This Broken Beautiful Thing (6 page)

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Authors: Sophie Summers

BOOK: This Broken Beautiful Thing
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I raise an eyebrow and point to the large thick blanket
, “I swear Jace… you better not be naked underneath here.”

He chuckles as he rests his head on his folded arm making the muscles stick out and flex.
“Why don’t you have a look and find out?” he gives me a naughty smile as he lifts the blanket slightly. I quickly turn my head and whine, “Jace…”

Fuck…didn’t think I’d get this response the first time I brought a girl to my bed.” He says dramatically and I whip my head back to face him.

“What do you mean first time you brought a girl
to your bed?” I ask confused, surely he would have tons of girls lining up for him.

I don’t know how but he reads my thoughts
, “Oh baby I have plenty of girls waiting on me but I never bring them back here. I’d rather they not know where I stay so they don’t hassle me after all is said and done. I don’t want a relationship, I could never make one woman happy and I don’t do well with commitment. I’m still young, I can worry about having an old lady in a couple years. You’re the first girl to ever sleep here next to me.” He says in a cocky tone as if it doesn’t faze him.

What a player….

“That’s disgusting…” I fold my arms over my chest, “…and why am I so special that that you allow me to grace your precious bed with
presence?” I say sarcastically causing him to chuckle.

“Yes you are very special…and…by that
repulsed look you just gave me, I know your hands won’t wonder in your sleep, besides all that? You’re already pregnant…damage is already done.” He trails off laughing as if me being pregnant is a good enough reason for him allowing me in his bed.

His cockiness
annoys me, I turn over and put the side lamp off. I don’t climb under the blanket even if I am freezing my ass off and I curl up into a ball.

“Harley if you
don’t get under this blanket right now, I am going to make you.” Jace says firmly through the silence of the dark room.

“Go to sleep Jace.
” I say with the same tone as I make my pillow comfortable.

“I’m wearing boxers for fuck
sake just get under the blanket you stubborn woman.” he rumbles.

” I say through gritted teeth.

Fine…I warned you.” I feel him leave the bed, and then I hear his heavy footsteps in the dark as he walks towards my side of the bed.

won’t lie…I’m kind of scared.

I see his shadow loom over me as he
gently picks me up ignoring my squirms then pushes the blanket down and places me on the bed. He climbs in behind me and pushes me with his body towards the other side of the bed. I surrender and hold the blanket up to my chin enjoying the warmth from the spot that he was laying in moments before. I’m only wearing tight leggings and a long t-shirt that comes mid-thigh.

Jace doesn’t stop there,
he pulls me into his side so that my head is resting on his arm and his hand is over my stomach. The side of my body is pressed up against his front as he lies down facing me, I can feel his warm minty breath on my right temple. He slowly moves his hand over tummy and I flinch as his rough hands touch the bare skin under my belly button where my small baby bump is. Fact is I hardly know him and even though it feels like we know each other…we don’t, not really. I attempt to move his hand away.

“Keep still baby, you don’t want to know what I
’ll do next if you don’t listen to me this time.” Jace says against my head with a stern voice and I nod and sigh defeated and a little afraid. I don’t know why the hell my father would let the guy that’s beats up people for a living look after his daughter.

I feel him smile
against the skin of my temple when my body relaxes against his.

“I like it when you listen to me babe. Are you warm now?” he says softly.

“Yeah. Thanks Jace.” I whisper.

He starts rubbing my
stomach now from hip to hip. His large rough hands leave tingles all over my body. Only Caleb has ever touched me and left that feeling. The way he brushes his rough hands against my belly is such a protective gesture, I do it all the time when I think or worry about the baby growing inside of me and what the future holds for us.

“I don’t know what I would have d
one if your baby didn’t make it.” He lets out a deep breath and I can feel his chest rise and fall against me.

I’m so sorry for putting you both through all of this.” He whispers in rough voice and slows the rubbing on my belly, my heart melts at his sincerity and affection. Without realizing it I relax and snuggle closer to his warm bare chest. I can’t see him in the dark but I can feel the ripples of the muscles in his stomach as well as the firmness of his chest and arms around me, I turn my face so that my cheek is now leaning against his warm chest and he snuggles closer to me breathing into my hair. His hand from the arm that I’m leaning on comes up pushing me impossibly closer against his chest as he softly runs his hands gently on my scalp through my hair. In this moment I feel so safe and protected in his warm arms.

I guess that’s what I’m going to miss most about Caleb, how
I felt when he held me tight. A tear falls from my eye as I clear the thoughts of Caleb from my mind. I breathe in Jace’s minty scent and instantly fall asleep



A week passes and the medicine Lynn has put me on has made me rather sleepy so I’ve hardly been outta bed the entire week. My father and Anna have been in and out of the room but Jace is always here. Ready to wake me up to get food or walk me to the bathroom, he even threatened the doctor that my dad sent to look at me. He told him about the pregnancy and that I didn’t want my father to know about it yet. I think the doctor was more afraid of keeping it from my father than the thought of what Jace might do to him if he let it slip. Even though we’ve only known each other for a week , I’ve grown quite attached to him.

The next morning
I wake up early because my stomach feels funny. My face is resting on something hard and warm. I open my eyes to see that I’m lying on Jace’s rock hard chest. The blanket has slid down to his hips revealing his very appealing six pack, he has the perfect V-line disappearing into his boxers and I immediately want to run my hands down his rippled muscles. Of course Caleb had a six pack , I think that boy was born with one and he didn’t have one ounce of fat on him but it was still a boy’s body and who knows maybe when he’s twenty five he’ll look as manly as Jace. I wasn’t this fascinated by Caleb’s muscles and I want to touch Jace’s really bad. It’s probably because I haven’t been this close to another guy….it has always only been Caleb.

My thoughts vanish as soon as
the nauseous feeling takes hold. I quietly disentangle my body from his and tip toe out his room toward the bathroom at the end of the hall. I make it just in time to empty my stomach in the toilet bowl. I sit there against the wall next to the toilet with my head in my hands for a couple more minutes waiting for the nausea to disappear. I eventually find the strength to get off the floor and wash my face, after using the toilet I quickly make my way back to Jace’s to collect clothes. I think if I have a shower I’ll feel better.

I notice the entire building is
quiet, I don’t even hear a sound from the bar downstairs.


You see, Daddy has a house by the lake which only ever gets used when he and Anna need a break, most of the time they live in the club house. The club house is near the local college, so we are basically surrounded by fraternities and dormitories. It consists of an old apartment building, the upper two floors daddy has converted into rooms with the furnishings a normal household would have where some of the guys stay. Beneath the living quarters is a bar. The bar is often crowded by the bikers themselves but also with the students from the college that are brave enough to enter a biker bar. At the back entrance of the building Daddy has recently opened a tattoo studio, it was his nineteenth wedding anniversary present to Anna since she’s a tattoo artist. There is also a work shop at the back of the apartment next to Anna’s tattoo parlor near the parking area that my father owns as well and he works on various cars and bikes in his free time.

I visited
my father regularly and that’s how I know all about the club house but dad would always keep me to himself so I never got the chance to meet all the guys from the club.

I walk back to Jace’s room and
sneak inside towards my bag on the floor. It’s only seven in the morning and he’s still out cold. He’s cuddled up to the pillow I was using and its rather adorable seeing a man as raw as he curled in a ball holding a pillow tightly against his chest. I pick out my navy blue sundress that hides the baby bump easily with a pair of pumps. I have the same sundress in five different colours. Even if I have my tom boy ways, putting on a pretty dress always makes me feel better.  I head to the bathroom, take a shower and wash my hair. I feel so much more awake now that I’m all cleaned up. I head down to the kitchen to see if I can find something to eat, I have such a craving for pancakes with syrup. My tummy rumbles thinking about it.

search through the cupboards and look for the ingredients and luckily they have everything I need. I decide to make breakfast to thank them for all their help.

let the bacon and eggs fry while I start on the pancakes. The kitchen in the house is rather massive, with all black and grey granite and stainless steel appliances.  The food smells really good and I can’t help but taste the pancakes as they come out the pan.

“Harley the food smells amazing! If I can wake up to that smell every morning, I will be in seventh heaven!” My dad smiles as he sits on the stool opposite me watching, Anna soon follows rubbing her tummy.

y! Don’t act like I’ve never cooked breakfast for you.” she says and I giggle. I know for a fact that both of them hate cooking and they usually get the cook from the bar to make food for them. This is probably the first time the kitchen is going to be used, I don’t mind cooking though and I’ve been cooking for momma since I was tall enough to reach the stove.

“I decided to make you guys breakfast, how many of the guys are here
at the Club House?”  I ask my dad as a proud smile forms on his face.

only about eight that stayed over honey, including us. I’ll make the coffee so long, I know you don’t drink the stuff.” Anna answers for my father as he comes over to where I’m cooking behind the stove and gives me a big hug and kisses my forehead.

“You’re going to fit in perfectly here
baby girl, the boys are going to love you.” he says happily, I smile as he returns to his seat. Jace is the next to stumble down the stairs putting his shirt on with the pillow creases still imprinted on his face. His long messy hair is standing in all different directions.

“What is that smell?
It’s amazing! Never woken up this early in my life. Fucking worth it.” he says as inspect all the food I’m cooking. He grabs a piece of sausage and I smack his hand.

Sit down Jace, I’ll dish you a plate.” I scold him, my father and Anna chuckle. Jace follows my instructions and hands me over a plate. I put a little bit of everything on and I’m pretty sure I can see him drooling. He sits by the end table next to my father and I watch my father eyeing Jace’s plate.

“Our baby girl already has
Raven wrapped around her little finger…” he says through laughs.

“Daddy I’ll dish you and
mom up food now too while it’s warm, there’s also pancakes for after.” I tell my father and they both excitedly nod, you would swear they were little kids waiting for cake on their birthday. My father and Anna are only thirty five, he had just turned eighteen when he knocked my mother up and my mother was twenty at the time. He was married to Anna for a year at the time.

Grimm, she has you wrapped around her finger too.” Jace says with a mouth full of food, he smirks, my father chuckles and says. “Of course she does.” Then winks at me.

I hear heavy footsteps as another rather tall
bulky man trots down the stairs in the direction of the smell. He looks identical to Jace, just older but still very much as good looking as him. It has to be his father.

, this is Ryan, Jace’s
man.” My father says emphasizing the word old and laughs. Ryan pats my father on the back then comes over to me.

“It’s good to finally meet you love. It’s about time you
packed your shit and came. Grimm won’t shut his mouth bout you, talks about you all the time. He’s very proud darling.” He puts his arm over my shoulder then looks at my father.

She’s gorgeous Grimm.” Ryan says as he pulls me into a big hug.

After Ryan releases me,
I look at Jace who has stopped eating and is now glaring at his father whose hand is resting on my shoulder. My father looks at Jace and chuckles.

“Raven boy
don’t sweat, we know you’ve already staked your claim. Baby girl here is already taken, your old man knows to stay away from her.” I’m rather confused at what my father is saying, I’m taken by who? Jace?

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