This Blood (13 page)

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Authors: Alisha Basso

BOOK: This Blood
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“Halt!” the vampire whose name I didn’t know shouted toward Lucian, and then he was suddenly behind me. He grabbed a chunk of my hair in a tight fist and jerked my head back, making me wince.  “Don’t be a hero. I would hate to have to hurt her, but I will,” he threatened.

Lucian slowed to a stop. “Keep your hands off her!” he roared.

The vamp’s grip tightened. Any tighter and I wouldn’t have to worry about haircuts.

“Ah Lucian, my old friend, I think you must be the biggest fool. She is ours. You have had your chance with her and from the looks of things,” he pulled my head back, “you have wasted it. Perhaps I was too generous when I declared you her lover.” He released my hair.  

My body was growing weaker, or I would have disjointed his nose by now. I pulled away sluggishly. His pale hand reached behind my neck. He was teasing Lucian. I knew he wanted to kill him. He was just looking for a reason.

A small growl escaped Lucian from deep in his chest. He sounded like an animal. The vamp kneeled down, close to my ear. He began whispering, his breath hot on my skin “Soon, my dear, I will have you alone.”

The promise was made just for me. I made a mental note to never be alone with this creature.

I pulled away with more force. I glanced at Lucian, noticing for the first time that his weapons were gone, and a thin trickle of blood seeped from the tiny puncture wound at his neck. My anger rekindled as the disgusting mess of a being grabbed him by the arm again.

They were smart to remove the ring, because I felt another tantrum building.

I turned to see Ann. Eden was unlocking the cuffs around her legs. He had apparently stopped undoing her when Lucian ran to rescue me. I felt so bad. Ann was going to need years of therapy to get over this!
That is, if we could find a shrink that wouldn’t lock her up first.  
Finally free, she pushed Eden out of her way and ran to me; flinging her arms so tightly around me, I had trouble breathing.

“Oh God, Grace!  What did you do? You gave yourself up to save us, why? The ring is much too important to fall into their hands. You should have let one, or both of us die.”

She was crying.

I was stunned.

“How did you know?” was all I could spit out. My tongue felt like an inflated balloon and my brain was ready for a nap.

“They talk a lot,” she whispered.  They where letting her linger. I guess together we weren’t much of a threat. The unknown vamp left, he was speaking to his brother.

“They thought it was funny torturing me with their words,” she continued. “They said horrible things. They bragged about all the things they would do to you. They’re sick. They never touched me, though. I think they knew if you came around that corner and saw me hurt, you wouldn’t have paused. You would have killed them instantly. They needed to distract you. To show you what they could do. They were so happy when they knew you brought another. It was easy for Thorak to capture him.
My God,
Grace, he’s a
, a real freaking troll!  He just grabbed your poor friend with his huge arms and held him still with the needle. They said he was your lover. Is that true? He seemed so flirty when I spoke to him. Are you together?”

Ann was talking a mile a minute. She always babbled when she was scared or nervous, I think this more than qualified.

“No, honey, we’re not together.” I felt a little pang of regret at my words -where did that come from?

“Oh, good, I mean,” she quickly corrected, “if he was your boyfriend, this would be so much harder for both of you.”

“This is really lame, Ann.” I whispered slowly, I was fading fast. But not so fast that I couldn’t be a little irritated at her goof-up and her poor timing for this topic. “If you’re interested in him, then you are; it’s no big deal.” I was confused. Just a second ago she was bawling and cringing like a frightened child, and now she was pumping me for information. Maybe she had gone mad!

“You leave, now!” Eden said, or was it No Name? Ann was suddenly pulled up by her hair. She screamed out in pain and started crying again.

I heard the distinct sound of a fist hitting skin. I twisted my head sluggishly toward the sound. Lucian was sprawled on the floor. Thorak grabbed him by the shirt, then, hoisted the big man onto its abnormally-shaped shoulder. I stifled a cry, as Lucian lay limp like a big, blond mop. Then it turned and grabbed Ann, but her eyes were all for me.

“Grace, we’ll come back for you,” she screamed frantically, wriggling in the thing’s arms, “We’ll get you back. Don’t worry.” She was yelling as Thorak the Vulgar carried them away in two odd-looking bear hugs.

All of a sudden, I found myself alone with the satanic Wonder Twins.

The room seemed colder. I was sitting on the floor trying to regain some strength. The ring was more connected to me than I had ever realized.  If I had put the ridiculous thing on when I first found it, I would never have been stupid enough to sell it.

I was so tired, but, I knew losing consciousness around these two was not a good idea. I lay back on the thick carpet; my head was just too heavy.

My eyes were open and I was staring at the ceiling. It was a very tall ceiling. The fabric was draped there too. It resembled a circus tent, or a giant genie bottle. Then all of a sudden, my view was blocked by two gorgeous faces.

“Hey, assholes, where did Yuck-Mouth take my friends?” I tried not to slur my words and I felt dangerously close to drooling on myself. I was pissed, but my brain was way too cloudy. I knew I sounded drunk. This really sucked. Oh damn, bad choice of words!

“Ael, she seems to be getting worse. Should we keep her here a little longer? Seth is not aware she is with us yet.” A look of anticipation crossed Eden’s face. My stomach lurched.

“I am very tempted, but she is losing her battle with sleep. When I take her, I want some struggle. Fear makes bed play so much sweeter.”

Bed play?

I thought they were talking about snacking, not sex
Well, they were wrong about one thing; I would
lose my battle with sleep, not when I was alone with two randy vamps. 

“Well, I am not so picky,” I heard Eden say from somewhere to my right.

I tried to sit up, but my body wouldn’t cooperate. I felt strong arms lift me. My head fell back, beyond my control. A bolt of fear laced through my core, as Eden began to carry me in the direction of Ann’s golden pillow. 

I was bracing myself, ready to fight with all I had left, when a great big blur shot out from nowhere, knocking Eden to the ground. Unfortunately, I went along for the ride. 

I was an inch from the floor when I realized I wasn’t falling anymore. I opened my eyes to find I was now in the arms of my one true enemy.


“You dare touch her?” he snarled, “I should destroy you where you lie!” Seth’s eyes were solid black. His body was trembling with rage. He was holding me close, almost protectively.

“Forgive my brother, Seth,” Ael said, bending low. “He has yet to learn his place. We would never have injured her. He just wanted a sample.”

Seth’s deep voice was laced with venom. “There will be no sampling.” He spoke low, “She is mine and will always remain so.”

Through my blurring vision, I saw his teeth were terribly long. He leaned over and jerked Eden up, while still holding me effortlessly. He grabbed the ring from his finger, practically dragging him as he walked from the room.

I closed my eyes, rocked by the motion of Seth’s powerful strides. The terrible twins started arguing in the background.  Then, my mind calmed, and I slowly fell asleep to the smell of leather and spice.






I woke up gradually, opening my eyes just a bit, testing their sensitivity. A thin line of soft light was coming through a gap in the curtains.
I was in a bed enclosed by curtains. I reached out. They felt like suede. The color was dark, blotting the light.

I rolled over and tried to kick the covers off. My limbs were heavy and lethargic.  At least I wasn’t tied up!  My head hurt like hell and I felt like I had just spent the last twenty-four hours in a kickboxing class. I was not surprised to find my body was clothed in another small slip of silk. It was black, (
, and much shorter than the last one.

I sat for a moment, gazing at my wrists. I rubbed the skin gently, pondering the reasons behind my freedom.  I put my face in my hands. The reason was obvious; those little night-stalking pricks never let my friends go! They’d better be nestled in cozy beds too, or the shit was going to hit the fan!

I flung the curtains open and stepped off the bed. I was in a huge room with no windows. Rich looking furniture was set up artfully around the room. I glanced as I stepped around the bed. Shock took my breath away as my eyes landed on a wicked looking woman, lounging on a black velvet chaise.

“What the hell?” I exclaimed, my hand flying to my chest. “Who are you?” I managed to spit out, despite my utter surprise.

“I am Arian,” she said, rolling onto her back. “The seer.” She smiled at me, like that said everything.

I just looked at her, as if I even knew what the hell a
was.  I looked her over. She looked like a regular human being to me, but then again, so did almost everyone here.  Her tan legs were stretched out, spanning the entire length of the chaise.  Her bare feet were long, but still managed to look delicate.  She had long, black hair and her lips were painted cherry red. In short, she was beautiful.

I hated her instantly.

I cleared my throat, embarrassed. I had taken a little long with my assessment. She smiled at me, a look I didn’t quite understand crossing her face, and I stepped back. She rolled off the chaise so gracefully, it would make a ballet dancer envious. When she stood up, she was at least five inches taller than I, making her one of the tallest women I’d ever met. She wore it very well. Wow, again with the hate.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, afraid of the answer.

“I am your watcher during the day,” she said in a sultry voice. “Well, at least, this, day I am. I volunteered. You see, we do not have many day people here. We tend to be stingy with our trust.” Her accent was very thick; it sounded Russian.

She stepped closer to me. Her face still possessed with that confusing look. I balked; it was the same one Lucian had just after we suited up to meet our doom. Oh God, I thought, is she
with me?

“Why aren’t I tied up?” I asked stupidly. It was a lame subject change, but I needed something.

“We are not so afraid you will escape.  You are unaware of the fate of your friends. That is its own sort of prison, is it not?” She took another step. “However, Seth was not willing to take any chances, so I relieved his mind and offered to watch over you. I promised to be the perfect keeper while our master sleeps,” she said as she sniffed the air. “He will join us soon. Perhaps we could all occupy each other?” 


“Uh, I don’t think so.” I jumped backwards, just out of her reach. “I hate to break this to you, but I don’t swing that way.” I kept backing up. “I really don’t need any company. I prefer solitude.” My nervous smile was all teeth.

“How silly you are! I am a s
.” She shook her head. “I know what lies in the most guarded of hearts. You desire the thrill, you long for the unknown. Look at me Grace; I know you find me beautiful. Are you not curious?”

Oh my God! She was the devil from the minds of naive sorority girls!

“Seth will be so pleased when he wakes.” She smiled at me, as if this were the best news ever. “He will gift us with incredible pleasure, and we shall sate his hunger.” She ran her fingers down her throat and a lusty moan escaped her mouth. “He is a powerful lover…” Her hand slid down her stomach and she rubbed herself intimately. “…With centuries of experience. You will not be disappointed.”

“No way!” I shouted, “not in a million years! I don’t want to be insulting, but I’m really not in the habit of indulging in vampiric orgies.” I jumped onto the bed. The curtains made my progress slow. “Besides,” I said, as I struggled with the unruly fabric, “becoming just another notch on his headboard isn’t on my to-do list today.”

Her look was quizzical. “You do not understand, do you? He has been pursuing you since the day of my vision, long before you acquired the ring. I am afraid he has waited too long. He grows restless. When you slipped through his fingers only moments before he seduced you, it nearly drove him wild. He thinks you left his bed for Lucian’s.” She shook her head.  “Men have such one-track minds.  It never dawned on him that you would refuse him. No woman has ever rejected him.” She sighed. “I am afraid for your male friend; his stay will not be so pleasant.”

I looked up, startled. “So, Lucian is here? In this house? What about Ann? Is she okay? Those assholes aren’t screwing with her, are they?” I stepped off the bed.

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