This Love's Not for Sale (12 page)

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Authors: Ella Dominguez

BOOK: This Love's Not for Sale
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Lilliana: 11:39 PM: Yep and I suck gooood.

McG: 11:39 PM: Tease. A: Bushy prehistoric looking veggies frighten me.

Lilliana: 11:41 PM: WTH are we talking about here?

McG: 11:42 PM: Fucking auto correct. VAGINAS! Bushy vaginas put the fear of God in me. Seriously, Lilly, if you’ve got one, groom that shit unless you want to see a grown alpha male curl into the fetal position and cry. It won’t be pretty. Just sayin’

Lilliana: 11:44 PM: B
WAHAHA! Where did bad ass, fearless, rabid Tucker go? Who are you and what have you done with him?

McG: 11:45 PM: Who’s judging now? FACT: A monstrously
shaggy bobo will bring even the most vicious, sadistic dominant to his knees.

: 11:47 PM: I get it. No ewok pussy. And did you say BOBO? What are you 5 years old? Wait… sadist?

McG: 11:48 PM: Don’t spaz
. I’m no sadist. Though, I do enjoy paddling for disobedience. I’ve been keeping a tally, and you, my pet, have one coming after your numerous verbal offenses. Correction: Several coming.

Tucker smiled thinking about doing exactly that. His phone sat silent and he wondered if he had completely freaked Lilliana out. He shifted uncomfortably in bed when no reply came for more than five minutes.
Perhaps this was going to be another failed attempt at finding a true pet that would obey his every command and take his discipline.

McG: 11:54 PM: Does your silence mean no to paddling?

Tucker’s phone remained quiet and he dialed Lilliana’s number. On the second ring she picked up.

“Talk to me

“Sorry. I
know you warned me before about doing that sort of thing, but it was still a shock reading it,” Lilliana said softly.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

Tucker could hear Lilliana swallow and lick her lips. “I’ve never been spanked, but that doesn’t mean I’m unenthusiastic about the idea of it.”

A warmth settled deep in Tucker’
s stomach and his blood buzzed. So Lilliana was up for a spanking. What other things could he propose to her? 

A spanking doesn’t always mean punishment, so keep that in mind. It can also be for pleasure.
Do you know anything about bondage and discipline, Lilly?” Tucker asked, throwing out the gauntlet.

“Are you talking about BDSM?” Lilliana asked, surprising Tucker.

“Yes and no.”

“Are you into that sort of thing?”

“Yes and no. I’m not into S&M, just the bondage and discipline.”

“Were you
r wives into that, too?”

Tucker chuckled. “Not really. I didn’t even realize I was
until my second marriage. When I proposed the idea to her she played along but wasn’t really fully invested in the seriousness of it to the degree that I was. I have yet to find a woman who’s compatible with me on that level.”


“The lifestyle isn’t a hobby. At least not for me, though I’m sure for some people it is. Look, maybe you should read up on it tomorrow and we can discuss it later. It’s late and I don’t want to scare you away. Hell, I just got you.”

“You don’t have me yet, Tucker.”

Tucker could just imagine the look on Lilliana’s adorable face with her eyes narrowed at him.

“Soon enough
, I will. I have my sights set on you, Lilly, and I always get what I want.

Always? Interesting. I’m tired. It’s been a helluva crazy, horny day. Good night, McG,” Lilliana yawned.

“Good night, pet.  I’ll be dreaming of you on your knees.”

Tucker lay in bed for several minutes with an idiotic grin plastered on his face. Something about Lilliana brought out both his animal nature and his playful side. Tucker had truly never laughed the way he did with Lilliana or let his guard down. He had also never lost his cool around any other woman which was worrisome to him, yet it was a strange and freeing feeling to be able to be completely true to himself and not hold back.

Thinking about how he had initially lied to her, Tucker chastised himself. What if she ever found out? Could she forgive him? He doubted it. He would just have to make sure that Lilliana
only knew of his intentions post horseback humping.
Horseback humping.
He chuckled at that memory as well.

He didn’t know where this thing with Lilliana would take him or how long it would last, but he was
glad to have found another playmate to keep him busy in the interim and possibly even one who would actually be up for his brand of kink. He made a note in his phone planner to call his jeweler for the usual order before deciding to finally call it a night.

Tucker docked his phone and rolled over when several minutes later his phone chirped again.

Lilliana: 12:17 AM: Almost forgot – what’s this about ONE of the best asses? How many asses have you bitten, you freak?

Tucker really did laugh out loud. His cock hardened when he realized she was lying in bed thinking about him and their encounter at the animal shelter.

McG: 12:18 AM: Countless asses, my pet. But yours is in a league of its own.

Lilliana: 12:19
AM: So what’s a girl gotta do to have THE BEST ass?

McG: 12:21 AM: Throw som
e glitter on that plumpness and shake that money maker!

Lilliana: 12:21 AM:
Sorry I asked. :P I earn my money the old fashioned way – by working.

McG: 12:22 AM:
FYI prostitution is the oldest known profession.

Lilliana 12:24 AM: Ewww.

McG: 12:24 AM: Ciao, pet. ;)

Chapter 11

Lilliana slept soundly and woke energized yet uneasy. She still had serious reservations about Tucker, but her arousal and curiosity of him was more powerful than any apprehension she felt. She wanted to feel his strong, rough hands on her body again and to get lost in his deep brown eyes. She wanted to dive into his soul and search its depths and to learn his secrets, fears and desires. His casualness the previous night was nothing less than enthralling and it was nice to see another side to him other than his usual arrogance.

ge and discipline: the idea excited her, but to what end? She had no idea what that sort of
entailed and whether or not she would even like it. She remembered what Tucker had said and decided that on her lunch break, she would do a bit of research into the subject.

Arriving to work early, she was once again greeted to Dana’s squeals.

“A hickie from Kenickie!”

“Buggers, Dana, be quiet. I tried to cover it. Can you really see it?”

“Only close up. Good thing your patients don’t sit right next to you under a bright light or anything,” Dana laughed sarcastically. “So are you two an item or what? Have you seen him naked? Does he have amazing pecks?”

“No, no
, and I don’t know yet. Now, go work or something,” Lilliana laughed.

Lilliana’s morning was tedious. All she
wanted was to see Tucker and his roguish eyes gleaming with lust and the glow of his smile again. During a short break between patients her phone beeped. She smiled like a groupie fangirling when she saw the message from Tucker.

McG: 10:23 AM: I find myself jealous that you’re peering into the mouths
of other men. Are their molars as amazing as mine?

Lilliana: 10:25 AM: Not nearly.

McG: 10:25 AM: That’s because my molars are outta this fuckin’ world. Are you ready for tonight? I have big plans for you ;)

Lilliana’s mouth suddenly became dry.
Big plans
? She hoped those plans didn’t include spanking her. Not yet anyway.

Lilliana 10:27 AM:
I’m askeered.

McG: 10:28 AM: Nothing to be afraid of. I simply plan on showing you I kn
ow my way around a woman’s body.

She l
iked the sounds of that. Despite what she had told Tucker, she never really doubted he knew how to please a female. Lilliana, on the other, had misgivings about her own abilities to satisfy a man like Tucker, and she began to wonder how she would compare to his other conquests. He undoubtedly had vast experience with all sorts of sophisticated, exotic women who had rocked his world, and she was only a small-town girl who had been with a handful of men in her lifetime.

’s philandering had left her feeling so self-conscious about her sexual talents, or lack thereof, she began to hem and haw about going through with the
big plans
Tucker had in mind. She sat back, staring at the screen trying to think of a way to get out of it. Hating how Adam had left her questioning herself, she stood and moved to the window.

Lilliana had grown up the only child to her mother and without a paternal figure in her life, but she had never missed it. Her mother filled that void and so did her auntie Margo. She
was raised to be strong and confident, and to believe in herself. Lilliana was reassured over and over from a very young age that she was nothing less than bright and beautiful.

Never once during her youth did she ever doubt herself. Until Adam. He made her feel as if
she couldn’t satisfy a man and he proved it when he slept around with half the damned female population of their small town. 

When Lilliana had started college
immediately after her divorce, Adam said her plans were laughable and that there was no point in a girl like her getting an education. Adam advised her all she was good for was to look pretty on a man’s arm - not to think or act or do.

reminded herself that she had proved Adam wrong by leaving his ass and finishing dental hygiene school, and making her own way without his help. Why else would a man like Tucker McGrath be interested in her if he didn’t find her attractive? Tucker had point-blank told her that his interests were beautiful, intelligent women and she was in his sights. Fuck Adam. Lilliana pushed her shoulders back and grabbed her phone.

10:32 AM: I look forward to your big plans. BTW, I will be groomed so as to not cause any curling into the fetal position. :D

McG: 10:35 AM: Are you making fun of me?

Lilliana: 10:36 AM: I’m poking fun, not making fun.

McG: 10:38 AM:
There will plenty of poking fun tonight. ;) Colleagues waiting, ciao for now, pet ;)

Lilliana’s next appoi
ntment was spent daydreaming while attempting to make friendly talk with the patient. It was difficult because all of her thoughts were on the upcoming weekend.  During her lunch hour, she stayed in her office and ate as she Googled bondage and discipline. She was pleasantly surprised at everything she read. Yes, it was kinky and a bit old fashioned, but the idea of it seemed intriguing. Did Tucker have set rules he wanted followed? If so, what kinds of things would he demand from her? She liked the idea of knowing exactly what she could expect from him and what was expected of her, so long as his demands weren’t too outrageous.

If she and Adam had set boundaries like that, perhaps they wouldn’t have ended up divorced. Lilliana laughed out loud at her thoughts. That man didn’t know how to keep hi
s word, signed contract or not, and boundaries meant nothing to him.

Lilliana recalled what Tucker
had said about her verbal offenses. She had always had a smart mouth and if anything was going to get her into trouble, it would be her inability to keep herself from speaking what she was thinking.

Lilliana’s schedule had a sudden cancellation and she couldn’t have been happier.
She left early to prepare herself for the weekend. First, she made a stop at the mall to pick up something sexy to wear. Excitement coursed through her veins. Lilliana hadn’t had a first date in so long, she had forgotten how much fun it could be, as well as nerve-wracking.  Two new outfits later and a stop at the lingerie store, Lilliana made her way out of the mall when she ran into the same man who had accosted her at the restaurant the week before.

“Ms. Norris,” he smiled.

Lilliana stood silently, scanning him, hoping he wasn’t going to give her another warning about the man she was about to spend the weekend doing unspeakably naughty things with.

“I’m glad to hear you’ve made a decision about your land. I sincerely hope everything works out for you. By the way, my na
me is Darren Schumacher. Tucker and I go way back. Welcome to Bridgeport,” he waved as he continued into the mall.

A decision about her land? Lilliana was bewildered by Darren’s statement. She stood watching him and contemplated chasing him dow
n so he could further elaborate, but her phone buzzed.

McG: 4:20 PM: One more hour and counting. If I wer
e the kind of man who counted, which I’m not. I don’t count and I don’t wait. I simply bide my time impatiently.

Lilliana felt panicked. O
nly one more hour? She had spent too much time shopping and now she was rushed to get ready. She quickly texted Tucker back.

4:22 PM: Yes, I remember, u don’t wait. No time for chit chat. I have a bobo that needs to be shaved.

McG: 4:21 PM:
I’ll never be accused of getting in the way of a clean-shaved juice box :D Ciao, pet.

Lilliana laughed loudly. It was no wonder Tucker had his way with so many women. With his dreamy smile, rock-hard body
, and wicked sense of humor – what female could resist? She raced home trying to put her nervous energy aside.

Once home, s
he showered and shaved quicker then she knew was possible and even managed to do a fine job without nicking her precious bobo, aka juice box. She dressed in the silk and lace matching bra and panties set and sheer India-green, halter dress that she bought, and smoothed her thick hair with a bit of mousse. Next, she packed an overnight bag with all the necessities and a change of clothing.

As she was packing the last item,
a little something fun she had picked up, her nerves started to take over. Was she really going through with this? Yes, she was. Was she crazy for considering sleeping with Tucker? Without a doubt. Were all the warnings about him true? Probably.  Was Tucker going to be another man who would simply use her and break her heart? Possibly. Could she stand another heart break? No, she couldn’t.  Lilliana sank onto her bed and stared at her knotted hands as they shook.

It was just a weekend of fun, right? That’s all Tucker and she were planning, not a lifetime togeth
er, Lilliana tried to remind herself as her hands continued to quake.

Lilliana sto
od and wobbled over to the full-length mirror and took a long look at herself. She hadn’t felt attractive in years. Adam had always loved Lilliana’s long mane, but when she found out about his many marital transgressions, she had cut it off, feeling the need to start afresh and wanting nothing to remind her of the son-of-a-bitch who had shit on her heart. Gazing in the mirror, the image staring back at her filled her heart with self-assurance.  She smiled at her reflection. She wasn’t the most beautiful woman ever, but she was pretty. She wasn’t the most intelligent brainiac ever, but she was smart. And most certainly, she
worthy of a man like Tucker McGrath.

A loud knock on the door made her
jump, and her head began to swim. Lilliana pushed her chest out and licked her teeth, getting ready to show off her best assets. She moved unhurriedly to the door, wanting to keep Tucker waiting just a bit longer until she gave herself to him. 

Opening the door slowly, Tucker had his hand raised in mi
dair about to knock again. He froze when he saw Lilliana and his look of absolute desire was so crushing, she feared she would melt at his feet. His tawny-golden brown hair was a fantastic mess and his cocoa eyes were smoldering. A slow, furtive smile trembled over Lilliana’s lips and Tucker rewarded her with a smile of his own. He wanted her. He really wanted


Standing before Tucker was the most God damned beautiful creature he had ever laid his eyes on. The color of Lilliana’s dress brought out her hazel eyes as they shone brightly and her smile was so completely genuine, he felt as if he had been punched in the stomach by some otherworldly force. Christ, her body. His eyes roamed over her figure, resting on her heaving chest. The fabric of Lilliana’s dress was just see-through enough that he could make out the white lace of her bra. He realized his hand was still in midair, and he dropped it to his side and tried to restore his poise.

Unable to fight back the urge to touch Lilliana, Tucker
ghosted his fingertips over the curve of her waist as he moved his hand upwards, skimming her nipple. He feared what the feisty Midwesterner would do to his inappropriate gesture, but to his joy, Lilliana pushed her breast into his hand.

“You’re absolutely
stunning, Lilliana Norris,” Tucker said softly, leaning down so their lips brushed.

re pretty spectacular yourself, Tucker McGrath,” she breathed into his mouth.

When their lips touched, Tucker’s di
ck hardened. He squeezed her tit and reached a hand around Lilliana’s waist to pull her roughly, almost violently to him, almost lifting her off her feet. He slid his tongue into her mouth, savoring the minty flavor. Lilliana responded by fisting his hair and nibbling his tongue.

I’ve wanted you from the first moment I laid eyes on you,” Tucker admitted.

“I wish I could say the same, b
ut you were so damned arrogant, all I wanted to do was kick your…”

smashed his mouth over Lilliana’s before she could ruin the moment. Tucker pulled back to find a smile the size of her home state, Kansas, spread across her face. He did a quick glance at her shoes.

“You may want to bring some flats for what I
have planned. Oh, and bring some music that you like.”

could barely contain his enthusiasm. He had originally planned on taking Lilliana on a helicopter aerial tour of the land he acquired and sold during his twelve years of being in real estate. It was something he had done with every woman on their first date and it was a proven trick for getting into their panties, but he knew braggadocio wasn’t the key to impressing Lilliana. Actually, it would probably have the opposite effect he was hoping for. After thinking a little longer and harder, he decided on something more entertaining and original. 

Lilliana looked questioningly at Tucker but promptly
complied and walked into her bedroom. Tucker browsed through her music and picked a few CD’s out. He was impressed with her music selection and found it both fascinating and unsettling that their tastes were so similar. Lilliana came back out with a different pair of shoes in her hand and smiled at the music Tucker had chosen. While Lilliana sorted through her albums, Tucker studied her, noting her three best features: graceful, feminine, and charismatic. But that mouth… It was her only flaw that he could find. Still, it was part of what made her so damned charming. She wasn’t afraid to lay it on the line and say what she thinking, much like himself.

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