This Blood (16 page)

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Authors: Alisha Basso

BOOK: This Blood
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His smile was wicked. “The test was successful. I control the ring, and you,” he answered triumphantly.


“You said you wouldn’t force me!” I screamed at him, “Wishing for it is the same damn thing.” I was outraged. “You are such slime.  How could you?”

He looked smug and utterly unrepentant. “Grace,” he laughed, the sound still smooth and sexy. It was a uniquely, masculine sound that enveloped me, making my body react despite all my efforts to restrain it. “You excel at self-deception! I did not ask that you make love to me. What I seek is the truth. I wanted you to throw your inhibitions away and act as you truly felt.” His face showed pure male satisfaction – the pride of the conquest. “You can fool yourself into believing you don’t want me, but you will no longer fool me.” He lowered his eyes. “You want me, Grace, as much as I want you. You want my mouth on your body, the thrill of invasion into your most private parts, my tasting you and making you part of my body. You want me to fill you, possess you”. His eyes were growing dark again, the beautiful colors slowly being swallowed.

“You want the vision, Grace.  I see it in your eyes now, even as you try to deny it.  I smell it on your skin. Even as we speak, your blood courses through your body, thick with desire. You want to be bound, under my complete control while I slip into you, while I taste you. I will know that day, Grace. It will be soon.” He stepped off the bed in one fluid motion, and then he was gone.

I sat up hard. I was angry with myself. I was such a slut. I wanted him. My brain was wrestling with my hormones. How could I want a man who was threatening to harm my friends?  He was a monster, not a man - a beast!

I, however, was having a hard time trying to convince myself. My body responded to him, like no other. If I weren’t careful, I would be warming his sheets sooner than even he predicted.   I needed a plan. I had to get my friends out of here. If I could accomplish that, I hoped they could find a way to come back for me. I had to make a deal, but I wasn’t sure how. It seemed the only thing these monsters wanted from me –besides the keys to world domination - was sex, oh yeah, and blood. I didn’t want to compromise either one.  I couldn’t refuse to invoke the ring, if they demanded it. I couldn’t threaten them at all, not as long as they had leverage. The key was to get Lucian and Anne out.

I remembered Arian’s desperation. She seemed ready to do anything to get back into Seth’s bed. She was the only one I had any hope of influencing.  I put my aching head into my hands. I was going to have to either agree to her demands or plan an escape and rescue my friends alone. Now I knew what a genie trapped in a bottle must feel like, its phenomenal powers being wielded by the whims of another, relegating it to nothing more than a caged slave and an object. I could grant wishes, but I was never going to have the freedom to use my powers to escape.

I was so angry. I stepped off the bed and went for the door. They were so damn sure I was too scared to leave this room. Well; I was more scared to sit on my ass and do nothing.  What if Lucian and Ann were right next door?

I opened the door. The hall was dark. Only a small amount of light spilled from my room. I quickly shut it. I didn’t want to alert anyone to my presence.  I pressed my back to the wall and slowly slid along its length. I couldn’t see much and I figured if anyone were to walk by, they would pass me, rather than hitting me dead on in the dark. 

I slid for about ten feet when my hand ran into a door. I turned, pressing my ear to the wood, listening for any sounds.  When none came, I tried the knob. It turned easily. I cautiously pushed it in and entered the room. I took another small step, my bare feet sinking into the plush carpeting. I strained to hear as I walked in slowly, banging my shins on the bedframe. I carefully ran my hands over the bedding and found it cold and empty – thank God. The room was vacant so I slipped out and shut the door behind me.

I crept further along the wall, encountering a room every so often, but finding them all empty. I was beginning to feel this was hopeless when I heard the unmistakable sound of laughter. It was female and sounded nearby. I hurried my steps, rushing toward the sound until I reached the end of the hall. It opened up into a large room. I recognized it at once. The white furnishings scattered about made it appear vacant of any presence. I knew where the door was to get out, but I didn’t want to leave yet.

I heard the laughter again; the sound seemed so close. I crouched down on my hands and knees. I didn’t want to be discovered, but I had to see who was there. I began to slink around the sofas as quietly as I could. Adrenaline zinged through my veins. I stopped, resting my hand on my chest. I had to try to calm my erratic heart beat.

I was rounding the curve of yet another fluffy sofa when shock tore a gasp from my throat. I had come face to face with a man.  He was lying on his back on the floor, a pillow behind his head, his eyes staring straight into mine. I smothered a shriek of fear as I tried to stand.  His hand reached out and wrapped around my wrist. His grip didn’t hurt, but I knew it would if I struggled.

he eyes that were drilling holes into my head were pale amber. His snow white hair was cut short and spiked in a thousand different directions.  He was striking, which seemed to be a pattern in this place, with the exception of Thorak of course. Seth seemed obsessed with surrounding himself with beautiful creatures,
, but beautiful.

My assessment was interrupted by a violent jerk, as he yanked me to my feet. My teeth clacked together as my head snapped back with the force of his tug.

“Where you off to?” he asked, squinting his eyes at me. “You must be our new little prize. I heard all about you, but never thought I’d get a chance to see you so soon.”  His deep baritone sent icy chills of dread up my spine. Fear coursed throughout my body.

He was smaller than Seth, but just like Chloe, I knew he could crush me without breaking a sweat.

“I’m no prize,” I argued, struggling to free myself from his grip.  “I was just exploring. I wasn’t trying anything.” His strong hands felt like marble as he tightened his hold. “God damn it, let me go!” I tried to jerk out of his grasp.  I was so sick of meeting these
. Then I realized there should be more of them close by, since the voices I heard were female.

“I’m sorry to disturb your party. If you let me go, I promise to go back to the room.” I tried to tug my arm away; I might as well have been pulling on a statue. He wasn’t even flinching. He just held me as if I were an infant.  Infuriating vampire muscle!

He smiled again, “Good hearing you got, love. Girlies those were; we were having some laughs. Sad, they won’t be laughing anymore.”

I followed the direction of his eyes, only to be horrified by the macabre scene. At the same instant, he clapped a cool hand over my mouth, anticipating my maniacal scream of terror. Lying on the floor, in a random heap of arms and legs were what looked like three nude women. Their eyes were all open, staring at nothing. Their blank gazes could only mean death.

The tallest of the three had a scary mane of bright orange hair and black lipstick that was smudged across her pale, bloodless, face. Her jaw looked broken. It was hanging at an odd angle, like she laughed too hard and it snapped. A blond woman, straight out of the Barbie hair salon, lay broken across a third woman’s lap, her long hair spread out like a fan. Her arms were open in a gesture of welcome, as if she were expecting a lover. The third woman was only visible from the waist down, her hapless friends shielding her identity.

My God, they were alive seconds ago! I
they were. I heard their voices! They were all covered with bites, but there was little blood. This monster must have drained them dry! My breath was coming in gasps, I was going to hyperventilate. I felt like my heart was pumping out of my chest!

“You see them?” he whispered against my cheek, his hot breath moist on my skin. “They were dispensable.
, whose only purpose was to feed our thirst. Don’t you go feeling pity for them; they were whores. They sucked me dry,” he groped himself lewdly. “Then I sucked them dry. It was a fair trade. We all got what we wanted. They were happy enough.”

I knew better than to point out that they didn’t look too happy now. He smiled, showing sharp teeth. I flinched; there was still a faint touch of pink between his teeth. I was going to puke.  I had to get out of here.

“I’m going to move my hand, love, and I don’t want any screaming from you. Got it, pet?” I nodded frantically.

He started to move his hand away. I closed my mouth. I didn’t want him putting his hands on me again.

“What are you out here for anyway? You trying to escape?” He let out a small chuckle. “Silly little girl, you’ll never get out of here. Not when Seth wants to keep you; and believe me, he wants to keep you.” He gripped my arm viciously, and then pulled me tightly to his chest. The smell of sweat and sex almost overwhelmed me and my stomach lurched painfully. His mouth was so close.  The fine stubble on his chin grazed my cheek, making me shudder. He was evil; his beauty only emphasized his cruelty.

“So, pretty, pretty, pet. You’re the one Eden’s been having such a fit over.” He sniffed along my jaw and laughed. It was a horrible sound.  “Now I see why.” He tilted his head, “He really wants another whack at you, love. He’s been talking about it nonstop. He thinks you’ll piss off the boss and he’ll go and give you back to him.” He shook his head, as if pitying me. “Judging from what you’re up to now, perhaps Eden will get his wish.” He grabbed my chin with one hand, pulling me close. I flinched as he pressed his groin into my stomach. Bending his head, he whispered, “You better get back, pet.” He let go of my face. “Oh and there’s no need to sneak about,” he said. “We all knew the second you stepped out of your room. We can smell your blood a mile away. You would be wise to remember that, so the next time you decide to creep about, you might think twice.”

He shoved me away from him hard and I stumbled backward. Turning, I scrambled into a terrified run. I didn’t stop to look back. I needed as much distance between myself and that abomination as was humanly possible.

I reached the room and slammed the door behind me. If there had been windows, they would have rattled to pieces. No way was I leaving again! Not without a better plan, and at least a few wooden stakes.  I was lucky, I guess. I could have been that things dessert. I held my stomach. I could taste the bile. What was happening was impossible. I was going to puke, no doubt. Oh, God! Those poor women! No matter what they did in life, they did not deserve to die like that.

What a sick and horrible fiend.

I needed a bathroom.

I approached a door by the bed. The way my luck was going, it would turn out to be the closet. It wasn’t, thank heaven! I bumbled around in the huge space, searching for the toilet.  Oh, man, this stupid place seemed to be missing a very crucial piece of porcelain! I looked all around and found it in a smaller room that I figured would be the linen closet. I went in and broke down.

After a good cry and the loss of yet another meal, I left the room. My body was weak and tired. I wanted to try the shower out, but I figured I better wait for that, it would be a little stupid to undress in a house full of horny, bloodthirsty barbarians.

I went back into the room with no idea of the time. It seemed like I’d been awake forever. I crawled into the huge bed and closed the curtains. Curling onto my side in the soft covers, it felt good to rest and soon I was fading into the oblivion of sleep.






I was warm and safe. My pretty fish, Floyd, was swimming happily in a large bowl on the nightstand by my bed.

Strong arms were holding me in a protective hug. The security they offered was a balm for my troubled mind.  The smell of spice and man enveloped me. It was a familiar scent. I shifted a little, trying to remember where I had smelled it before. Deciding it didn’t matter, I snuggled closer.

His hands moved, trailing a soft line down my spine ending at my lower back. I moaned and buried my head against his chest. The smell was intoxicating, embracing me in a sweet, seductive cloud. His hands continued exploring.  I lifted my face, his remained in shadow. I felt his lips meet mine.  They were soft and demanding. He rolled me onto my back and then lowered his head to my neck, licking a slick path down to the tight cleavage between my breasts. I was holding him close, smiling with contentment, when a sharp sting of pain shot through my chest.

A scream ripped through the room and I sat up, startled. I fought to catch my breath, another scream threatening to escape from my mouth as I searched the room frantically. There was no sign of my dream lover. I sighed with relief, my hand automatically going to the throbbing in my chest. I felt a small stab of pain as my hand swept over my skin and my fingers came away, wet with blood.

I jumped out of bed, my feet flying. It couldn’t be!

I threw open the bathroom door and pulled my slip off. It was true! The bite was there. The dream was real! I slumped to the ground in a naked heap, my mind awhirl with troubling thoughts, none of them very helpful. 

I crawled to the shower to wash off the stigma of violation. Someone had snacked on me and I had a pretty good idea who. He was scaring me, to put it mildly. If he could come to me in my dreams, I had no idea how to keep him out. My stupid subconscious seemed all too willing to make hot monkey love to him. I still needed to convince it that Seth was a big no-no.

I stood up. Turning the large handle, I started the shower. After a few moments, a riot of water began spraying me from all directions.  I stepped in. God! A person could drown in here if they weren’t careful. I raised my arms above my head and let the soothing heat beat against my skin. I ran my hands over the smooth contours of my body stopping as my hand grazed the bite mark at my neck. I froze. Reliving the dream again in vivid detail, I ran my hand further down. The small twinge of pain and the two slightly raised bumps made me feel even more terrible.

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