope you eat meat. We do not feed humans often, which I find regrettable. The smell of beef is always such a pleasure.”

I rolled my eyes up to glance at her. She was eyeing my plate with longing. “Would you like some? I don’t mind sharing this mountain of food. I could never eat it all.”

“No, but, I will take pleasure in watching you.”

She sure took pleasure in a lot, but as long as I wasn’t on that list, I wouldn’t be complaining. She sat at the foot of the bed. Her long legs crossed as she leaned back on one arm. The room seemed to be getting darker and smaller, which was odd, since it had no windows.

“Seth will be with us shortly,” she said. “I wish you would reconsider my proposition.  I want to lie with my master again, before he is too taken with you. I fear once he has tasted your sweetness, he will never return to my bed.” She reached out and grabbed a strand of my long hair. Leaning forward, she brought it to her nose. “Perhaps he will make you comply,” she added, looking thoughtful.

I slowly pulled my hair from her grasp. In a low tone, I said, “I don’t think so. I’m not a blow-up doll to be passed around, and Seth only thinks he has control over me. Once I touch that ring, I’m going to convince him otherwise.” I glared at her in an effort to make my threat more palpable. She seemed nice at first; well, horny, but nice. Now she was just like the others. This one was not on my side. 

She sat up, saying, “You are strong, but Seth is stronger, and never forget, we have your friends. If you are not nice, I might pay a personal visit to both of them. Do you think your Lucian could resist me?”

I only hoped so. I narrowed my eyes at her. Arian was beautiful, she had an ethereal grace. If she could make me do a double-take, I could just imagine what she’d do to Lucian. Probably better not to think about that

I smirked as I had a thought. Once I touched that ring, this bitch was toast! Blowing her ass up would serve her right!  Come to think of it, maybe I’ll blow Seth up too. He was the ring leader, after all, for this ghastly little troop, spawned from hell. I wiped my mouth with the linen napkin. Yeah, I’ll take out the leader. I liked that plan much better!

“What are you thinking?” she asked as she stood up, “I know it cannot be what I hope it is. The shine in your eyes is too dangerous to be sexual.” She seemed to ponder that, adding, “or perhaps it is…How lovely.”

I just shook my head, and said, “You’re the seer; you tell me. What am I thinking?” 

“I am a seer, not a mind reader. I have the sight. I can predict the future with a great deal of accuracy. It is not a gift; it is my race. My visions help my master. When I am accurate, he rewards me with a prize of my choosing. I usually choose his body. He is the reason I stay with these creatures. I am a woman who is easily afflicted with boredom. Seth is the only partner who can keep me sated.”

“Whoa! Too much information! You mean you have to get a vision before you can predict the future? And if you’re a good little puppy, you get a bone? Do you always ask for sex?”

“Yes. I have enough wealth. Sex is the only thing that pleasures me. Occasionally, Seth requests that I take another to my bed. He is a busy man and does not always have the time to cater to my wishes. Especially now, since he has been pursuing you.” Her lip pushed out in a little pout. “I have been in the bed of almost every creature under this roof, with the exception of Thorak. We are not allowed to mate.”

“Uh, not allowed? You mean you wanted to?” I was dumbfounded.

“Yes, Grace, Thorak is very well endowed. And he loves the taste of woman flesh. Unfortunately, he sometimes gets carried away, and Seth fears I could be injured.”

Ugh. I was stuck in a bizarre version of
Fright Night
Debbie Does Dallas
. This chick was sick!

“Why exactly did you tell me all of this?” I asked dreading the answer.

“I have not been to my master’s bed in months! He has denied me his body for so long, I have stopped requesting it. My sexual pursuits are limited to Chloe and occasionally, Edmond. Ael and Eden, however, are fantastic lovers. They enjoy taking pleasure from many partners at one time, which is also my preference, when not with Seth. Like I said, I am easily bored.”

I shuddered. No way was I hanging out with these people - or whatever they were - for a second longer than I needed to. I was not a prude, but damn! These guys were downright scary.

“Well,” I finally answered, “you can probably stop worrying. I am here now; Seth can go make whoopee with you all he wants, and since I’m powerless to escape, you might as well. Besides, it’s not like you’ll stop getting visions, so you can start asking for him again.” I don’t know why I was trying to comfort her; but I did know that I would
be the cause of her getting snubbed by the boss.

“You will be in his bed!” she shouted. “Unless you are willing to take me with you, I do not see any end to his absence. In fact, if he gets what he wants, he will leave my bed forever. I fear he will be selfish with his body, and yours. I must be invited, by
. Then, he will think it is what you desire and, be glad to oblige you. That is why I want you to lie with me now, before he comes. When he joins us, he will know that I can still pleasure him even now that you are here.”

I saw desperation in her eyes. She clutched the bedsheet in a tight fist.

“I will have you. I must. If you deny me, I will be forced to…” Her words were cut off, and she clamped her mouth shut as the door to the room opened.

We both turned to look.

Seth was standing there, his hand still on the doorknob. He looked exquisite in black slacks and a black silk shirt. It was hanging open to reveal his powerful chest. His hair was slicked back and wet, like he just stepped out of the shower. His lovely feet were bare. He looked relaxed and sexy as hell.

No wonder Arian was crying the blues. He could make a woman want to roll over and beg. Not me, of course,

Arian turned to me, her dark eyes pleading. I looked away. She was asking for the impossible. I would not invite her to bed with Seth and me. She could have saved her breath. I was not going to be keeping Mr. Tall, Dark and Thirsty busy with anything except negotiating my release.

“Arian, my dear, you have done well.  She has eaten?” He said this looking at my plate, still generously piled with meat.

“Yes, my lord, she has a delicate appetite. She ate little, but enough.” Arian rose to her pretty bare feet. “May I be of assistance to you this evening?” she asked eagerly.

Seth opened the door more fully and stepped into the room. He placed his hands on her arms and kissed her lightly on the lips. I had the urge to turn my head; maybe I was a prude?  He stepped back again and sighed theatrically. “I am sorry, love, but I do not desire your company. I have much to discuss with our guest.”

Why did everyone call to me their guest? I was a prisoner!
? Were they all delusional?

Arian looked stricken. “Then I will take my leave.” She turned abruptly. “I will send Nadia for your tray.” she said to me, in a voice filled with rancor.

will take it back. I do not wish to be disturbed tonight. Send Nadia home. I will attend to Grace.”  He stood by the door, his arms folded. He looked like a warrior, so powerful and sure of himself. He was an overwhelming presence. I watched as drops of water fell from the ends of his long hair.  His cold eyes were studying Arian.

She reached for the tray, keeping her back to Seth. “I will remember this,” she whispered so softly, I almost didn’t catch it. Then she ran from the room.

He closed the door after her and leaned against it. His cool silvery-blue eyes slid along my skin like a physical caress. My head felt a little better. I could feel the ring on his finger. It was close enough to clear my mind and give me a little more energy. I needed that damn thing back.

“Grace,” he sighed, his voice a gentle whisper, and much softer than it had been with Arian. “I am so pleased to have you back with us.”

He pushed away from the door. His body was amazing, I found myself staring at his chest. I could be cocky about resisting him, but in the flesh, Seth was a much harder man to push away. I was in trouble,

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